What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 301 You Don’T Deserve It

Under the mine, in a huge specially opened cave, a group of monks from the Heavenly Demon Temple looked at a black scroll in awe.

As Song Shi moved his finger, a row of golden and red words appeared on the scroll: Do not betray the Heavenly Demon Temple, do not disobey the leader's orders.


The scroll vibrated, and the blood emitting golden light was absorbed by the scroll, and then a strange force locked Song Shi.

If he breaks the contract, he will be killed by this strange power and his soul will be scattered.

Seeing that the contract was completed, although Qingyu was still a little confused, he couldn't find any flaws.

This dark contract locks the soul's breath, which means that no matter whether the person in front of him at the moment is Song Shi's body or avatar, it will not prevent the power of the contract from working.

Song Shi watched the dark contract swallowing his own blood, and instantly had an inexplicable feeling, as if there was a huge black mouth floating above his head, ready to swallow him at any time.


He was amazed. This was the second time he signed a contract. The last time was with the guys from the Heavenly Corpse Sect. That contract didn't have much binding force, which was different from this one.

"Welcome Brother Song to become the new protector of our religion. From now on, you will replace Hong Luo's treatment and enjoy the treatment of our religion second only to the leader and deputy leader."

Qingyu's face was much kinder. He knew that Song Shi could not go against them at this moment, because his life was in the hands of the leader.

Song Shi glanced at Qingyu and did not break the contract on the spot.

After all, this guy ran very fast at first sight, so he was not absolutely sure of killing him.

Besides, the person hasn’t been rescued yet, so he should be a Dharma protector for a few days and then check the situation.

He said coldly: "Where are the people I'm looking for? I want to see them now."

"No problem, Protector Song, please come here."

Qingyu put away the dark scroll, turned around and started to lead the way.

The monks from the Heavenly Demon Temple who followed him all got out of the way, and their eyes turned into awe. No one dared to be rude to Song Shi anymore.

In Heavenly Demon Temple, strength is the most important thing. If the protector doesn't like them, he will kill them.

The little minions captured by Song Shi felt a bit dreamy. The strong man who came to find trouble suddenly became theirs?

In the dark mine, a group of people were locked in an abandoned mine, and they were in panic all day long.

"Several people were eaten again today. I don't know when it will be our turn."

Song Hu's eyes were a little desperate, and he looked at the old man aside: "Dad, you shouldn't care about me."

"I'm your father, how can I feel at ease if I don't come to see you?"

Song Wan already had white hair: "It's just that we died, and Beibei and the others had no one to take care of them."

"I hope they can get in touch with the fourth child. We have too much to take care of ourselves now."

Song Hu smiled bitterly.


The sound of the iron door opening was heard, everyone shut up, and the place became eerily quiet.

A pair of pairs of eyes showed fear, fearfully looking at the figure walking towards the door.

Which unlucky people will be caught and fed to monsters this time?

The monk from the Heavenly Demon Temple holding a torch passed by some people, and the corresponding people showed signs of joy. They knew that this meant that they were not selected and could still survive for a few days.

The visitor stopped in front of Song Wan, his son and Mr. Qin, and the people around him looked at them with pity.

The three of them looked at each other with dim eyes. They were still talking just now. Is it their turn so soon?

"Father and son of the Song family, as well as this Song family's worshipper, please come with me."

The monk from Heavenly Demon Temple was somewhat polite.

The three of them looked at each other in shock, not understanding what was happening.

Not daring to ask any more questions, they followed the Heavenly Demon Temple monks out of the cage. There were more and more Heavenly Demon Temple monks around them, which put them under great pressure.

"Tsk, tsk, this family is so lucky, they are actually relatives of the new protector."

"The most powerful one among them is Innate. How did they cultivate a strong Apex Level person like the new protector?"

"Tch, it has nothing to do with them. It's because the new protector is very capable. Rumor has it that he is the reincarnation of an immortal, so he has reached this level at such a young age."

The discussions along the way made Song Wan and the others even more confused and confused.

At this time, a woman was brought over from the other side. After seeing them, she said in surprise: "Dad!"

"Were you taken out too?"

Song Wan was confused: "Who can want to see us? It seems like a big shot related to our Song family, but our Song family doesn't have any powerful monks."

"Did any of our Song family seniors enter the Immortal Cultivation World before? It's been so long that we don't remember it?"

Song Jia was quite excited: "Then we will turn around this time, and we will never have to look at the Li family's face again."

They communicated in low voices and came to an underground space with a high platform where the Heavenly Demon Temple usually gathers.

"Protector Song, your family has arrived."

The monk leading the way bowed respectfully to the man on the stage.

Song Wan and the other four looked at Song Shi's back. Except for Song Wan who felt a little familiar, the other three showed admiration and excitement and did not recognize Song Shi who they had not seen for several years.

"I'll take my people and leave first."

Song Shi spoke.

"Keeper Song, please remember to come back early. We have some operations in Jinzhou recently."

Qingyu smiled and stared at Song Wan and others in the audience in surprise.

Are these ordinary people worth giving up their freedom and even risking their lives to sign a dark contract with the Heavenly Demon Temple?

I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out.

"I'll come over."

Song Shi waved his hand, and a ball of magic enveloped the four people. After confirming that there was no problem, he took the people and flew directly to the exit.

"What a weirdo. A few mere mortals, like ants, deserve such attention?"

The person next to Qingyu spoke with doubts.

"No, if he is really a reincarnated immortal, why should he care about this? If not, he is too emotional. I really don't know how he got to this point."

Qingyu was puzzled. He really couldn't figure it out and he didn't bother to think about it.

"I will send the contract back, and you, Heavenly Demon, will stay and take charge."

He turned and left from the other side.

Song Shi flew out of the mine with a few people in one breath. It was late at night outside. The few people were in a ball of light. They couldn't see Song Shi's appearance clearly, and they didn't dare to speak while flying.

"Heavenly Demon Temple has got so many monsters here, and sooner or later it will launch a large-scale attack on Jinzhou. After you and Beibei meet up, go to Jinzhou. The battle there has been resolved, and it is safe for the time being."

Song Shi spoke lightly.

Song Wan's body trembled, his old eyes widened in disbelief: "Are you Shi'er?"

Waving his hand and falling to the ground, Song Shi dispersed some of his magic power and revealed his handsome face, "It's me,"

"How could it be you!"

Song Jia's expression was extremely complicated.

"If it wasn't me, who would take care of you?"

Song Shi looked at the third child coldly: "You are trying to trick your family from the beginning to the end, right?"

He learned from Qingyu that this guy deliberately tried to seduce a female cultist at Heavenly Demon Temple, but was instead used as food and locked up, and even got in with his father and the others.


Song Hu's face turned pale, and his soul trembled under Song Shi's gaze.

"You don't have to go to Jinzhou, you don't deserve it."

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