What kind of evil method is this? This is the righteous method.

Chapter 70 Our Taoist Priest does things this way

There is nothing to say about monsters and monsters.

When the people around saw the rat monster being killed, their faces were dull and wooden, and light gradually appeared in their desperate eyes.

"Master, Master."

The people's voices were filled with tears. Their knees softened and they knelt on the ground and shouted. Some of them burst into tears, and some looked up to the sky and cried, as if they were commemorating the relatives who had been killed by the rat monster.

The two women stepped forward to help the Taoist priest undress. After the undressing was completed, Lin Fan pointed his fingers to the sky, and the Taoist clouds covered the sun. The Taoist souls in the Ten Thousand People Umbrella swarmed out and devoured the rat monster full of minced meat and the body of Yang Shu whose head was crushed.

Yang Shu's body was not worth mentioning.

But the flesh and blood of the rat monster was a great tonic for the Taoist soul.

Although the body of the rat monster could be refined into meat spirit incense, in his opinion, not all monsters were qualified. They looked too ugly and disgusting.

Lin Fan walked towards the room in front.

The two women calmed the people.

"Get up, everyone. Our Taoist priest came here to slay demons. If there is no rat demon in the future, your life will be better." Fox Daji said softly.

An old man with a face full of wrinkles sighed, "Thank you Taoist priest for killing the rat demon, but without a rat demon, there may be pig demons, cat demons, and dog demons in the future. Our fertile fields are planted for the descendants of the rat demons. We don't have any food to store at home. The next harvest will take several months. We can't hold on until then."

Cat Miaomiao: ...?

Fox Daji understood the difficulties of these people. No wonder they saw so many rats running around in the fields on the way here. It turned out that they regarded the food in the fields as their dining table. They ate whatever they wanted and didn't think about leaving some for the people. The people could only pick up some leftovers.

At this time.

Lin Fan pushed open the door of the house where the rat demon was staying. The smell of blood rushed to his face. The things on the table were shocking, which made him frown.

"Evil beast."

Now the table is full of human food, which means that the eleven female puppets sent here may be gone.

"Master." Fox Daji came over, wanting to tell the Taoist priest about the difficulties of the people, but when she saw the bloody food on the table in the house, she sighed slightly.

"Since I came down the mountain, I have never seen such open and aboveboard human food on the table in the villages, towns and even counties I passed by. Why are these monsters so bold? Is it because they are so advanced that no one can stop them? No, it is the collusion and connivance of officials and monsters that caused this." Lin Fan's voice was low, and there was a hint of anger in his tone.

Hu Daji said: "So what the Taoist did won the hearts of the people and followed the will of heaven."

Lin Fan was silent for a moment, and slowly said: "It is possible to win the hearts of the people, but it is not necessarily the case to follow the will of heaven. If there is really a will of heaven, how can it tolerate such a chaotic world? In my opinion, this will of heaven is either blind or fooling people."

Mao Miaomiao continued: "The Taoist is right."

Lin Fan looked at the two women, his eyes fell on Hu Daji's face, "Did you have something to say to me just now?"

Hun Daji told the people's difficulties.

"Well, tell them, I will find a way for them." Lin Fan said.

Hun Daji nodded. As long as the Taoist can find a way, it is basically stable. Things that can embarrass the Taoist have not appeared yet.

Slowly walking out of the rat demon's house, a heavy feeling weighed on his heart. He walked through the narrow alleys of the town. Every step he took, he seemed to hear his footsteps echoing in the empty space.

His eyes accidentally fell on a dilapidated mud house. The door was open and a pungent stench overflowed from it, rushing straight into his nose, but he did not stop, but walked into the house.

The house was dim, with only a few faint lights coming in from the cracks. He walked to the bedside, where an ordinary farmer was lying. His limbs had been amputated, and the exposed limbs were particularly eye-catching in the dim light.

The farmer groaned in pain, and his voice was full of helplessness and despair.

His limbs were eaten while he slept at night. Even if the doors and windows were sealed, there were still rats running in, climbing onto the bed and eating his limbs. I don’t know what magic those rats used to make him feel no pain at all. It was not until he woke up at dawn that he found that his limbs were bloody and his bones were exposed.

"Donor, I am Xuan Dian, from Chaotian Taoist Temple." Lin Fan said softly, "Your injuries are so terrible that I cannot regenerate your broken limbs with my current level of cultivation. Do you have the intention to die now?"

Zhuang Jiahan said in a low voice, "Please help me, Taoist priest."

Lin Fan said, "I have a treasure called the Ten Thousand People Umbrella, which can lead your soul into it. In the future, you will exist as a soul and follow me to practice. Are you willing?"

Zhuang Jiahan, "Taoist priest, help me."

"Okay, I understand."

The soul-capturing device was turned on, pulling the farmer's soul out of his body. With a thought, the soul poured into the Ten Thousand People Umbrella.

The idea of ​​making this umbrella was very simple.

The world is so terrible that many people are living a life worse than death. For others, living is living, but for some people, living is just living.

As the soul left the body, the farmer stared, and there was no breath.

Lin Fan gently smoothed his eyes.

The two women followed the Taoist priest silently, watching him pass by one family after another. He would treat the sick ones, and some were in very bad condition, with incomplete limbs, their bodies being eaten, and only hanging on by one breath.

The Taoist priest would ask the other party if they were willing to enter the umbrella.

When they were willing to enter the umbrella.

The Taoist priest would suck the other party into the umbrella of all people.

In their opinion, this was really the only way out.


Bonfires were burning in the streets of the town, and the people threw some things from their homes into the bonfires to burn, and also threw in all the things used by the rat demon.

The people stood in front of the bonfire and watched silently, their faces turned red by the light of the fire. Everyone said nothing, just watching quietly.

It seems that he is recalling all the things he has experienced in the past.

Lin Fan stood in front of the bonfire and chanted a spell with his fingers to relieve the resentment lingering in the town and at the same time introduce the resentment that had never dissipated into his body.

Suddenly, gusts of dark wind blew, and a thick fog appeared outside the town, as if it appeared out of thin air.

The tender and strange children's voice floated in the dark night.

A black sedan suddenly appeared out of thin air at the entrance of the town. Eight ghost-like things carried the sedan on their shoulders and jumped towards the town, breaking the tranquility at this time.

Lin Fan turned his head and looked at the ghostly black sedan.

After a while, the sedan stopped in front of the crowd, and the air around it seemed to freeze.

A gloomy voice came from the sedan, with a hint of joking and ominousness: "Brother Rat, what kind of festival is today? There is such an elegant and cheerful activity here with this group of blood food, can you let me see the world?" ?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the sedan curtain seemed to be opened by a pair of invisible hands. A black mist sprang out from the sedan and fell in front of the sedan. It turned into a man wearing a black gold robe and hollowed-out finger guards on his fingers. He looked like a man but not a man. A female ghost.

"Hey, why doesn't Brother Rat come out to see Brother Xian?" The voice of the Ghost King of the Graves rose and fell, with a kind of creepy jest. "Is it because there are two more little demons that he thinks Brother Xiang will meet you?" Do you want it from your brother?"

It did not notice any danger, and walked up to Lin Fan leisurely, took a deep breath, and seemed to taste the smell of blood in the air, "What a strong smell of blood, where did Brother Rat get this?" ? If you can let Xiandi absorb his essence and blood, then...

Before he finished speaking, Lin Fan, as fast as lightning, grabbed the Grave Ghost King's neck with a strong hand, cutting off his words.

Lin Fan said: "Pindao Xuandian, you ghost is so bold that you dare to be so arrogant in front of me. Could it be that you really don't take me in your eyes?"

Considering that he was full of righteousness, who would have thought that this ghost could be so rampant.

The other monsters and ghosts wished he had more legs when they saw him.

But this guy was lucky. Instead of running away, he took the initiative to provoke him. He was really blind.

The greed and joking on the face of the Ghost King instantly turned into horror and disbelief, and he screamed, "Brother Rat, please show up quickly, this stinking Taoist priest wants to kill me, he wants to kill me...hehe."

As he spoke, the Ghost King's expression became playful again, and he immediately used ghost magic, hoping to turn into ghost mist and float away, breaking away from the opponent's control.

But it was as if it had learned to change its face, and the amusement turned to horror.

Can't get away?

How is this possible?

It is a ghost, and ghosts have no real entity.

"What are you screaming at, you ghost? I caught you, and you still want to escape from Pindao's hands. Don't you know how profound Pindao's teachings are?" Lin Fan angrily scolded the ghost king who cluttered the tombs, "And you? That rat brother has been killed by Pindao a long time ago. Even if you scream at him, you won't even be able to summon his soul."

"Who are you?" the ghost king said in horror.

It couldn't even figure out who the other party was.

Hu Daji on the side watched silently, but like a flash of inspiration, the cat took the initiative to go out, surrounded the ghost king of the grave, pointed at him, and gloated: "Okay, you ghost really doesn't know good and evil, our Taoist priest doesn't." You said it, Taoist Master Xuandian from Chaotian Taoist Temple. Not only do you not respect our Taoist priest, but you dare to provoke us, you are finished."

"Taoist Master."

Mao Miaomiao raised her head towards the Taoist Priest. Her meaning was very clear. She really wanted to get the Taoist Priest's approval.

"Yeah." Lin Fan nodded.

Cat Miaomiao happily stepped aside after being approved by the Taoist Priest.

The Ghost King of the Graveyard was trembling with fear. The yellow rat demon was killed by the opponent, and now it was strangled by the opponent's neck and unable to move. This only meant that the opponent's Daoxing was really not something it could provoke.

Think of this.

The momentum softened.

"Taoist Master, have mercy on me. I didn't mean to offend you. Please see that my practice is not easy. Please let me go. I promise not to do evil again. From now on, I will stay in the Graveyard Mountain."

The ghost king in the graveyard is really scared. Whether he is a demon or a ghost, he lives a leisurely and happy life.

Of course, the prerequisite is to be admitted to the imperial edict of Huangtian Sect.

Thinking of the Huangtian Sect, the Ghost King of Random Graves said anxiously: "Taoist Master, this kid has been admitted to the Zhao'an Book of the Huangtian Sect. He is an absolute good ghost."

"Shut up." Lin Fan scolded: "When you meet a weak person, you act arrogant and domineering. When you meet a poor person, you repent sincerely. Do you think that the poor person is a bald donkey who will show kindness at will? The poor person himself Since I came down from the mountain, I have been killing demons, eliminating evil and promoting good, and there are no mistakes. Pindao saw through it at a glance and asked, are you the only one in the graveyard you just mentioned? "

"That's all, from Pindao's point of view, you must be telling lies. Since Pindao knows about Graveyard Mountain, he must go there."

Lin Fan didn't give the Ghost King of Graves a chance to speak, and directly asked the people about the location of Graves Mountain. After learning that it was a small mountain not far away, he set off.

When the little ghosts carrying the sedan chair saw that the Ghost King had been captured, they panicked and wanted to escape.

But how could Lin Fan give them a chance.

"You monsters, please feel the awe-inspiring righteousness of this poor man." Lin Fan opened his mouth, and a strong suction force burst out, covering the group of imps and sucking them directly into his mouth.

"Ah?" The Graveyard Ghost King stared at the scene in front of him in amazement.

Is this a Taoist priest?

It was too late to regret. If it had known this would happen, it would never have wandered around outside at night.

It thought of more than a hundred years ago, when it was still a human, an elder told it not to wander around the mountain after dark, but it didn't listen, and then it became a ghost. Now that it has become a ghost king, it still doesn't listen, and it finally fell again.

The two women followed the Taoist priest and went to the Graveyard Mountain.

If the ghosts in the Graveyard Mountain knew the current situation, they would definitely scream.

Run, the Graveyard Ghost King is here with his fellow villagers.

The Graveyard Mountain is indeed not far away. Lin Fan, who entered the mountain, felt the strong yin energy and threw the Ten Thousand People Umbrella directly into the air. After being nourished by the corpse of the rat demon, the number of Qingshe Daohun reached five.

The five Qingshe Daohuns took the lead and began to search for ghosts all over the mountain.

And Lin Fan also took action.

[Merit +0.1]

[Merit +0.1]

The points are indeed small, but a little bit of meat is still meat.

The mass graves suffered a disaster that night, while the mass grave ghost king was completely desperate. The Taoist priest who caught him was clearly a demon, an evil one.

At this time, the Taoist souls were floating in the dark night, among which Xiaohu and his mother were particularly conspicuous. A green Taoist soul spit out a ghost from its mouth and handed it to Xiaohu, instructing it, and swallowing souls to be strong.

"The gloomy mass graves seem to be much brighter, what do you think?" Lin Fan asked, his voice floating in the night wind.

The two women nodded and agreed very much.

Lin Fan looked at the Graveyard Ghost King, "What do you mean by the Book of Peace?"

Faced with the question, the Graveyard Ghost King did not dare to hide it, and said fearfully: "That is the book in which the Huangtian Sect registers us demons and ghosts. Anyone who is unwilling will be destroyed."

Lin Fan said: "Some demons and ghosts have obtained female puppets. Have you obtained one?"

The Graveyard Ghost King shook his head and said: "Master, my cultivation is shallow. In their eyes, I am just a wandering ghost. It is not worth mentioning. How can I get a female puppet?"

"Yes, the demons that I have encountered who can have female puppets are all at the second level of Qi Refining. You are just a wandering ghost at the middle stage of the first level of Qi Refining. You are indeed not qualified to get it." Lin Fan was also very upset when he thought about the female puppet.

He really wanted to go to the Imperial City to destroy the Huangtian Sect right now.

But he couldn't.

Hate evil as an enemy does not mean stupidity.

The masters are quite afraid of the Huangtian Sect, which means that the Huangtian Sect has demons with deep cultivation. Going there now is tantamount to sending oneself to death.

The Graveyard Ghost King was in a bad mood.

Being caught was not enough, but he was also severely humiliated.

"Master, please spare my life." The Graveyard Ghost King begged for mercy.


Lin Fan pinched it hard, and felt the Graveyard Ghost King screaming and begging for mercy with his soul broken. With a bang, it disappeared into thin air, completely dissipating in the world.

[Merit +1.5]

He stood there, looking up at the bright moon in the sky, thinking about something. The Graveyard Ghost King could be born because there were many corpses here, and the resentment had condensed to the extreme over time.

Under the right time, right place and right people.

The evil spirit appeared, and as time went by, it gradually went from a ghost to the current state. How many lives did it take to come this far? This reminded him of a bandit camp that had been abandoned for a long time.

Where did the bandits go?

There was no need to think about it. It must be that they killed too many people, sowed the seeds of evil, and were eventually destroyed by the ghosts they killed.

Return trip.

Shanping County.

The scale of the county magistrate's mansion is far less luxurious than that of other places. The simple mansion does not occupy a large area.

In the hall, a table that looks a bit old is placed with a few simple dishes, and next to it are two bowls of porridge, exuding a faint rice fragrance.

Soon, a middle-aged man in official uniform walked into the dining hall. Seeing this, the lawyer who was waiting here immediately stepped forward to report: "Sir, the matter has been settled, this..."

"Let's not talk about official business first, let's have breakfast together." Jiang Baichuan gently interrupted the lawyer and invited him to have a meal together.

The lawyer sat at the dining table, gently put the account book aside, picked up the bowl, and sipped a few mouthfuls of porridge. As a local lawyer for two terms, he really admired the county magistrate in front of him.

The lawyer was a native of Shanping County. He always wanted to pass the imperial examination and become a local county magistrate to benefit the people, but he never passed the exam. In the end, he could only save his hometown in a roundabout way and become a lawyer.

But who could have thought that the first county magistrate he faced was simply a beast.

He made Shanping County a mess, and he was only corrupt and corrupt, and he didn't care about anything at all. Fortunately, the position of the legal advisor was quite strange. Although he didn't hold an official position, he had terrible power and could often influence the county magistrate's thoughts with just a few words.

If we talk about his only achievement, it was that he avoided many disasters during his tenure.

For some unknown reason, the first county magistrate was transferred away, and the new county magistrate who was sent down was the one in front of him. I thought they were all the same, but who could have thought that this county magistrate was extraordinary.

As soon as he took office, he made drastic rectifications. Those who did not meet the requirements in the yamen were all removed, and a major blood transfusion was directly carried out.

In the past, the county town was full of knife-wielding villains who were domineering on the streets.

But as the officers and soldiers patrolled, they would stop the group of knife-wielding villains when they encountered them, arresting those who were guilty and warning those who were innocent. Gradually, the atmosphere in Shanping County improved a lot.

At this time, the master reported, "Sir, the people who went to investigate have returned. The disaster in Bashan County has ended. The relief food was indeed distributed at the beginning, but it was detained by the local county magistrate and was never distributed. Later, A Taoist priest, Xuandian, passed by and hacked to death all the officials of Bashan County with an axe, and distributed the relief food."

When he talked about this matter, there was a hint of chill in his voice, as if he could feel the smell of blood coming from Bashan County.

He is really cruel.

Everyone in the government, even the officers and soldiers, was not spared. It can really be said that blood flowed like a river.

"Okay, good kill. I have long heard that the guy named Qin in Bashan County is corrupt and should have been killed long ago." Jiang Baichuan clapped his hands and applauded, and then said: "This Taoist Priest Xuandian is the real Taoist Priest. When there is injustice, you should go down to do justice for heaven and give those guys in the world a slap in the face. "

The master looked at his lord, he was already used to his righteousness, but his words could easily offend people.

"Go on," Jiang Baichuan said.

The master said: "Sir, I talked to the leader of the Haisha Gang, but he said that the wharf was approved by the previous county magistrate, and with the permission of the previous county magistrate, 60% of all fishermen's harvests from boats and fishermen had to be handed over to him. "If we use strong ones, he can't guarantee what his brothers can do."

Jiang Baichuan's face turned cold, "He is threatening me."

The master said: "Sir, the person in the opponent's hands is strong and has hidden weapons. Many of the vicious people that your Excellency drove away have joined the Haisha Gang. Once a conflict occurs and weapons meet, it will be difficult to deal with it in our situation. ah."

"Ha..." Jiang Baichuan was amused. Just tell me what kind of world this is. An official was held hostage by a group of gangs. What is the concept of handing over 60%? That means he didn't think about letting people live. No, he let people live. You live, but you have to live like this every day.

Seeing the Lord's difficulty, the master sighed: "If there is a way, there is only one way."

"What can we do?" Jiang Baichuan asked.

The master said: "Then we invite Taoist Master Xuandian to take action and solve the problem once and for all."

"Alas." Jiang Baichuan sighed, "That's true, but the Taoist priest slaughtered Bashan County officials. If we ask the Taoist priest to take action, once the court finds out, we are afraid that something will happen."

The master said: "The wanted order from the Qingzhou Supervision Department has arrived. The portrait is very lifelike. The person wanted is Taoist Xuandian. I made the decision without permission. The old wanted order is still posted at the city gate. It is better not to put up this new wanted order."

Jiang Baichuan nodded with satisfaction.

"Well done, we admire what Taoist Xuandian has done. Even if we can't help personally, we can't cause trouble."


The housekeeper came over in a hurry and said, "Sir, there is a Taoist priest outside the house who wants to meet you. He calls himself Taoist Master Xuandian."

As soon as the words fell, the two people who were dining stood up suddenly.

Jiang Baichuan's face was full of shock and disbelief, "You said that Taoist priest called himself Taoist Xuandian?"

"Yes, that's what it said. It's somewhat similar to what was introduced in the wanted poster." said the housekeeper.

Jiang Baichuan said anxiously: "Quick, please come in. Farewell, I'd better go in person."

The housekeeper wants to say something, for example, tell the master that Taoist priest Xuan Dian is a unique murderer who specializes in killing officials. Master, you have to take it easy.

But it's wrong to think about it. It seems that Taoist Master Xuandian only kills corrupt officials and evil people.

Our master is an upright official.

No one can cut down our master.

inside the hall.

Jiang Baichuan personally welcomed Lin Fan into the hall, clasping his hands, and his excitement was beyond words: "Oh, I have heard about Taoist Xuandian's name for a long time, and when I saw him today, it is really extraordinary. Jiang has admired him for a long time."

This hand has never let go from the moment he was welcomed.

"Master Jiang, I have never seen you before, but when I saw you now, I realized that Master Jiang is really quite good." Lin Fan looked at Master Jiang in front of him with a smile.

When he came to Shanping County, he checked it with his eyes of merit. Unexpectedly, this place was quite good. From the time he came down from the mountain to now, besides Xinghua Town, this is the only two good places.

Now that he saw Jiang Baichuan in front of him, his doubts were cleared up.

When there is a good official, the appearance of a county will not be much worse.

"It is really an honor for Jiang to be recognized by the Taoist Priest." Jiang Baichuan was extremely excited. Who didn't know that the Priest would kill corrupt officials when he saw them? To be able to give him such praise now shows that everything he did was worthwhile.

Lin Fan smiled, took off the other person's hand, saw the food on the table, and sighed: "Is Master Jiang so simple every day?"

Jiang Baichuan said: "Taoist Priest, how can this be simple? Every grain of rice is condensed with the sweat of the people. Besides, it just fills the stomach."

Lin Fan nodded and praised: "Master Jiang is absolutely right. I am indeed a little hungry today. I wonder if I can give him a bowl of porridge?"

"Taoist Master, please, you're welcome." Jiang Baichuan hurriedly invited Lin Fan to sit down. Seeing this, the master quickly filled three bowls of porridge and brought them to the table.

He didn't expect Taoist Master Xuandian to actually come.

And from the brief exchange just now.

He has already seen that this Taoist priest Xuandian is really an expert.

The smile on Jiang Baichuan's face never disappeared from the beginning, "I wonder if Chang Qian came here to see me for something?"

He believed that he was really honest and dedicated in Shanping County, but he was definitely not good enough for Taoist Xuandian to visit him in person. Besides, Taoist Xuandian didn't know him, so how could he come to see him.

Lin Fan drank the porridge in the bowl, put the bowl on the table, and spit out three words.

"Huangsha Town."

Hearing this name, Jiang Baichuan and his master's expressions changed with shock, obviously they knew the situation there.

Jiang Baichuan shook his head and said: "To be fair to the Taoist Master, there is a rat demon over there in Huangsha Town. He does many evil things and is cruel to mankind. However, Huang Tianjiao and the Supervision Department are related to this demon, which caused Huangsha Town to fall into the hands of the rat demon. I am... As the magistrate of Shanping County, I really have no face to face the people of Huangsha Town."

The master hurriedly explained: "Taoist Master, this is really not our fault, he has nothing to do. That rat demon has extraordinary abilities. In the past, our lord reported the situation here to the court, but there was no reply. Even the rat demon didn't know How did you know that he cast a spell outside the city and caused a group of rats to destroy the fields?"

He was afraid that the Taoist priest would think that his master was colluding with the rat demon.

He quickly explained clearly.

To avoid misunderstanding.

"Pindao knows, what Pindao wants to say is that the rat demon has been killed by Pindao, and Huangsha Town does not need to be persecuted by the rat demon in the future." Lin Fan said.

Naturally, he could see that the master was nervous, and he was obviously afraid of misunderstanding, so he hacked his elder to death with an axe.

But does Pindao look like the kind of Taoist priest who kills people at will?

Prejudice, this is a naked prejudice.

"Ah!!!" Jiang Baichuan was shocked and said happily: "The Taoist Master really killed the rat demon."


Lin Fan was very calm.

Jiang Baichuan stood up from his seat, with a respectful attitude, and bent down to thank him, "Jiang would like to thank Taoist Priest for his work in eliminating harm for the people."

Lin Fan nodded slightly and said in a calm tone, "Master Jiang really wants to thank you, so please do me a favor. The fields in Huangsha Town were destroyed by the rat demon, and the people's food reserves were also greedily eaten by the descendants of the rat demon. I hope Mr. Jiang It can help those people tide over the difficulties.”

"How can this be said to be help? This is what Jiang should do." Jiang Baichuan heard this and said hurriedly, then looked aside, "Master, you will make arrangements later to open a warehouse to relieve the people in Huangsha Town. People must achieve perfection.”

"Yes, sir." The master accepted the order, full of motivation.

Lin Fan smiled. In addition to slaying demons and demons, he sometimes also finished things. Now it seemed that what he wanted to do went quite smoothly. Then he looked at Jiang Baichuan with bright eyes.

"I saw the sadness hidden in Mr. Jiang's brows, so I must have something unresolved in my heart."


Jiang Baichuan sighed.

Lin Fan turned to look outside and pointed at the sky, "I came here and opened my Dharma Eyes to check the situation here. Generally speaking, Shanping County is managed in an orderly manner by Mr. Jiang, but the only flaw is that... There are lingering public grievances that have accumulated and are getting thicker and thicker.”

Jiang Baichuan said with admiration: "The Taoist priest is profound in Taoism. He can see through the shortcomings of Shanping County at a glance. I can't hide it. This is what happened..."

After a while.

Lin Fan stood up.

Jiang Baichuan and Master looked at the Taoist Master.

Hu Daji and Cat Miaomiao have been very familiar with each other for a long time. As soon as the Taoist priest lifts his buttocks, they know what kind of fart the Taoist priest wants to fart.

This is not to say that the preacher farts.

It's just an analogy.

After changing the Taoist robe, Lin Fan pointed at the master and said, "Lead the way."

Clean and crisp.

Just as Jiang Baichuan was about to speak, Lin Fan hissed, "Stop talking and wait for the news. I work very quickly."


Jiang Baichuan and Master opened their mouths wide, wondering if their ears had heard wrongly. Why did they feel that the Taoist Master's tone suddenly changed? There was also someone who had always called himself a poor Taoist, but now it was me.

To be honest, this change really made them feel confused.

"Master, lead the way." Lin Fan said.

The master looked at the master and Jiang Baichuan nodded. The meaning was very clear. Let's go together.


Jiang Baichuan and his master headed towards the dock with the Taoist priest.

The people greeted Mr. Jiang one after another.

It shows how much he is loved.

The two women looked around. They felt that Shanping County was the most harmonious county they had ever seen, and they were quite interested in many things.

At this time, Lin Fan's expression was indifferent, and he was throwing the ax in his hand. He lifted it up, dropped it, and held it. He lifted it up, dropped it, and held it. It was so calm that it made people feel terrible.

Anyway, Jiang Baichuan and Master didn't dare to talk to the Taoist Master along the way.

The reason is simple.

It was that he felt that the Taoist priest's temperament seemed to have suddenly changed. From the beginning, he was kind and gentle, but now he was fierce and domineering, and he had an indescribable feeling of fear.

On the dock, the early morning air was mixed with the unique earthy smell of the river.

A burly, bald man, Pan Gaitian, the leader of the Haisha Gang, sat at the table. There was a steaming hot pot on the table, surrounded by plates of fresh fish and meat. In this world, it is rare to enjoy such a sumptuous breakfast, which makes it seem extremely luxurious.

Pan Gaitian sat still, his eyes blazing, waiting. There was only the sound of chopsticks stirring egg liquid around him. He seemed to be particularly concerned about this sound.

"Gang leader, the mixing is done." A gang member carefully handed the bowl of egg liquid to the table.

Pan Gaitian glanced sideways and said in a low voice: "One hundred and twenty-eight circles?"

"Back to the gang leader, no more, no less, exactly one hundred and twenty-eight times." The gang members replied respectfully.

Pan Gaitian nodded with satisfaction. He usually didn't need to stay at the dock in person, but today was different. There was a batch of important goods that needed to be transported elsewhere. He had to be in charge personally to prevent the troublesome Jiang Baichuan from coming to cause trouble.

"Where's the sugar garlic?" Pan Gaitian suddenly asked.

The gang member responsible for stirring the egg liquid was stunned and looked around, but could not find Tang Suan. He looked at the others and asked, "Where is Tang Suan?"

The people around him pretended to be looking for him, but in fact they took the opportunity to avoid him.

At this moment, a gang member came running out of breath: "Gang leader, Jiang Baichuan is here."

"The one who rides on the horse."

Pan Gaitian's face darkened and he slammed his chopsticks on the table. He cursed in his heart. He wished he could kill Jiang Baichuan right away, but he had a backer behind him and he couldn't easily provoke him.

"Let's go and see what our Lord Jiang County wants." Pan Gaitian stood up, led a group of men, and walked aggressively towards the direction Jiang Baichuan came from.

The people by the river lowered their heads one after another. They knew that the Grand Master of Jiang County was praying for the people, but Pan Gaitian's reputation was even more terrifying. No one dared to provoke ordinary people.

The master saw the mighty Haisha Gang members in the distance and whispered: "Taoist Master, that bald head, that..."

Before he could finish his words, he felt a figure flash before his eyes.

The ax in Lin Fan's hand had already come out of his hand, piercing the air and pointing directly at Pan Gaitian. Immediately afterwards, Lin Fan took a step forward and ran with his legs alternately. The speed was as fast as a bolt of lightning. He was not chasing the ax, but in front of him. Chasing Pan Gaitian's figure.

At this time, Pan Gaitian had not realized the seriousness of the matter, and told the people around him, "When the meeting is over, you must find Tangsuan for me, otherwise..."

"Be careful, leader."

An exclamation came.

Pan Gaitian looked up and saw an ax blade with cold light spinning towards him. His pupils shrank suddenly. The ax made a sound of breaking through the air and hit his chest accurately, causing severe pain of tearing flesh and blood. It made him let out a shrill scream.

But before the screams could fully erupt, a figure appeared in front of him like a ghost. Lin Fan's five fingers grabbed Pan Gaitian's cheek like iron pliers and pushed his head back. Then, the ax in his chest Being pulled out hard.

Lin Fan, who had pulled out the ax, remained expressionless, standing sideways beside Pan Gaitian, holding the ax and constantly slashing at the other man's chest.

Once, twice, three times...

There was no stopping, just slashing wildly, blood spurting and flowing, and the damp ground was dyed red.

Finally, Lin Fan struck Pan Gaitian's throat with an ax and chopped off his head. Immediately, he kicked his head into the air, and his head cut through the sky like a meteor and flew into the distance.

Lin Fan raised his hands to cover his eyes and looked in the distance in the direction where the head was flying. He raised the corners of his mouth and made a cheerful sound.

"nice shot."

He looked around at the Haisha Gang, his meritorious eyes shining brightly, the corners of his mouth raised, and he let out a righteous laugh.

"Haha... Jie Jie Jie."

Everyone was shocked and retreated.

When the deputy leader of the Haisha Gang saw that Pan Gaitian had been killed, he was overjoyed and hurriedly shouted: "Call someone, call someone quickly."

A member of the gang heard this, took out a sky cannon, pulled up the fuse, and with a bang, it exploded in the air, and a bald firework appeared.

Lin Fan locked his eyes on the deputy gang leader, picked up his ax and walked towards him.

The deputy gang leader was frightened and backed away. Seeing that the other party was getting closer and closer, he was so frightened that he hurriedly picked up the boiling pot and threw it at the other party.

There is a boiling hot soup base in the pot, and there are fish and shrimp seasoning.

Lin Fan did not evade, he calmly caught the hot pot, raised his head and took a sip of the hot soup, then threw the pot aside and praised:



The deputy gang leader was so frightened that he ran away. When he came to the river, he jumped down and jumped into the river without thinking. He had excellent water properties and just had to wait until the gang arrived.

But when he looked back, a horrifying scene happened.

The guy holding the ax jumped down without hesitation, bit the ax in his mouth, and paddled the water with both hands. His eyes were cruel and cruel, and he even seemed to be smiling. In the blink of an eye, he swam to his side and swung the ax at him. Cut it down.


Poof! Poof! Poof!

Lin Fan held down the deputy gang leader's head and slashed wildly with his axe. The deputy gang leader struggled, but with every struggle, the blood flowed faster and the river became redder.

After hacking the deputy gang leader to death, Lin Fan swam back to the shore.

When he landed, all the members of the Haisha Gang arrived.

Lin Fan pinched the back of his neck, twisted his head, and relaxed a little.

"Kick him to death."

There were roars and roars.

The members of the Haisha Gang rushed towards Lin Fan crazily, trying to crush Lin Fan with an overwhelming force.

But soon.


"It hurts, it hurts."

"Stop cutting it, you've cut off my legs."

Lin Fan waved his ax and laughed wildly. His figure shuttled in the bloody wind, like a hungry wolf breaking into the sheep, biting wantonly. His movements were wild and cruel, and every slash brought a sense of excitement. With incomparable intensity and craziness.

A thin young man, holding a wooden stick with trembling legs, witnessed the scene in front of him that was like purgatory.

Even if he thinks he is a man.

But he was still scared to death.

Here comes the guy covered in blood, holding an ax and with a scary smile on his face, walking towards him.

His heart was beating like a drum and he wanted to run away, but his legs felt like they were nailed to the ground and he couldn't move.

Ten steps, nine steps, eight steps... getting closer and closer.

The young man thought of his sister who depended on each other at home. He knew that he could not die here. An intangible and invisible belief shattered the cage that restricted his courage. He raised the wooden stick in his hand and struck at Lin Fan.


The stick hit Lin Fan's head.

The boy breathed rapidly, watching the other party raise his hand to remove the stick from his forehead, then walked in front of him, stretched out his hand, and grabbed his head.

Lin Fan put his face in front of the other party, and the smell of blood in his face made the boy feel like vomiting.

"Little thing, you should move the goods at the dock properly. Who do you want to kill with a stick as thick as a thumb?"

"That's not how you join in the fun."

"Get out of the way and watch."

Lin Fan pushed the boy aside, looking at the gang members who were frightened by the killing, the angle of his mouth corners raised more exaggeratedly.

"Don't even think about running away from me."

Lin Fan's voice was like thunder, and in an instant, screams resounded through the sky at the dock.

Jiang Baichuan and the master were stunned in the same place.

They looked at each other.

They were already frightened by the scene in front of them, and didn't even know what to say. They looked at Hu Daji and Mao Miaomiao, as if they wanted to see fear, fear, and trembling on their faces.

But unfortunately, they only saw calmness.

Hu Daji noticed the gaze and smiled.

"Our Taoist priest does things like this."

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