What kind of evil method is this? This is the righteous method.

Chapter 65 I will fight you with all my strength

"Master, you are not alone anymore."

【Merit +2.3】

The other party's cultivation level is not considered weak, it is only at the 2.3 level of Qi refining. If the other party has not entered the demonic path, he may be able to successfully touch the threshold of the third level of Qi refining if he continues to practice hard for several years.

Naturally, the two corpses carrying Tao Xing cannot be wasted, and the appearance after being refined into meat spiritual incense will definitely be good.

It's okay for ordinary evil people and demons to condense into flesh and spirit.

But it's far from comparable to this.

He needs strength to kill demons, so he naturally wants to improve.

He assessed his own strength.

If you have to compare the merits, it is probably between 3.8 and 3.9, which is just a short step away from the fourth level of Qi Refining.

He originally thought that he was a genius in cultivation. After he came out of the mountain, and the quality of the meat spirit incense he smoked was so high, he naturally made rapid progress.

Pinch your fingers to cast a spell to concentrate.

The essence and blood of the two corpses swept up, gradually merged, and condensed into two red flesh incense sticks. These were treasures. The gray flesh incense in the past could only be defective products.

Put away the meat spirit incense and walk into the Taoist temple.

"Taoist Priest, how could they become like this?" Mao Miaomiao looked at these naked women and found that their expressions were dull and their eyes were lifeless. She even saw the separated female corpse, even though she often saw the broken limbs. The scene of the arm also couldn't help but tremble slightly in my heart.

Lin Fan walked up to a woman and observed for a moment, "Humans have three souls and seven souls. They only have one soul and two souls. They were cast into human puppets by magic. They have no consciousness and cannot think. They are no different from the walking dead."

Hu Daji said quietly: "Everyone in the world says that demons and ghosts are scary, but what is more terrifying than demons and ghosts is humans."

Mao Miaomiao said: "Taoist Priest, how can we save them? They are so pitiful. They have obviously done nothing wrong, but they have to suffer such torture."

"I don't know, the poor Taoist can only give it a try." Faced with this situation, even if his Taoism was profound, he did not dare to speak too comprehensively.

As the two women watched nervously, they secretly wondered whether they should use the paper-tying technique to bring back their souls.

However, they gradually realized that things seemed not to be what they thought.

"Prepare the cinnabar ink and other materials."

Lin Fan's voice was calm and firm, penetrating the solemn air in the hall.

"Yes, Taoist Master." The two women responded in unison, acting quickly to place the required materials neatly one by one.

After everything was ready, Lin Fan instructed them to arrange the female puppets in the hall in a specific order to form a circle, while he himself stood in the center of the circle.

Lin Fan took a deep breath, picked up the pen, dipped it in ink, and began to use the magic power in his body.

The tip of the pen streaked through the air, leaving behind a trail of faint light.

He wrote like a fly, and every stroke was accurate. After a while, talismans filled with strange runes were born under his hands.

The two women observed silently. When they saw the Taoist Master attaching these talismans to the female puppet one by one, they also followed his example and carefully attached the talismans to the female puppet.

Seeing that they were able to help put the talismans on, Lin Fan walked around behind the female puppet and picked up the pen again.

What flows out of his writing is not just ink, but also secret spells. These spells gradually appear in his writing, as if they are alive, slowly spreading behind the female puppet.

The whole process was so silent.

"Taoist Master, is it difficult?" Hu Daji asked.

Lin Fan walked slowly to the center and said, "Well, I don't know where their two souls are, and I don't know if they have disappeared. I have to confirm it first before I can recall their souls."

After finishing speaking, he took a deep breath, raised his arm, and gently twirled strands of slender hair with his fingertips. These were all from the female puppet's hair.

Lin Fan's expression became more and more solemn. He cast the curse spell, silently recited the mantra, and used their hair as a medium to sense their souls. The curse spell is a curse. He has the skin and hair of the other party and can cast spells even if they are far apart. Harm people.

And what he wants to do now is not to harm people, but to induce.

At this moment, an imperceptible wave surged out of his body and spread to the entire hall. The already gloomy atmosphere became even more bizarre and indescribably oppressive due to the use of the curse technique.

In the eyes of the two women, the Taoist priest who was casting spells with his eyes closed seemed to be shrouded in a chilling aura, making them fearful.

Deep inside, a voice kept warning them.

Stay away, you must stay away.

At this time, in a county house a hundred miles away from Yuming Mountain, in a dark and spacious room, tables were placed. There were jars on the table, with some kind of viscous liquid poured into the mouth of the jar, and talismans attached to it.

A skeleton hung above the dense jars, which was continuously absorbing the mist overflowing from the jar. The shriveled heart in the skeleton's abdominal cavity seemed to be beating, and the dry skin seemed to be infused with vitality and had a tendency to expand.

In the Taoist Palace, Lin Fan opened his eyes and said happily: "I found it."

The two women looked at each other and knew that there was nothing the Taoist priest could not do.

Mao Miaomiao said: "Taoist Priest, shall we cast a spell to recall their souls now?"

Without Lin Fan opening his mouth, Hu Daji said: "It definitely can't work during the day. The power of the sun hurts the soul the most, so it should be at night. Taoist Master, am I right?"

"Yes." Lin Fan nodded, "You have to wait until tonight to cast the spell, and it has to be when the yin energy is the strongest, which is at midnight."

The night slowly unfolded like a piece of black satin, and the night in Yuming Mountain was shrouded in an indescribable and strange atmosphere.

Perhaps it was because of the long-term occupation of the demon.

In the hall, the white candles lit in the four corners emitted a faint green light, and the candlelight flickered, reflecting everything in the hall strangely

Lin Fan formed a seal with two fingers, and circulated his magic power. The paper lanterns placed on the ground ignited without fire, but the cold flames could not burn the paper lanterns out, and they always remained the same.

"Soul comes, spirit returns."

He whispered the spell and began to perform the soul-calling technique

At this time, in the room where the jar was placed, the jar that sealed the soul of the Yuming Mountain female puppet was shaking slightly, as if an invisible big hand wanted to remove the talisman attached to the jar.

The spell was cast from a distance, using the curse technique as a bridge and the soul-calling method in the paper-tying technique as the main force, trying to let the soul in the jar break through the talisman and return to the body under the guidance of the soul-calling technique.

I don't know how long it will take.


A crisp sound came, and one of the jars cracked. The dry skin skeleton hanging above seemed to sense it, and an evil light flashed in the empty eye sockets.

In another room, an old man who was sitting cross-legged to practice breathing in the turbid air of heaven and earth suddenly opened his eyes, his face was solemn, and he broke out of the door. The gloomy voice echoed in the night sky: "Someone cast a spell to move the soul altar."

This sound was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, stirring up circles of ripples. The people in the Huangtian Sect branch were alarmed, and several monks with Taoism quickly pushed the door out and rushed to the place where the soul altar was stored.

When they arrived at the scene, the old man who arrived first was casting a spell, spitting the dirty blood in his mouth onto the soul altar to suppress the restless soul altar.

"Protector, what's going on?" The person who came asked.

"Someone wants to break the soul altar and release the souls inside, but he has been... Good guy, he still doesn't give up. Everyone, work together to see what that guy can do." The guardian sneered, thinking that the other party was really arrogant, and dared to have ideas about the soul altar of Huangtian Sect.

As three more people joined the fight, the trembling soul altar did not move at all and was completely suppressed.

"Hahaha, you overestimate your own abilities." The guardian laughed.

It just made him quite confused.

Who dared to be so bold as to attack the soul altar.

Those female puppets were sent to various places.

Those monks who breathed in turbid air would not be kind enough to summon souls for the female puppets.

In the Taoist temple.

The hair on Lin Fan's fingertips suddenly ignited, turned into ashes, and gently fell to the ground.

"Okay, this group of demons and evil spirits actually stopped me from saving people."

He couldn't suppress the group of guys because they were far away, and the soul-guiding method of paper-binding was not so profound. Once it encountered obstacles, it was indeed not good enough.


"Consume two points of merit."

The paper-binding technique on the panel began to blur and dissipate, and all kinds of insights came to his mind, and new words emerged.

[Spell: Reincarnation (0/200 for beginners)]

Promote! Promote!

Without thinking, he threw all the remaining merits in.

He never cared whether the spells used to improve merits could enhance his own strength. What he cared most about was whether it would work.

[Spell: Reincarnation (Perfect)]

Refund 0.9 merits.

"You group of demons and evil spirits, I want to see if you can stop my Taoism."

After the words fell.

Lin Fan pinched his fingers to cast a spell, and a chilling aura emanated from his body. It was as if a shadow of a ghost appeared behind him, holding a soul-locking chain, and staring into the night with deep and dark eyes.

"I am Xuan Dian of Chaotian Taoist Temple. Today, I want the soul of the female puppet. The ghost messengers, ghost messengers, and underworld officials from all parties, the five paths..."

He chanted the spell in a low voice, and there seemed to be a response in the night. Gusts of wind howled, and the shadow of the ghost messenger behind him seemed to swing the soul-locking chain and extend into the endless night.

The two women who witnessed everything in front of them looked at it in horror.

They had never seen the Taoist perform such a Taoist magic.

But now there is no reincarnation, no underworld, and naturally there will be no ghost messengers, ghost messengers, and underworld officials...

The Huangtian Sect branch, the guardians and everyone did not leave, but looked at the situation in the house. After a long time of no movement, they thought that the other party knew that they were no match for them, so they stopped.

But who would have thought that the quiet soul altar would shake violently.

There was even a crisp cracking sound.

"How dare you come here? Attack, let this Dharma Protector do it. He will pay the price no matter what." The Dharma Protector's roar echoed in the night sky. He mobilized all his magic power and cast an evil spell to try to forcibly suppress the vibration of the soul altar.

The soul altar banged in the power confrontation between the two sides. Although it was still vibrating, the movement was not as violent as before.

"Let you cast a spell to lead the soul away from the air, what else are these Dharma Protectors practicing."

The Dharma Protector took out a magic weapon that looked like a human bone from his arms, and the small holes on the bone surface revealed a faint evil light. He put the magic weapon to his mouth and blew a strange and sharp sound. The sound penetrated the night sky and conveyed a kind of heart-pounding power.

The other three did not watch, but joined the fight.

One of the obese people tore off a piece of festering flesh from his abdomen and put it in his mouth to chew. He chewed it with relish, pus and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, then spat the broken flesh into his palms, rubbed his palms together, and smeared it on his face. Like a ghost or a demon, like a roaring tiger, he roared at the room where the soul altar was stored.

The sound waves turned into a ghost face looking down at the soul altar in the room.

The other two Huangtian sect monks were not willing to be outdone. They all displayed their best skills and cooperated with the guardian to suppress the restless soul altar.

The guardian did not continue to play the bone flute, "You are overestimating your own abilities."

In the Taoist temple.

Lin Fan's eyes changed from gentle to sharp as a knife.

His facial muscles twitched involuntarily, his teeth clenched, and he let out a low roar like grinding his teeth: "Fuck, fuck... If you were in front of me, I would definitely kill you on the spot."

"Okay, then I will fight you with my lifelong Taoist practice."

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Fan grabbed his chest with five fingers, squeezed it hard, and then spit out a mouthful of bright red blood.

He used his fingers as a pen to draw a series of talismans flashing with blood in the void.

Hu Daji said worriedly: "Master, this will hurt the foundation. Attracting souls from a distance is not good for you. It's better to put it aside for now and rescue their souls when we get to the soul altar."

Lin Fan turned his head and said firmly: "It doesn't matter. I practice Taoism to slay demons and enforce justice. Now these female puppets are suffering. Their souls are out of their bodies and I don't know their safety. If I am afraid to do anything just because of this loss and let them continue to suffer, what kind of Taoism and what kind of law should I practice? I might as well go back to Chaotian Taoist Temple to farm."

The two women were shocked by the Taoist's determination and stopped trying to dissuade him. Instead, they stood aside silently to cheer him up.

"Pure Yang Taoist Body."

"Tao Soul, Tao Soul, all come out to help me."

The Tao Souls living in the Ten Thousand People Umbrella rushed out one after another, spinning in the air and all poured into Lin Fan's body.

In an instant, he was burning with green Taoist flames.

The eyes were filled with black mist, boiling like a tide.

An unprecedented terrifying aura filled the entire Taoist temple. Even though this aura did not lock on the two women, it still made the two women's legs tremble, and their bodies seemed to have lost the slightest temperature.

"Souls come! Souls return!"

Fighting again, pulling souls and spirits.

In the distant Huangtian Sect branch, before the Dharma Protector could catch his breath, he saw that the situation around him was not right. An inexplicable gloomy wind suddenly blew up, bringing a piercing chill. The soul altars vibrated again, and there was a tendency to not give up until the altars were broken.

The Dharma Protector and the three people cast a spell again. They thought they could still suppress it as before.

But the situation was very wrong.

The shaking soul altar did not ease after they cast a spell, but the movement was even more violent than before.

There was only a bang.

A loud noise was deafening.

The soul altar containing the soul being pulled exploded instantly, and countless fragments flew out of the house like a rainstorm. The guardian was shocked and retreated to avoid it. He avoided it in time, but the other three were in a bit of trouble.

Two of them had their faces pierced by the altar fragments, and they screamed.

The fat body of the other one was like a small mountain, and he fell to the ground with a bang. His body was full of fragments. The most fatal thing was a deep wound on his throat, and a palm-sized fragment was embedded in his flesh and blood.

If there is no guidance, the souls in the soul altar will only slowly dissipate between heaven and earth, but a beam of light descended from the moonlight to cover them and carry them out of the house.

There were many paper horses outside the house. As these souls rode on the paper horses, the controlled paper horses stepped on their four hooves and ran away, rushing into the darkness, and gradually disappeared without a trace.

The guardian witnessed all this, anger and helplessness intertwined on his face, he roared helplessly, and was furious, just like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and his fur exploded.

He didn't expect that it would turn out like this after a battle in the air, without even knowing who it was, let alone seeing the face.

Who could bear it if it happened to them.

In the Taoist temple.

Lin Fan returned to normal, and became a Taoist priest with profound Taoism and kind eyes. As for the black fog and green flames just now, they disappeared without a trace.

"Is the Taoist priest successful?" Mao Miaomiao asked curiously.

Hu Daji didn't even think about it, "The Taoist priest is the reborn parents of these women."

After saying that, she glanced at her sister.

What success or failure.

Do you need to think about this?

After following the Taoist priest for so long, have you ever seen the Taoist priest become so gentle after failing?

"It's over. Everything went smoothly. These demons and evil spirits do have some skills, but they are still not good enough under my authentic Taoism." Lin Fan said with a smile.

He was in a very happy mood at this time.

This time, he did suffer a little loss in the battle of magic through the air. He was in the air, and they were in front of him. Apart from other things, the Internet speed was faster than his. He could make one move, and they could make three moves. In addition, the signal would be weakened during the transmission process.

If you don't show some real skills, you may not be able to win.

Fox Daji said: "That's natural. The Taoist priest has profound Taoism and is compassionate. God will help the Taoist priest when he sees it."

Cat Miaomiao blinked, "I am the same."

Sister said what she wanted to say, leaving her speechless. Damn it... Why can't she learn some new words? Well... I must learn. When I follow the Taoist priest to a new place, I must study hard.

Lin Fan smiled and nodded. The two women are his indispensable helpers in slaying demons and monsters.

"Their spirits are about to return. Hurry up and find some clothes for them to wear, so that they won't wake up thinking that I have done something to them. If their innocence is destroyed and they cannot be married, they will commit suicide. This will annoy me to death."

He is very careful.

Although such a thing may not happen, it is better to avoid it if possible. Why add trouble.

Early morning.

Lin Fan came to the Taoist temple. The group of women had already woken up. With the comfort of the two women, they all understood what had happened. They even had a trace of memory in their minds, but this memory was quite vague.

"Thank you for saving my life, Taoist priest."

The women knelt down to thank them. They knew that there were demons in the world, so the first thing they did after waking up was to check if their purity was still there. If it was not, they would definitely feel strange.

"It's a small matter. Since you have encountered it, I will naturally not sit idly by. What are your plans next?"

He knew that it was a headache to place them.

The women discussed among themselves, and finally came to the conclusion that "it's all up to the Taoist priest. We were captured by demons. Even if our purity is still there, we will naturally be looked at differently by others when we return."

In this world, even if it is very chaotic now, as a woman, if her husband knows that her purity is not there, she will be beaten to death.

Lin Fan understood this.

"In that case, you might as well live here. This place is called Yuming Mountain. I have come all the way here, killing demons and eliminating evil, and promoting good. I have cleaned it up almost, so there should be no danger." Lin Fan thought for a while and said.

Every time he arrived at a place, he would clean it up.

Even if the wildfire cannot be completely burned, it will grow again in the spring breeze.

At least there is a buffer time.

"All is up to the Taoist."

Lin Fan nodded. He was relieved to place them here, but just in case, hey, the poisonous insects that I raised with great difficulty will probably have to stay here again.

The purple earthworms were cultivated by him.

The golden centipede in front was given to Shan Gui, so the purple earthworms now will be left in the Yuming Taoist Temple.

It seems that there is a chance, and more poisonous insects need to be cultivated.

After arranging everything, when he left Yuming Mountain, he deliberately wandered around the Taoist temple to see if Taoist Yuming had left any magic spells, or if there were any strange places.

But unfortunately, he really didn't find any.

He smashed the stone statues in the Taoist temple of Yuming Taoist Temple. Before leaving, he looked at the strange clock, but it was too big to carry.

A few days later

In the market of Fuling County, a young man was listening attentively to the storyteller's story. When the story came to an end, the young man couldn't help but applaud and praise.

"The story is so good."

The storyteller, who was drinking water to moisten his throat, put down his teacup and said with a smile: "Young man, what I am telling is not a story, but a true story. It is the real experience of Taoist Xuandian who killed demons and eliminated evil and promoted good along the way."

The audience around originally thought that it was just some exaggerated fictional stories. After all, the plot was too shocking and unbelievable. The killing had already caused the sky to collapse and the earth to crack, and blood flowed like a river. Anyone who heard it would say it was fake.

But now you tell us it's true?

Fuling County is a very dark place. The local area is controlled by the Cui family. This Cui family is just a branch, but it has already become rampant and tyrannical, even killing people is fine.

It can even be said that Fuling County belongs to the Cui family. The shops in the city have to pay silver to the Cui family every month. Once the Cui family is dissatisfied, the shops will be robbed at best, and even their lives will be lost at worst.

"Ah? Is it true?" The boy stared, wiped his face, and said in shock: "Then he..."

"What's his? You have to respectfully call him Taoist Xuan Dian."

"Oh, I was wrong. Taoist Xuan Dian killed so many corrupt officials who exploited the people. Is there nothing wrong?"

"Is there anything wrong?" The storyteller laughed and said, "Who dares to trouble Taoist Xuan Dian? Those people avoid him, and you dare to find him."

If Lin Fan knew about this, he would have a drink with the storyteller.

He is no longer the unknown Taoist Xuan Dian.

No more pretending, he is famous.

"Sir, please tell me more, Taoist Xuan Dian is so powerful." The boy pleaded.

"No, that's all I know. As for the rest, let's wait for other storytellers to come. We travel all over the country, and what we know is basically passed down by word of mouth. If we talk nonsense, it will ruin our reputation." The storyteller packed his luggage and prepared to move to another place.

"Sir, what does Taoist Xuan Dian look like?"

The storyteller packed his luggage and walked forward with a wooden stick. A voice came, "The one who wears a bloody Taoist robe, carries an axe, and carries an umbrella, is friendly and polite. The one who smiles at you is Taoist Xuan Dian."

As the storyteller walked away, the young man stood there, still unsatisfied. Until the people around him dispersed, he carried the big fat fish strung with straw ropes and walked home happily.

But he encountered something on the way.

"Young master, I bought this fish and brought it home to make soup for my mother to nourish her body. I won't sell it." The young man looked at the people in front of him very restrainedly. The man in the lead was dressed gorgeously and waved a paper fan. He was someone he couldn't afford to offend.

"Sell? When did I say I want to buy? I want your fish, for free." Cui Hao looked playful. He liked to bully these peasants. He looked down on this fish, but he just wanted to play with it.

"Ah? How can I do that? This is the only fish I have, and I bought it with my hard work. Please don't play with me, I kowtow to you." The boy immediately knelt down and kowtowed to the rich boy in front of him.

He hoped that the other party would let him go.

Cui Hao said: "Then do you know who I am?"

The boy looked at Cui Hao in confusion and bowed his head: "I don't know, but I know that you must be a rich man, please let me go."


When a scoundrel next to Cui Hao saw the young master's displeasure, he immediately stepped forward and kicked the boy angrily, "I've blinded you, third master of the Cui family, and you don't even know how you are still alive in Fuling County."

Hearing that it was the third son of the Cui family, the young man quickly crawled over and picked up the fish with both hands. "Mr. Cui, please spare my life. I am willing to give the fish to you. Please spare me if you have a lot."

Some of the people around him have long been far away, and they know who the other party is.

And some people who didn't recognize them for a while, when they heard it was the Cui family, they left immediately and didn't dare to get close. After all, even if they didn't do anything, they could get into trouble.

Isn't that young man a lesson to others?

I was walking fine, but I got stopped, and then this happened.

The young man was trembling with fear. He knew how powerful and evil the Cui family was. He did not live in the county town, but in the suburbs outside the city. On weekdays, when he came to the county town, he would work in the workshop and finish his work. Then he left without remembering what everyone in the Cui family looked like.

"Hey, let's go." Cui Hao said with a smile.

"Thank you Mr. Cui."

The young man kowtowed in thanks and left with the fish.

Cui Hao looked at the young man's leaving figure and said to the people around him: "Let's follow him and go to his house to play. There's nothing else to do anyway. It would be great to have some fun and kill time."

The losers around him were laughing.

They knew the boy was in trouble.

Oh, by the way, not only is he miserable, but his mother is also miserable.

After both parties left.

The people communicated one after another.

"It's miserable, it's miserable, he's really going to be miserable."

"Oh, who says it's not the case? If you say that some people in Fuling County won't die someday, you really think they are dying peacefully. That's all... sigh."

There were many strong men with swords in the crowd. They lived by licking blood on the tip of the sword. But when they met the Cui family, to be honest, they did not dare to offend them.

Robbing ordinary people is not the same thing as robbing the Cui family to make money.

In the crowd, there was a monk wearing a bamboo hat, a white robe and a cassock. He saw everything in front of him. After saying Amitabha in a soft voice, he also followed the boy in the direction he left.

Country road.

"Donor, you are so old, you have to be careful when you walk back. If you fall in the wild, it will be very dangerous if you don't meet anyone."

Lin Fan was carrying an old man on his back and spoke softly.

He and the two women left Yuming Mountain and traveled for several days. Before they reached the next destination, they met an old man who had fallen. How could he ignore this and naturally sent the old man home on his back?

"Thank you, Taoist Priest, for your help. My body is no longer strong, but there is nothing I can do. I can't live without farming." The old man sighed.

Lin Fan asked: "Is the land tax here very heavy?"

"Heavy? It's not just heavy, it's life-threatening. I advise the Taoist priest to avoid Fuling County. This place is controlled by the Cui family. They are the emperor here. Even if that person comes here, it won't be easy." The old man tried to persuade me sincerely.

"Cui family? What is Cui family? A local family?" Lin Fan asked.

The old man said: "Yes, the Taoist priest has heard of the Wuwang family. The Cui family is one of the Five Wangs, and it is also a branch. Taoist priest can think about it. Even the branches are so scary, so how scary is the main family? ?”

Lin Fan, who came from time travel, knew about the theory of five surnames and seven hopes.

I didn’t expect that the world I traveled through would have something similar.

In the history before time travel, there once appeared such a person. He was the strongest failed student, the nightmare of the five surnames and seven hopes, the end of a wealthy family, and the mourner of the Li and Tang Dynasties. He single-handedly broke the ruthless monopoly of the imperial examinations that had lasted for hundreds of years. He is a practitioner who has proven that it is easier to get into Chang'an than to get into Chang'an.

He is General Junping, the soaring Taibao who trampled all the ministers in Tianjie, slaughtered all the clans in Chang'an, and uprooted the aristocratic families. He was the leader of the peasant uprising army in the late Tang Dynasty and the Emperor of Qi Dynasty Huang Chao.

"The Cui family doesn't do human affairs?" Lin Fan asked.

"Not only do they not do human affairs, they are willing to do things that even animals are not willing to do. In the past, the old lady of the Cui family was seriously ill and there was no use lying at home. I heard somewhere that it was because of the baby who was just born that night in the city. I rushed at him, which led to problems, so later..." The old man couldn't bear to continue.

Lin Fan answered: "So the Cui family killed all the babies born that night?"


"Is your illness cured?"

"He died within a few days."

The two women following behind clicked their tongues when they heard this.

So cruel.

Lin Fan came here just to find Huang Tianjiao. He didn't expect to hear such things. The Cui family is very good. It seems that Pindao is going to go on a killing spree again.

"Old man, it's okay."

"Hey, I know, it must be fine, I'm used to it."

"That's not what Pindao means."

"Ah? What does the Taoist priest mean?"

"What Pindao means is that if it's not today or tomorrow, the Cui family in Fuling will cease to exist."

"Ah?" The old man was a little confused. He really didn't understand what the Taoist priest meant.

Hu Daji said: "Old man, our Taoist priests slay demons, punish evil and promote good. We will not just sit idly by."

Mao Miaomiao said: "Our Taoist Master has a very sharp axe, and he likes to chop down these evil people the most. Don't you know, the Taoist Master has never said that his eyes are dry since he came down from the mountain and chopped them all the way up to now. Old man, do you know why?" "

The old man said: "Why?"

Mao Miaomiao said: "Because the Taoist priest knows that if his eyes are dry, he will blink. He is afraid that he will miss the bad guy if he blinks, so he would rather have dry eyes than blink."

Hu Daji:...?

Lin Fan:...?


Everyone looked at Cat Miaomiao in confusion, even Lin Fan was shocked by what she said.

This can still be said.


"Old man, this believer Pindao is telling the truth. Pindao does have concerns in this regard." Lin Fan said.

Cat Miaomiao raised her head and puffed out her chest after being approved by the Taoist Priest. To be honest, she didn't know why she said this. She just had a flash of inspiration and blurted out, but she didn't expect to get the Taoist Priest's approval.

Hu Daji opened her mouth, how could she still say this?


There was movement ahead, and a noisy sound caught their attention.

In the courtyard, a group of people gathered around, some were crying, some were cursing, and some were speaking out.

But these are not the point.

The point is that the yelling was hard to hear, the crying was miserable, and the reasoning was pale.

In the dilapidated courtyard, a young man and a haggard-looking woman were kneeling on the ground. Their eyes were full of despair and pleading. The woman's voice was trembling. She begged the richly dressed young man to show mercy and let him go. they.

"Smelly monk, do you know who I am?" Cui Hao was in a bad mood. He wanted to have some fun, but who would have thought that an ugly monk wearing a bamboo hat suddenly appeared and stopped him.

He asked the bad guy to take action. Who would have thought that this smelly monk was a tough guy and could defeat his bad guy in just a few clicks.

The monk's expression remained unchanged and he replied calmly: "I know that you are the third son of the Cui family."

Cui Hao became even more angry: "Now that you know, you still dare to stop me?"

The monk still remained calm: "Donor, you come from a famous family, why can't you be broad-minded and be merciful when you can?"

Cui Hao's face showed disdain, "Fuck you stinky bald donkey, I can do whatever I want, who can stop me?"

The monk sighed softly, "Donor, this poor monk talks but does not do anything. I hope you can turn around, have good intentions, accumulate virtue and do good deeds, and you will be rewarded in the future."

"Fuck you stinky bald donkey." Cui Hao scolded angrily, "It's a blessing for me to be born into the Cui family, and I can also do good deeds. I'm afraid you bald donkey doesn't know how powerful the Cui family in Fuling is."

Just when the monk was about to say something.

A joking voice came.

"Master, you have nothing to do, are you going through the process again?"

Hearing such a familiar voice, Master Guiwu turned around, saw the familiar face, clasped his hands and said, "Why are fellow Taoists here?"

When Cui Hao saw that the monk still had time to communicate with others, he was so angry that he took action and flew away the monk's bamboo hat, "Smelly monk, you stepped on..."

Before he finished speaking, when he saw the monk's appearance, his pupils shrank and he couldn't help but take a few steps back. He didn't expect that the monk he was talking to was so ugly and disgusting.

Suddenly, he remembered something.

That is a matter of practice.

Turbidity, turbidity?

As if he thought of something, Cui Hao took a deep look at the monk, turned around and left without saying a word, without even leaving a harsh word. The losers around him hurriedly followed.

They didn't understand why the young master left.

Could it be that he was frightened by the monk's ugly appearance?

Master Guiwu didn't stop him, and Lin Fan who was passing by also didn't stop him. He just stared at the departing figure with a smile on his face.

"You made fellow Taoist laugh." Master Guiwu shook his head, "Fellow Taoist, who is the benefactor behind you?"

"Oh, I was passing by here on the poor road. I saw the old man fell to the ground and had difficulty moving, so I carried him back."

"Fellow Taoist is still so kind."

"It's not worth mentioning. Pindao has always been kind-hearted and can't tolerate the suffering of others." Lin Fan waved his hands modestly, and then said in surprise: "Why did the master appear here? The master left Jinyang County earlier than Pindao. Master’s strength shouldn’t be here.”

"The poor monk was delayed by something."

"Oh, that's it. Hey, master, where is your tin staff?" Lin Fan found that the master had empty hands, which logically shouldn't be the case. He suddenly smiled and said, "I know, the master's tin staff must be broken again."

Master Guiwu smiled, his meaning was very clear, there was nothing wrong with it, you were right.

Lin Fan continued: "The master's tin staff is broken, and repairing it will definitely require silver. That means the master must be penniless now, right?"

Master Guiwu responded with a smile again, but turned his gaze to the two women standing aside. There seemed to be a slight flash of golden light in his eyes, which made the two women feel an indescribable sense of oppression and shrank their heads involuntarily. .

But the master didn't say anything and changed his gaze.

"Sure enough, I can't hide anything from my fellow Taoist."

At this time, the young man who was sitting paralyzed on the side was staring at Lin Fan. From bottom to top, he felt that the Taoist Priest was exuding a heart-warming blush, which reminded him of the storyteller. Taoist priest Xuandian.

Red Taoist robe, don't hold an axe, and carry an umbrella.

The person in front of me seems to fit the bill.

Lin Fan, who was chatting with the master, noticed the young man's gaze and turned his head with a gentle smile.

Smiled, the Taoist priest smiled.

The loop is closed, everything is closed.

The young man asked excitedly, "Are you Taoist Master Xuandian?"

Lin Fan said in surprise: "The donor knows Pindao."

"Ah!!! It's really Taoist Xuan Dian, mother, he is Taoist Xuan Dian, the child saw it with his own eyes, really saw it with his own eyes." The boy stood up and jumped, his expression was excited, as if he was possessed.

Lin Fan was a little at a loss.

The boy's mother was worried, thinking that her child might have been scared out of his mind.

Poor child, how could this happen.

"Donor, why are you so excited to see me? Is there something wrong with me, or have you seen me before?" Lin Fan asked.


The boy knelt in front of Lin Fan, "Master Xuandian, save us. The storyteller said that you killed demons and exorcised evil, and punished evil and promoted good. You must save us."

Lin Fan helped the boy up and smiled, "Okay, okay, the purpose of my going down the mountain is to kill demons and exorcise evil, punish evil and promote good, but can you tell me about the storyteller's situation and what do you know about me?"

The boy who stood up was still excited and told what he heard. Because he was too excited, he was a little incoherent, but it was okay. Lin Fan listened very seriously and carefully, and even wanted the other party to talk endlessly.

After all, who doesn't like to hear others flatter themselves so obsessed?

You like to listen to it too.

The boy asked after he finished speaking, "Master, is it always like this?"

Lin Fan kept smiling all the time, his back straight, and faced the boy's questioning, he shook his head and sighed.

"I didn't expect that I couldn't hide it."

"Not bad."

"It's true."

Please give me a monthly ticket, thank you everyone.

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