What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 590: Strongness And The Village’S Heritage

The mountain in Qingsang Village is not high, and Song Shi's yard is too far from the foot of the mountain. The whole village can hear the roar of the giant wolf.

Ning Ruqin's expression changed: "They are chasing us! It's so embarrassing."

"Are you going out and facing it now, or are you hiding here?"

Song Shi said: "This village has nothing to do with your affairs."

Ning Ruqin was a little lost. Her face turned pale and she gritted her teeth and said, "Since these bastards are chasing us here, I don't have any chance."


Jiaojiao looked desperate: "They didn't even give us a chance."

"No need to hide your identity, call me Princess Ninth."

Ning Ruqin sighed and bowed deeply to Song Shi: "Sorry to bother you, senior, I know what to do."

She bit her red lips with determination in her eyes, turned around and said, "Jiaojiao, you stay here, I will face it alone."

"Princess, I have followed you since I was a child and will never leave you throughout my life. I will go wherever you marry. If you go to die, I will die with you."

Jiaojiao said seriously.

"I order you to stay." Ning Ruqin said solemnly.

Jiaojiao's tears fell like pearls, and she knelt down: "Princess!"

"You and everyone else are free from now on."

Ning Ruqin waved her hands, couldn't bear to talk to the maid, and strode away.

Song Shi looked at the woman's back and vaguely saw Chen Ziqi's shadow, wondering how this person would choose.

Compromise fate, or rather die than surrender?

The maid Jiaojiao who was kneeling on the ground wiped away her tears, got up and chased out.

"Master, what happened to them?"

The carp jumped out of the pond, suspended in the air and uttered human words.

It makes a milky sound, just like a baby, but in fact its intelligence is not very high.

"You don't understand, watch more."

Song Shi walked out slowly. A group of enemies came to the door, and he couldn't stay in the house.

Affected by the attack, the whole mountain was calling, and the howling of wolves and the cry of snakes caused a lot of panic in the yard.


Several big colorful roosters were flying in the air, cursing.

"Those reptiles outside dare to come to our door and be so arrogant. Brother, go out and kill them!"

The eldest brother they call is the big black dog. This guy was the first to become a demon and took all the other chickens, ducks and geese as his younger brothers.

The big black dog that was jumping angrily and barking on the ground replied: "Don't worry, it depends on what the owner does. We can't make our own decisions."

"You little bitch has suffered a few losses, and you have indeed become more prudent in your work."

Song Shi appeared at the door and watched the villagers stand in front of the barbarians, but the barbarians dared to attack.

It seems that the villagers have not been promoted enough, and some random cats and dogs dare to come and demolish their homes.

"Master, there is no need for you to take action on these wastes. I will go over and eat them."

The big black dog ran around Song Shi wagging his tail.

"That's right, Master, my chicken army went out and ate those long snakes as snacks."

The colorful cock said confidently.

"My goose army can take care of those wolves." A big goose flew over. It was the representative of the goose in the family.

"Quack, my Ya family army will follow you to clean up the battlefield."

A duck ran up from the bottom of the mountain, stretched out its neck and said.

"Go over and have a look before we talk."

Song Shi looked calm and walked through the air towards the formation barrier.

Behind him, chickens were flying, dogs were jumping, ducks were croaking, and a cat was following secretly.

His appearance attracted the attention of the barbarians. Seeing that he was a young man and his aura was not too strong, he did not feel threatened, so he did not care too much.

As for the chickens, ducks, geese, and dogs behind Song Shi, they were not threatening in terms of their size. They were probably just a group of little demons, and their wolves and snakes were swallowed up in just a few bites.

Their attention was all on Ning Ruqin who came out.

The Barbarian King of the Black Wolf Tribe sneered: "I just said she was here, how dare you pretend not to know!"

The village chief and others were surprised. They had indeed never seen this woman before.

"They really don't know that I sneaked into the village from the back mountain."

Ning Ruqin shook her head.

"Hmph, do you think we can't find you if you come here?"

The leader of the Black Snake Tribe sneered: "If you are wise, just come back with us honestly and marry into my barbarian country. It will only be good for you, but you dare to run away without knowing what is good."

"I have already told my father and you through actions, so there is no need to think about forcing me."

Ning Ruqin's face was expressionless, a dagger appeared in her hand, and she said coldly: "It is impossible for me to marry into the barbarian country. I will marry anyone who wants to."

"Is this something you just want to think about or don't think about if you don't want to? Even Emperor Ning has to surrender in front of our barbarian country, why do you resist?"

The Black Snake Department's face was full of sarcasm: "Just based on the formation of this village?"

"Just rely on the dagger in my hand." Ning Ruqin raised the dagger: "I decide my fate."

"Why, you, a little Innate Grandmaster, want to fight with us? You can't even defeat any elite soldier here, believe it or not?"

The leader of the Black Snake Division couldn't help laughing.

The other barbarians also laughed. They were all elites of the barbarian country. Indeed, everyone was confident that they could defeat this pampered woman.

"I know."

Ning Ruqin nodded and looked at the dagger: "So this thing is not aimed at you."

The leader of the Black Snake Department's smile faded as he realized something was wrong.


Ning Ruqin stabbed a dagger into her heart, shocking everyone, including the chickens, ducks, geese, dogs and cats that followed.

This woman actually committed suicide.

Ning Ruqin's mouth was bleeding: "This is my explanation to you. The last thing I want to say is, I don't want to get married. That's enough!"

All the barbarians looked shocked. They never imagined that Ning Ruqin would commit suicide in front of them, especially with the formation blocking her. There was no chance of stopping her.

The leader of the Black Snake Tribe looked ugly: "Okay, you are strong enough, but do you understand that you are insulting me, the prince of the Barbarian Kingdom!"

She refused to marry the barbarian prince. This woman died bravely, but their prince was afraid that he would be laughed at for the rest of his life.

Everyone you meet will tell you that there is a princess who refuses to marry you, so you must be too bad.

"Whatever the insult, I don't like to surrender, let alone be used as a plaything for your prince!"

Ning Ruqin's face became paler, her body became weak, and she fell limply to the ground, like a butterfly with broken wings. .


Still in the Martial Artist realm the day after tomorrow, the maid Jiaojiao who ran down the mountain saw Ning Ruqin committing suicide, rushed over like crazy, caught her, and kept crying.

"This female doll..."

The village chief was speechless. They hadn't said anything yet. This girl actually stabbed herself with a dagger as soon as they met. It was really outrageous.

"What happened? Our village was attacked by these bastards for no reason, and then this woman rushed out and committed suicide. I was confused."

Tie Datou looked like he had a headache.

"I generally understand that this girl was forced to marry a barbarian. Maybe the barbarians were too ugly and perverted, and she would rather die than marry one." Xu Hongniang said, quite touched.

"You mountain villagers are ugly and perverted!"

The leader of the black snake was furious: "If your formation hadn't blocked her, how could I have let her commit suicide?"

If they can't catch the person, they will be blamed. If they bring back a dead person, the problem will be even bigger.

"Is this our fault too?"

The village chief frowned, are these guys planning to let them take the blame?

At this time, Song Shi came in front of her and looked at Ning Ruqin, whose clothes were dyed red with blood on her chest. She was already dying and said, "Would you choose to die to express your ambition? It's quite straightforward."

He didn't expect that Ning Ruqin would do this. He thought he would accept the reality and prepare to marry to Manguo and make peace, giving up personal happiness in exchange for Ningguo to have more time to survive.

"Senior, please don't blame him. I don't want to cause you any trouble."

Ning Ruqin looked at Song Shi and finished speaking with difficulty, her head tilted and there was no movement.

What she meant was that she didn't want Song Shi to tell the village that Liu Shan asked her to come, so as to avoid Liu Shan being punished.


The maid who was frantically spraying medicine to save Ning Ruqin completely collapsed and was holding Ning Ruqin in pain.

Song Shi looked at Ning Ruqin, thought for a moment, and moved her fingers.


When the village chief and others saw Song Shi, they all saluted politely.

Realizing that the girl who committed suicide was related to Song Shi, the village chief asked for advice: "Sir, what should we do?"

"Throw her body out, and then you all will be punished. I can leave a few seeds for you!"

Before Song Shi could answer, the Ice Wolf leader outside shouted impatiently, with murderous intent in his eyes.

When these people saw Ning Ruqin committing suicide, they didn't need to keep him, so as not to spread the scandal.

"I understand why this girl will never marry you."

Xu Hongniang laughed when she heard this: "I would never marry a barbarian like you!"

"Looking for death, when I break the formation, I will ravage you a hundred times first!"

The leader of the Black Snake Division said in a negative tone.

Song Shi glanced at him: "You are usually too low-key, making people think that anyone can step on you. Today it is best to establish your prestige and kill them all. If you give people to dogs, you will eat snakes and wolves." Meat."

The villagers were shocked. These words supported them to take action.

This person supports it, so what are they afraid of?

"Fuck him!"

"I can't help but want to take action!"

"Haha, I haven't killed anyone in almost thirty years, and I have forgotten what human blood tastes like."

All the villagers' eyes lit up and they looked very excited.

Usually, due to the rules of Qingsang Village, they usually stay in seclusion and lead a dull life.

Except for people who leave the village and go outside, they basically don't fight. And usually in such a remote place, except for hunting, there is nothing worth doing.

A powerful aura suddenly erupted from the village chief, like a king resurrecting. The crimson radiance was like a volcano releasing circles of flames. His clothes bulged under the powerful force, and his long hair was flying. He looked nothing like the ordinary one before.

The flame energy condensed on his body and turned into a suit of armor. He had a flame spear in his hand, like a general on the battlefield.

The leader of the black snake who was making harsh words outside changed his expression and frowned: "There is actually King Wu in such a rundown place. I really underestimate you."

"Village chief, you really have become a king!"

Xu Hongniang was pleasantly surprised, "When you go out, you can be crowned king and prime minister, and become the king of the opposite sex."

"Young master's dog has become a king. Old man, I should take the lead for you, right?"

The village chief smiled.

"Ahem, yes."

Xu Hongniang smiled awkwardly: "I'm still a little behind. I have to stay in the Great Grandmaster realm for a while."

"It's okay, I've also taken the lead for you, old man."

The old man carrying a dung carrying pole smiled. There was a soft cyan brilliance emitting from his body, and his whole person looked more aura.

Runes appeared around him, circling and changing around him. The pole in his hand emitted golden light, and with a roar, it turned into a long golden object.

Many of the others looked at the old man in surprise.

The old man usually grows vegetables, and they know that the other party has some magic skills, because they occasionally ask him to help with some cloud and rain spells to water the crops.

I didn't expect that this old man could hide so deeply and be as powerful as the village chief.

"From now on, you can call me the perfect being."

The old Human Immortal Feng Dao Gu is a typical Taoist Qi Refining warrior.

He bowed seriously to Song Shi: "I have mediocre qualifications. I thought that the Foundation Building would be the limit of my life. When my life span was over, I planned to enjoy my old age in this village. I didn't expect that with the help of the young master, I would extend my life at the limit of my life span. Being able to condense the Gold Core breakthrough will extend your life by 300 years."

Song Shi said calmly: "This is also your fate."

"Three hundred years of life is almost longer than the history of this village."

Tie DaTou was speechless.

The faces of the leaders of the two major tribes outside were already ashen.

If they had noticed the village chief's threat before, the old man didn't notice it at all.

And now that the opponent has two powerful King Level players, it seems that they still have one. Their advantage is gone and has immediately turned into a disadvantage.

After all, this is the other party's territory, and now the time and place are favorable.

The big black dog squinted: "Old man Mu, I've seen you run up the back hill to break through. There's no need for you to be sneaky."

"I'm also afraid of scaring the dolls in the village."

The old man who picked shit, or rather Old Man Mu smiled kindly, and then took a look at the village.

Many children and women have been frightened to tears. This has never happened before.

"If people in our village cry, we have to let them cry."

Xu Hongniang raised her eyebrows and stared at the guy outside with malicious intent.

"Let's do it. You have lived in poverty for many years. These guys' things can make up for it for you."

Song Shi crossed his arms: "You take things, they eat people."

"Woof woof, I'm going to eat people!"

The big black dog was excited: "I heard that man-eating monsters are real monsters. Today they will become official monsters!"

"I want to eat snakes."

The colorful rooster flapped its wings and stared sharply at the black snake.

"Kick, hit, rush!"

It rushed forward with a group of chickens.

"Kill, don't be compared!"

The village chief also took the lead in the charge immediately.

Xu Hongniang and others also realized that it would be too embarrassing if the chickens, ducks, geese and dogs raised by Song Shi took away the spotlight today.

"What the hell is this!"

Surrounded by a group of people and a group of beasts, the barbarians and snake wolves were a little confused. Although the combination of these people was a bit like the barbarians, they had a weird relationship with each other, as if they were competing.

"Don't panic, everyone. These people are hiding here and enjoying themselves. How can they be as strong as us who have experienced hundreds of battles?"

The leader of the black snake came to his senses and reassured his classmates with just one sentence.

"I want to see what the people in this village are capable of."

The leader of the ice wolf had cold eyes and led his people to meet him, and the two sides immediately fought together.

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