What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 151 The Main Body Pretends To Be A Clone And Creates The Spirit Body

"Don't be afraid, come and kill me, and you can use all your strength to break the formation."

Song Shi smiled and kneaded, and his Yuan Power fluctuated, splitting into an identical version of him in an instant.

This is the Doppelganger Technique, and it’s the first time I’ve used it against an enemy.

With this technique concealed, the subsequent death will be more advanced, more confusing, and difficult for people to detect.

He no longer had to deliberately give his neck to the enemy like before.

"You know a lot of clone spells."

Lu Laoer stared at the two Song Shis who were exactly the same and indistinguishable: "Unfortunately, we have four heads. If we hadn't underestimated you, we would have eight heads."

Song Shi looked at the four heads of the big snake and thought to himself: "I hope these guys can kill me a few more times."

The surrounding fog shrouded again, and the moment his vision was affected, Song Shi moved.


The two figures separated to the left and right, and rushed into the fog in a flash. Where the enemy could not see, the clones remained, and only the main body rushed towards Yamata no Orochi.

Now we have to seize the time to die, how can we let the clone affect us?

In the mist, the four of them were alert to the surrounding area. A circle of dark green air filled the surrounding area. At the same time, they stuck out their tongues and used special means to sense the situation.


Lu Laoer's eyes turned cold, and he did not hesitate to control the snake's head to bite Misty.

Song Shi, who was full of fire, just rushed out, as if he was sent into the mouth of a snake on his own initiative, and he happened to be bitten.

Lu Laoer smiled ferociously: "Do you think the fog can make us blind? Snakes don't sense food with their eyes!"

He clenched his claws hard, and rows of venomous fangs emerged from the snake's mouth like sharp swords.

There was a crisp sound, blood splattered everywhere, and Song Shi was changed beyond recognition.

"Huh? Killed so easily?"

Lu Laoer was surprised. This man's body was very powerful. He could see how he could be easily bitten to death by just colliding with the Yamata no Orochi with his bare hands.

"It's a clone!"

Thinking of the possibility, he secretly activated his Law Treasure to take precautions.

The other three snakeheads stopped in astonishment. They were planning to strike, but they were bitten to death in one bite, which made them a little embarrassed.

"Be careful, this is a clone, the main body is still around, ready to attack us."

Lu Laoer snorted, spit out the body, controlled the snake's tail to coil up, and protected the snake's head inside.

Sure enough, the next second, the bloody corpse disappeared in the mist.

"It's really a clone!"

"It looks quite real. It almost fooled me."

"This man's clone skills are amazing. It's the first time I've seen a clone that can still bleed. Fortunately, the young master is smart and recognized it."

The three of them were discussing, warning each other in one direction, and not forgetting a burst of compliments.

Lu Laoer raised his snake head, glanced at it, and locked two positions.

Snakes can sense temperature, and Song Shi happens to be a fire attribute, so he looks like a torch.

Even if reversing the yin and yang array can affect perception, there is still no problem in determining the approximate location of Song Shi through temperature.

Seeing that Song Shi's body did not rush over, he thought that the other party was afraid, and his eyes mocked: "It is wishful thinking to break our formation by sneak attack."

Song Shi sets the resurrection point next to the clone, making it look like the clone has been reunited.

"Can you sense my approximate location? Snakes have a very special talent."

Song Shi feels like she's fighting monsters, not people, and some concepts applied to people don't apply.

It would be very difficult for another person to face this kind of enemy.

He has a hang-up, and this kind of enemy is purely to increase his experience.

Come again!

Song Shi's body dispersed all defensive means. Just now, he was undefended, so that the opponent's condensed snake mouth could bite him to death in one bite.

If there is a problem with doing this, it is that the system will add physical strength to him, and his physical body will become stronger and stronger.

If you upgrade it further, it will become a Spirit Body.

"Here we go again, kill!"

Sensing a living creature approaching, Lu Laoer said in a deep voice.

"Master, I'm here this time, just a clone."

A voice came from the earth-attributed snake's head, and the monk inside volunteered for help. After sealing the secret, black spikes appeared in the snake's mouth, and it swallowed Song Shi with a sense of force and weight.


Song Shi was crushed directly, and blood flowed from the snake's mouth.

"The blood is quite real. You can smell the blood."

Lu Laoer stared at the blood that quickly disappeared, feeling unreal.

"Master, it should be the influence of the formation that causes errors in our perception. It's normal."

Another Foundation Building monk explained.

"Then let me kill one after another and see how many clones he can gather."

Lu Laoer held his hands and asked his men to form a triangle to guard against Song Shi, but he stopped taking action.

Every few seconds, a clone approaches and is killed by three people in turn.

"Haha, this person doesn't even dare to let the real body come over."

"Probably he wants to consume our spiritual energy, but he doesn't think about it. Is it possible that one person can consume more than the four of us?"

"As long as you don't let him escape, it won't take long for him to lie down from exhaustion."

The few people responded calmly and had some time to mock Song Shi. They seemed to be in good condition.

But as time went by, they spoke less and less, and their faces gradually darkened.

When the clones were killed fifty times, the four of them were silent.

How can the clone be so economical in cultivation and be able to condense it so many times in a row!

Shouldn't every clone consume a lot of cultivation?


Several people were a little suspicious of what they were killing.

"Master, my spiritual energy is exhausted and must be restored."

The wood attribute monk was sweating profusely. He had the lowest cultivation level and was the first to be unable to hold on.

Not only him, but the other two were also in poor condition, which resulted in the battle formation becoming much less powerful. The Yamata no Orochi shrank in size, looking like it might collapse.

"Hmph, I'm going to destroy the clone. You guys hurry up and recover, and wait for the next few people to come in."

Lu Laoer replaced his subordinates, staring at the mist with cold eyes, and began to feel uneasy.

This person is very powerful, and he is using such methods at this moment. It seems that he is not easy to kill, and may even be dangerous.

Realizing that Song Shi seemed to be able to continuously condense the clones, the four of them began to kill the clones alternately, trying to maintain their condition as much as possible.

As the death continues, Song Shi quietly takes advantage of the enemy's misunderstanding to improve himself.

He doesn't have any pursuits, just tire these guys out.

Then kill them all and get four lottery chances, which is perfect.

"If I die a few more times, I should be able to transform."

Song Shi felt her condition and rushed towards Shekou.

After three times, the resurrected Song Shi had an additional system prompt in his ear.

"Ding, you have been killed by physical attacks a total of 1,000 times, and your physique has been upgraded to Low Grade King Kong Spirit Body. Your physique will be increased by an additional 1,000 points, and your strength, skin, and bone strength will be increased three times!"

Diamond runes appeared on Song Shi's body. These runes were combined to form mysterious lines, which seemed indestructible.

His flesh and blood aura glowed, appearing as if he had become a humanoid Spirit Weapon.

This is a vision that only exists in Dacheng Spirit Body. Even people who are born with Spirit Body must practice cultivation to reach this step in Dacheng.

Song Shi feels that she is full of power and can break Law Treasure with her bare hands.

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