What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 318 Get Out Of The Way And Let Me Come

In the residence of Yao Yue Palace, the colorful palace bloomed with brighter brilliance, and a pressure that was superior to all living things enveloped a hundred miles in radius.

A ray of purple light flew over from a distance, and after landing on the ground, a graceful figure was revealed, which was Ziyue True Monarch.

"This is……"

Ziyue stared at the colorful palace in astonishment, which exuded an aura that made her soul tremble.

For her and a Nascent Soul monk to be able to do this, it proves that the power inside at this moment surpasses her own realm.

"Ziyue True Monarch, you are here. Now the palace master is making a breakthrough and needs you very much."

Blue Moon Perfected Being flew over and said with joy.

Although the Yao Yue Palace mobilized all the troops this time, it still left a prince to guard the sect. Ziyue True Monarch also rushed over after receiving the news, and did not know that the master of Dao Palace would break through so quickly.

"Why does the palace master break through here? Doesn't it give the enemy a chance to destroy it?"

Ziyue True Monarch is confused in the secret passage, Nascent Soul breaks through to Soul Formation, even breaking through in the sect may be dangerous, let alone in the battlefield.

"It must be that the immortal True Monarch is nearby, so the palace master would take the risk to break through."

Chiyue Perfected Being said something.

"Immortal True Monarch?"

Ziyue Perfected Being's face changed slightly. This person had some connections with her. Why did he get together with the palace lord?

Before she could ask any more questions, a ray of yellow light flew out from the direction of the palace, and with a bang, a large area of ​​the furnace tripod door guarding the outside was wiped out.

An old man and two middle-aged Confucian scholars flew out in the shape of a pin and attacked the colorful palace directly.

Behind them, a team of Confucian scholars followed, filled with awe-inspiring aura and flying over fiercely.

"Old witch, do you still want Soul Formation?"

The old master holding the ancient ruler Law Treasure waved his beard towards the colorful palace.

The black-yellow ancient ruler expanded rapidly. He and the two students made seals at the same time, pouring mana into it and quickly stimulating its power.

"No, the old guy from Qianzheng Academy came here with the Xuanhuang Ruler, the treasure of the academy!"

Huang Yue Perfected Being, who was guarding the front line, exclaimed, her face changing wildly.

This Xuanhuang Ruler is an imitation of an ancient Spiritual Treasure. It is itself a Supreme Grade Spirit Weapon and is extremely powerful.

Not to mention that there are three Nascent Soul monks who activate it at the same time. Basically, most of the power of this ruler can be exerted, and it is absolutely capable of destroying the world.

"Form up and block them."

Ziyue Perfected Being looked solemn, commanding the disciples to resist the incoming enemies, and at the same time took out a token to activate.

The colorful palace and the surrounding palaces erupted in dazzling light, and all formations were activated, turning into a row of moons of various colors.

On top of the monochromatic moon, the stars guard a colorful moon like holding the moon, which is an extraordinary sight.

"I hope this incomplete September Floating Formation can stop these guys."

Ziyue still looked worried.

Their sect's formation uses the air as its main function, making it easy to absorb the power of the Nine Heavens Moonlight for practice, and it is also flexible and can be moved.

As a price, nature sacrifices thickness and lacks strong defense.

The most important thing is that the current formation is not complete. The Law Enforcement Hall is in charge of the sect and has not followed, and the defensive effect is greatly reduced.

"I cultivate the awe-inspiring spirit, cultivate demons and destroy evil spirits!"

Suddenly, a chorus of shouts came out from the mouths of the Confucian scholars who came with the old master, and then masses of mana of various colors poured out, converging into a huge figure in the void.

This figure is a human figure, whose appearance cannot be seen clearly. It is more than a thousand meters tall, and its aura is vast and boundless. It is like a giant god coming to the world, and its astonishing pressure is not weaker than the Law Treasure Xuanhuang Ruler activated by the three Nascent Souls.

His casual movements brought up strong winds that filled the sky, and one step caused the earth to shake and the mountains to shake. The formation formed by the eight palaces seemed a bit small in front of it.

"It's over. They have condensed Haoran's true form. With so many people working together, the power is comparable to Soul Formation."

Lan Yue Perfected Being's face turned pale when he saw it. The strength of their Yueyue Palace was already weaker than that of Qianzheng Academy. At this moment, they were afraid that they would not be able to stop the opponent from destroying the Soul Formation of the Palace Master.

"Attack with all your strength!"

Ziyue Perfected Being had no choice. He took out his Law Treasure and faced it with his head.

With the help of the power of the formation and many disciples, no matter how bad it is, he can resist for a while and buy some time for the palace master.

While they were bracing themselves for preparation, the mighty giant standing on the ground grabbed the black and yellow ancient ruler that had expanded to a hundred feet, raised it and swung it, twisting the void along the way, and smashed it towards the colorful palace.

At this moment, Song Shi walked out with panda eyes and a weak look on his face.

He was now haggard and wrinkled, and he looked as if he was more than ten years older.

This was when he was helping Yao Yue to break through, but the resources were really not enough, so he simply asked Yao Yue to suck away all his essence.

Otherwise, there would be absolutely no chance of a breakthrough so quickly.

The origin was swallowed up, and Song Shi took a while before he had the strength to come out.

He was extremely weak at the moment and gasped violently: "Get out of the way, let me come!"

After finally encountering an opportunity to be beaten to death, Song Shi certainly couldn't miss it, so he stared at his weakness and ran out to die.

Just as the disciples and elders of Yueyue Palace were facing a powerful enemy, they were surprised. What did this person mean? He wanted to help resist the incoming enemy?

They glanced at Song Shi. He looked so weak. Many of them had been here before. At first glance, it seemed that he was in a serious deficit.

In this state, even if your record is amazing, are you sure you can block it now?

"Song Shi?"

Ziyue Perfected Being was surprised, her expression became complicated, it was this guy who practiced dual cultivation with the palace master.

She frowned and said, "Are your condition still suitable for fighting?"

Song Shi didn't have time to explain. When he was attracting everyone's attention, he gritted his teeth and used Shrink the Earth to an Inch, instantly arriving outside the formation.

The huge black and yellow ruler was blessed with the power of the awe-inspiring giant, and it hit him unstoppably with the intention of destroying everything.

"Where can a mantis use his arms as a chariot?"

Song Shi's wrinkled appearance at this moment was not a bit glamorous. The old master couldn't tell that this was the immortal True Monarch who was so full of energy at the beginning and was the Heavenly Demon Saint alone. He did not hesitate to let the attacks continue to fall.

In his opinion, this person was probably the High Level cauldron abandoned by Invitation Moon Palace, and was thrown out just to stop them for a moment.

Just when he thought that the furnace tripod would be crushed like a fly in front of Xuanhuang Ruler, there was a loud bang.

Xuanhuang Ruler actually seemed to have been hit by a huge object, obviously paused, and even leaned back a little.

What made the old master's pupils shrink was that the power of Xuanhuang Ruler actually made a small gap.

Song Shi himself indeed doesn't have much strength anymore, his source is exhausted, and he is almost like a dead tree.

Of course, he is also a piece of rotten wood after the Spirit Weapon has decayed. It is normal for him to smash the Dharma image formed by the Black and Yellow Ruler into pieces.


Zhengwu, who was next to the old master, stared at the broken figure with a pop, and couldn't help but said: "A furnace can be so hard, and it has not been squeezed by these women?"

"Something's wrong. When did Yaoyue Palace have such a powerful furnace? And I think his appearance is a bit familiar."

Zhengde frowned.

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