What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 415 Two Fellow Countrymen

"I think there's some misunderstanding."

Song Shi said innocently, why was he suspected again? He looked so much like the Demon Race spy?

Fu Yuhua frowned: "Who specifically spread the news?"

"Guantian Palace."

The great elder looked at Song Shi: "He is now within our formation, it is easy to catch him."

"What evidence do you have that I'm a Demon Race spy?"

Song Shi sneered: "I have good intentions to compensate you, and I am also willing to sell you Shrink the Earth to an Inch Divine Ability. What do I want?"

"Maybe it's just to deceive our trust." The elder looked at Song Shi with evil intentions: "Look at his sly look, he doesn't look like a good person."

"You are talking nonsense, how can I look like a bad guy if I am so handsome?"

Song Shi looked angrily and looked at himself in the mirror, "Look, isn't this handsome enough? Is there something wrong with your eyes?"

A group of people were speechless.

It's this time, this person doesn't care about his own life, but he actually cares about whether he is handsome or not?

Fu Yuhua waved his hand: "Don't worry, he was regarded as a spy, probably because of the Chenchen robbery. This person comes from outside the Xuan Spirit World, and it is normal for him to have the aura of the outside world."

"But it's not normal to have the aura of the Heavenly Demon world." The great elder was a bit stubborn. In fact, he didn't want to give the spirit stone.

Fu Yuhua immediately yelled: "Are you the leader or am I the leader? What I said doesn't count, right?"

The saliva almost sprayed onto the face of the great elder, who could only smile awkwardly and stop insisting.

Fu Yuhua said seriously: "I believe that Fellow Daoist Song is not a magician. How about continuing our transaction?"

"You're still a sane person. I'm in a good mood. I'll give you a 50% discount. All you have to do is give me another 30 million spiritual stones."

Song Shi finally met a guy who had no doubts. He saw that it was difficult for the other party to come up with 70 to 80 million at once, so he simply gave a discount and asked for less.

Fu Yuhua was stunned for a moment. Originally, he wanted to learn Shrink the Earth to an Inch before talking about anything else, but he didn't expect this person to be so generous. He even thought that this person could be a spy of Demon Race.

If he is really a spy, why should he come to support the enemy? You must know that the Cangjian Sect and the Heavenly Demon world are mortal enemies.

He solemnly clasped his fists: "Thank you very much. I can't let Fellow Daoist suffer. From now on, Fellow Daoist will be the first guest elder sent by me, and he will enjoy the treatment of an inner sect elder every year."

This arrangement is actually to compensate Song Shi in installments, but it takes a lot of time, and it is estimated that it will take tens of thousands of years to complete the compensation.

Song Shi took a deep look at Fu Yuhua: "I am a hard-edged person but not soft-hearted. Since the leader has given me Song such face, then from now on I will be the elder of Dian Cangjian Sect."

The great elder next to him was surprised, and finally couldn't help but said: "Master, no, the Heavenly Punishment Guards from the Heavenly Punishment Hall are about to come and arrest him. If he becomes a guest of my faction, our faction will also be affected."

"Great Elder, if anything happens, I will handle it. Please step back and go back to guard the cross-border teleportation array."

Fu Yuhua said coldly.


The great elder waved his sleeves vigorously, turned and left.

"Old antique!"

Fu Yuhua snorted and looked at Du Leng: "Take my token and go directly to get the spirit stone!"

Du Leng knew that his senior brother was angry, so he smiled bitterly, took the token and left.

"Then continue."

Song Shi did not hide it, but directly taught Fu Yuhua the secret of Divine Ability. Of course, it was only a part of the complete version. No matter how generous he was, there was no need to directly teach Fu Yuhua the secret of Divine Ability.

Because even if it is given, even with the strength of the Cangjian Sect, it is difficult to bear a large Divine Ability. Sooner or later, it will be coveted by more powerful forces.


Fu Yuhua looked at Song Shi excitedly. Even if he had to pay a huge price now, he would get this Divine Ability.

In his concept, accumulating too many spiritual stones has limited value, and converting them into strength is the key.

"The core of Shrink the Earth to an Inch is the application of space laws. The master has Body Integration. I think the control of space is better than mine, so it won't be too difficult to learn."

The magic power surged under Song Shi's feet, and he slowly revealed the way to use the power of space. Fu Yuhua watched intently, and under this kind of step-by-step instruction, he quickly figured out the trick.

He reached the distance in one step, and then quickly shuttled through the sect, his movements becoming smoother as he walked. After a long time, he said excitedly: "Brother Song, let's go for a walk?"


Song Shi saw that Fu Yuhua had initially gained control and wanted to try it in a wider world, so he followed him out of Cangjian Sect and came outside.

"You take two steps first and show me."

Song Shi is going to observe Fu Yuhua's full use of Shrink the Earth to an Inch and give some pointers.


Fu Yuhua took a deep breath, holding nothing back. Powerful mana surged out from under his feet. He took a step with all his strength and his figure disappeared in an instant.

Song Shi looked calm and followed up step by step neither quickly nor slowly. He was obviously walking slower, but he appeared two thousand miles away at the same time.

Fu Yuhua looked around and said excitedly: "This is Nanshan, two thousand miles away from the sect. I didn't expect it to reach this level."

"As expected of the Great Saint of Body Integration. He has reached this level so quickly. If he corrects some problems, he will soon be able to achieve three thousand miles in one step."

Song Shi appeared next to him and commented with satisfaction that in his opinion, teaching Body Integration Great Saint was really simple.

"Brother Song, please give me some advice."

Fu Yuhua said sincerely.

"There is something wrong with the space power you mobilized..."

Song Shi pointed it out politely, not because the other party was in a higher level than him.

Fu Yuhua accepted it humbly, showed a thoughtful look, reflected on his own situation, and quickly said thoughtfully: "I'll take two more steps."

He adjusted his strength, moving faster and faster, and soon he was approaching three thousand miles in one step, which was ten times more powerful than the escape technique he originally used!

Fu Yuhua was extremely excited: "It's amazing. There are many people in Xuan Spirit World who can Shrink the Earth to an Inch, but there are only a handful of people who can move three thousand miles in one step."

He bowed deeply to Song Shi: "Thank you for being here, Brother Song. My personal strength has doubled at least. When I integrate this Divine Ability into the sect's skills and pass them on, the entire Dian Cang Sword Sect can make further progress."

"There's no need to be polite. I was going to compensate you, and you paid enough."

Song Shi shook his head: "Then it's up to the master to figure it out on his own. I have nothing to teach him."

"Haha, I've given you enough advice. Let's go. I'll arrange a banquet to welcome Brother Song."

Fu Yuhua was in a good mood, turned around and walked back: "Brother Song must have also practiced swordsmanship. I can feel the strong Sword Intent and Sword Qi from you."

"I practiced a sword master's sword manual in the lower realm." Song Shi nodded.

"Oh, then we are really destined to communicate."

Fu Yuhua even felt that Song Shi was in love with him, so he raised his hand and pointed a finger, releasing the sword light and instantly turning the sky into green.

This is not a change in color. Song Shi feels that the world is enveloped by a special sword energy, and those who are not strong enough to enter it will inevitably be dissolved.

"This is the Dian Cang Sword Technique I sent. With one point, the sky and the earth will be green, and the sun and the moon will be pale!" Fu Yuhua said proudly when he saw Song Shi change color.

Song Shi nodded, thoughtfully: "Wood attribute swordsmanship?"

"Yes, my kendo has the edge of a sword and the endless growth of vegetation, which makes up for the shortcomings of ordinary kendo that are sharp but lack stamina."

Fu Yuhua looked at Song Shi: "If you want to learn, I can teach you. You can choose to ask for less spiritual stones."

"Do you still want to give less spiritual stones for feelings?" Song Shi teased: "Can't you teach me for free?"

"No, I'm the leader. If my name isn't right, those guys like the Great Elder will make even more noise."

Fu Yuhua was helpless: "Besides, the Dian Cang Sword Technique I sent is also considered an Emperor Grade technique. The complete part is more precious than your Shrink the Earth to an Inch. If I teach you, I will teach you only part of it at most."

"Emperor Grade swordsmanship? How come it has become a second-rate force?" Song Shi was puzzled.

"Brother, don't expose your shortcomings."

Fu Yuhua's face turned dark: "Actually, the reason is very simple. During the last war between Heavenly Demon Realm and Xuan Spirit World, our faction suffered heavy losses. That's why we are like this. Otherwise, we would be considered a first-class force in Beixuan Continent, not as good as Ji." Home, Black Tortoise."

"Oh, that's quite admirable."

Song is a righteous person. It is better to be weakened because of protecting his hometown than for other reasons.

"Thank you, but it's a pity that admiration is useless, and it can't be eaten. Ever since the vitality was severely damaged 20,000 years ago, our sect has been in a state of decline. From the original hegemon in the western part of the Beixuan Continent to a foil, the rising star of the Star Sword Sect has become the Beixuan Sect." One of the four first-class forces in the mainland."

"Star Sword Sect?"

Song Shi thinks this sect is quite interesting.

"Well, this ancestor of the Star Sword Sect is indeed powerful. He found a new way to practice swordsmanship with the power of the stars. Tens of thousands of years ago, he was just an Ascension from the lower realm. He rose up in the war between the two realms, became the Sword Emperor, and aspired to be the strongest in Beixuan Continent. He is ranked among the top ten on XuanSpirit World’s list of immortals, and he is indeed a role model for our generation.”

Fu Yuhua looked convinced, but Song Shi's heart moved.

The Star Sword Master is from the lower realm. Could it be that he is the same as the unknown Sword Master who left the Star Sword Technique in the secret realm of Langya?

He pondered for a moment and said, "Isn't their sect's swordsmanship like this?"

Song Shi raised his hand and released his sword energy, like stars twinkling, instantly cutting through the void.

Fu Yuhua's eyes widened: "How come you know the swordsmanship of the Star Sword Sect?"

"I didn't expect it was really him!"

Song Shi expressed emotion: "I didn't expect to meet fellow villagers from the lower world here."

"What, you mean you and the Star Sword Sect's ancestor, the Wanxing Sword Emperor, come from the same lower realm?"

Fu Yuhua was shocked, "Is there anything special about your world? Those who come out are not normal?"


Song Shi was confused when he heard this: "Why am I abnormal? Is he abnormal too?"

"Stop talking about it. There is something wrong with your brain. As for the Ten Thousand Stars Sword Emperor, he is a masochist. It is very painful to practice swordsmanship with the power of stars."

Fu Yuhua shook his head.

"Well, Star Sword Technique focuses on the cultivation of Sword Intent. Perhaps under torture, Sword Intent will become stronger and stronger."

Song Shi nodded: "I haven't tried it yet, but I might give it a try."

"Hmph, cultivating at the cost of damaging your body is inconsistent with our sect's philosophy. I don't recommend you to use the power of the stars, Body Tempering, as it will shorten your life."

Fu Yuhua snorted coldly: "It's better to practice the Dian Cang Sword Technique of my sect. It has both offensive power and pure life source. You can become an immortal only if you live a long time."

Hearing that Fu Yuhua seemed to disagree with the concept of Star Sword Art, Song Shi smiled and said, "Why don't I practice both?"


Fu Yuhua was speechless: "You have a beautiful idea!"

After saying that, he quickened his pace and returned.

Song Shi followed leisurely: "Tell me the story of this fellow countryman. Is Ascension now?"

"Ascension is not that easy, but he does have more hope in Ascension Immortal World. He has rarely shown his face in the past few thousand years. He is probably preparing for Ascension."

Fu Yuhua was noncommittal.

"Then I have to pay you a visit when I have time."

Song Shi said this not because of the upgraded version of Star Sword Art, but simply because he wanted to see his fellow villagers.

After all, so far, he has only talked about this fellow countryman.

Thinking of this, he added: "After all, you are the leader of a sect and are well-informed. I wonder if you have heard of Saint Lord Langya?"

Fu Yuhua staggered when he heard this and was interrupted from Shrink the Earth to an Inch. He turned to stare at Song Shi: "Don't tell me that this person is also your fellow countryman?"

Song Shi saw something was wrong, but nodded: "Yes, what's wrong?"

But Fu Yuhua looked around carefully: "Then you'd better not ask more about this fellow, lest it cause trouble for yourself?"

"Trouble? I'm the most interested. What kind of trouble makes you so nervous?"

Song Shi chuckled.

"Still laughing, I told you because I thought you were a good person. This Lord Langya is an enemy of the Ji family. Even the Xuan Spirit Palace put him on the Heavenly Punishment List. It doesn't matter if he is said to be the common enemy of this world. Pass."

Fu Yuhua said angrily.

Song Shi was surprised. He didn't expect that the clues he finally learned would be like this. He was puzzled: "The reason?"

"I don't know. Anyway, there is definitely a big problem with the guy who can even put a bounty on Xuan Spirit Palace. You'd better not have anything to do with this fellow. Be careful not to be targeted. That will be troublesome."

Fu Yuhua said fearfully: "What I just said was nonsense. I don't remember you asking me about this."

Song Shi saw Fu Yuhua being so taboo and frowned and said, "It's interesting. This fellow has done something so outrageous that both his fellow clan members and Xuan Spirit Palace are holding grudges."

"You have to ask them about this. That's all I've heard. If my sect didn't have some knowledge, we might not have access to such secrets."

Fu Yuhua shrugged, quickened his pace, and did not want to say any more.

Song Shi felt vaguely that it had something to do with the Void Sutra.

He was about to ask about the relationship between the Void Sutra and the Ji family, but he saw Fu Yuhua stop suddenly. At this moment, he had arrived at the gate of Dian Cangjian Sect, but there was a group of strange monks waiting for them menacingly.

The moment he saw this group of monks, Song Shi felt a little familiar, while Fu Yuhua narrowed his eyes: "The Heavenly Punishment Hall and the War Demon Hall are both here. You guys should give this brother Song some face."

Song Shi came back to her senses and twitched her face: "Did you make a mistake? Are you here to arrest me again?"

Wait, why do you say that again?


Two strong men of the Great Saint level appeared behind Song Shi at the same time. One was wearing golden armor, tall and tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He was holding a giant sword, his aura was calm, and his powerful magic made the void heavy.

The other one was covered in black, with a slender figure, slender eyes, and a cold look. He was holding a silver pagoda, with circles of thunder flashing between the towers.

The two hovered left and right, instantly blocking all Song Shi's escape routes.

Heavy pressure permeated the air, and Song Shi just curled his lips: "You can look up to me in such a big battle."

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