What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 424: Then Win With Quantity

Song Shi was floating in the silent void, tired and hungry. Looking at the empty meteorite belt, he felt that it would take a long time to kill a hundred of his peers.

After taking out the spirit stone to restore his mana, Song Shi did not encounter Demon Race again for a month. It seemed that overnight, Demon Race ceased to make any moves.

Facing cold meteorites and various stumps every day, Song Shi was almost bored to death.

"No way, I just killed five Demon Race leaders and I didn't even dare to take the lead?"

Song Shi is lying on the gourd. He can't break through for a while now, and his physical improvement has temporarily reached a bottleneck. Apart from finding something to do, there is really nothing he can do.

"If it doesn't work out, just go back to Beixuan Continent. It's better than this place where birds don't poop."

Song Shi got up and prepared to find a place to end it.

He originally wanted to kill a hundred of them before going back. Who would have thought that Demon Race would not be able to hide out? There was really no other way.

"Where are they going to die? Directly attack the Demon Race's lair? The question is where are they hiding?"

Song Shi touched his chin: "Yes, find a nest and kill a few."

Changing his mind of waiting, Song Shi looked into the darkness and really didn't know where the Demon Race was, so he turned around and approached the Black Tortoise Palace.

It is possible to find the Demon Race's lair with the help of information from the Black Tortoise Palace.

But if you want to get information, you have to contact Black Tortoise Palace, which will inevitably reveal your identity, which is a tangle.

Song Shi struggled for a while, too lazy to worry about it, so he would die first and then talk about it.

Wandering all the way on the Yin Yang Gourd, Song Shi finally chose to fly to the Heavenly Demon Realm. Even if he didn't know the Demon Race's lair on this ancient battlefield, the worst he could do was to directly enter the Heavenly Demon Realm.

The ancient battlefield was larger, and most of the place was dark and dark, so silent that it seemed like it had been like this for thousands of years.

Suddenly, a light appeared in the distance.

It was a kind of blue-black flame, not bright at all, and it did not make the dark battlefield any brighter. It only caused a heat wave to spread.

Song Shi felt that the flames were a bit familiar, and was immediately attracted by the Demon Races who were making grand movements under the flames. He hadn't seen so many Demon Races in a long time.

After scanning around, he found no Void Refining pinnacle among the hundreds of Demon Races. He thought about it and walked over with disappointment.

It's okay if this team has no target. He can find suitable prey through these guys.

"The Holy Fire is mighty, purifying the world, and the Demon Saint of Purgatory is invincible."

These Demon Races were actually waving flags and shouting, supporting the Demon Race in the center who was riding a fire lotus. The latter had his eyes closed and green flames pulsating all over his body, looking a bit mysterious.

Song Shi was stunned for a moment: "You are so blatant, are you not afraid of being noticed by Black Tortoise Palace in advance?"

The various shouts coming from his ears made Song Shi impatient and he slashed out a sword from the air.

The demon on the fire lotus noticed it and suddenly opened his eyes, with flames beating in his eyes. Seeing Song Shi's sneak attack, he snorted: "You don't overestimate your capabilities!"

He flicked his fingers, and a flame lotus condensed in the blink of an eye, flying towards the sword light.


The fire lotus exploded as soon as it came into contact with the sword light. This special attack actually destroyed Song Shi's resilient Dian Cang sword energy.

A large fire spread, destroying the nearby meteorite, and a huge blue-black fire lotus flew out from it. The demon in it had two horns and red eyes. It was the same race as the Heavenly Demon who was killed by Song Shi in the lower world. , one of the largest races in the Heavenly Demon world, the Horned Demon Race.

The devil looked down at Song Shi from a high position, and when he saw that he was alone, he immediately smiled contemptuously: "Just one, who came here to die?"

"The Demon Saint is mighty!"

A group of Demon Races in the back complimented loudly, making Song Shi feel embarrassed for this guy, but it seemed that the other guy was enjoying it.

Song Shi knew that this guy liked this tune, and looked at the flames on the other person's body: "Are you born with this flame?"

"Are you the only one qualified to question this saint?"

The devil couldn't see Song Shi being so disrespectful to him, so he rubbed his hands together, and a bigger and darker fire lotus was born.

This fire lotus is not big in size, but the power it contains is very terrifying. The key is to compress it into a very small fire lotus, so that the power increases linearly. Before the power is released, the void along the way is distorted.

"Purgatory Fire Lotus, go!"

The devil shouted lowly, looking confident. This is his specialty Divine Ability, which can definitely blow this guy to pieces.

"Divine Ability is a bit interesting, but a bit gimmicky."

Song Shi smiled, and the real sun fire gushed out, turning into a simple sun, throwing it out and flying towards the green and black fire lotus.

"That's it, a fireball?"

Seeing Song Shi's method, the devil couldn't help but laugh. No matter how you look at it, this is also a fireball simply condensed by the opponent. Could it be that it is his opponent's destructive fire lotus condensed with Divine Ability?

A blue-black fire lotus and a golden sun collided in the void in the blink of an eye. The two hot and violent forces eroded each other crazily when they met, and then expanded rapidly.

On one side it blooms like a fire lotus, and on the other side it looks like the sun is exploding.

Boom boom!

The two flames intertwined, and then an even more terrifying explosion broke out.

Golden and blue-black light each occupy half, dyeing the void into two colors.

The devil's face changed slightly. He did not expect that he, who specialized in playing with fire and used his special Divine Ability to attack, would not have an advantage.

He was unwilling to admit that he was not strong enough, so he retorted: "You are in a higher realm than me and you still end up like this. What a waste."

This is intentional, belittling the opponent not only satisfies his vanity, but also undermines the opponent's self-confidence and gives him an advantage in the next battle.

"The Fire Lotus Demon Saint is mighty!"

The men behind him cheered happily, leaving Song Shi quite speechless. This was the first time he came to the battlefield with a cheerleader.

He smiled playfully: "Oh, I really don't have the Divine Ability to play with fire, so let's win with quantity."

The light between Song Shi's five fingers shone brightly, and the fireballs quickly condensed, turning into five small suns in an instant, and then thrown out casually.

When the Fire Lotus Demon Saint saw this, the corner of his mouth twitched. He could feel the five fireballs condensed by this guy, each of which contained the power of the fireball just now.

"Nima, you really win with numbers!"

He cursed secretly and hurriedly formed seals with his hands. The flames on his body rioted. More power gathered between his hands, and a completely black fire lotus condensed out.

"You have some skills, and you can also make me use the Destruction Fire Lotus."

At this time, the stranger of the fire lotus did not forget to be self-righteous. He pushed hard with both hands, as if a volcano was pushed out, and the black fire lotus flew out against Song Shi's five suns.

The power contained in the black fire lotus was compressed to a terrifying level, and the void melted. What surprised Song Shi most was that it contained the aura of Tao.

It is meaningless. This Divine Ability represents a very powerful Tao. This is also a very powerful Divine Ability, which is even higher than the Dian Cang Sword Technique.

"It's interesting. No wonder there is so much fanfare."

Song Shi thoughtfully watched calmly as the five little suns thrown out were blocked by the black fire lotus. With a loud noise, the five little suns were swallowed up by the black fire lotus and destroyed together. After all, this fire lotus is a kind of bomb. Through a devastating explosion, it will destroy all attacks. It can be said that they all die together.

It is precisely because of this extreme approach that this guy's methods are quite powerful. The problem is that his fireball is almost the same, but its appearance is not as pretentious as the fire lotus.


An even more terrifying explosion shattered the void, forming a terrifying cloud of gold and black flames.

Faced with such an explosion, the Fire Lotus Demon Saint had to wave his hands and retreat with his men. At the same time, he stared at the engulfed true fire of the sun with a grin: "With this little method, do you want to compete with the Unparalleled Divine Ability inherited by our clan?"

"It's true that it can't be compared, but I can still say that I can win with quantity."

Song Shi's joking voice came over, and there was no trace of panic, which made the Fire Lotus Demon Saint, who thought he was injured, look unhappy.

But the next moment, above the still erupting fire cloud, thousands of golden lights flickered, and sun-like fireballs emerged one after another.

Song Shi suddenly rose from the ground to the height of ten thousand feet, and fireballs condensed around him. In the blink of an eye, there were nine fireballs, and he threw them out casually, and then nine more.

Obviously each fireball requires a huge amount of power, but in Song Shi's hands it was as if it was free of charge. He just threw it away casually and reached double digits in the blink of an eye.

"Nima, what the hell is this!"

The Fire Lotus Demon Saint cursed loudly. He could feel that this guy's magic power was very powerful, but he never expected that it would be so powerful. He could throw fireballs that could compete with his Purgatory Fire Lotus at will.

"Get out of the way!"

He shouted, the subtext being that he couldn't block this bombing-like attack, and anyone who didn't dodge would be dead.

Demon Race, who had just cheered for him, was so frightened that their eyes almost popped out, and they ran away in panic.

The Fire Lotus Demon Saint gritted his teeth, and the fire lotus he stepped on flew up. It was a special Law Treasure. With the power he injected into it, it formed a huge fire lotus, aiming at the golden color with special devouring power. Sunshade to go.


The golden sun exploded, releasing terrifying light and heat. When added together, it was the power to destroy the world.

The petals of the Lotus Law Treasure flutter and rotate to resist the destructive flames. At the same time, the lotus platform crazily swallows the flames to reduce the power of the fireball.

But Song Shi threw too many fireballs. If he could still manage a few, dozens of them were thrown down together, and the Fire Lotus Demon Saint had to retreat.

His body trembled violently, and his hands crackled under the collision. They couldn't bear the impact and broke directly. Even the Law Treasure that was staring at the explosion began to crack under the constant bombardment.

The other Demon Races behind him were all pale with fear. If it weren't for the Fire Lotus Demon Saint who resisted most of the attacks, he would have been blown to pieces if he met them.

Even so, there were places where the Fire Lotus Demon Saint could not take care of. Demon Race was directly burned to charcoal by the sun's holy fire, and was killed by the aftermath, which was quite aggrieved.

Song Shi stood in the sky above the explosion, surrounded by golden fireballs like the sun, calmly looking down at the Fire Lotus Demon Saint, whose condition was getting worse and worse.

"You're not very good at this. I haven't smashed a round of seventy-two for you, and you can't hold on anymore?"

His ridicule made the already difficult Fire Lotus Demon Saint extremely angry. He spat out a mouthful of old blood and said angrily: "Who are you? Your background is so terrifying. You are definitely not an unknown person!"

"I told you that you don't know, but a month ago I wiped out two Demon Race teams. Now you are considered the third team."

Song Shi's words shocked the Fire Lotus Demon Saint and his pupils shrank: "It's you, not the Body Integration Cultivators of Black Tortoise Palace!"

"Oh, so you mistakenly thought it was the Body Integration Cultivators who moved it? No wonder it was quiet for a month."

Song Shi suddenly realized that he was the one who scared others.

He looked at the broken Fire Lotus Demon Saint of Law Treasure: "Although your realm is a little worse, your strength is slightly stronger than theirs, but not much. Why are you so confident? It seems you want to show off on the battlefield?"

"Hmph, you're about to find out!"

Seeing that his Law Treasure was broken, the Fire Lotus Demon Saint stopped hiding it and was about to use his trump card. He said coldly: "Devil Furnace, if you don't come out now, when will you wait?"

"Hey, I don't really want to come out."

A voice that made Song Shi feel familiar echoed in his broken lotus, and then a blue-black light point flew out of it, and a powerful devouring power erupted, and the surrounding sun holy fire was devoured crazily.

The light spots grew rapidly like inflating air, and in a blink of an eye it was revealed to be a blue-black furnace with three legs and two ears. The simple furnace body was engraved with black flame magic patterns, emitting powerful energy fluctuations.

On the stove, there were two small eyes and a mouth, looking at Song Shi with a complicated expression.

"It's you!?"

Song Shi looked at the stove emerging from the fire lotus in surprise.

Although the other party's appearance has changed a lot, just as the other party can recognize him, he can certainly use his breath and strength to confirm that the other party is the purgatory furnace he encountered in the lower world.

Not seen for more than ten years. The opponent has changed from the original appearance of a broken clay pot to much larger and more beautiful. One eye has become two, and there is an extra mouth. The aura has also increased, and it should be at the Spiritual Treasure level.

The Fire Lotus Demon Saint was surprised. He did not expect that the Spiritual Treasure he had recently obtained would actually know this enemy.

"No wonder when I saw the demonic flames he cultivated, I felt a little familiar."

The Purgatory Demonic Furnace curled his lips: "My lineage is inherited from the Great Emperor of Purgatory, and those who practice purgatory demonic flames are all here."

"Oh, so you are not the Law Treasure from the lower world, but from the Demon World?"

Song Shi is thoughtful.

"No, I was born in the lower world, but the one who refined me was the first-generation Purgatory Demon Emperor. When he passed through Wuji Continent, he found a piece of soil that existed when Opening Heaven was established, and he created me casually."

Purgatory Demon Race looked proud, "Originally I didn't know, but the last time I fought with you in the void passage, I accidentally fell into the Heavenly Demon world. I was discovered by the elders of their purgatory lineage and took me back to refine it again. I easily did it I have become a Spiritual Treasure. If you give me some time, I will have a chance to become an Innate Spiritual Treasure."

Song Shi was stunned. He didn't expect this guy to have such an opportunity. If he hadn't been a Law Treasure, he would have felt that he had the aura of a protagonist.

He looked at the Purgatory Demonic Furnace with a smug look on his face: "Tsk, tsk, I remember some guys said they would never recognize their master, now do they recognize their master?"

"Hmph, what do you know? This is called acknowledging your ancestors and returning to your clan. My whole life will be the Emperor Weapon of the Great Emperor in purgatory. You should just accept your death in peace. I will end you!"

The Purgatory Demonic Furnace spoke righteously and flew out at the same time, locking Song Shi directly with its powerful suppressive force.

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