What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 310 Demon Cult Army

Although I haven't fully seen the power of Heavenly Demon's use of this secret method, it is estimated that it will not be bad.

Opening it and browsing quickly, Song Shi learned that this secret method mainly involves self-mutilation to cause outbreaks.

The principle is very simple. It is roughly to stimulate the potential at the expense of one's own body, and at the same time gain part of the increase in strength.

The secret method is divided into two parts, the Heavenly Demon disintegrates and the Heavenly Demon self-destructs. The former will lose arms and legs after being used, and the latter will explode on the spot, which is equivalent to a humanoid bomb.

For others, it can only be used when desperate, but for him it is comparable to the most powerful Divine Ability, even more powerful than the Six Paths Suppressing Demon Fist.

Song Shi happily jotted it down, multitasked, and started to comprehend it directly.

He threw the other things together and put them away. Without looking at them, he turned around and returned.

On the other side, in the empty and darkened hall, Immortal Transformation sat on a throne engraved with black flame runes, his expression ugly.

He had just received the news of Qi Changying's death through the contract, and was thinking about who was the mole, when suddenly the soul of his disciple, Heavenly Demon, collapsed.

This time, he couldn't hold back anymore. The demonic flames on his body were beating with rage, like a volcano about to erupt.

"Whoever kills my disciple, it's best not to let me catch you, otherwise your soul will be driven to pieces!"

At this time, a subordinate walked in with his head shrunken. Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, he hurriedly knelt down on one knee to report.

"Master, all parties are ready, just waiting for the leader's order."

The Immortal Transformation Demon Lord's eyes turned red and he uttered one word: "Kill!"

Since Da Gan dared to kill his apprentice, don't blame him for slaughtering all the rubbish from the royal family!

In this battle, he will destroy the Daqian royal family!



This is also the Imperial City, the core and most prosperous city of the Great Qian Dynasty.

The imperial city is nearly a hundred miles long and has a huge area. It is not square, but has an eight-sided shape. It is built on the basis of Bagua and is equipped with the world's Apex Level formation.

There is the Bagua Tian Sealing Formation on the top and the Eight Demon Suppression Formation on the bottom, forming a perfect comprehensive formation. There has never been a major crisis in three thousand years.

At this moment, there is an oppressive feeling that a storm is about to come. Not only has the power of the imperial city's formation been activated, but the eight branches of the Qianlong Army are guarding all directions, ready to fight, and the wind is rumbling.

Qian Wuji led his troops to guard Xunmen instead of the Kuanglong tribe who had temporarily left. He looked at the vast land in the distance with a solemn expression.

"Wuxi just sent news, reminding us that the Demon Cult may launch an attack on the Imperial City. I wonder if they dare to come."

He muttered, feeling heavy.

According to recent intelligence, it is known that the Demon Cult has cultivated many demon species, which may be used to attack the city. If this is the case, there must be a bloody battle.

In the adjacent aisle, a eunuch walked over quickly with broken steps. As he walked, he said happily: "Your Highness, General Ma and Princess Wu Xi have destroyed the Jinzhou Demon Nest and are rushing back."

"already solved?"

Gan Wuji was surprised. The Demon Nest was not simple. There were at least two Nascent Soul monks stationed there. Even if one of them left temporarily, it would still be an easy-to-defend but difficult-to-attack place.

"Yes, not only did he win, but he also killed the Beast Lord and the Heavenly Demon, and gained a lot." The eunuch said happily.

"So powerful!" Gan Wuji was even more surprised. He himself was a descendant of Da Gan and knew how difficult it was to kill the Heavenly Demon son who was also a descendant of the Heavenly Demon Temple.

"According to General Ma's message, it was thanks to the help of His Royal Highness that we were able to achieve such results."

The eunuch laughed.

"Me help?"

Gan Wuji was confused when he heard this. When did he help Wu Xi and the others attack the Jinzhou Demon Nest?

The most he could do was pray, so it wouldn't have much impact, right? Maybe Ma Deyao is flattering himself?

This guy is quite good at being a good person.

Just as he was about to ask more questions, the eunuch suddenly showed a look of fear and pointed in the distance: "Your Highness, look at what that is."

Gan Wuji took a look, his eyes narrowed, he quickly flew higher and stared into the distance.

A black cloud appeared on the distant land, approaching quickly, like a storm coming.

There was an evil and violent aura in the black clouds, which made Qian Wuji feel suffocated.

"Enemy attack, demons from Heavenly Demon Temple are coming!"

He shouted loudly and reminded the defenders: "Everyone is on alert!"

Dang Dang!

The bells of warning echoed, and the entire city's formation glowed brighter. Countless runes flowed and danced, forming a huge Eight Trigrams Diagram in mid-air.

This map has a radius of hundreds of miles, covering the entire imperial city, shaking the void, shining brightly, and creating an extraordinary atmosphere!

The commotion was so great that all the common people and cultivators in the imperial city were alarmed.

They walked out of the house and looked up. The flickering light shone on their faces with different expressions, showing various emotions.

The weak are frightened and uneasy, the practitioners are doubtful and fearful, the children who do not understand worldly things cry, and the unintelligent cattle, horses and poultry are restless.

For a time, the imperial city was in a state of panic and panic.

"Oh my god, what is happening? I have lived in this imperial city for more than eighty years and I have never seen anything like this."

There is an ordinary old man with white hair asking the sky, feeling that he has been alive for a long time.

"Hide quickly, a disaster is coming!"

The frightened person reacted, called for his relatives, and ran back into the house to hide.

This is the only choice for the weak. Even if these houses are not much different from paper in the eyes of the strong, for them, this is the only thing that protects them and can bring a little peace of mind.

Some people also came to high places and looked into the distance with shocked expressions.

"Heavenly Demon Temple's army is coming!"

"The imperial city is in danger!"

"However, this formation is not that easy to break."

The monks in the Imperial City are relatively stable, and they more or less know how powerful the Imperial City formation is.

"I dare to do it openly this time, I'm afraid it won't be easy."

"I don't know which sects have joined. The Heavenly Ghost Sect has been destroyed. Will the Heavenly Corpse Sect, Yao Yue Palace and Sky Poison Sect follow this time?"

"There are all demons outside. It's too late to leave now. We can only wait and see the outcome of the battle between Daqian and the Demon Cult."

"The biggest monk war in three thousand years is about to break out."

Many monks communicated secretly, with the same sense of urgency.

As the demon sect led the army of demons to besiege the imperial city, the imperial city, which had been peaceful a moment ago, suddenly fell into chaos and chaos.

Afterwards, the chaos quickly calmed down, the weak all hid, and only monks and troops walked on the streets, and a chilling atmosphere enveloped the entire city.

Royal palace location.

A dragon roar rose to the sky, deafening, and then a thousand-foot-long golden dragon flew out, with extraordinary majesty and powerful momentum.

Emperor Qian stood on the dragon's head, and many armies of monks gathered quickly from all directions.

"The eight tribes of Qianlong obey the order and use all their strength to kill the demons. No demons are allowed to enter the city."

Emperor Qian gave the order with murderous intent.


The army of monks shouted loudly, their killing intent rising to the sky, which gave many people with heavy hearts more confidence.

With this army of monks here, and since they are on the defensive side, they have a greater chance of winning.

In the darkness, some eyes were filled with jest, and then they looked like they were joining the action of resisting the Demon Cult army as usual.

Outside the city, dark clouds were rolling over the city, and monsters from all directions had surrounded the imperial city.

Further away, Song Shi continued to disguise himself as Gan Wuji and was returning with the Kuanglong Army. He was forced to stop because he saw the demon army of the Demon Cult.

"It was still a step too late and I couldn't rush back."

Princess Wuxi is sorry.

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