What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 484 Nowhere To Escape

If you don't follow the boss's wishes at this time, when will you wait?

"Those who died, won't they be able to see this scene?"

Seeing some people flattering in an exaggerated way, Du Ming'e became suspicious: "If the seniors let us see these scenes, then there are too few people who have seen them. This is only twenty or thirty, less than one tenth."

"There should still be some drama."

Song Shi is determined.

As soon as they said this, the stone tablet standing in front of them shone brightly, condensing a seven-color fairy light and rising into the sky, stirring the void and shocking people's hearts.

Song Shi looked up at the beam of light shooting into the depths of the void. There seemed to be nothing unusual about it, and he couldn't help but look strange.

How does this sound like a summons? Or attract something?

He lowered his head and glanced slightly, his eyes narrowed.

The light of the stone tablet also enveloped the ground, like water spreading on the ground.

Because there was very little movement on the ground, it seemed very calm, and the light beam was so bright that others did not notice the changes on the ground and thought they were normal changes caused by the light beam.

Song Shi pressed his feet hard, and the light nearby was distorted. After he sensed it, he suddenly smiled playfully: "This is not a treasure, it is like a cage."

"What's the meaning?"

Du Ming'e also noticed something was wrong.

"You'll know right away,"

Song Shi is also observing what will happen next.

He just finished speaking.

Whoosh whoosh!

Amidst the sound of breaking through the air, the monks who had not yet come nearby were attracted by the light pillar and ran over at top speed.

Although they were cautious and worried about provoking demons by flying, these monks were still excited and approached as fast as possible, fearing that they would miss the opportunity if they were slow.

They came to the stone tablet and stared at the light pillar with bright eyes.

"Is this kind of aura the secret of the ruins here?"

"Everyone, is it possible that a baby has been born?"

The monks who came over asked loudly, wanting to know the situation here as soon as possible.

"It's just a special stone tablet, where is the treasure?"

Yang Kuisheng said in a bad mood, these guys have had enough. They gathered around at the first sign of something good. Now even if a baby is born, they will fight fiercely.

Song Shi looked behind the many monks, the strange color in his eyes flashed away, and then he changed the direction, thoughtfully.

"I see,"

When Song Shi suddenly realized, the visitor saw the words on the stone tablet, which was similar to others, and learned some ancient events.

However, there was no inheritance and no treasure appeared, so the Ascensioners were still a little disappointed.

"Let's break up. There's just a stone tablet here that records history. There's nothing to see."

Someone carefully explored the surroundings, determined that there was nothing good, and was about to leave.


A beast's roar exploded above the ruins, and immediately at the source of the sound, a storm visible to the naked eye roared.

This storm connects the sky and the earth, mixed with gravel and soil. It is obviously rolled up by powerful beings when they advance rapidly. It looks a bit dark.

Among them, figures exuding a fierce aura rushed towards them one after another, their eyes like big lanterns cruel and ruthless, with a cruel meaning.

These eyes range from red to yellow, and come in various colors. Without exception, they stare at the Ascensioners in front of the stone monument, faintly revealing sharp fangs.

The most terrifying thing is that storms are emerging from all directions, showing a siege.

Song Shi's mouth twitched and he looked at the stone tablet emitting the light beam, a little speechless: "Why do I feel that this light beam is deliberately attracting them to attack us?"

"Unlucky, you didn't get any benefits, and you still have to be besieged by these guys?"

Yang Kuisheng was in a state of confusion. This situation was very bad.

"Get out of the way."

"Escape! Escape!"

Realizing that the danger was approaching and the situation was at stake, and with no time to maintain their immortal spirit, all the Ascensioners panicked and plunged their heads underground, preparing to continue hiding and hiding like before.

Song Shi saw these people trying to repeat their old tricks and couldn't help but murmured: "Why is such a good thing? Since it is a test, it can be passed with one method?"

Bang bang bang!

When Song Shi complained, the person who escaped from the ground for the first time did not merge into the soil like diving, but half plunged into the soil and half was exposed. Only the part that entered was more or less, which looked quite funny.


Yang Kuisheng and Zhao Kaizen were also similar, with half of their bodies buried in the soil.

Du Ming'e was watching Song Shi's actions. He was making a gesture of hiding from the ground, and his delicate hands were also making spells to cast spells. Because he was a step slower, he avoided this embarrassing result.

Her beautiful eyes were filled with astonishment: "This is... we can't escape!"

Jijue used the Earth Escape Technique, and a circle of mana light circulated, but it could not lead her to escape underground.

"It seems that we have to learn from our predecessors and fight against these gods and demons."

Song Shi never tried to escape from the ground, but landed on the ground with one step on the stone monument.

Because this ancient monument is very large and has a wide top area, it is very suitable for a battlefield and is considered a relatively good location nearby.


The beings that were coming with the strong wind were approaching. Song Shi took a closer look and found that they were not humans, but ancient demon gods.

There are gusts of sinister wind, ghosts and gods with green faces showing their fangs, demon bears raging with ferocity and roaring up to the sky, huge giant spirits, and angels and gods that are bright, sacred, and beautiful in appearance...

Many gods and demons from myths and legends appeared in front of Song Shi. The strength of any demon was no worse than that of the Ascension people present, and the powerful ones among them were far more powerful.

Song Shi squinted her eyes.

"Is this the reappearance of the ancient battlefield?"

He clenched his fist: "Then let's experience it."

A beautiful shadow fell next to Song Shi, looking at the majestic demon god who was approaching like a violent storm.

Even though she knew it was an illusion, the sense of reality that hit her face still made her face turn pale, and she trembled slightly: "Brother Song, we have no place to escape this time."

"There is no place to escape in the first place. All we have to do is fight with all our strength."

Song Shi doesn't care.

"I understand, this was done intentionally by the seniors of the Immortal Court."

Du Ming'e reacted.

"Brother Song, wait for me."

Yang Kuisheng, with a face full of dirt, was ejected from the ground. At this moment, he was even bigger and taller, with Monster Qi all over his body.

The original human face had a ring of wolf hair, the nose protruded, revealing some inhuman fangs, the ears became longer and blue, the eyes turned red, and the hands turned into claws, turning him into a werewolf.

Zhao Kaizeng, on the other hand, looked disgraced and stepped on an abacus. Law Treasure fell next to him and said, "Count me in."


On the ground, as soon as an Ascensioner pulled out his head, he was knocked down by a divine beast. With the sound of bones breaking, blood spattered, and he was killed on the spot.

"Damn it, there's no way out!"

Some Ascensioners saw demons in all directions, cursed loudly, and had no choice but to brave the killings of these gods and demons.

On the stone tablet, a two-winged angel flew up first with a golden sword in his hand. He looked down at Song Shi with cold eyes and slashed with his sword: "Death!"

Song throws a punch back.


The sword is broken, and the white feathers are stained with blood and fly.

Under Song Shi's powerful power, his fist continued to penetrate deeply and directly penetrated the angel god's body.

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