What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 188: Trampled To Death By Cow Hooves, Becoming A High Grade Spirit Body

After a burst of noise and screams at the door, the ghost guards guarding the door were wiped out.

Song Shi grabbed the long-necked ghost's neck with his right hand, dragged the long-tongued ghost's tongue with his other hand, and stepped on Mu Shen under his feet.

"Have the Fire Ghost King bring my maid over here immediately!"

Song Shi's whole body burned with golden flames, just like the sun god descending on this ghostly land and driving away the surrounding ghosts and monsters.

He kicked the long-tongued ghost out: "You have a long tongue, go report it!"

The long snake ghost ran away in despair, not knowing whether he would report the news or send reinforcements.

"Human race, don't go too far. This is the country of ghosts."

The bull's head roared angrily, and a flaming foot came down, trampling his mouth to pieces.

Wang Xileng looked at the messy battlefield with lingering fear: "Elder Xueyi, if you do this, you will offend the entire ghost land."

He really couldn't understand why this man was so arrogant. Was he really not afraid of death?

"Only the weak will compromise, I don't need it!"

Song Shi grabbed the long-necked ghost: "How many ghosts do you have here?"

"The three ghost kings, the twenty-eight ghost kings, and even the master of the Tiangui Sect must be polite. You won't be arrogant for long!"

Long neck gnashing teeth.

"Oh, that's good. I'll have some fun later."

Song Shi calculated the number of draws.

You can still kill him even if you're at the Ghost King Level, so it's no problem if you die a few times.

At this moment, a buzzing sound came over, and amidst the rumbling sound, a black mountain nearby suddenly moved.

"Human race, how did Lu Jiu let you in?"


Amidst the violent shaking, bones on the ground flew around, cracks appeared, and black mountains rose from the ground. Ghostly energy rippled, covering the sky and the sun. The green light was blocked by the black mountains.

"No, the Black Mountain Ghost Emperor has been alerted!"

Lao Wang turned pale with fright, turned around and wanted to slip away, only to find that the ghost door had been closed at some point.

His face turned green again under the dim green light: "It's over, there is no way out, we must quickly notify the sect leader to save us."

When he wanted to take out the token, a chill ran down his back, and a strand of cold hair wrapped around his neck: "Corpse maker, if you don't want the body to be separated and become the target of sewing, you should just stay here and wait for us to kill you." Let’s talk about your problems with this guy.”

Behind him, a white ghost figure appeared at some point, with a head full of black hair, covering his white face, except for his delicate chin.

Lao Wang stiffened and smiled awkwardly: "Zhennu, I am also a victim. It was this lunatic who forced me in."

"Haha, you are indeed crazy. You dare to be so crazy in my ghost land. Even Lu Jiu doesn't dare to be like this."

The virgin smiled sarcastically, dragged Old Wang back, and handed over the battlefield to the Black Mountain Ghost King.

The mountains are spitting out billowing black smoke, and above the figure thousands of meters away, a pair of horns are pointing to the sky, with eyes like two red suns, and black gas spraying from the nostrils. Looking down at Song Shi, he looks like an ant on the ground.

"Human, if you dare to hit my son, you are seeking death!"

The Black Mountain Ghost King spoke, and a strong wind formed, blowing sand and rocks, and bones flying upside down.

Song Shi looked at the bull head at his feet unexpectedly: "Good guys, you ghosts can still have offspring? How do you do it? It's unreasonable."

"Ignorant ant, what do you know!"

The Black Mountain Ghost King sneered and blew out a breath, like a hurricane falling on Song Shi, blowing him and other ghosts away.

Before Song Shi could stand firm, a black sky pillar suddenly fell down.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a cow's hoof. The bottom was hard and dark, with a faint light.

Song Shi's expression changed. This guy didn't look like a soul body. He looked more real than a physical body.

"I never thought that one day I would experience the feeling of being trampled to death by the hooves of a cow."

Curious in his heart, he stood calmly and assessed the power of the hooves.

The power of this hoof is quite amazing, it should be able to kill him with one hoof.

Seeing that Song Shi didn't run away, Zhennu, who pulled Wang Xilian back, looked disdainfully: "Everyone is scared to death, is that all?"


The earth shook, the cow's hooves fell, and a big crater was made where Song Shi stood, and many white bones turned into powder.

The bull's head climbed up in the distance, with a sarcastic face and cold eyes.

The virgin hugged her flat chest and sneered: "If you can't even block the Ghost Emperor's casual blow, why should he cause trouble?"

Wang Xileng frowned, what was this old ghost in blood clothes doing? He didn't dodge or fight back, just like when he was outside before.

Is it possible that this guy is only good at saving his life?

The Black Mountain Ghost King raised his hoof and saw no blood mud turned into by Song Shi in the pit of more than a hundred meters.

He was slightly stunned, his eyes moved and quickly focused on another place.

Outside the big pit, Song Shi appeared out of thin air and nodded: "It's good to be big, but the power of a hoof is amazing."

He was very satisfied in his heart. The hoof just trampled him to death and turned him into a ball of meat.

"Ants, they run very fast."

The hoof of the Black Mountain Ghost Emperor fell again.


After the shock, Song Shi appeared next to him and said provocatively: "Your eyes are not very good. Come on, I will give you another target to step on."

He split into two, smiling, and looked like he deserved a beating.


The Black Mountain Ghost King's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he stomped on Song Shi's figure.

Due to his huge size, his hooves are all visible, showing how fast he steps on them.

Step on step on step on...

Boom boom boom!

Wang Xilian and others stared blankly.

Why is this painting style so weird?

There was no fighting, just simply stepping on the ground. They had never seen this scene before.

"What kind of ghost is this?"

The virgin looked like she had not seen him for a long time and asked, "Sewer, where did this guy come from?"

Wang Xileng had a strange look on his face: "His name is the old ghost in blood clothes. He was a serious devil before, but since he showed up this time, he has become less serious."

"It's really not normal. It's the first time I've seen this kind of fighting method."

The virgin was speechless.

Suddenly, the old ghost from Montenegro let out a cry, and moved the hoof he smashed down like an electric shock. He raised his hoof and took a few steps back. He looked down and saw a small pit appeared at the bottom of the hoof, which was smoking.

After being stunned for a moment, he realized that he was injured!

This time, Song Shi did not appear next to him. He just stood in the pit, with golden runes flowing all over his body, exuding mysterious and solid power. He was as motionless as a mountain and looked like a little golden man.

His aura was like a rainbow, and he looked more powerful than before. This was a sign that the Middle Grade Spirit Body was upgraded to the High Grade Spirit Body.

At this moment, even if his physical body does not activate any runic power, its strength is comparable to that of High Grade Law Treasure.

What does it matter if, after being activated, he is qualified to touch the Spirit Weapon a few times and pierce the hoofs of the Black Mountain Ghost Emperor?

There were already many ghosts watching the battle around. They were all dumbfounded when they saw the powerful Black Mountain Ghost Emperor defeated.

In this ghost land, there are only a few people who can hurt the ghost emperor in front of him. "Human race, are you very proud?"

The Black Mountain Ghost Emperor put down his hoof and snorted: "If you weren't so small, would you still want to hurt me?"

"Hey, do you know the principle that the smaller the stress point, the greater the pressure?"

Song Shi raised his eyebrows, and his aura became stronger and stronger: "In that case, I will penetrate your body later and verify it again."

"You are quite capable, but it's a pity that it's just some unimpressive tricks that are useless in the face of absolute strength!"

The Black Mountain Ghost King hummed as his body began to shrink and his power became more concentrated.

Song Shi's mouth twitched. It seemed that this guy was not a fool. After realizing that his body was powerful, he didn't fight him arrogantly with a large body.

"It can actually shrink. After concentration, the density should also increase!"

Song Shi squinted his eyes to observe. As the latter's body shrank, his breath became calmer and thicker, and an obvious sense of oppression hit his face.

This guy becomes even more dangerous than before.

A three-foot-tall black tauren appeared, full of evil energy, like a demon god coming to the world.


Song Shi's vision went dark, and he was thrown away with a bang. The newly condensed High Grade King Kong Spirit Body shield was obviously distorted, and cracks appeared directly.

He was shocked. After using his magic power, he became the equivalent of a humanoid Law Treasure. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a special Spirit Weapon.

In this case, the opponent actually showed signs of breaking through, which shows how terrifying its destructive power is.

Under strong pressure, Song Shi waved his palm without hesitation, and collided head-on with the Black Mountain Ghost King's follow-up attack.

Amidst the muffled sound, Song Shi personally felt how strong the opponent's brute force was. He seemed to have turned into a mortal again and was being hit by a bull, unable to control his retreat.

When Zhennu and others saw that the Black Mountain Ghost Emperor was actually attacking with all his strength, their expressions kept changing and they hurriedly retreated to avoid the tyrannical wave when the two sides collided.

Bang bang bang!

Song Shi was beaten to a terrible state by the Black Mountain Ghost King. He was forced to use all his strength, burning nine light sources all over his body, and activating all nine cores. He cooperated with the system of the Immortal Golden Body to explode, so that he would not be knocked away.

The more he fought, the more excited he became, and his blood boiled all over his body. He continued to play head-on with the Black Mountain Ghost King.

"How is it possible? How can a person who has just entered the Gold Core realm achieve this? The Black Mountain Ghost Emperor is at the Nascent Soul level, not an ordinary Nascent Soul."

Vestal was a little hard to accept.

"His melee combat ability is so terrifying. He can fight and escape. Who can do anything to him?"

Wang Xileng's expression was complicated and he was convinced.

The Black Mountain Ghost King, who had been attacking for more than ten rounds in a row, could better experience the power of Song Shi. He was a little more dignified: "Very good, let's see how long you can last!"

He was a little distrustful of evil and growled: "Get down here, my emperor!"

He stepped hard, and a wave spread, and he was faster than the wave. He clenched his fist and smashed it with unstoppable force.

Song Shi had to use both arms to block it, but was still shaken and kept retreating.

"It's too strong. It's hard to kill in a short time."

Song Shi thought to himself, "How about using the Spirit Control Talisman to control it?"

while he was thinking about it.


A loud shout appeared from behind, and the mountain-moving Taoist suddenly appeared, like a meteor falling, and shook them away with a bang.

"We are all our own, stop fighting!"

He held Song Shi's shoulders and said to the Black Mountain Ghost Emperor: "Uncle Taishi, are you still such a bad temper?"

Song Shi was surprised, is this black cow the uncle of Daoist?

"Hmph, this man is deliberately provocative. If we don't suppress him, how can we lose face?"

The Black Mountain Ghost King spurted two streams of air from his nostrils, and he was very angry.

"The blood-clothed elder has a bad temper, but he is not unreasonable. He also came here in a hurry to find his beloved maid, fearing that he would be eaten by the Fire Ghost King."

The old Taoist who moved mountains deliberately made excuses for the old ghost in blood clothes, and said it in a more exaggerated way.

Song Shi frowned. This sounded half true and half false. Could it be that the Fire Ghost King really wants to eat ghosts? I don’t know if Bai Xiaoqin is still alive.

"For the maid?"

The Black Mountain Ghost Emperor was a little unconvinced.

"Senior Heishan, this is indeed the case. It's all my fault that I was bribed by the benefits given by Jie Huo and sent his maid here."

Wang Xileng hurriedly explained that he was also afraid that it would cause too much trouble and harm him.


Black Mountain Ghost Emperor Tong Ling stared at Song Shi with big eyes: "Your nickname is Blood Clothes? It turns out that you are a Body Refining monk. I think it is not suitable at all. You might as well be called King Kong!"

Song Shi couldn't help but have a gorilla appear in his mind. He hurriedly shook his head to erase it and curled his lips: "I am not a reckless man!"

"Are you saying that this emperor is a reckless man?"

The Black Mountain Ghost Emperor's face darkened.

"Uncle Taishi, old ghost in blood, please stop saying a word."

Moving mountains is not easy.

"Hmph, you are quite capable. I will give Qishan a face today and won't argue with you!"

Waved with a cold face, he turned around and turned into a black shadow and left.

Soon, a black mountain appeared in the distance again, and Song Shi couldn't help but take a second look.

"The blood-clothed elder is very curious. This is the Divine Ability that Grand Master Uncle is practicing. He needs to maintain this state to absorb the earthly evil energy at any time. If he can turn it into a thousand-foot black mountain, he can go to the Nine Nether Realm."

"Turned himself into a mountain? He was originally a human?"

Song is curious.

"Yes, but that was thousands of years ago. In order to practice this Divine Ability, the Grand Master fused the soul of a demon cow, so he no longer considered himself a human being."

Moving Mountain nodded.

"Can it still be like this... Could it be that the son he said is really his son?"

Song Shi looked at the minotaur in surprise.

"That's right."

Bishan nodded: "In our Tiangui Sect, if you leave this world without Soul Formation while alive, you can choose to completely turn into a ghost and continue to live in the second life. This is how some of the ghosts here come from."

At this point, he sighed: "But this road is not easy to follow. After all, the life span limit has been exceeded. After turning into a ghost, the evil spirits of the world will pollute the mind, lose the original intention, and easily turn into an irrational evil ghost."

Song Shi couldn't help but think of the sealing formation in the ghost pit, and thought thoughtfully: "So the formation outside is used to seal away some irrational evil spirits?"

"Almost, in our Tiangui Sect, every time someone dies when their lifespan is exhausted, they will come here to look for a second life. Some people fail, some succeed, and those who fail will basically become crazy."

Bishan looked fearful: "You know, the most terrifying thing in this world is not the bad guys or demons, but the irrational lunatics. They don't recognize their relatives, only have desire, and only know how to kill. If you meet such a being, the strength The weak ones are fine, but the strong ones are basically dead.”

Song Shi was shocked and agreed with this sentence.

However, what if you really encounter a madman? You will be so scared that you will risk your life.

He should be the most terrifying existence.

Bi Shan looked at the green sun in the sky of the ghost land and sighed: "This thing is the Nine Nether Xuan Crystal that helps the soul turn into a ghost and forcibly stays in the human world. I hope I won't need it in the future, otherwise I will probably have to borrow the demon soul. Retain your sanity and become a monster in the end.”

At this time, the voice of the virgin came: "Elder Bishan, the Ghost King of Fire and Fire are here and his maid!"

When Song Shi heard this, he turned around and saw a beautiful and charming figure looking at him with a smile.


She shouted crisply, with a sweet look on her face.

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