What is the Experience of Simulating a Fairy

Chapter 99 I’m so horny again~

Shen Lue: (д)


Beyond all things?

Shen Lue knew that in the setting of the Marvel universe, OAA is the supreme being, which can also be translated as above all things. The entire almighty universe was created by him.

In addition, there is another person called OBA, which is under all things and is the collection of all the dark sides and negativity of the universe. The level is lower than OAA.

These two are considered to be the top beings in the almighty universe.

Now I suddenly changed from Galactus to OIA, which is a bit embarrassing~

But having said that, if you think about it carefully, there is no problem with the naming of SHIELD. After all, as a gamer, you are indeed independent of the rules of the copy.

Natasha flipped the page, and another list of names appeared on the holographic projection screen:

“Of course, OIA is not officially named yet.

In addition, S.H.I.E.L.D. has also drafted many code names, such as the Outer Visitor, the Outer God, and the Original Independent.

SHIELD initially believes that OIA is not restricted by any existing rules in the universe, its form of existence is not within the scope of our understanding, and it is independent of everything.

Thor opens a bottle of whiskey.

He took a few sips, clenched his chin and asked blankly: Independent of everything.

What kind of concept is this?

Natasha turned around patiently and used a laser pointer to draw a large mathematical symbol on the projection:

“Let’s use a very abstract analogy.

“We created the mathematical concept ‘infinity’ to cover infinite things that cannot be enumerated, but even infinity does not include OIA.

do you understand?

Sol still shook his head: I still don't understand.

Natasha rolled her eyes helplessly. She glanced around the conference room to see other people's responses, but found that everyone looked confused.

Shen Lue also shook his head: I don't understand either.

Did I actually exist like this?

Even I don't know.


Stark clapped his hands and ended the meeting.

As a top scientist and engineer, he probably knew what Natasha wanted to express, but he didn't think her understanding was necessarily accurate.

Our research into this extremely high-level presence is of limited significance at this stage, and although the OIA was involved in this incident, it did not show any malicious intent.

Everyone is very tired during this period, so please run away.

Everyone looked at each other and then nodded.

This meeting used remote holographic projection technology, so everyone in the meeting room is not the original body.


Everyone except Stark disappeared into the conference room.

Earth, outer space.

A circular rocket-like robot glides in low Earth orbit.

It came to a corpse that looked very deformed. The probe in front spit out a red beam, and the deformed corpse was decomposed into powder.

At this time, the outer space of the earth was filled with the corpses of the God Hunter Legion.

When the Infinite Witch descended, she absorbed all the energy of the remaining God Hunters and these alien biological legions, and finally succeeded in descending.

This small robot is a space debris cleaner approved by the World Federation and launched with funds contributed by all countries.

After the cleaner breaks down a piece of garbage, it spits out blue flames from its tail and flies to the next target.

After a long time, the cleaner encountered a special corpse.

This guy looks almost the same as modern humans on earth, but he is covered in golden ancient Egyptian clothing, like a dressed-up pharaoh.

The Pharaoh's face was gray and there was no sign of life.

——He is one of the God Hunters trained by Infinite Witches, the Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt, Akhenaten.

The Cleaner spits out laser beams again, intending to disintegrate him.


Red light flashed, and Akhenaten's solid body slowly dissipated.

What a stupid and low-level design

A signal frequency containing a verbal message sounded in the space, seeming to mock the cleaner.

The cleaner has a relatively advanced AI system, so after receiving this message, it quickly retreated to protect itself.


A ball of light suddenly floated out of Akhenaten's body.

The ball of light was bright yellow in color, about the same size as an adult man's heart. The ball of light kept contracting and expanding, as if it were a heart with vitality.


The light ball emits dazzling light waves, shattering the cleaner.

Then it emitted a huge gravitational force, and some tiny particles scattered around the earth quickly gathered in front of the light ball, forming a tall human-shaped figure.

The man's skin was purple and there were a bunch of wrinkles on his chin.

It's Thanos.

After about two or three seconds, Thanos frowned slightly, and then slowly opened his eyes.

I'm not dead yet?

He touched his intact body in disbelief to make sure that he had not returned to the kingdom of death in the form of a soul.

Soon, Thanos noticed the yellow steel ball in front of him that was constantly expanding and contracting and looked like a heart. He quickly took a step back vigilantly.

What's this?

The ball of light suddenly spoke: You can call me heart, or the heart of the universe.

Heart of the Universe?

Thanos searched for the term in his mind and realized he had no knowledge of it.

The Heart of the Universe continues to deliver messages to Thanos:

To be precise, what you see now is just my small fragmented body. When Akhenaten was in the multiverse space station, he got a little bit of my power by chance.

It's a pity that stupid Akhenaten doesn't know how to use it.

Thanos asked tentatively: I don't seem to have heard of you.

The heart of the universe trembled twice: It's easy to understand.

It literally means that I am the heart of the multiverse and the energy center of all universes.

Thanos narrowed his eyes. It was certainly not easy for this thing to be able to resurrect him who was already in pieces, and even restore his original memory and consciousness.

Heart of the Universe. Then why did you resurrect me? There must be some reason?

The reason is simple.

I can feel your specialness. Only you can carry that huge energy and bring my body out of that dark space station.

When Thanos heard this, he suddenly felt a little physically nauseous.

Carrying energy again?

He twitched the corner of his mouth: Let's forget it.

The Heart of the Universe was not in a hurry. It said calmly: It seems that you are scared by those old women?

Thanos knew it was referring to the Infinite Witch, so he didn't refute it. Those old guys were indeed a bit weird.

Don't worry, what I have given you is much more than them.

The Heart of the Universe beguiled Thanos with very seductive words:

The most the Infinite Witch can do is to restart this single universe, but I am the energy center of all multiverses.

Imagine that the life and death of all multiverses depend only on your thoughts.


Thanos shook his head in amusement, turned around and planned to leave.

Don't you want to die?

The question of the Heart of the Universe suddenly came to his mind, making him startled.

Thanos stopped.

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