What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 577 Reshape The Body

Under the grateful and awed eyes of the Cao family, Song Shi returned to the side courtyard where he was originally.

The next moment, a powerful attraction appeared from his body and began to absorb the surrounding spiritual energy crazily. The range was a hundred times that of Innate.

The thin spiritual energy around him gathered in Song Shi's body and was quickly absorbed and refined.

"The spiritual energy is starting to run low."

Song Shi frowned. The automatic cultivation system was already perfect and had been upgraded as his cultivation level improved, but it still had to rely on external spiritual energy, which was the basic resource for cultivation.

Nowadays, the concentration of spiritual energy in the mortal world is a bit thin for him, and it has affected the normal speed of cultivation.

"There are three options. Go into the deep mountains and old forests to set up Spirit Gathering formations to gather a larger range of spiritual energy. The second is to join a spiritual sect and recommend places where spiritual energy is abundant. The third is to kill people and steal spiritual energy to seize spiritual resources."

Song Shi thought that he would have to guard Chen Ziqi for a year, and it was not suitable for him to run around. He was afraid that only the third method would suit him.

He raised his hand, and a leather bag appeared. It was the storage bag of the woman in gray robe, and it was also the only trophy he took.

After opening it, he took out some things, including secret books of exercises, methods of raising and refining ghosts, several bottles of elixirs, and jade stones with a faint luster.

"These inferior spiritual stones and elixirs can only be used for a few days..."

Song Shi took out the spirit stones to practice.

The next day, Cao Zongwan brought Cao Wenhong and Chen Ziqi to visit in person, thanking Song Shi for taking action last night, and offering a thousand-year-old ginseng.

Song Shi was not polite. Although he took action for Chen Ziqi, the Cao family was the direct beneficiary.

Seeing Song Shi accept the gift of thanks, Cao Zongwan smiled brightly: "Senior Song, I was blind before and couldn't see that you are a Great Grandmaster-level monk. It's really rude to call you brother with such shame."

Song Shi said indifferently: "Nothing, which sect is that person from last night?"

"Heisha Sect, I once had some grudges with her, but I didn't expect her to hold such a grudge."

Cao Zongwan smiled bitterly.

"I'm not interested in your affairs. Tell me about the forces in Jiangnan and nearby."

Song Shi had to think about the next practice. Before he failed to control the rules or caught the loopholes in the rules, he still needed resources for practice.

"There are three major sects in the south of the Yangtze River. One is the Red Sword Sect, which I once studied under, the other is the Buddhist Gate Zhenhe Temple, and the remaining one is the Heisha Sect, which is the sect of the people who were killed by the predecessors. Among them, the Heisha Sect is the most powerful. powerful."

Cao Zongwan introduced: "Nearby outside of Jiangnan is the Black Wind Sect of Black Wind Mountain, which is rumored to have some relationship with the Black Evil Sect. Then there is the True Martial Sect in the north, which is a large sect and has strength that surpasses those in the south and north of the Yangtze River."

After hearing this, Song Shi looked at Cao Zongwan meaningfully: "Heisha and Heifeng and I both have grudges. Do you think they will come to take revenge?"

"Probably not, just an ordinary disciple."

Cao Zongwan shook his head: "For these sects, ordinary Innate masters are nothing. Great Grandmasters like our seniors are precious."

Song Shi hoped that those guys would come over, not bothering to look for them, and have a legitimate reason to kill them.

"Then it should be fine."

Song Shi looked at Chen Ziqi: "When will your wedding be held? If it doesn't happen, your stomach will grow."


Chen Ziqi was stunned for a moment, while Cao Wenhong next to him looked surprised: "Madam, you are happy!"

Cao Zongwan said in admiration: "Senior is really a master, and we haven't discovered it yet."

"I didn't notice it myself."

Chen Ziqi subconsciously touched her belly. No wonder she hadn't had her period recently.

"The wedding will be held as soon as possible. By then, our Cao family will be able to completely wash away the haze of the past month!"

Cao Wenhong made a quick decision: "Senior Song must participate when the time comes."

"This is acceptable."

After saying this, Song Shi saw off the guests. After a few people left, Song Shi thought of the child in Wuyou's belly. She didn't know how she was doing now. She must have taken shape.

This concern gave him a little more motivation, and he looked at the sky and thought.

"If we continue to rely on cultivation resources, it will not last long. Can we not rely on this conventional method?"

Song Shi touched his chin. He didn't think these spiritual energy and other cultivation resources were real. They were mostly hallucinations that evolved, or even a series of special numbers.

He now increasingly suspects that the entire world is a well-evolved illusion, and everything is fake, except for these creatures.

"Creatures have autonomy and will not strictly follow procedures. Only in this way can it be like a real world, rather than a rigid program with a set start and end."

Song Shi raised his hand, sensing the power of rules that should exist everywhere, and then looked down at himself.

"My body and cultivation are probably not real. They evolved from rules."

He turned his eyes and recalled that after he reached the realm of Immortal Emperor, the laws turned into a domain. Within the domain, the laws could change as he pleased.

But he is still far away from evolving this kind of world. Even a quasi-Heavenly Venerable like Wuyou cannot do it. It is estimated that only Heavenly Venerable can do it.

"In other words, the essence of the Heavenly Venerable Realm world is that laws can evolve the world. Reincarnation. Heavenly Venerable has evolved tens of thousands of worlds. It is worthy of being the top Heavenly Venerable."

Song Shi realized a lot of things again. He closed his eyes and began to look for the rules that could determine his physical body and cultivation.

Time passed, and a week later, Chen Ziqi held a wedding, officially married into the Cao family, and received her status.

Song Shi attended the wedding as a guest. What surprised him was that no one from the Chen family came. The ceremony was probably held at the Chen family, so there was no need to come here.

After it ended, Song Shi still stayed in seclusion and was not in a hurry to find training resources.

However, he secretly had one more thing in mind.

That is to observe Chen Ziqi, or to be precise, to observe the process of her life.

This is a complex and mysterious process, which involves the growth of the physical body. As for the soul, it is formed by those reincarnated souls.

Reincarnation Heavenly Venerable uses this method to create living beings. It is not as good as the real physical soul from the outside world that is completely born, but it does a good job of replicating the birth process of real living beings, which contains profound rules.

He believed he could find something he needed.

As time went by, Chen Ziqi's belly grew bigger and bigger, and after being pregnant for ten months, she gave birth to a son.

At the moment the child was born, Song Shi clearly felt the power of reincarnation. A soul was injected into this young body, losing all memories and starting over.

Song Shi was thoughtful, and he began to retreat to crack the first rule.

For a month, Song Shi remained motionless. After reaching a certain point, Song Shi's body suddenly shook, and his body suddenly became steamy, emitting wisps of light, and his muscles squirmed rapidly, as if he was reborn and became stronger out of thin air.

"Successful. I used the rules to reshape the physical body and directly improved the level of the physical body by a large margin without using any training resources at all."

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