What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 100 I Want To Stay And Fly With You

Song Shi entered the city and didn't see her for a few days. The situation here looked even worse.

There were many beggars on the roadside, garbage and various valuables were strewn on the ground, and cries could be heard from time to time.

Song Shi walked quickly all the way to Yaoyue Tower. It was suddenly deserted and there was not a single guest.


He was startled and thought something had happened. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw everyone was there.


Mei Niang came over in a hurry and whispered: "A distinguished guest came to Yaoyue Tower recently and cannot enter the backyard."

Song Shi couldn't help but think of what Liu Ruxue mentioned, and thought thoughtfully: "The one who invited the Moon Palace?"

"Well, it's an elder who came to inspect Miss Xue'er's condition, so we haven't received guests in the past two days to avoid disturbing the elder."

Mei Niang said with joy: "Miss Xue'er's talent is valued by the elders and has been reported to the palace. Maybe she can enter the inner sect to practice in advance."

"What's so special about the inner door?"

It was the first time that Song Shi saw Mei Niang so happy, so she probably had some benefits.

"Yes, the inner sect has to be the true disciple, and the outer sect does chores. For example, I was assigned to the outer sect to take care of secular properties and look for fairy seedlings."

Mei Niang said with a smile.

"Looking for fairy seedlings in a brothel?" Song Shi suddenly gained insights.

"Young Master is new to the Immortal Cultivation World. I don't know that this Immortal Cultivation Sect is recruiting people. It has restrictions, and if you don't come into contact with enough people, the level of the disciples you recruit will be very low. Special places like ours are all over Daqian. , can solve this problem.”

Mei Niang's face was bright red: "This time we have a Xueer girl in a separate building. I can also enjoy the benefits and have the opportunity to continue serving Yuer at the outer door. Foundation Building is promising."

"Congratulations first then."

Song Shi took a look at the deserted and quiet Yaoyue Building: "Where do they live?"

"Has everyone left except Lao Liu?"

Mei Niang heard this strangely: "Your third brother didn't tell you?"


Song Shi was stunned. He had just seen some people leaving Jinxiu City, but he didn't expect that his relatives were among those people.

For a moment, he felt quite lost.

I was still thinking about how to arrange them next, but in the end, I didn't come back for two or three days and left secretly.

"The soldiers who suppressed the rebels in Daqian were completely annihilated in the Ten Thousand Poison Mountains. When the news came back, many people were frightened. Everyone was afraid that the Heavenly Demon Temple's army would invade the city tomorrow. Many wealthy families in Jinxiu City died overnight. Ran."

Mei Niang talked about the changes in the city in the past two days, "But I heard that Daqian has already reacted, and it shouldn't be too bad in a short time."

"Are you scared?"

Song Shi smiled bitterly, even though he knew there was a reason for his family to leave, he still felt abandoned.

"Where's the great cleverness?"

"I'm practicing."

Mei Niang pointed to the second floor.

"Prepare a table of wine and food for me. If he has finished practicing, let him come over."

Song Shi was not in a good mood. He had just improved his cultivation by two levels overnight, but he couldn't be happy at this moment.

"In the final analysis, you still don't value my existence, and I was taken away by the third child with just a few words."

With a look of ridicule on his face, Song Shi walked to the third floor and looked at the sky outside, feeling lonely.

The world is big, where is his home?

"When will the bright moon come? I'll ask the blue sky for my wine. I don't know what year it is in the palace in the sky."

Song Shi murmured, and the scene of Huang Liang's dream appeared in his mind.

Although I was influenced by Divine Ability at the time, in the dream, the family was happy and happy, which was really good.

"Good words, young master."

Behind him, a gust of fragrant wind came.

A warm body was pressed against his back, and his bare hands were wrapped around his waist to hug Song Shi.

Song Shi grabbed Liu Ruxue's smooth and delicate slender hand, turned around and hugged it, looking at the beautiful face in front of her: "Xue'er, do you have any relatives?"

"Yes, but I haven't been too close to them since I was a child."

Liu Ruxue rested her head on her shoulder, "Most of the Immortal Cultivation families are indifferent and indifferent. In fact, they are not as warm and happy as the mortal families."

She stared at Song Shi from the side and reached out to touch Song Shi's stubble: "We haven't seen him for a few days, why are you so downcast?"

"Can I be happy when my few relatives leave me and run away?"

Song Shi pouted.

"Young Master is just like a child right now, still angry."

Liu Ruxue smiled narrowly, happy to see this side of Song Shi. She comforted softly: "Actually, Master, you are already an immortal cultivator now. It is actually good to have a relationship with these mortals. You are not at all. A man of the world.”

"Not a world..."

Song Shi sighed: "You are indeed not from the same world."

Due to his special origin and the fact that he is not the soul of this world, he actually has not fully integrated into the Song family.

"From now on, Xue'er and Young Master will be our relatives. Please don't feel sad for them anymore."

Liu Ruxue touched Song Shi's cheek and said seriously.

"Okay, okay, I'm too lazy to care about them. They trust Lao San so much, so just follow Lao San from now on."

Song Shi grinned. He was now an adult. It was time to have his own family. There was really no need to worry too much.

"Your third brother is actually quite capable. They are mortals and should be able to survive in troubled times."

Liu Ruxue nodded and put her hands around Song Shi's neck: "Tell me the good news, I have become a candidate inner disciple of Yaoyue Palace!"

"Oh, you have to celebrate this. Let me reward you."

Song Shi smiled evilly.

"Young Master just went out and took a risk. It's better to rest and eat first."

Liu Ruxue rolled her eyes at Song Shi: "Let's go, the food has been prepared. Later, the young master will tell Xue'er what's going on outside. The young master doesn't know that when he learned that Da Gan's army was completely wiped out, Yu'er has been I’m worried about your safety.”

Song Shi felt warm in his heart. No matter how deep Liu Ruxue's feelings were for him, at least someone was talking about him, and that was enough.

He sighed: "This time Daqian was really caught off guard. Daqian had been comfortable for too long, and he was a little careless after all."

"It seems that you have also suffered an ambush. The demon sects are really powerful this time. They are about to shake the foundation of Daqian."

"You mean you haven't been shaken yet? Half of Jinzhou is in chaos, so you haven't been shaken yet?"

"Sir, in this world of cultivation, the foundation of Daqian has a certain relationship with the territory. Their strength is the foundation. If the official practitioners of Daqian are not defeated, this foundation will still exist."

Song Shi thought thoughtfully, this time Jinzhou's army to suppress the rebellion was destroyed, but the strong men from Daqian directly left the war in the Wandu Mountains, and it has not affected too much for the time being.

He sat down and started eating, telling Liu Ruxue the general situation, and Liu Ruxue exclaimed from time to time.

Song Shi drank fine wine and was served by the beauty, finally satisfying her stomach.

Full and warm, thinking**.

After eating and drinking, Song Shi naturally carried Liu Ruxue into the room skillfully and began to undress the beauty.

"Sir, can you stop going to the Demon Slayer Division and go to the Moon Palace with Xue'er? I want to stay and fly with you."

Liu Ruxue let Song Shi take off her clothes and said her request with a blushing face.


Song is just one word, and then I drag my clothes, and they are clean in a blink of an eye.

"Where did you get the paper clothes?"

Liu Ruxue took a strange look, then frowned and stared at Song Shi unkindly: "Master, why do you smell like other women?"

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