What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 308: Kill With One Sword

"What's going on? Elder Qi's Blood Soul Book was forced out!"

The Immortal Transformation Demon Lord frowned. Every high-level person in the Heavenly Demon Temple was bound by a contract and controlled by him. Apart from the ability restrictions, he could know the death situation at critical moments and pass on some important information.

Now it must be the important message Qi Changying conveys in a life-or-death crisis.

"It seems they are in danger. How could this happen? If not for asking the new dog to help, they should be able to escape unscathed!"

Immortal Transformation Demon Lord muttered, since there was too little information and he was not at the scene, he really didn’t know the specific situation.

His face was filled with surprise and uncertainty. Should he continue to attack the Daqian Imperial City now?

"We must attack. Time is running out. We must seize this opportunity."


In the cave, rubble was flying, and many big holes were made by the mace.

With the last loud noise, Qi Changying fell to the ground covered in blood, his clothes were torn, and he seemed to be taking in more air than out.

Ma Deyao still wanted to arrest this man, so he hesitated and said, "Your Highness, would it be a pity to kill him directly?"

"If you don't kill him, do you want to give him a chance to escape?"

Song Shi came over and said, "If you are reluctant to do it, I will do it."

Before he got close, Qi Changying's body trembled, and a streak of blood suddenly shot out.

"Prince, be careful, he wants to seize the body!"

The smaller version of Qi Changying smiled ferociously: "If you want to kill me, don't blame me for being a support person."

He suddenly rushed into Song Shi's head and started to snatch the body.

Song Shi raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "You are actively seeking death, so there is no need for me to take action."

He didn't look panicked at all, even though the opponent had Nascent Soul as the foundation for seizing the body, the threat was far greater than that of Gold Core.

In the spiritual world, the bright moon is in the sky, and a long sword is suspended, shining brightly.

Qi Changying stepped in forcefully, and when he saw the sword of Yiyue, he instinctively felt fear.

"No, this is not like the Gold Core level consciousness sea!"

As soon as he sensed it, he immediately realized that something was wrong. The other party's sea of ​​consciousness was extremely stable and vast. Why was his mental power not as good as the other party's?

Instantly, he regretted it.

I shouldn't have come in rashly, there's something wrong with this person.

At this time, the long sword hanging in the spiritual world moved.


The sound of the sword spread, shaking Qi Changying's soul, and even his Nascent Soul was trembling.

The terrifying Sword Intent erupted, seeming to destroy all gods and Buddhas.

"Sword Intent, no, you are not doing Wuji!"

He was shocked. He had never heard of Daqian's descendants practicing this method.


With a flash of sword light, Qi Changying was penetrated by Nascent Soul before he could react.

The next second, Qi Changying was shattered by the sword light and his soul was scattered.

The moving talisman is one of them. As the powerful spiritual power contained in it explodes, the talisman is like a special lever, prying open the space and bringing him into it.

The long sword that killed Qi Changying stopped, and Song Shi's soul appeared next to him.

"I'm too lazy to give you a chance to seize the body, just become my nourishment."

The long sword in his hand shook, forming a devouring force. The crushed soul in the roll was quickly devoured, and part of Qi Changying's memory was obtained from it.

Various memories of studying alien demon species were browsed by Song Shi, and there was a lot of secret information in them. Song Shi was about to read more, when a black flame suddenly appeared, directly destroying some of the soul fragments with memories.

The memory Song Shi finally browsed was incomplete, intermittent, and obviously only part of it, most of which was destroyed by the black flames.

Fortunately, the things you browse have certain value. For example, you can use these memories to deal with monsters and alien species that you have rarely seen.

After Song Shi absorbed it, his mental power increased a lot: "This guy has indeed studied his own demon species very deeply. He has been able to fuse the bloodlines of different alien species to practice the so-called demon spirit transformation and achieve the goal of ever-changing."

The demon spirit transformation was the method used by Qi Changying to transform into pangolins, wild cats and other alien species. When he becomes a different alien species, he can use some talents corresponding to the alien species. For example, pangolins are very powerful in burrowing into the ground, cats can move flexibly, and bats can change positions according to sounds... …

"He is a talented person. Unfortunately, he is too addicted to these things and his own cultivation is not enough. When meeting someone with absolute strength, even many methods are not enough."

Song Shi sighed, and then opened his eyes, making Ma Deyao a little nervous.

"Your Highness, are you okay?"

Ma Deyao was worried that if Qi Changying took away his body, he might have to kill him.

"He still can't take me away."

Song Shi said coldly: "Take care of it and kill the Heavenly Demon immediately!"


Seeing that there was indeed nothing wrong with Song Shi, Ma Deyao breathed a sigh of relief and quickly burned Qi Changying's body and packed up some loot.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince."

He politely handed Qi Changying's Law Treasure and storage ring to Song Shi.

"Law Treasure holds it."

Song Shi only wanted the storage ring, and he had fought hard for a while, so he deserved a share of the spoils.

He once again mobilized the power of the formation's teleportation and rushed to the other side.

The Heavenly Demon was dripping with blood at the moment, with a lot of blood holes on his body, and even his heart was pierced. Strangely, he was not dead.

At this time, a teleportation formation appeared in front of him, and the Heavenly Demon, who was already about to collapse, keenly realized that it could not be one of his own.

Having already made up his mind, he activated a talisman without hesitation, transformed into a beam of light and left through the air.

When Song Shi appeared, he happened to see the space split open, and a figure shot into it and disappeared. Behind him, Li Datong and Princess Wu Xi's Law Treasure penetrated the afterimage without leaving it behind.

"He used the teleportation charm to escape!"

Princess Wu Xi was a little unhappy: "It was just a little bit close. I didn't expect that he would still get the chance."

"The main reason is that he has too many life-saving means. I estimate that most of the people who were seriously injured just now were also substitutes."

Li Datong sighed: "After all, he is a descendant of Heavenly Demon Temple. Although his strength is only Gold Core, his life-saving methods are not available to some Nascent Soul monks."

"Ordinary teleportation talismans can't run very far. I'm going to chase him."

Song Shi pinched the secret, was enveloped by the power of the formation again, and was teleported outside the mine in one breath.

Instead of rushing into action, he closed his eyes.

Innate Dao Body works, and the whole person blends into the nature of heaven and earth.

I have recently studied the Void Sutra. Although I am not yet qualified to control the power of space, I still have no problem sensing spatial fluctuations within a thousand miles nearby.

Soon, he felt that the void in the east had changed. He closed his eyes and raised his hand. The dazzling light condensed, and with his fingers flying, he quickly drew a talisman.

This talisman is similar to the talisman used by Heavenly Demon to escape. It contains the power of space and can temporarily open the space and travel a certain distance.

As we all know, space is very mysterious. With just a little bit of space power, you can overcome ordinary physical obstacles and travel hundreds of miles in an instant.

But the void is invisible, intangible, and ethereal. Without strong enough mental power, it cannot be controlled at all.

In addition, for ordinary flesh and blood creatures, there is no strong defense. Once they enter the depths of space, they will be crushed by the ubiquitous power of space.

Therefore, it is difficult to control the power of space without reaching the Void Refining or Shattering Void realm. Even traveling through the void requires the Soul Formation level.

If you want to be able to travel through the void in advance, you can only use external objects, such as talismans and Law Treasures, and they are all short-distance and temporary.

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