What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 548 Low Level Zombies

Song Shi originally didn't care whether he died or not, but now he couldn't. He had to slap these two guys in the face himself.

"Hey, the new cannon fodder, what are you doing here? Come here and help move the body."

Someone hailed from a distance, interrupting Song Shi's thinking.

"Damn it, I, an Immortal Emperor, am actually going to move the body..."

Song Shi muttered, but ran over and saw several unrecognizable corpses, as if they had been bitten to death by wild beasts.

Some ferocious-looking and huge alien beasts appeared in his mind.

These alien beasts are transformed from the original ordinary beasts, but they are ten times, a hundred times, and a thousand times more powerful. The powerful alien beasts can dodge cannonballs and withstand bullets. They are such a threat to humans that even humans with thermal weapons are constantly threatening them. After retreating, the territory they originally occupied was taken away by alien beasts. The living area became smaller and smaller, and they had to gather together to resist.

The cannon fodder battalion is a special existence set up on the front line to make full use of the value of death row prisoners. If there is no need to do this in peacetime, but it must be used in this era, it shows how big a threat alien beasts are to humans.

He looked at the corpses and asked: "Brothers, what should I do with these corpses?"

"Of course he buried it. Do you want to eat it? If you eat someone, you will be shot directly."

It's natural for a guy covered in black and black.


Song Shi knew as soon as he heard that this kind of thing must have happened. He said, "I'm new here. I'll bury it later."

"Boy, stay on top of it. I'll protect you from now on."

Another sturdy middle-aged man with a grin missing a few teeth patted Song Shi on the shoulder.


Song Shi pretended to be cooperative, and hurriedly lifted a body with the other party and walked to the rear.

"You can call me Brother Cha. His name is Spade. That one is Stone. They are all nicknames. You can also give yourself a nickname."

A brief introduction to middle-aged people with missing teeth.

"Then you can call me Immortal Emperor." Song Shi smiled.

"Your nickname is quite pretentious. You are not down to earth at all. You will die easily."

Shitou on one side curled his lips and said, "Learn my nickname, and you'll have a long life at a glance."

"The Immortal Emperor also lives a long life."

Song Shi smiled.

"A nickname, you can call it whatever you want. You just need to live a few more days so that everyone can remember you."

Spades glanced at Song Shi: "Do you know how to play cards? I'll have some later."

"I still have to bury the body, I guess it will be very tiring, maybe next time."

Song Shi declined.

"When you bury it deeper later, those beasts will sometimes come secretly to dig up the body."

Brother Cha reminded him and took Song Shi to throw the body behind a small mound and kicked the shovel: "First dig a two-meter hole. Then the bodies will be thrown in and buried together."


Song Shi took a look at the mound and saw that there were many bulging places, probably where people were buried.

"Then I'll leave it to you. This time it's just them. They can bury it for up to two hours. After that, I'll treat you to a compressed biscuit."

Spades patted Song Shi on the shoulder and left with the others.

Only Song Shi was left. His eyes fell on the corpse, showing a thoughtful look: "Without a system, and no additional power support, it is impossible to become stronger in a short period of time. We still have to use external objects. You all will die." How about I give you some more opportunities for revenge under the strange beast's mouth?"

"If you don't answer, I'll take it as your acquiescence."

He muttered, preparing to put these corpses to use.

There is spiritual energy in this world, and it will definitely not be able to help him become stronger for a while, but it is no problem to refine a few Low Level Corpse Soldiers to play a role at critical moments.

Moreover, corpse soldiers are not afraid of pain and have no fear, so they are very suitable when facing those beasts.

Thinking of this, he looked around and started digging a hole.

He sensed that there were corpses buried here, and the yin energy was very strong, and these people were all bitten to death by strange beasts, and there was a lot of resentment. He only needed some special guidance to make it easy for these guys to transform into corpses.

What you have to do is to control the transformed zombies in advance to avoid harming others and yourself after the transformation.

"These recently deceased ones will take some time to simmer. I don't know if there are any suitable ones buried here."

Song Shi's eyes fell on the nearby soil bag, observing the surrounding terrain, feeling the breath, and determining the flow of Yin Qi, and finally his eyes fell on somewhere.

"This is a place where Yin Qi gathers nearby, and there are corpses down there. If there are no accidents, there should be people who have transformed into corpses."

With some determination, he took a shovel and started digging when he saw that no one was paying attention.

Soon, the shovel clanged, as if touching a stone, but Song Shi pushed the soil away, and underneath was a piece of clothing, and behind the torn clothing was a piece of iron-green stuff.

"Good guy, it's already frozen. It's still iron-skinned stiff. It's a pity that it's buried here and hasn't been triggered."

Song Shi secretly said that the formation of zombies needs to be triggered by certain conditions.

First of all, you must die with resentment, preferably miserably. Secondly, the body must not be too mutilated. If it is too mutilated, it cannot absorb Yin Qi well. Thirdly, it must be nourished by Yin Qi so that it will not rot. Finally, Yang energy must be activated, otherwise the lonely yin will not last long and it will always be a special corpse that cannot become stiff.

He only needs to activate it with a special method, and this guy can jump out and use it for him.

Thinking of this, he took a look at the sky. It was not dark yet and the Yin Qi was not at its strongest, so it was not suitable for activation.

He continued to dig a few more times, exposing the forehead of his head so that it could absorb some yang energy.

After doing this, he turned around and dug a hole honestly, burying the newly dead people in the place where the Yin Qi gathered, so that he could raise a few more zombies later.

After burying the corpse, Song Shi searched nearby and found another zombie. At dusk, when the last ray of sunlight disappeared, Song Shi bit his finger and drew a rune on the center of the zombie's eyebrow.


The latter's dry eyelids moved, and then his body trembled, as if he came to life.

"Keep lying there."

Song Shi said indifferently, controlling the zombies with thoughts.

He only needs to summon this thing to protect himself from danger at critical moments. He is not familiar with this place yet, so he is not in a hurry to bring it with him.

"Hey, I didn't expect that I would get this kind of Low Level zombie one day. It's really forced by the situation."

Song Shi had no choice but to continue to follow the same example, waking up another zombie that was worse, so that the two guys began to consciously absorb the Yin Qi to improve. Song Shi shoveled some dirt to cover the two guys, and then walked towards A tent in the distance.

It doesn't take much thinking to figure out that these tents are the residences of the cannon fodder camp. There are many tents lit at the moment, judging from the number, there are also some figures on guard.

"Immortal Emperor, are you done burying him? Come over here and have something to eat."

A person on patrol waved, it was Brother Cha. It could be seen that the people who handled the corpse before were the same people who were patrolling now.

"Where do I live?"

Song Shi asked that if he could occupy a separate tent, he could take the zombies with him, which would be much safer.

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