What plan should be adopted next?

At this time, the three witches who had always been in the same shape suddenly had very human expressions on their faces, and they began to argue fiercely.

Witch A stretched out her right hand with long black nails and waved it in the air:

Listen to me first.

This opportunity is precious, so all the power of the quarry should be injected into Thanos' body immediately, erasing Galactus immediately.

Witch B's eyes widened and she immediately started to attack:


“The entire energy of the quarry is infinitely greater than what Thanos can withstand, and although Galactus can be easily wiped out, Thanos will also be destroyed.

He is a perfect energy container, and it will be difficult to find it again in a short time.

Witch A pouted her withered mouth: Ha~

B, you should know that the energy and authority of Galactus are infinitely more valuable than an energy container that can be thrown away casually.

I think you are greedy for his round, plump, tight purple butt, right?

The two witches kept arguing with each other.

Bang, bang, bang.

Witch C rolled her eyes and knocked on the table impatiently, interrupting their endless argument:

“Stop for a moment.

“Have you all forgotten that we have also cultivated four other energy containers in this single universe?

These containers haven't been used for a long time.

Witch A and Witch B looked at each other, finally stopped arguing and looked at Witch C.

Witch C nodded with satisfaction and continued:

We can first let the remaining four God Hunters go to Earth and try to hunt down Galactus together. If we still fail,

“Then we can only bring all the energy from the cemetery to Thanos.

In this case, even if He is the creation god with the Infinity Gauntlet, it is impossible to escape the ending of being erased.

Earth, New York City.

The piercing air raid sirens were still ringing, and all the armed forces in New York City were on standby, ready to fight at any time.

On the roof of the Stark Industries headquarters building, many Avengers members stood in a row:

Iron Man, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Winter Soldier, Falcon.

But at this time, they all looked up into the sky blankly, not knowing what to do.

Ganata has put on the Mei-Swallowing Armor that is very similar to Shen Lue, and uses the special abilities of various infinite stones to deal with Thanos.

The energy erupted from the battle between the two was so astonishing that the whole earth, let alone New York City, felt as if it was crumbling.

They really don't know how to get involved in a battle of this level.

In mid-air, Ganata clenched her fists, and the original space stone inlaid on the Infinity Gauntlet kept shining.

In fact, the energy level of their battle was much greater than the Avengers heroes imagined, but all of this energy was contained within a certain range by her using space stones.

Otherwise, the current earth would have been shattered.

Thanos soon realized: Ganata did not want the earth to be harmed.

So he took advantage of this and kept using range attacks, so that while she was dealing with it, she had to dedicate her strength to protect New York City.

In this way, the situation of the war gradually began to reverse.

Ganata glanced down and saw that people in the city were still evacuating.

No, the battlefield must be moved to outer space!

So she directly activated the space stone, trying to move Thanos out with her.

However, Thanos grinned and let a ring-shaped symbol on the armor light up, which was the power and corresponding concept of the cycle of the universe gods.

The blue light of the space stone flashes.

After the space movement was completed, Ganata found that they were still above New York City.

She looked at the circular pattern that lit up on Thanos' armor and understood immediately.

What a cunning purple sweet potato!

Ganata gritted her teeth.

I really want to send this damn guy to KFC and make it into delicious purple sweet potato tarts.

Then eat it in big mouthfuls!

On the roof of the Stark Industries Building, Spider-Man Peter Parker bent down, preparing to jump out at any time.

But after preparing for a long time, he still couldn't find any angle from which he could participate in the battle.


Another wave of energy after the collision came, shaking him who was standing at the front to take a few steps back.


Peter couldn't help but sigh, and then asked: So Mr. Stark, what can we do now?

Also, is this man fighting Thanos the Galactus?

The black panther on the side nodded:

From the comparison of the images sent by my sister, it seems yes.


Could it be that Galactus' previous collection of six Infinity Stones was actually preparing to stop Thanos?

Black Panther looked at the flashing raw stones on the Infinity Gauntlet and couldn't help but question.

Doctor Strange opened the Eye of Agamotto and confirmed that the Time Stone was still inside, could be used normally, and had not been secretly dropped.

He looked at the Time Stone on Ganata's gloves with confusion on his face.

What's that one?

Are there two original time stones?

Now there are many question marks in the doctor's mind, and there is absolutely no way to explain it within the scope of his own knowledge.


While Ganata and Thanos were in a stalemate, bursts of explosions suddenly came from outside the atmosphere, as if something was falling towards this side.

Ganata looked up at the point of light that passed through the atmosphere.


Her eyes widened, surprise reflected in her purple pupils.

This stinky dad finally came back at the critical moment.

Oh my, that's great, I don't need to take care of you purple sweet potato now!

Ganata quickly gathered the power of the Infinite Stone and snapped her fingers to forcefully widen the distance between Thanos and herself.

The light spot in the distance quickly expanded in everyone's eyes, and soon the figure of an ordinary human on earth condensed next to Ganata.

Shen slightly glanced at Ganata.

This girl has put on a lot of weight in her human form. She probably hasn't eaten less recently.

He didn't communicate much: Give me the gloves.

Ganata had already taken off her gloves and handed them to Shen Lue solemnly: Dad, I'll leave them all to you!

Iron Man Stark, who had been watching, saw this scene and couldn't help but be startled:

Gourmet, Stan Lee?

In Shen Lue's eyes, it was his daughter who returned the Infinity Gauntlet to him.

But in the eyes of Avengers members, this is completely different:

Galactus, one of the five creation gods in the universe, actually handed over his equipment to Shen Lue honestly?


Could it be that Galactus is just a subordinate of Gourmet? !

For a moment, Stark could only make this seemingly absurd, but very logical inference.

Before Tony Stark could continue his analysis, a mechanical female voice sounded from inside his armor:

Tony, there is an abnormality outside the Earth's atmosphere.

This is his AI butler Friday.

Reporting continues on Friday:

“It has been detected that 1,440 spacecraft of over 500,000 tons are passing through the atmosphere and are about to invade the earth.

Preliminary judgment is that they consist of four fleets.

The wonderful nightlife has begun, okay~

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