What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 436 Yinxu Great Emperor

"Are you still fighting for the position of Heavenly Venerable?"

Song Shi heard something wrong.

"Of course, Heavenly Venerable is the top being in the universe, and the entire universe can only accommodate so many. If you don't fight, why don't you wait for others to give it to you?"

Divine Maiden sneered: "I just failed to compete for the position of Heavenly Venerable, and I am reduced to this."


Song Shi was thoughtful, looking at Wuyou's beautiful face: "You are Primordial Spirit now, what about your physical body?"

If it weren't for the Conferred Divinity List, Song Shi wouldn't know that Wuyou who has been following him is just a wisp of Primordial Spirit, not a body.

"Still in the coffin."

Wuyou Divine Maiden touched the coffin earrings between her ears, "This is a piece made by Law Treasure, which can guarantee that my body will not rot."

"Where's the child?"

Song Shi asked in a deep voice.

"I am not lying to you about being conceived by my body."

Wuyou sighed: "I never thought about hurting her, I just wanted to further understand the mystery of life and death during her pregnancy. The moment she was born was also the time when I was resurrected."

"It's useless to say this at this time. I order you to give birth to a good child and be a good mother."

Song Shi didn't quite believe what Wuyou said, because the other party was under his control at the moment, so in order to avoid him blaming him, he would definitely say the best.

Wuyou pursed her red lips and didn't explain too much. She knew that explanations were useless.

He raised his hand and touched the emerald coffin. The coffin, which looked like an earring, fell on the stone and transformed into a coffin that returned to normal size. It opened by itself, revealing a person who looked exactly like Wuyou.

"I'm going to fuse my physical body so that I can better nurture the fetus."

Wuyou turned into a ray of light and injected it into the center of his eyebrows, and a powerful wave was released from his body. The space shattered like glass and continued to spread.

Song Shi is like facing a vast ocean, feeling unfathomable and insignificant.

The Conferred Divinity List in his hand vibrated, and this vast divine power quickly converged.

Wuyou Divine Maiden opened her eyes, and a sacred pattern appeared between her eyebrows, which looked like a petal. Song Shi did not see the species, but it should be some trace of Wuyou itself.

A look of regret flashed in the latter's eyes, and he slowly sat up naked and looked at Song Shi: "Thanks to you, I don't have to lie in a coffin in the future."

"Thank you for nothing. You are my woman. It is right to reverse your life and death."

Song Shi didn't seem to hear the irony, and pretended to be generous shamelessly, and then pretended to be nonchalant and said: "What is your strength now?"

Wuyou Divine Maiden rolled his eyes at Song Shi and said: "True God Level, it will take some time to return to the peak level."

"It's powerful enough. It can easily run rampant here and no one can stop it."

Song Shi smiled evilly: "You can destroy all Demon Races if you take action."

"That's not the case. If you use power beyond this interface, you will be resisted by the power of the plane. The power of the plane in the lower realm is comparable to the power of heaven. If you are a threat to me, you will be expelled even if you don't die."

Wuyou shook her head. She couldn't see that Song Shi wanted her to be a thug, so she deliberately touched her belly: "And I'm pregnant now, so I can't use my divine power to a large extent."


Song Shi's mouth twitched: "How can I ask you to fight against the entire Xuan Spirit World? Just take good care of yourself. These Demon Races are too weak to take action."

He really didn't let Wuyou fight in the Demon Race, he just planned to keep him as a back-up to help him do things that he couldn't take care of, such as frightening some enemies who wanted to attack his family.

Just imagine, if the enemy wants to threaten him with Wuyou, but turns out that Wuyou is even more terrifying, it would be interesting to think about what his face would be like.

Thinking of this, Song Shi smiled conspiratorially, "Let's go, keep moving."

Divine Maiden didn't understand what Song Shi was laughing at. For a moment, the coffin turned into an earring and hung on his left ear. He smiled softly, making the monotonous mountains bright and colorful.

After she left, a touch of green appeared on the withered land, and many young shoots sprouted out of the ground, showing life again.

When Divine Maiden devoured the life of plants and trees, she did not swallow up all the life in the roots. Now, under her influence, the roots buried in the ground sprouted again and grew rapidly.

She has been resurrected and no longer relies on the vitality of these vegetation. Under her feedback, the land that was originally devoured by her has vegetation growing back, and it does not take long for it to be covered with green vegetation again.

Song Shi noticed this and thought thoughtfully.

This woman didn't do it right. She swallowed the vitality of the vegetation and let go of the roots. Otherwise, the swallowed area would easily turn into a desert without the roots of the vegetation.

"There is a Mahayana-level Demon Race ahead."

Wuyou looked into the distance and already knew the enemy's situation in advance.

"Except for the fact that the enemies are similar to you, don't worry about me. If you tell me, there will be no surprises."

Song Shi said.

"Well, I won't care about these minor characters from now on." Wuyou also felt that there was no need to say more. Song Shi couldn't die anyway, so it would be okay if he didn't say anything.

Song means head forward.

He was a little embarrassed at the moment.

Because he hasn't discovered Demon Race's Great Emperor level yet, Wuyou discovered it, making him look useless.

This is the reason why he told Wuyou not to worry about it...

He pretended that nothing was unusual and moved forward with his head down. In fact, his eyes were moving rapidly, and he was secretly exploring the vicinity as much as possible, hoping to target the powerful enemy on his own.

As a result, it was very quiet nearby and Song Shi didn't find anything. He was extremely depressed.

Seeing Song Shi pretending to be profound, Wuyou couldn't help but smile, the branches of the flowers trembled wildly, and the world was eclipsed by his unparalleled splendor.

"It's all your fault. It's meaningless to say it!"

Song Shi was very angry. He didn't like to be embarrassed in front of women.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong, like a child."

Wuyou thinks Song Shi is interesting.

"What's the point of being strong? I respect the rules and face the enemy on my own."

Song Shi corrects.

In fact, he was the cheating guy, and he said this without blushing or heartbeat.

"I understand." Wuyou smiled until his eyes turned into crescent moons.

Song Shi was too lazy to say anything and looked into the distance. So far, he has not detected any nearby enemies.

He has arrived in a normal area. The nearby vegetation has not been devoured by life, but it is also extremely quiet and there are no living creatures in sight.

This calmness itself was abnormal, especially since he noticed some traces left by the Demon Race, indicating that there was a Demon Race nearby.

"If you don't show up in a hurry, I'll force you out."

Song Shi uses Shrink the Earth to an Inch, takes one step, and travels thousands of miles in one breath. This speed may not be achieved even if Mahayana comes.

Wuyou didn't say anything and followed quietly. The space near her was distorted, and the whole person seemed to be invisible.

In fact, Demon Race did not notice her, but only noticed that Song Shi had moved a very long distance in one fell swoop.

"Want to run?"

The approaching Demon Race originally wanted to observe Song Shi, but now he noticed Song Shi's movements and thought Song Shi wanted to slip away, so he stopped hesitating and started to approach. Song Shi's eyes sparkled, and he clenched his fist and punched the back.


The void was shattered, and the entire sky seemed to have been collapsed by Song Shi. In the chaotic void storm, a ghost twisted and appeared opposite Song Shi, avoiding all destructive attacks.

"Weird, you shouldn't have noticed me."

The ghost raised its head in surprise, revealing its faint eyes. Its entire body was transparent in the void, and it seemed that it could blend into the void at any time.

"Do you think you are a Void Demon Race and have mastered the Way of Void, so you can hide it perfectly?"

Song Shi would not say that the other party was discovered by his own woman, and he deliberately lured the snake out of the hole, so he was able to detect it in advance.

Ghost looked at Song Shi in surprise: "You have some space talent, and the Primordial Spirit is quite powerful. No wonder you can sense this emperor, but that's all."

He gently raised his hand, tapped Song Shi with his thin fingers, and a transparent ray of power was released, leaving no trace at all in the air.

Under this silent attack, the void naturally separated. In fact, it was more like the void appeared on its own, directly connecting Song Shi's eyebrows and attacking his brain.

With a slight pain, Song Shi felt as if a hole was about to open between her eyebrows.

Light flowed from his body, and his powerful body automatically blocked the attack that went straight to his brain.

Song Shi also noticed the opponent's attack method, and was very surprised. This guy actually made the void become a part of his power, cutting it as hard as he wanted, making it impossible to defend against.

Without a single finger to kill Song Shi, the ghostly voice was full of surprise, muttering: "It's strange that the physical body is so strong. Judging from the fluctuations in your mana, you have just been Body Integrated."

"I am a half-immortal, you want to kill me too?"

Song Shi sneered. Although his Immortal Physique was swallowed by Wuyou, the shell left behind is still stronger than the ordinary imperial body. How can the other party break it open with one finger?

"Half-immortal? If you were half-immortal, then I would be the devil!"

The ghost sneered and made a cutting gesture towards Song Shi.


The void cracked like glass, and Song Shi was inside it, seemingly splitting in half along with the glass.

This method is more terrifying than ordinary sword energy and knife energy. It is directly cut open along with the void. It is a common space method, and it is even more terrifying in the hands of this demon.

Song Shi felt a special cutting power fall on him, but it was almost the same as before. His body was too strong and he could not cut it successfully.

Even he was a little surprised. Song Shi was stunned: "I didn't expect that I was so powerful!"

After dying too many times in Wuyou's killing array, Song Shi crossed over to the Imperial Body, which was more powerful than the Dacheng Sacred Body, and reached Immortal Physique in one go.

Even if Immortal Physique is now in deficit, it is still more powerful than the Imperial Physique.

If he were in the imperial body, the opponent's attack would still be able to break through, but now it's a little bit worse.

"You can't do this."

Song Shi looked disdainfully, rushed over and punched him hard.


A large piece of the void was shattered by his punch, but the power of the punch passed through the demon strangely, and a mountain opposite was affected and collapsed on the spot.

"The magic power is quite strong, far more powerful than the ordinary Great Saint, but it is not too abnormal. In fact, your physical body is too strong, and the advantage of magic power is gone."

The latter looked at Song Shi and marveled.

Song Shi didn't even hit the enemy, especially when Wuyou saw him, his face turned dark: "You're pretty good with the void method, come and name yourself, you are qualified to be killed by me."

"I haven't heard of you before, and it seems that you haven't heard of me either. It really makes me curious about your origins."

The ghostly figure touched his chin: "You do have the ability to be arrogant, so you are qualified to know my name, so let me introduce myself. I am Naixu, Marshal Yinxu, who will lead Demon Race this time!"

"never heard of that."

Song Shi shook his head. He only knew about Yuanhuo Great Emperor, but he didn't know much about Demon Race's other Great Emperors. He was not strong enough before and it was difficult to get in touch with them.

"I am the last Great Emperor you will ever know before you die."

Yinxu Great Emperor's fingers bloomed with silver brilliance, and a slender silver blade as thin as a cicada's wing emerged, surrounded by traces of law power, and even more terrifying power of the void flowed.

"I don't know how you got this physical body. Without matching Primordial Spirit and mana, you are nothing more than a turtle waiting to be slaughtered."

Yinxu Great Emperor has a very vicious mouth and makes personal attacks casually.

"You are the turtle, I think your whole family is a turtle!"

Song Shi pulled out the Profound Heaven Dragon-Slaying Sword, poured all his mana into it, and slashed out with one strike.

Qing Mie!

This move evolved from Dian Cang Sword Technique and is a self-created Divine Ability. It can be used with fingers or swords.

With the blessing of the Spiritual Treasure of the Profound Heaven Dragon-Slaying Sword, Qing Mie's power was condensed, and he actually aroused a trace of law power, slashing at the enemy with an unstoppable aura.

The sky and the earth turned into blue, and a thread of law in the center merged into the light of the sword and fell.

"It's still a little bright, but it's just not enough."

The silver blade in Yinxu Great Emperor's hand gently cut, and the thread of law was cut off instantly. Song Shi groaned, and a silver line appeared on his neck.


The lines glowed brighter, the neck cracked, and blood spurted out.

Song Shi stared at the silver blade calmly.

"Innate Spiritual Treasure?"

The reason why he can hurt his half-immortal body, except for the power of powerful laws, is because this silver blade is so powerful.

"The Innate Spiritual Treasure of the Heavenly Demon Realm, the Demon-Splitting Sky Blade, is as powerful as the Immortal Weapon."

Yinxu Great Emperor looked proud: "It is your honor to die under its power."


Song Shi's head fell off completely, his blood surged into the sky, his body was filled with silver light, and he was beheaded on the spot.

Yinxu Great Emperor looked at the headless corpse, raised his hand to catch the head from the air, and put it back again.

"Such a powerful body, if you refine it with various materials, it will probably be comparable to the Innate Spiritual Treasure."

Yinxu Great Emperor muttered that he valued Song Shi's physical body. Just when he wanted to put away his physical body, the latter disappeared directly.

"Ding, you were killed by the Law of the Void, and your Void Physique was strengthened!"

In the system prompt, Song Shi knew the cause of his death, and he was quickly resurrected next to Wuyou, with the immortal light flowing around his body, and the origin of Immortal Physique was restored!

Wuyou Divine Maiden noticed this change and couldn't calm down.

She personally swallowed Song Shi's Immortal Physique essence, part of which was fused with her own essence to give birth to a child, and the rest has been absorbed by her. There is no reduction at this moment, and Song Shi has actually recovered!

What kind of powerful power of heaven can actually directly make up for this lack?

She was surprised in her heart, but expressed her opinion on the surface: "This demon's weapon is the Innate Law Treasure naturally raised in the lower realm. Its power is indeed comparable to the Immortal Weapon in the upper realm, especially when this Law Treasure is used by someone who is stronger than you. It's even harder to deal with if there is control, but now that your Immortal Physique origin has been restored, you might as well give it a head-on try."

"Just try it."

Song Shi walked over with her head held high, the fairy light on her body was particularly bright, as if Celestial Immortal had come to the world, Transcendent was otherworldly and arrogant.

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