What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 345 You Are A Good Bird

There is probably no such arrogant person in this world.

Lei Xuan showed fear. He knew that this person must have someone to rely on when he spoke like this. Thinking of some intelligence descriptions, he actually didn't want to take action.

But under the current situation, he had to take action. He couldn't really retreat because of the other party's words, right?

"Since you want to see the Divine Ability of our Kingdom of Thunder, I will grant your wish."

Lei Xuan raised the sharp sword in his hand, and the warrior behind him cooperated with the black-feathered thunder eagle to release the power of thunder.

The power of one thunder is nothing. When thousands of thunders gather together, it is even more terrifying than the ordinary Thunder Tribulation.

The black eagles were arranged neatly, and the thunder released from their bodies gathered on Lei Xuan's sword from a distance, turning into a thousand-meter-large thunder eagle.

When Song Shi saw this special battle formation, he thought in his mind: "Is this a series connection or a parallel connection? There should be both. The voltage seems to be quite high. It would be good to capture these guys to generate electricity."

As he was thinking strangely, more and more thunder gathered, and the overbearing power made the sword melt.

The destructive thunder beats and rubs against the air, making a harsh sound, like the low cry of thousands of birds.

"Thunder punishment!"

Lei Xuan shouted, his body was trembling, as if he could not bear such terrifying power of thunder.

He glanced at Song Shi, stunned and quite speechless.

This guy actually stuck his neck out without any defense or using Divine Ability. He was really waiting for him to hit him.


He slapped Song Shi hard.

A huge eagle composed of thunder and lightning fell from the sky, and the eagle's beak on its head was pecking at Song Shi.


Like the sharpest axe, Song Shi's neck breaks under the thunder.

The whole person was swallowed up by the thunder eagle, continued to fall, and then hit the ground.

The earth quaked and the mountains shook, and thunder exploded, creating a large crater in the ground.

"Probably dead."

Lei Xuan gasped violently. He saw the man's neck being split open by thunder, his head and body moved, and his whole body was submerged by the power of thunder.

With the power of thousands of people and thousands of eagles gathered together, even if the opponent's cultivation level is comparable to Soul Formation, it is unlikely that he can withstand it.

Song Shi was indeed killed, and he faced a problem at the moment.

Are you setting up a resurrection point to resurrect, or returning home to resurrect?

If he is resurrected at the set resurrection point, he should have gone to the upper world. If he is an alternative resurrection point, he should be going home.

"I'm a bit overwhelmed."

Song Shi chose to go home and appeared under the bed tens of thousands of miles away.

Without disturbing the others, he stepped forward and Shrink the Earth to an Inch.

One step is a hundred miles, ten steps are a thousand miles, and one hundred steps is a thousand miles.

You can probably get there by running a thousand steps, but it's still a little slower than resurrecting on the spot.

During this period, Lei Xuan and others did not see Song Shi, thinking that they had blown him to ashes.

"Haha, killed!"

"We killed this supposedly immortal True Monarch!"

"Who else can resist our army now?"

The Thunder Eagle army was extremely excited. They had heard the rumors about Song Shi more or less. They were under great pressure when they took action just now, for fear that Song Shi would appear intact where he was.

No one can see it now, and it hasn't appeared for so long. They must have succeeded.

Lei Xuan landed in front of a large pit that looked like a lake, flew around, and looked at a lot of earth and rocks that were melted by the power of thunder. He was sure that there was no trace of Song Shi, and there was no breath.

"Is it such a clean death?"

He was suspicious. He heard that the opponent's physical body was very powerful, comparable to the Spirit Weapon. How could he be so easily blasted to the ground without any residue left?

Many monks controlled by Song Shi looked uneasy and were whispering.

"Is the master really dead? What should we do?"

"Now that we are not human inside and out, Lei Xuan and the others won't do anything, right?"

"How about taking a break first?"

As they rolled their eyes and prepared to escape, an army of Thunderhawks surrounded them.

"Where are you going?"

Lei Xuan flew up from the pit and looked at these traitors coldly: "A group of cowardly people who are afraid of death. Keeping you here will be a disaster!"

"Lei Xuan, you can't say that. Do you think we want to be controlled?"

"We are all forced!"

A group of people are extremely aggrieved. They have lost their freedom and have to be slandered. This is too much.

"If you are still quibbling, take action and kill them all!"

Lei Xuan's face turned stern, and he was about to kill him to eliminate the trouble.

There was a roar overhead.

A flaming hand descended from the sky appeared, and it continued to expand as it was photographed, getting bigger and bigger, like a mountain of flames, as if it were a strike from a god.

"Enemy attack!"

Lei Xuan quickly defended, and a large thunder and lightning net appeared, colliding with the giant flame hand.

The power grid held on for a moment, then was smashed to pieces with a palm. With a loud bang, hundreds of people underneath were knocked to the ground.


Lei Xuan was among them. He was disgraced and extremely angry. He had just dealt with Song Shi, but why did another powerful character appear?

"I didn't use any power just now, so you can't recognize me?"

In the joking voice, Song Shi appeared out of thin air, nine suns emerged behind him, and then eighty-one suns bloomed, with extremely powerful momentum.


People were overjoyed to be controlled by Song Shi.

"Go away, don't affect my performance."

Song Shi rubbed his fists: "I won't waste time with you. If you don't quit, I will destroy you."


He rushed into the army instantly, and a circle of mana turned into a shock wave and spread, directly killing many people, disrupting the formation and preventing the army from forming a joint force.

"Damn it, you hid on purpose to make us relax our guard so that we could break our battle formation!"

Lei Xuan said angrily that they were caught off guard and it was already very difficult to organize a joint attack.

A team like theirs that relies on numbers to make up for the gap in realms, what they fear most is to be defeated one by one, because there are many monks in the team who are only Qi Refining, and they will die if they are touched by this person.

"Yes, I did it on purpose."

Song Shi laughed and said that he actually came from home, but he just didn't say it.

In the Thunder Eagle Army, he was like a tiger among a flock of sheep. Every one he touched would kill a group of them. He was unstoppable. As if he were in an uninhabited land, he would kill hundreds of people in the blink of an eye, causing the army to collapse.

Lei Xuan wanted to kill the enemy, but was unable to save his life. He rushed over in anger and vomited blood. He came back and was no match for Song Shi.

"Stop, I'll get out of here later!"

He could only choose to admit defeat, otherwise if he continued, there would be no surprise if the entire army was annihilated.

"I didn't leave just now, but I can't leave now."

Song Shi turned around and stared at Lei Xuan: "Didn't you just say that they are timid and afraid of death? Let's see how courageous you are."

Lei Xuan's scalp was numb when he saw it, and he said in a panic: "Disperse and retreat."

After saying that, he jumped on his black-feathered Thunder Eagle and ran away decisively.

The black eagle turned into a bolt of lightning and shot out quickly. Lei Xuan sat on the eagle's back and breathed a sigh of relief.

With the speed of the Black Feather Thunder Eagle, he should be able to escape. At this moment, a figure appeared in the corner of his eye. His scalp suddenly became numb. His body was shaking and he turned to look over. Song Shi was smiling at him.

"You're a pretty good bird. Why don't you bring it to me?"

Song Shi commented that he became interested when he saw these guys riding the black-feathered thunder eagle.

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