What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 304 Thinking Jump

"I want to destroy this place."

Song Shi made no secret of his disgust.

"Guardian Song, it's not necessary. There are many places like this. Not only my Heavenly Demon Temple, many places are trying it, and there is no shortage of so-called righteousness."

Heavenly Demon Zi ridiculed: "I, Heavenly Demon Temple, do this kind of thing just because I don't know how to be sneaky. In other places, Feng Kingdom and Sand Kingdom have been studying aliens, and no one has ever seen anyone destroy them."

Song Shi frowned: "Tell me specifically what the so-called aliens and orcs mean?"

"With great pleasure."

Heavenly Demon is familiar with his family treasures: "Aliens are actually people with alien blood, and most of the aliens are various powerful Demonic Beasts, etc."

He continued: "Aliens have existed for a long time. They have existed in ancient times. Some are the offspring of the combination of humans and demons. I have also heard that some humans took the initiative to fuse the blood of the Demonic Beast in pursuit of power. Look, there are young descendants of the Feng Kingdom. Luan bloodline, Fire Nation heirs have Phoenix bloodline, they are all of this type."

Song Shi's eyes moved slightly, and it seemed that this was indeed the case, "So, aliens have long been common, but they are not as good as the half-human and half-demon you made."

"It will take a long time for the aliens to eliminate the negative effects of Demonic Beast's bloodline. We don't have time, so we can only cultivate this simple one."

He said meaningfully: "Tell Protector Song a secret. Protector Qingyu is a strange person. Nowadays, there are many descendants of humans and monsters, who are all considered strange people. As for beast species and demon species, they are not considered human beings, but Half human, half demon, half human and half demon.”

Song Shi looked sideways: "Is there really a demon?"

"Yes, Protector Song, please come with me."

The Heavenly Demon took Song Shi deeper, and Song Shi found that the defenses had become tighter, and a cold and evil aura appeared at the same time.

This aura made him feel very uncomfortable, and it was incompatible with today's aura. The Heavenly Demon's expression remained unchanged, probably because of his skills.


Song Shi heard the heartbeat, full of vitality, and his eyes became darker. Light appeared in his eyes, ensuring that he could see.

There are a lot fewer figures inside, but the number of double ten, the most important thing is that they all have magic power, and are blocked by formations, not chains.


A pair of bloody eyes appeared in the darkness, full of coldness.


The figure like a black monkey rushed towards Song Shi, but was blocked by a barrier with a bang.

Song Shi saw this thing clearly. It was covered with black scales, shining with metallic luster, and its nails were sharp and powerful.

"You're dishonest again. I'll be careful not to give you anything to eat."

The Heavenly Demon said coldly: "This is the new protector, come here to pay your respects."

The black-scaled monkey stared at Song Shi: "His power disgusts me."

"What kind of thing is this? It doesn't look like a human being, nor a ghost, nor an ordinary beast."

Song Shi asked with interest.

"It's a demon species, or a demon monkey."

Heavenly Demon Zi introduced: "At the end of ancient times, the Demon Saint came, opened the plane channel, and brought many Demon World creatures. Later, the invasion failed. The Heavenly Demon Saint was seriously injured and suppressed by the Skybreaking Sword Master, and the Demon World creatures were killed. , those who escaped, there are some survivors, this is one of the legacy species."


Song Shi had a strange look on his face: "Is this the name given to the Heavenly Demon?"

Heavenly Demon's head was full of black lines: "I don't know, but Protector, your mind is really good at jumping, so you're not curious about it?"

"It's just a group of survivors who are almost being killed as protected animals. There's nothing to say."

Song Shi's words made the monkey grin so angry that it jumped up and wanted to bite someone, but was blocked by the formation.

"You don't look very smart. If you didn't have the formation and dared to yell at me, I would have slapped you to death."

Song Shi stared at the magic monkey coldly.

The latter's body trembled, he restrained his movements fearfully, and secretly retreated.

"Most of these demon species are inherited from the creatures of our own world. They have similar common problems with the orcs and aliens. They are very irritable and aggressive, but they are more stable than the orcs and second only to the aliens."

Heavenly Demon explained that he did not think there was anything wrong with Song Shi intimidating the monkey. In his opinion, strong people are not allowed to provoke, and he would not be too polite to the monkey.

"So we need to do more research and find ways to make them calm and obedient."

Rather feminine words came from the depths, and then a young man with a white face walked out, looking like he had not seen Guan for many years.

This man has a white face and no beard, a feminine temperament, and weird pupils. He looks like a poisonous snake. His cultivation level is also at the Nascent Soul level, but he is in the early stage of Nascent Soul, which is similar to Song Shi.

"Elder Qi."

Heavenly Demon clasped his fists and introduced to Song Shi: "This is Elder Qi Changying, the elder of our Heavenly Demon Temple who is responsible for the research of alien demon species."

"Guardian Song, I have heard of you a long time ago."

Qi Changying looked deeply at it: "I wonder if Elder Song is interested in taking out his bloodline and studying it. I believe it will cultivate a powerful life."

"I'm not interested. Not only am I not interested, I also want to destroy this place."

Song Shi said politely.

Qi Changying showed dissatisfaction: "The things here can save us from dying. Is it possible that Elder Song likes to rush to the front line and take risks?"

"Yeah, that's what I like." Song Shi replied with a smile.

Qi Changying choked for a moment and hummed: "It's not enough to talk about it. Protector Song and I have nothing to say. Let's go and study demon species. Many demon species have been taken away recently and need to be re-cultivated."

Song Shi took a look at the area and found that it was indeed empty, filled only with a cold and evil air, which should be the power that the demon species needs to absorb.

"I want to go practice some practice, so I would like to ask Protector Song to visit and watch on his own."

Heavenly Demon Zi was stimulated by Song Shi and wanted to try Infant Formation. If successful, it would be much easier to attack Jinzhou.

Seeing that he was not very popular, Song Shi was so happy that he walked around experimentally. The more he looked at it, the more he wanted to destroy it.

"Many demon species have been taken away. It's not like attacking Jinzhou in advance. It probably has something to do with the headquarters. I have to find an opportunity to go to the headquarters to see if there is a chance to kill the Heavenly Demon Saint and destroy the Heavenly Demon Temple from its roots. Destroyed."

Song Shi was thinking about how to use the contract to break into the Heavenly Demon Temple and solve the trouble he had released.

I don't like the darkness underground. When he came outside, his whole body burst into golden light and turned into the sun. Countless rays of light converged on him and condensed into the true fire of the sun.

The Nine-Yang Divine Art was operating, and nine rounds of blazing suns floated around him. For a moment, it was like ten days in the sky, trying to destroy the world.

The power of the Nine-Yang Divine Art combined with the Divine Body became more and more incompatible with the underground Heavenly Demon Temple. No one could have imagined that he would actually become the protector of the Heavenly Demon Temple.

He is multi-tasking, running the Nine Yang Divine Art, the Pure Yang Sutra, the Unmoving Bright King Body, the Undying Golden Body, the Profound Transcendence Sword God Technique, and is still meditating on the Void Sutra.

Unknown to him, he took out a black and white feather, and a strong force of yin and yang radiated out. It was the extracted Kunpeng True Feather, which contained the aura of law, which was helpful for him to understand the way of yin and yang and improve the realm of Nascent Soul.

While he was practicing, a group of people lurked over in the dark, looking at Song Shi who looked like the sun god in astonishment, and looked at each other for a moment.

"What's going on? Didn't the intelligence say this?"

"Then do you want to take action today?"

"Report it first, then the higher-ups will decide."

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