What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 52 Treating Human Life As Nothing

The wise man drew the sword from his waist angrily, and his ferocious momentum exploded, creating a strong wind.

The Innate True Qi-infused saber was as domineering as a bull, and with a flash of cold light, it struck at the axe.


As soon as this powerful sword touched the axe, it was like rotten wood, shattered on the spot by the light that filled the axe.

The ax continued to fall, and the roof of the carriage was almost made of paper, easily cut open by the sharp and overbearing force.

"Master, be careful!"

The smart man's palm was bleeding and he could no longer stop the ax from falling, so he could only remind him hastily.

Not only was Song Shi not careful, her eyes were shining.

"This guy is still impatient. He came to kill me so quickly, so he reluctantly died again."

He grinned and stretched his neck out.

Blood splattered and his neck split open along with the car.

"You were killed by the Law Weapon blood axe, your constitution +3!"

"You draw strength from death and gain free attribute points 2!"

"You will be resurrected in three seconds!"

"The resurrection location is not set, and the default is to resurrect in place!"

at the same time.


The wall on the side suddenly exploded, and a big hand with shining copper light stretched out and punched the smart guy who wanted to help out, smashing the opposite wall into pieces.

Boom boom!

The sound of Clever smashing into the wall and the ax hitting the ground sounded at the same time.

The former fell into it and disappeared, while the latter split a crack in the ground a foot deep.

The horse screamed and was kicked away by the burly Bronze Tiger. He had a ferocious look on his face and said with a sinister smile: "It's so childish to pick up my Law Weapon blood ax with a mortal garbage weapon!"

He turned around and glanced at the carriage that was split into two halves. One leg was lying on the ground with no movement at all.

He sneered: "It is your honor to die under Law Weapon this time."

Thinking Song Shi was dead, he walked over and grabbed the bloody ax that had been driven into the ground. The runes on it lit up, and the ax was pulled out of the crack out of thin air.

At this moment, Song Shi beside him suddenly stood up, and a flash of sword light appeared and disappeared.

Tonghu never expected that Song Shi was not dead yet. In his perception, didn't this person have no breath?

The most frightening thing is that this man's sudden burst of power is not much worse than him.


A slight sound!

There was a blood line on Tonghu's neck. Song Shi, who was originally dead, drew it with his sword and stood behind him.


Tonghu's eyes widened and he wanted to turn around.


Blood spurted out from the red line around his neck, turning into blood mist and spreading. A huge human head slipped off, hit the ground with a thud, and rolled out.

His huge body slowly fell to the ground, making a plop sound, and blood spurted out, quickly staining the ground red.

In his left hand, there was a talisman blooming with light. It lost its subsequent spiritual power. After all, it was not activated and slowly dimmed.

At the same time, the blood ax dimmed and returned to the crack.

With one foot on Tonghu's face, Song Shi held the blood-stained gentleman's sword and looked down at Tonghu: "That's it?"

The latter's big eyes widened, full of shock and reluctance. He never expected that this boy was so powerful.

If he had known, he would never have been so arrogant, or even acted casually.

A weakling who I thought I could easily bully turned out to be a ferocious wolf in disguise!

The destructive intention is extinguished like a lamp with the light in his eyes, and he will not rest in peace!

"Ding, congratulations on killing the target, you will be rewarded with a lottery chance!"

After the system prompts, Da Chongming stepped out of the large hole in the broken wall opposite, holding a short-handled knife, and stared at Song Shi blankly.

"Master, you...kill him!"

Seeing Song Shi holding a long sword with his foot on his head, Da Congming was shocked.

The big guy on the ground at this moment defeated him with one move, and the young master cut off his head!

"This man was too trusting, and I caught him off guard. Plus my sword is very sharp. It's not surprising that he died."

Song Shi calmly explained the reason. Looking at the bloody neck, he frowned: "It's a bit bloody. It's the first time to kill someone, so it's scary."

Although he had experienced several killings, he had never killed anyone during those times, either as zombies or as evil spirits.

The corners of Da Chongming's mouth twitched: "My old Liu's legs are trembling for the first time he kills someone. Master, this is very good."

"Pay attention to your surroundings while I collect the loot."

Song Shi leaned down and pulled out the talisman held in Tonghu's hand. He glanced at it and saw that it was a ghost-drawn talisman, but it contained an inexplicable charm.

Not understanding what this was, Song Shi continued to fumble around on the headless body and took out a strange animal skin bag from his waist. Apart from this thing, there was nothing on the man.

His thoughts penetrated into it, and he vaguely realized that the space inside was much larger than it looked, but it was blocked by a circle of power and could not see further.

"Could this be a storage bag used by monks?"

Song Shi said in surprise, this is a very practical treasure.

"That's right, this special Law Weapon can store things a hundred times its size, so it's also called a treasure bag."

Da Mingming looked at it with envy, "Mr. Qin has one, and he is very precious."

Song Shi happily put away the storage bag, walked over, pulled out the ax, and looked at it carefully.

The ax head was red and smelled of blood. It had obviously killed many people.

Runes are engraved on the axe, and it shines with a faint luster. At first glance, it looks like it is nothing ordinary.

"Tsk, tsk, it's true that he killed people and set fire to the gold belt, and all the equipment was stolen."

He threw the ax to the wise man: "This is for you, I don't need the axe."

"Give me?"

Da Mingming was flattered: "This is too precious. I heard that the cheapest Law Weapon costs one million taels of silver."

"If you don't want to, just throw it away."

Song Shi turned around and left.

Da Chongming could only accept it and caress it lovingly. In fact, he liked it very much.

Song Shi suddenly stopped and walked past the wall that was broken open by a bronze tiger. On the opposite side, there was a couple and a child lying on the ground, their necks were crushed to death, and their handprints were still left.

"Damn it, this Bronze Tiger is too bloodthirsty. He just wants to ambush me, but he also attacks ordinary people!"

Song Shi's face darkened.

"Oh, Master, some of them just regard human life as nothing, killing people is like killing chickens."

The wise man sighed.

"No wonder it's so easy to kill me. This world of cultivation is really chaotic."

Song Shi sneered, his impression of these people dropped to the extreme: "Find a few people to collect their bodies for them!"

"Yes, Master."


A long Buddha's name came out, carrying a bright and profound meaning.

Song Shi looked at the door of the family and squinted slightly.

A young monk with a solemn appearance appeared. He looked about the same age as Song Shi. He was very handsome, very clean and refreshing.

Wearing a yellow monk's robe, he has a unique temperament, like the reincarnation of the Buddha. He holds a string of rosary beads and looks at Song Shi with a smile: "Poor monk Jinyuan Temple Zhengyuan, both donors have wisdom roots, not only can they be interested Entering the Buddhist Gate?”

Song Shi's face twitched. This was the first time a monk asked him to become a monk after meeting him. He curled his lips and said, "Not interested. My woman hasn't had enough sleep yet."

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