"Always ready."

Song Shi is eager to try.

Diyou passed through the sea of ​​​​fire of the Sun's Law without any discomfort. Even the sea of ​​​​fire that can kill immortals and destroy gods still danced around him, as if to welcome him.

He came to the magnificent temple, looked at the ancient text patterns on the gate, and sighed: "In the battle back then, my Golden Crow clan was defeated. This emperor will get back everything we lost!"

After speaking, he reached out and pressed on the temple door, trying to open it.


The door shook violently, knocking his hand open, and more ferocious flames were released.

Diyou was stunned for a moment: "You want me to take it based on my strength? It's really domineering, but this is indeed the character of our ancestors."

He couldn't help but smile, stepped back a hundred feet, transformed into a delicate and strong golden crow, opened his mouth and spit out a sun, which hit the door directly.


The temple door shook violently, fire rippled, and terrifying power spread.

The expressions of the nearby gods changed and they all stepped back.

However, what surprised Diyou was that the door still failed to open.

He thought that the attack just now was not weak, and it was no problem to kill a Divine King, but the gate did not move at all.

He stared at the gate with a height of ten thousand feet in front of him for a moment. The runes on it paused for a moment, and he thought thoughtfully: "If you can't use brute force, do you have to rely on ingenuity?"

He discovered the Sun God Pattern between his eyebrows, and a circle of fields completely transformed by the power of law fell on the door, and soon patterns and runes lit up.

"Haha, that's really the case."

Di You walked over with a smile and stepped back slightly. The vermilion door creaked and opened easily, and a breath of vicissitudes mixed with heat surged out.

Inside the temple, there is the Grotto-Heaven, where many fire spirits from the ancient times are rolling and flying, so lifelike that it makes people feel like they have returned to the ancient times.

"The ancestors are the ancestors. They are powerful. The laws evolve all things, and they are almost becoming a small world."

There was admiration in Di You's eyes, and he said to the outside: "This place has a great heritage. First, guard the area. I will go in and explore. During this period, no one can enter without my permission."

"Yes, patriarch."

Many powerful people from the Golden Crow clan responded respectfully.

After saying that, Diyou strode into it, as if walking through a layer of water, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

As soon as he stepped in, a ray of fire merged into many flames and followed him into the door.

The powerful men outside did not expect that someone was right next to the temple. Their focus was not on the temple at all, so Song Shi, who had been waiting in the trunk of the nearby tree, blended in.

After entering the door, Song Shi's eyes suddenly opened up, as if he had entered a new world.

With birds singing, flowers fragrant, lush vegetation, and a warm environment in front of you, you feel like you have arrived in a paradise.

Originally, he was particularly worried about meeting Diyou head-on, but he was shocked by this scene: "Why is it different from what he saw outside?"

"Transmitted randomly."

Wuyou appeared next to him and stretched out his hand to sense: "This is a small world. From preliminary observation, it is estimated to be quite vast. It is larger than the small world in my life and death coffin. It must be that after many years of evolution, it is now no longer afraid of your Ascension's lower realm."

"Xuan Spirit World is so big, is it so outrageous?"

Song Shi was shocked. From the outside, the palace was only of ordinary size, but the interior was so outstanding.

"He should have directly refined a small world to become his own private world. After his death, this world has been growing."

Wuyou raised his head and observed: "In order to avoid being noticed, I don't dare to explore more. You can just walk around and find out."

Song Shi opened her mouth and looked at the bright sky: "How did this world grow?"

"It can grow by absorbing energy and matter, and it is protected by a special formation. It grows much more smoothly than in the small world outside."

Wuyou smiled and said: "It's different from the lower realm of your Ascension. This is a specially arranged small world with high-level things in it. It is the center of the world. The baby is basically there."

"I thought that if I walked around, I would have a chance to get in touch, but I didn't expect it to be so wide."

Song Shi stood up helplessly, "Which way to go."

"You decide for yourself. I won't do anything next to avoid being discovered by Di You."

Wuyou crossed his arms and was enjoying the bright sunshine.

"Then go this way where you're standing."

Song Shi choose casually and take great strides forward.

Subconsciously, I wanted to use Thunder Escape, but only a few sparks flew out of my body, and there was no movement at all.

Song Shi was surprised: "Huh? My magic power can't be used!"

"Since this is someone else's world, there are naturally forbidden laws. This is why I can't help you find the center, and I can't use magic power."

Worry-free play with taste.

"Well, I thought you wanted to train me as a husband."

Song Shi shrugged, picked a wild flower, took a sip, and then put it on Wuyou's head: "Flowers complement a beauty, and a flower beauty is even more beautiful."

Wuyou smiled brightly: "Do you think I'm going to pull this little trick?"

She turned in a circle, stepping forward on the grass with her bare feet, like an elf.

In fact, Wuyou was originally a grass spirit, and now he fits in well with the nearby vegetation.

"The scenery here is endless, let's make out for a while and then look for it?"

Song Shi was itching to see it, so she chased after Wuyou and grabbed Wuyou's hand.

"It's a beautiful thought. This is like someone else's territory. I wouldn't feel comfortable being intimate with you."

Wuyou rolled his eyes at Song Shi and opened his hand.

"Haven't they all been dead for several generations? This is a no-man's land."

Song Shi muttered.

"You are overthinking. I don't believe that such a strong person has no regrets left behind. Otherwise, why is it happening at this time?"

Wuyou chuckled.

"That makes sense."

Song Shi changed to holding Wuyou's hand, and touched the latter's belly with the other hand: "How long will it take for this little guy to come out?"

"According to the current birth rate, it will probably take about ten thousand years."

Wuyou said casually.

"Ah." Song Shi was stunned.

"Ah, what, I haven't recovered to my peak yet, how can I give birth to the child perfectly?"

Wuyou feels that Song Shi is rare and strange.

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry."

Song means to comfort yourself and walk on the grass.

Although mana is banned here, his physical body is still there, still a god-like existence, walking like the wind.

After walking hundreds of miles, Song Shi frowned: "If this world is really like the Xuan Spirit World, I don't know how long it will take to walk like this."

Just as he said this, he saw a huge roc flying in the sky in the distance, with golden light flowing around it and obvious power fluctuations.

He was puzzled: "How can this guy use his power?"

"It should be a native species of this small world." Wuyou said calmly: "The creatures in this world and the allowed creatures should not be within the restriction."

"Then we can only catch it and ask."

Before Song Shi could take action, the roc flew over to this side instead, its eyes were cold, and an old man walked out of its back, and several sun disks appeared in his hands, shining at Song Shi.

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