What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 582 Different Ways

If Chen Ziqi's original martial arts practice was ordinary martial arts, after being optimized by Song Shi, it has surpassed those inherited by major sects.

The skill level has improved, the physique has improved, and the foundation has become solid. Song Shi believes that the next month will be enough for Chen Ziqi to break through to Innate.

Chen Ziqi's face was rosy after receiving the benefits, and she was a little dazed looking at Song Shi's handsome face.

Who would have thought that beggars back then would be so outstanding?

"It's over. You only need to come here for a quarter of an hour every day. It will not affect your ability to take care of your children."

Song Shi interrupted Chen Ziqi's thoughts by reminding him that he was already Transcendent and ordinary women could easily be fascinated by him.

"um. Thank you."

Chen Ziqi stood up, saluted, said goodbye and left.

The next day, Chen Ziqi came over with her son in her arms and said sheepishly: "Master, he has been crying, I can only bring him here."


Song Shi continues to improve Chen Ziqi's foundation. By doing so, it will be much easier for the opponent to improve in the future.

Chen Ziqi felt that she had become significantly stronger again. When she opened her eyes, she found that her son was sleeping soundly, neither crying nor fussing. For a moment, she could not speak.

"You brought him here because you wanted me to temper his body, right?"

Song Shi said.

"No, it's true that he was crying a little. Maybe he scared the child when he argued with them in the morning."

Chen Ziqi sighed and looked at Song Shi: "I know you don't like beating around the bush, so I'd better tell you. They collected various cultivation questions yesterday and wanted to let you answer them through my mouth. Some of them are Innate Only the Grandmaster has it, you will definitely guess it when I tell you, I’m afraid you won’t like it.”

"I do not like it. Because of you, the Cao family has received a lot of benefits. They must be content."

Song Shi frowned.

"They think you have to leave anyway, so why not make the most of this last moment."

Chen Ziqi smiled bitterly: "They didn't consider my feelings, that's why I felt very uncomfortable."

"You have to take the initiative, otherwise you will be easily taken advantage of in the future."

Song Shi added: "It's up to you to decide what to ask, not what they ask you to ask."

"I see."

Chen Ziqi laughed: "You are so kind."

"If you didn't kick away the vicious dog, why should I be nice to you?"

Song Shi shook his head.

"Is it really just that I helped you and there are no other reasons?"

Chen Ziqi has some different meanings.

"Perhaps you are the first person in this world who treats me well. Not only did you save me, you also asked the Chen family to arrange a good job for me."

Song Shi said calmly that he had no feelings for Chen Ziqi and it was impossible to have feelings for him.

Chen Ziqi was slightly disappointed, but did not show it. She smiled heartily: "This may be the most valuable thing I have done in my life."

Song Shi glanced at the child and said, "When he is one month old, I will give him some gifts."

Chen Ziqi left happily, Song Shi shook his head and said nothing.

The next day, Chen Ziqi continued to bring her children over. After being promoted, she practiced in the thatched house for a while. After finishing, she asked some questions about cultivation, but did not ask the two Cao family members Innate asked her to help ask.

On the third day, Chen Ziqi's cultivation reached the perfection of the day after tomorrow, and she was just one step away from becoming the Innate Grandmaster.

Next, the time she spent in the thatched house continued to increase. When the child was one month old, she had to stay in the thatched house for most of the day.

Chen Ziqi's cultivation level is also constantly approaching Innate. Such obvious changes make the Cao family envious. At the same time, they are dissatisfied that Chen Ziqi only cares about herself and does not help them ask questions about their cultivation.

They expressed their opinions, but Chen Ziqi pushed them back for various reasons.

Half a month later, when Chen Ziqi's child was one month old, the Cao family invited many guests, but Chen Ziqi took the child to Song Shi's thatched house.

As agreed, Song Shi washed the child's meridians and strengthened his body, that's all.

This child's body is still small and his meridians are fragile. He can only withstand such an enhancement in a short period of time, but his starting point is much higher than that of many cultivators, even those who are descendants of great forces.

The factors that can determine how far it goes are more of its personal will and luck.

Chen Ziqi happily took her child back, teasing her son with a smile on the way: "You must at least become a Great Grandmaster in the future to be worthy of him helping you."


At the door, Cao Wenhong looked unhappy and asked knowingly: "Everyone is waiting for my son, where did you go holding him?"

"Going to the young master's place."

Chen Ziqi explained: "Others just give it as a gift, there is no need to see their son."

"Humph, Young Master, we all call him Senior, but you are the Young Master!" Cao Wenhong was quite resentful.

"What's wrong? Young Master said he doesn't mind this, why can't I shout?"

Chen Ziqi said: "I don't want to argue with you about this."

"Don't argue? You only care about yourself. Have you considered your son and us? There are so many dignitaries waiting to celebrate his birthday. If you don't give him face, who will give him face when his son grows up?"

Cao Wenhong became more and more angry as he talked.

"You have to earn face by yourself, you can't earn it for him just by eating a meal today."

Chen Ziqi looked at Cao Wenhong: "There is no need to argue about this kind of thing."

Cao Wenhong gritted his teeth: "Then did you help dad inquire about the Innate Realm world today?"


Chen Ziqi answered simply: "If you are anxious, you can ask yourself."


Cao Wenhong's face turned red, and he pointed at Chen Ziqi angrily: "You stay with him for so long every day, and you don't have time to ask for help? What on earth are you doing, can't you sleep with him?"

Chen Ziqi had already walked to the room. When she heard this, she stopped suddenly and turned to stare at Cao Wenhong: "You have gone too far. Do you think I will hold my son and have an affair with another man?"

"Maybe, he is a senior expert and not worthy of your approval!" Cao Wenhong sneered.

Chen Ziqi's face turned ugly, "Okay, okay, you are really a man. I will give you a son. The young master will repay my kindness and let your Cao family benefit. My mother's family didn't get any benefit. So this is what you said about me?"

Cao Wenhong also knew that he had gone too far, but he was unwilling to apologize. He turned his head and snorted: "My Cao family didn't get any benefits. You got it all by yourself."

Chen Ziqi's body trembled.

Just because I didn't ask Innate of the Cao family about her doubts about spiritual practice, did she get the benefit alone?

"How ridiculous!"

She said with ridicule: "Without a young master to repay me, I would have been humiliated and died before I married into your Cao family. You would have to bear the humiliation even if you didn't die. Without a young master in the Cao family, how can you be so upright?"

Cao Wenhong didn't know how to refute, and his face turned red.

"That's enough. Today is my grandson's full moon drink. What's the point of arguing?"

Cao Zongwan came over and scolded his son: "You are so old, are you still ignorant? Apologize to your wife quickly!" Cao Wenhong said reluctantly: "I drank too much today, I was a little angry, and I said some angry words ,Do not get angry."

Chen Ziqi chuckled: "There is no need for this. I tell you clearly, it's not that I didn't ask you questions, it's because the young master didn't want to answer. He also said it, just to repay my kindness."

"Yes, yes, we are not in a hurry."

Cao Zongwan said hurriedly, but his expression was not very good. If that person can't point him out, it is indeed of little value to them.

"I'm going to feed the baby."

Chen Ziqi walked into the house disappointed, feeling quite depressed.

This is the true side of the Cao family. Everyone thinks about themselves and wishes they could squeeze out all the value of the young master.

But the problem is that she has not only mentioned that she only cares about herself once, but still urges her to ask every day, making it clear that she will be disliked by the young master.

"Even if I ask, I won't tell you casually. The more you force me, the less likely I will tell you."

She was angry. She had been the eldest daughter in the family since she was a child, and she was a typical person who took soft things rather than hard words.

When she got home, she looked at her nursing son and said, "You are the only one I can rely on now. You must stand by my mother's side in the future."

After becoming a woman, she could understand that the Cao family's attitude was too concerned with profits and less humane.

Obviously Song Shi's existence has brought a lot of benefits to the Cao family, but he still wants to squeeze out more benefits before he leaves.

Was it that bad before?

Chen Ziqi has lived a wealthy and innocent life since she was a child, but she really doesn't realize this.

But she understands that Song Shi, who protects her, will leave after one year.

Without Song Shi, she was afraid that she would be beaten back to her original shape.

I must accumulate some knowledge before this.

On a new day, she began to ask Song Shi generously about the secrets of Innate, including those that Cao Zongwan and the others asked her to ask, and others that she asked because she wanted to break through to Innate.

Song Shi saw some changes in Chen Ziqi and was very interested in what would happen next.

Song Shi answered all the questions raised by Chen Ziqi one by one. The latter successfully broke through to Innate a week before he left.

This hit Cao Wenhong a bit badly.

Cao Wenhong's cultivation level was originally higher than that of Chen Ziqi, and Chen Ziqi also gave birth to a child and lost her vitality. Under such circumstances, it was a bit embarrassing to surpass him in terms of face.

However, he also knew that these were related to Song Shi and did not dare to show it. Instead, he was much more polite to Chen Ziqi.

Strength determines status. From now on, Chen Ziqi will be one of the three innates of the Cao family, and he will have to keep his head down.

After Chen Ziqi's breakthrough, her whole face was radiant, she suddenly looked younger, her temperament was outstanding, and she no longer looked like a woman who had given birth to a child.

She was happy for two days. On the third day, she came to Song Shi who was about to leave and said reluctantly: "Can you not leave?"

"If the road is different, I will definitely have to leave."

Song Shi looked at the much prettier Chen Ziqi: "It's time for you to grow up and become independent. You can rely on yourself from now on."

What he said also meant that the Cao family was unreliable, or that in his eyes, everyone had to rely on themselves as much as possible.

"If you have different paths, you can't work together..."

Chen Ziqi pouted: "You are indeed too powerful, I can't keep you here."

She rolled her eyes: "I will practice hard and try to see you again in the future."

"Then I'll wait."

Song Shi chuckled.

"I wonder where you are now?" Chen Ziqi was curious: "Give me a short-term goal."

Song Shi had a profound meaning: "You have surpassed the Great Grandmaster. You should work hard to become the Great Grandmaster first."

"Ah, is it so strong? How long will it take me to do it? If I hadn't just broken through Innate, I wouldn't have dared to think about it."

Chen Ziqi was speechless.

Beyond the Great Grandmaster, there are already those beings who fly into the sky and escape from the earth, possessing powerful Divine Ability.

"So be it."

Song Shi smiled at Chen Ziqi: "I've had a very leisurely life these two years, see you soon."

"Wait a minute, you haven't said how I can find you when I'm capable enough."

Chen Ziqi said hurriedly.

"If you can't find it, it means you're not capable."

After Song Shi said this, he disappeared directly into the house.

Chen Ziqi looked at the empty thatched house and felt very disappointed: "Are you leaving now? Even if I told you in advance, it still feels so sudden."

She was a little distracted and murmured: "If the Tao is different, is it really difficult to see each other again?"

Depressed and walked out of the room, Cao Wenhong, who was waiting outside, asked anxiously: "Senior, are you still there?"

"left already."

Chen Ziqi said gloomily.

"Leaving? So soon? I didn't even send him off, but he left. Did he leave anything behind?"

As Cao Zongwan talked, he talked about possible benefits.

"Look at my empty hands, do they look like they have something on them?"

Chen Ziqi asked back.

"I thought senior would leave you something more."

Cao Zongwan smiled sarcastically.

"What he gave me is already in my body."

Chen Ziqi shook his head.

Cao Wenhong, who was silent, his face darkened. What does it mean to be in the body? Could it be that he was really given to this woman...

"What are you thinking about? I'm talking about the power in your body!"

Chen Ziqi was angry: "Do you just not believe me?"

"How dare you, you are the Innate Grandmaster now, I don't dare question you."

Cao Wenhong was a little bit weird: "Actually, I very much agree with you following your senior. He is very powerful, and you will benefit a lot from following him."

"You are so unreasonable!"

Chen Ziqi was angry, but she didn't want to scold him, so she left depressed.

"Wen Hong, be careful what you say."

Cao Zongwan reminded: "I know you feel a little disappointed because she broke through to Grandmaster earlier, but you are husband and wife after all, and you still need to maintain your love. Don't quarrel all day long."

"I know, but I've encountered a lot of difficulties in breaking through Innate recently, and I feel unhappy."

Cao Wenhong said aggrievedly: "It's good for her. She got through easily with the help of seniors."

"This kind of thing cannot be rushed."

Cao Zongwan shook his head: "Not everyone has her opportunities. You just need to accumulate well. Breaking through is not difficult."

When he said this, his voice became softer: "You can also study the method of dual cultivation and let her power feed back to you. Breaking through will be much easier."


Cao Wenhong nodded: "But she has been angry these days, so I will say something nice first."

Song Shi, who was not far away, heard the conversation between the two people and couldn't help but shake his head: "It's still different. I feel tired after all these intrigues all day long."

A Yin-Yang diagram appeared under his feet, and he walked directly out of Jiangnan, leaving the place where he had stayed for a year.

During this period, through constant loopholes and consumption of Black Wind Sect resources, his cultivation level has reached the Gold Core level, his physical body level is higher, and he can go to most places.

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