What kind of evil method is this? This is the righteous method.

Chapter 107 Haha, it’s done. I finally cultivated the Purple Qi from the East Taoist Body.

Tea stall.

The father-in-law, whose grandson was safe, was particularly enthusiastic. He took out his treasured tea and brewed it for the Taoist priest and his friends.

There were three bloody corpses lying on the roadside, but they did not give people a strange feeling. The scarlet blood added some color to the place.

"How is life setting up a stall here?" Lin Fan asked casually.

The father-in-law said stiffly, "I won't starve to death."

This answer is very meaningful. Not starving to death is just barely surviving, which is far from a good life.

"Does anyone bully you normally?" Lin Fan asked again.

The father-in-law said, "Occasionally, people from the underworld pass by and ask for some protection money."

"People from the underworld are shit. In my eyes, they are just a group of evil people who deserve to be killed." Lin Fan never showed mercy to those evil people who bullied the weak with knives. He would chop them up in the street when he met them, and never give them any chance to survive.

Their evil deeds should not be underestimated either. The harm to ordinary people is a bolt from the blue.

The old man didn't know who the Taoist priest in front of him was, but the fact that he saved his grandson showed that the Taoist priest was a good person. He poured the brewed tea into a tea bowl and brought it to the Taoist priest.

"Thank you." Lin Fan held the tea bowl and said, "This place is not far from Qinghe. The Cui family is deeply connected with demons. Are there any demons and ghosts nearby?"

Since the reputation of Taoist priest Xuan Dian spread, many demons and ghosts have avoided him. It has been a long time since I met one that I can see.

Even if I occasionally meet them, they are more stubborn and think that Taoist priest Xuan Dian is not worth worrying about.

The old man was very secretive about the Cui family. He hurriedly shushed, not to mention the Cui family. Although there was no one around, he looked around to make sure that there was no one, and whispered: "Taoist priest, don't say it. I heard that something big happened to the Cui family recently. If someone with ulterior motives heard it, it would be a disaster."

The closer you get to Qinghe, the more you can understand the horror of the Cui family.

Some people knew why they still wanted to get close to Qinghe River. The main reason was that they didn't want to face the persecution of demons and ghosts. Being close to the Cui family, the nearby demons and ghosts were restrained and dared not mess around.

"Look at the three corpses outside."

The old man looked outside, puzzled.

Lin Fan said: "Those three corpses are the Cui family's assassins, who came to kill me."

The old man was shocked and looked at Lin Fan with a shocked face.

Mao Miaomiao said: "Old man, this is Taoist Xuan Dian. Since he came down the mountain, the Taoist has been killing demons and punishing evil and promoting good. He has killed from Qingzhou to Bingzhou. The branches of the Cui family were uprooted by our Taoist. Now he is about to face the Cui family, which naturally caused the Cui family to panic and want to assassinate our Taoist."

What to say is the most familiar to Miaomiao.

Naturally, it is to introduce the Taoist master himself.

That is memorized by heart.

Open your mouth and say it.

"Ah!!!" The old man has been running a tea stall for some years. In the past, he was blackmailed by evil men and could also hear tea drinkers talking about the underworld. But after listening to it for so many years, he had never heard of anyone daring to attack the Cui family of Wuwang.

Mao Miaomiao said loudly and firmly: "Fair! Fair! It's still fair! These are not far away."

The old man sighed: "If it is really possible, then the Taoist priest is the savior of the people."

"I can't say I'm a savior. I'm just doing what I can." Lin Fan waved his hand modestly, "I don't know if there are any demons and ghosts around here. If there are, I will kill them along the way."

The old man pondered for a moment, "Baiyun Town, 30 miles away from here, seems to be a bit weird. There are often tragic deaths at home. The death is very miserable, the body is twisted, and the eyes are staring, as if they were scared to death."

Lin Fan nodded, took out the silver and put it on the table, got up and left. The old man hurriedly said that he didn't need to pay, and the silver was too much, so he wanted to stuff it back to the Taoist priest.

"I lived well before, and I hope I can live well in the future."

After saying that, he quickened his pace and left in a hurry. When he left, Mao Miaomiao took the initiative to absorb the spirit of the three corpses, and three flames burned the corpses, destroying the corpses and eliminating the traces, saving the father-in-law from the hard work of burying the corpses.

Lin Fan was quite satisfied. Miaomiao had made great progress, and her ability to control fire was quite good, a good helper in destroying corpses and eliminating traces.

The father-in-law looked at their backs as they left and touched the head of his grandson standing beside him.

There were some people who were full of blood and threatened to teach the Cui family a little lesson.

But in the end, their end was miserable.

It's just that this Taoist Xuan Dian gave him a very different feeling now. As for where it was different, he couldn't say, it just felt like that.

"Master, have you been to Baiyun Town?" Lin Fan observed the surroundings, not knowing whether the Cui family would send assassins again. Five martial arts peak warriors provided him with 7.5 merit points.

Gui Wu said, "I've been there before, but I haven't been there for a long time."

"It seems that when the master went there, there might not be any situation there." Lin Fan said with a smile.

The master was alone, and he was still a big worry for Wuwang and Huangtian Sect. The fact that he could survive until now was enough to show that the master's ability to survive was really strong.

Gui Wu sighed, "Demons and ghosts will appear at any time. This is inevitable. Daoist friends, look at the evil air between heaven and earth, how turbid it is."

"Well, it's true. Innocent people live in this world. Even if they have good intentions, they will be affected over time. From good to evil, it is often just a thought, and before this thought is the sea of ​​purgatory."

Lin Fan touched the axe on his waist. The cold texture penetrated his skin and reached deep into his heart. There was too much blood, all of which were the blood of evil people, demons and ghosts.

In his opinion, if this axe was stained with innocent lives, it would be useless.

The master who opened the axe for him would definitely be the first to jump out and disagree.

Gui Wu said: "Daoyou, the road you are walking on is not easy."

"There is no easy road in the world, but the only way to make it easy is to use the sharp weapon in your hand to clear the obstacles in front of you." Lin Fan pulled out the axe, swung it several times, and then skillfully put it behind his waist.

Master Gui Wu stared at the axe with a cold light, and he knew that Daoyou's thoughts had never changed since they met.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

This is what Daoyou Xuan Dian thought.

Even though Master Gui Wu had seen a lot of the world, when facing Lin Fan, he could only say that this Daoyou's murderous intention was the heaviest in the world.

After a long time, Lin Fan and his friends appeared in Baiyun Town. They did not rush in, but stood at the gate of the town and watched.

The Baiyun Town in front of them was shrouded in white mist like gauze. It looked very light, but it gave people a sense of weirdness.

Lin Fan opened the Eye of Merit, and the aura gathered in the sky above Baiyun Town was somewhat unusual, different from the places where evil spirits and resentment gathered in the sky that he had seen before.

"Master, you see that Baiyun Town is shrouded in white mist like gauze, which is very different from other places we have been to, indicating that the innate situation of this town is quite bad." Lin Fan said.

"That makes sense." Master Guiwu nodded in response.

Communication between fellow Taoists is very necessary. Even though Guiwu has been walking in the world for so many years, he dare not say that he knows everything.

Lin Fan stared at it intently and said slowly: "The aura gathered in the sky above Baiyun Town that is invisible to the naked eye is different from the evil spirits and resentment. I have seen many such situations since I came down the mountain. Master, there are evil spirits in this town."

Master Guiwu looked at fellow Taoist Xuandian in shock.

"Fellow Taoist, can you tell me the truth? What's wrong with your eyes? Even I can't see so accurately."

He didn't think fellow Taoist Xuandian was talking nonsense, but he thought it was too incredible.

If one practices Buddhism to a high level, he can open the Buddha's eye and distinguish the evil spirits of demons, but he can only see the surface, and he can't do it to the level of Taoist Xuan Dian.

"Master, I have a profound knowledge of Taoism. You know the ability of Taoism. It's easy for me to see through the truth. Otherwise, why do you think I kill people outside and never investigate?" Lin Fan said.

Gui Wu thought about it carefully, and it was really so.

When Taoist Xuan Dian started to chop people, he didn't ask any questions and just started to chop directly. Even if some of them were hiding, his eyes were like tracking, and he accurately pulled the other party out.

Thinking of this.

Gui Wu admired Taoist Xuan Dian's attainments in Taoism.

The demon-subduing fist that he had taught Taoist Xuan Dian was also changed beyond recognition by Taoist Xuan Dian, with boiling evil spirits and surging demon flames, but even so, why didn't Taoist Xuan Dian become a demon?

This should be related to Taoist Xuan Dian's understanding of Taoism.

"Daoyou, let's go in and take a look first." Master Guiwu said.

Lin Fan nodded, and the four of them entered the town. The people passing by observed them. Baiyun Town seemed peaceful. The people were busy with their own things. Some set up stalls and shouted for business.

But their faces were very haggard, revealing gray, black eye sockets, and very bad complexion.

If it was a demon doing evil here, with the ability of the demon, only people would die, instead of affecting all the people.

This is the terrible thing about evil spirits.

They don't show up, but only pollute the surroundings with the breath of evil spirits. As long as they are touched a little, for ordinary people, it's like a death notice. Without the help of a real master of cultivation, they will definitely die miserably.

They came at the right time. A murder happened here. Someone hanged himself under the old locust tree. When Lin Fan and others arrived at the scene, a male corpse was still hanging there.

He was wearing white clothes, his limbs were drooping weakly, his hair covered his face, and his appearance could not be seen.

He was also hanging with his feet, and his feet were spread out.


A black-feathered crow landed on the branches of the locust tree and cried out. To the onlookers, this was an ominous sign.

"Hey, what are you still standing there for? Come and put the body down." A middle-aged man with a mustache came over with his men in a hurry. Seeing the situation in front of him, he sighed repeatedly and urged everyone to act.

Unfortunately, no one dared to move. They all watched in fear.

In Lin Fan's sight, the hanging corpse was shrouded in an evil aura that never dissipated. With this aura, anyone who touched the corpse would be infected.

But every citizen in Baiyun Town was stained with evil aura.

The only difference was the difference in strength.

"I am here."

Lin Fan walked out of the crowd. The people were surprised to see this strange Taoist priest walk to the corpse, hug the corpse's legs, and put the corpse down from the noose.

At the moment he touched the corpse, a bit of black ash fell on his shoulder, and the black ash dissipated, turning into a wisp of evil aura adsorbed on the surface of his body.

I didn't care. If I wanted to solve this evil spirit, I had to take the initiative to enter the evil spirit's prey circle.

After laying the body flat, I saw the other person's face clearly. He rolled his eyes and smiled at the corners of his mouth, as if he was very happy when he died. His right hand was clenched tightly, as if he was pinching something.

I opened the other person's fingers and found that he was holding it tightly. I didn't expect it to be a mahjong six-piece, just an ordinary mahjong, and I didn't see anything wrong with it.

I put the mahjong back into the other person's hand and closed his five fingers. If you like to hold it, then hold it. There is no need to grab the dead person's things.

He deliberately looked at whether the other person's soul was still there.

But it's a pity that the other party's soul has long since disappeared. I tried to summon the soul silently, but there was no fluctuation. Obviously the soul disappeared. As long as it still exists, even if it is far away or imprisoned, it can be sensed.

Lin Fan shook his head and looked at the middle-aged man, who was approaching.

"Thank you, Taoist Master." The middle-aged man came over and said politely: "I am Tian Luohai, the mayor of Baiyun Town."

"Mayor Tian, ​​do things like this often happen in your town?" Lin Fan asked.

"No, no, no." Tian Luohai waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Taoist Master, our people in Baiyun Town have always lived and worked in peace and contentment. Such things rarely happen. This is a special case and happens occasionally."

In Lin Fan's sight, Tian Luohai himself was shrouded in evil aura, no better than other common people.

The people around them rolled their eyes when they heard the mayor's words.

The mayor really opened his mouth and lied without batting an eyelid.

Lin Fan said: "Mayor Tian, ​​I am a poor Taoist and a master of Taoism. The situation in your Baiyun Town is very wrong. Basically all the townspeople are infected with evil spirits. This person hanged himself because he encountered something unclean."

Tian Luohai looked at Lin Fan and his eyes fell on his Yin Yang Taoist robe. This Taoist robe was more impactful than the previous Blood Taoist robe, giving people the impression that a Taoist priest who can wear such a Taoist robe is definitely an extraordinary Taoist priest.

He looked at Master Guiwu again and took a breath of cold air. He looked terribly ugly, but the refined tin staff shone with a faint light, and he knew it was an extraordinary thing at a glance.

"Taoist Master, master, you come with me."

Tian Luohai's meaning is very clear, let's take a step to speak.

"Wait a minute." Lin Fan put his fingers together and drew symbols on the corpse, which made Tian Luohai look at it intently. When Lin Fan pointed his fingers, a faint light flashed from his fingertips, shocking Tian Luohai.

It's okay if you don't understand what's being drawn.

The key is the light that emerges from the last finger. It is useless for ordinary people to prick their fingers.

Master, this is definitely a master.

"Okay, you can move the body away." Lin Fan said with a smile.

Tian Luohai took them to a courtyard.

"Taoist Master, Master, help me." Tian Luohai knelt down in front of Lin Fan without any warning. His previously calm expression turned to panic. It seemed that something terrible had happened and he was already frightened and uneasy.

Lin Fan helped Tian Luohai up, "Mayor Tian, ​​tell Pindao the truth about what is going on in Baiyun Town. Pindao can guarantee that this person is definitely not an accident."

Tian Luohai thought for a few seconds, organized his words, and said: "To be honest with the Taoist Master, we don't know the specific reason, but the corpse just now is the fifteenth corpse this month."

"It's the end of the month, so someone will die every other day?" Lin Fan said.

"Yes, people in Baiyun Town are in panic now. They all think that there is some murderous maniac lurking in our town. But those who died did not have a single wound on their bodies. Some were hanged, some were drowned, and some died on the bed. There are various ways to die. The Taoist priest just said that he was contaminated with evil spirits, and I think it is really possible."

The more Tian Luohai thought about it, the more scared he became. If he were the mayor, he would have found a way to run away.

"When did the dead begin?" Lin Fan asked.

Tian Luohai thought for a while and said: "About half a year ago, it wasn't so frequent at first, but it has become very frequent recently."

"Oh." Lin Fan nodded. He had observed it with the Eye of Merit. The whole town was filled with evil spirits. It was very difficult to find evil spirits based on their severity.

The evil spirit is not a demon or a human being, it may be an inconspicuous object.

"Have anyone from the Cui family in Qinghe been to your place?" If you encounter these harmful things, you can directly use them on the Cui family, and there will definitely be no problem.

"Yes, it's true. People from the Cui family came to us a month ago. I don't know what they were doing. They stayed in the town for one night and left the next day." Tian Luohai said hurriedly. .

He knew the Cui family, the overlord of Qinghe, was lucky to say that the Cui family did not reach out to Baiyun Town. If there were people from the Cui family staying here, their life would be very difficult.

Lin Fan thought of the mahjong held in the corpse's hand, "Do you have a gambling house here?"

"No, the townspeople here are so poor that no one has spare money for gambling."

"Did the person who died have anything in his hand?"

"I don't know. No one dares to look at it. They basically burn it on the spot."

There are no fixed clues.

"Master, what do you think?" Lin Fan asked.

Master Guiwu said: "It's hard to find evil spirits. Unless you wait for evil spirits to actively emit an unknown aura, searching here is like looking for a needle in a haystack. According to the rule of one person dying every other day, I'm afraid it won't work today."

"I don't think so. The evil breath will not kill people once, but will continue. There is no movement during the day, which does not mean there is no movement at night." Lin Fan said.

"It makes sense."

Mao Miaomiao looked at Master Guiwu. She had heard the master say many times that "what he said makes sense," just like she said before, "so do I."

So uneducated.

If Master knew that Miaomiao regarded him as uneducated, he would definitely break up with Miaomiao.

Everyone dares to look down upon him.

Absolutely daring.

Tian Luohai placed all his hopes on Taoist Xuandian and arranged a place for them to live. The Taoist's house was right next to him, which made it easy for him to feel safe.

As night falls, the night is as dark as ink, the stars are dim and obscure, and the full moon is covered by black clouds, making Baiyun Town look very lonely.

Lin Fan and Master Gui Wu stood on the eaves on both sides, their eyes sparkling like two gems in the darkness.

Lin Fan raised his finger, and the Wanmin Umbrella behind him rose into the air, unfolded its surface, and the Qingshe Taoist Souls emerged from the umbrella, floating around one by one.

Master Guiwu took a look and saw that the ghost energy was permeating the air. These Qingshe ghosts cultivated by fellow Taoists were extraordinary. They were as powerful as evil spirits, entering the house through walls and killing people invisible.

Even though he has been walking around the world for decades, he has not encountered many Qingshe ghosts.

I don’t know how many people I killed before I could transform an ordinary ghost into a Qingshe ghost.

Under Lin Fan's instructions, Qing She Daohun spread out and shuttled through the streets and alleys of Baiyun Town. If there was any movement, he would be notified immediately.

There was clearly only the evil aura in the sky above the town, but with the appearance of Qingshe Taoist spirit, a strong ghostly aura rose into the sky, and it seemed that there was a tendency to fight against the evil aura.

Not long after, news came.

Lin Fan jumped up and landed on the eaves of a distant house as lightly as a swallow. He jumped again and fell into the darkness. Master Guiwu followed closely behind him. His body was not as light as Lin Fan's, which attracted some people. scolded.

However, the monks, whose six sense organs are pure, did not listen to these words at all.

They stayed on the eaves of a house next to a street and looked towards the spacious street. They saw four townspeople walking staggeringly on the street. When they met each other, they did not say a word and walked towards each other together. Go forward.

Lin Fan and Master Guiwu looked at each other and followed them, wanting to see where they were going.

Four villagers came to a house and stood in front of the door. The closed door opened, but no one opened it, as if it was blown open by the wind.

Four people entered and the door was closed.

"The evil spirit is here?" Master Guiwu asked doubtfully.

Lin Fan looked at it intently, "Although the evil aura here seems heavier than other places, it shouldn't be so weak."

All doubts are difficult to determine without seeing the real situation.

The two of them skipped the main entrance and continued to jump into the house. When they looked around, the four people were actually sitting cross-legged in the courtyard, facing each other, grabbing the air with their hands, and patting it again, as if they were It's like playing mahjong in the air.

This strange situation made Lin Fan very puzzled.

What's wrong with this evil spirit?

While they were playing air mahjong, the door to the courtyard opened, and a half-person-tall black Buddha statue silently stared at the four people in the courtyard.

When Master Guiwu saw the Buddha statue for the first time, his expression changed drastically, "Three Desires Evil Buddha Dharma, did the Cui family cooperate with the demon in the Northern Territory without telling Pindao?"

Just when he wanted to tell fellow Taoist Xuandian about the importance of this matter.

Turning around, he saw fellow Taoist Xuan Dian falling directly into the courtyard and striding towards the black Buddha statue. As if sensing something, the evil aura suddenly erupted, condensing into a solid mist and surrounding Xuan Dian.

"Master Tao is here, how dare you, a little evil spirit, to be so presumptuous?" Lin Fan took a sharp breath, absorbing the evil spirit surrounding him into his body, walked up to the Black Buddha Demon, grabbed the Buddha's head, and jerked it Squeeze, the head of the Buddha statue is broken, and the inside is empty. In an instant, billowing evil breath fills the air.

Lin Fan used his innate red sun body, and the red sun flames enveloped his whole body. He suddenly opened his mouth and absorbed it crazily.


Master Guiwu was horrified, as if he had seen a ghost.

This is an evil aura, something mysterious and mysterious, evil and evil. Those who are exposed to it are bound to suffer bad luck, and all kinds of inexplicable disasters will befall them.

"Haha... The Taoist master has cultivated the innate Chiyang Taoist body, which specializes in defeating demons and evil spirits. You are so presumptuous in front of the Taoist master that you are simply humiliating yourself and not overestimating your own abilities."

Lin Fan laughed loudly, his domineering voice resounding.

"Fellow Taoist, something is starting to go wrong." Master Guiwu was horrified. The evil aura accumulated in the body of the black Buddha statue was colliding with the red sun arrogance of fellow Taoist.

Fellow Taoists refer to the Chiyang qi flame as Taoist awe-inspiring righteousness, but in his eyes, it is clearly the demonic flame of karma. If it were any other practitioner, I am afraid that he would have lost his mind long ago and would not know himself. How could such a situation exist? .

When the evil aura contained in the black Buddha statue was sucked out, Lin Fan seemed to have been severely injured, shaking and retreating continuously.

The red sun flames on his body converged into the body for a while, and then swept out like a storm.

Gui Wu wanted to step forward, but stopped because he found that the red sun flame on his fellow Taoist body gradually turned purple, and that demonic flame actually contained an evil and ominous aura.


The purple flames surged, lighting up the night sky in an eerie way.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The exclusive laughter of the arrogant villain spread in the night sky, and it was the voice of fellow Taoist Xuandian.

"Hahaha... Jie Jie Jie Jie!!!"

There was a pause, then there was another.

Master Guiwu felt this terrifying aura, and his palms began to sweat. He put his two fingers together and cut his wrist, and the golden blood overflowed. He felt that the fellow Taoist seemed to be unable to stop this evil aura, and his mind began to twist and go crazy. Demonic way.

Just when he was about to spend his entire life cultivating himself to suppress fellow Taoist Xuandian.

An extremely excited voice came.

"Master, have you seen it? Have you seen it? Pindao has made a breakthrough. Pindao has really broken through the innate Chiyang Dao body into the Purple Qi Donglai Dao body."

"Purple Qi Dong Lai, this is the Zheng Qi that connects the sky and the earth. Any Pure Yang Dao Body or any innate Red Yang Dao Body are all useless in front of Pindao, the Purple Qi Dong Lai Dao Body."


Lin Fan clenched his fists, raised his head, and roared excitedly.

"With the blessing of the Taoist ancestors and the blessing of the heavens, the poor Taoist diligently practiced the Taoist Dharma, slayed demons, and upheld the righteous path. Finally, he was recognized by the Taoist heaven and earth."

"Pindao knows that there are disadvantages in inhaling the evil breath into the body, but if this evil breath is allowed to spread out, what should the people of Baiyun Town do?"

Suddenly, Lin Fan stood up straight and pointed at Master Guiwu, "Master, tell me, if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? Is there anything wrong in what I do?"

Master Guiwu was shocked. The Taoist Brother Xuan Dian in front of him was burning with purple flames and his eyes were glowing with purple light. He was so domineering.

"That's right." Gui Wu replied simply and clearly.

"What this poor Taoist practices is the righteous Taoist Dharma, and he is better than his master. You say that my master, Ling Xiaoquan, knows a lot. Isn't it gratifying?"


"Isn't it simple and clear for a poor Taoist to hold an ax and kill the demons and ghosts in the world, punish evil and promote good, and promote righteousness?"


"Hahaha..." Lin Fan opened his arms and admired Zi Qidonglai's Taoist body with a face full of intoxication. Then he turned to look at Gui Wu, "Master, the poor Taoist just likes your sincerity. If those demons and evil Taoists are evil, they will definitely Those who slander poor Taoists are practicing evil methods and cultivating evil ways.”

Master Guiwu said: "Fellow Taoist, this poor monk has always been very sincere."

The endless demonic nature, the weird evil aura, and the purple flame formed by the fusion of each other are more terrifying than the previous Chiyang Daoyun.

He really wanted to know how fellow Taoist fellows could hold on?

No, he probably couldn't hold it in. That gloomy and evil laughter seemed to be something even those great demons and demons couldn't express.

At this time, Lin Fan was still enjoying admiring his Purple Qi Donglai Dao Body.

He always believed that he would be able to reach the pinnacle of Taoism.

When he was in the Taoist temple, he didn't have any Taoist body, but after coming down the mountain, he killed demons and demons and gradually cultivated the Taoist body. What does this mean?

It shows that everything he did was approved by the Taoist sect.

There is no problem if you do something approved by the Taoist sect and get rewarded by the Taoist sect.

Only with rewards can we have the motivation to move forward.

As the evil aura in the Black Buddha statue dissipated, the evil aura permeating the sky above Baiyun Town was naturally no longer a concern. He opened his mouth and used the method of swallowing clouds and spitting mist, and the evil aura permeating the sky continued to pour into him. inside the body.

His own Purple Qi Donglai Dao body seemed to be much more solid.

The flames on his body became more and more coquettish and dazzling.

In an instant, the evil aura dissipated.

Lin Fan jumped in front of Master Guiwu. Master Guiwu couldn't help but take a step back. Lin Fan smiled and said: "Master, are you surprised by the Purple Qi Donglai Taoist body of the poor master? Master, you have to work hard." Well, a poor person who has listened to and practiced Buddhism has achieved a high level of cultivation, but he can condense the body of the Arhat with a golden body, and even further, the body of Bodhisattva compassion."

Master Guiwu stared, confused.

Fellow Taoist, what are you talking about?

Lin Fan removed the Ziqi Donglai Taoist body and changed it into its original appearance. He did not want to show off in front of Master Guiwu.

As the evil aura dissipated, the four townspeople sitting there were still in a daze. Lin Fan walked up to them and slapped them on the head four times, waking them up instantly.

"Why are you here if you don't go home to sleep at night?"

The four townspeople who woke up looked around confusedly. A cold wind blew, making them tremble all over. As if they were afraid of ghosts, they screamed and rushed to the street, crawling and rolling, towards home.

"Amitabha." Gui Wu walked up to Lin Fan and glanced around with furtive eyes.



"Master, what do you mean by this? Why is there an accent in the voice? Could it be that the master just saw the purple energy coming from the east that Pindao comprehended and came to the Tao body? He felt something in his heart and wanted to take a step further?"

"The poor monk's understanding is far inferior to that of his Taoist friends. How can he realize it?"

"Master, don't belittle yourself. In the world, there are no more than two people who can surpass the master in understanding ability."

Guiwu smiled and said nothing. There were no more than two people, and that was you, fellow Taoist.

Lin Fan thought back, "Master, what do you mean by the Three Desires Evil Dharma just now?"

It’s down to business.

Gui Wudao: "This three-desire evil Buddhist Dharma is the practice method of the demons in the Northern Territory. Greed, anger, and ignorance feed on the common people. Now this black Buddha statue absorbs the three desires here. If it weren't for the Cui family If we bring him in, the devil from the Northern Territory may not dare to reach out."

Lin Fan said: "The Cui family must be destroyed. This time, I have to thank the old man at the tea stall. If he hadn't mentioned this, more people would have died in Baiyun Town under the pollution of the evil atmosphere."

"Not only that, if the demons of the Northern Territory are allowed to practice this method, humanity will surely suffer catastrophic disasters in the future. The evil Buddhist method of three desires practiced by the demons of the Northern Territory is one of the few relatively complete evil methods in the world. It should be treated as such. When you practice the Dharma to the extreme, you can transform three demons with one thought, and then the three demons merge into one. Even a poor monk with a golden Buddha in his hand will never be a match for this demon." Master Guiwu looked very serious.

This was the first time Lin Fan saw Master Guiwu look so serious when he mentioned a certain demon.

"In that case, why didn't Master destroy it in advance?" Lin Fan asked.

"It's difficult, it's difficult, it's difficult."

Master Gui Wu shook his head.

He saw the look of helplessness in Master Guimu's eyes. It was obvious that he must have tried before, but ultimately failed.

"Fellow Taoist, you have to be more careful when going to the Cui family in Qinghe this time. The Cui family secretly cooperates with the Demon of the Northern Territory, so they must have back-ups. If the Cui family invites the Demon of the Northern Territory and agrees to the poor monk, they will have to do it no matter what. Leave with the poor monk," Guiwu said seriously.

Guiwu is very confident in his own conduct.

Even if two ancestors are present, he can still deal with them calmly. Even if five ancestors are present, he is not afraid at all. It is more than enough to take away fellow Taoist Xuandian.

Because no matter how twisted the minds of the five ancestors are, they are still human beings. If they chop off their heads, chop off their hands and feet, they will be just like ordinary people.

But demons are different. Their methods are extremely weird. Even if their heads are cut off, they can still be reborn, which is very difficult to deal with.


Lin Fan looked at Master Guiwu, nodded, and did not argue with the master. When the master was very serious, he had to listen to the advice and eat enough.

In the early morning, as the first ray of morning sun enveloped the people of Baiyun Town, they looked up at the sky. They didn't notice it before, but now they found that the air in the town was much better.

Everything is so bright.

Even the air is much fresher.

"Taoist Priest, Master, thank you so much, thank you so much." Tian Luohai burst into tears of gratitude. He could feel how good the town was. Look at the bright weather. In the past, he felt that the town was white and misty, like It seemed like it was enveloped by something.

And he found that his mental state was very good, much better than when he was weak before.

"No need to thank you. Killing demons is what Pindao should do. From now on, there will be no evil spirits causing chaos here, and no one will die tragically. But Pindao hopes that Mayor Tian can be a good person and not do evil things." Lin Fan said .

Tian Luohai said quickly: "Taoist priest, don't worry, I'm not that kind of person."

"Haha." Lin Fan chuckled, "Mayor, you really don't know who Pindao is?"

"I don't know."

"Pindao comes from Chaotian Taoist Temple. He goes down the mountain to the border of Qingzhou, where he kills demons, punishes evil and promotes good. He passes through several counties, towns, villages, and townships. The government offices in various places are completely chopped down by Pindao, even the Cui family in Fuling. He was uprooted by Pindao and came here just to destroy the Cui family in Qinghe."


After hearing this, Tian Luohai looked at Taoist Xuandian with dumbfounded eyes.

His eyes were wide open, as if he had seen a ghost.

Lin Fan said: "You are in a good situation now. Pindao doesn't want to look back in the future and find that Mayor Tian wants to exploit the townspeople when Baiyun Town regains its prosperity. If this is the case, Pindao will not be polite with this axe." ”

"Yes, I will never do evil." Tian Luohai said quickly. He was a little afraid of the aura emitted by Taoist Master Xuan Dian. It was a bit scary and made him feel a little panicked.

To be honest, he did have this idea, that is, there will be no disasters in Baiyun Town in the future. As the mayor, it is not normal for him to exploit the townspeople.

In order to live a good life for yourself, it is okay to suffer the hardships of the people.

But now, he really has no evil intentions at all.

He knew that Taoist Xuandian could really kill him.

Seeing that Mao Miaomiao was about to jump out again, Hu Daji said first: "Our Taoist priest is profound in Taoism and has already developed a pair of Taoist eyes. If you have done anything evil, you can see through it at a glance. As long as you are sure, I will never give it to you." opportunity to explain.”

"Yes, yes." Tian Luohai nodded his head like a chicken eating rice.

"Mayor Tian, ​​take care of yourself."

"Taoist Master, go on your way."

After Tian Luohai sent the Taoist priests away, he breathed a sigh of relief. When facing the Taoist priests, the feeling of oppression was really terrible.

Just recalling that the Taoist priest said that he wanted to destroy the Cui family in Qinghe, this seemed too unbelievable to him.

It even feels a little impossible.

That's the Cui family, not cats and dogs that can be dealt with casually.

"Taoist Priest, does Mayor Tian have a thief's heart but not the courage? After all, Taoist Priest has never told anyone this before." Hu Daji asked.

"You are so smart, indeed." Lin Fan said with a smile.

Hu Daji said: "I think so too, and the Taoist Master seems to be in a very happy mood today. He must have encountered some happy event, right?"

Cat Miaomiao felt anxious when she saw the Taoist priest chatting animatedly with her sister.

Brain, brain, turn on quickly, run quickly, I, Miaomiao, want to talk.

But my brain seems to be not very bright today.

Didn't follow her instructions.

She was extremely anxious.

Lin Fan said with a smile: "That's right, yesterday when Pindao was solving the problem of evil spirits, he suddenly realized that he transformed the innate Chiyang Tao Body into the Purple Qi Donglai Tao Body. This is the supreme Tao body in Taoism. Pindao How can I not be happy?"

"Wow, that must be awesome." Hu Daji said.

Lin Fan waved his hand and said: "I don't want to talk about whether it is powerful or not. What Pindao cares about most is the awe-inspiring righteousness. Facing the demons and monsters from the back, Pindao's purple energy coming from the east is the biggest deterrent to them."

Hu Daji said: "Taoist Master has a great heart. Daji can practice with Taoist Master. It must be Daji's blessing in her previous life."

Lin Fan smiled, and then looked at the cat Miaomiao beside him.

Seeing the Taoist priest looking at him, Cat Miaomiaola shrugged her head, "Me too."

Hu Daji smiled happily at her sister.

The real sister is finally back.

Master Guiwu on the side just silently listened to their compliments. He finally discovered that fellow Taoist Xuandian had a clear and systematic explanation of his own situation.

No matter what happens, it will always work out on its own.

"Fellow Daoist, the three kinds of Dao bodies you have comprehended are turquoise, red, and purple, right?"

"Yes, that's right." Lin Fan said: "It used to be red, because I took the soul of the drought spirit into my body, hoping to use the great Dao Qi to dispel the resentment in the soul of the drought spirit. Who would have thought that it would form a pure Yang Dao body, and then become the Xiantian Chiyang Dao body, and now it has become the Purple Qi Eastward Dao body. I have cultivated it step by step."

Master Guiwu nodded. He admired fellow Daoist Xuandian the most for his ability to talk nonsense seriously.

"Master, what's wrong?" Lin Fan asked.

Master Guiwu smiled and said: "Nothing, I just feel that there are not many colors left for fellow Daoist."


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