What is the Experience of Simulating a Fairy

Chapter 82 Still have to report to the goddess

On the route to the edge of the universe, a spaceship that is about the same size as an ordinary civilian airliner sails quickly with the help of space jump points.

In the cockpit, Thanos drove the spacecraft expressionlessly.

Although he still has a considerable part of his power preserved, he still chooses to go to the OJβK2333 black hole alone.

The remaining legion is currently managed by its subordinate Proxima Centauri.

It has to be said that the location of this black hole in the universe is too remote.

This mini spacecraft has traveled a full 36 Titan rotation cycles with the help of space jumps, and still has not reached its destination.

Fortunately, we can already see the end point.

242 universes away, a black hole of extremely terrifying size lies there.

From the side, the black hole looks dark in the center, and the outer horizon is filled with light particles, forming a bright ring.

There are some large galaxies near the black hole.

But compared to this giant black hole, these galaxy groups are just inconspicuous white dots on a black curtain.

At this time, OJβK2333 is still greedily sucking nearby galaxies and particles.

As if given enough time, it could absorb the entire universe.

I didn't expect that there would be such a terrifying black hole at the edge of the universe.

Thanos couldn't help but swallow.

Even he hesitated briefly.

Although this egg-shaped spacecraft can travel in some small-scale black holes, the possibility of resisting the tearing force of a black hole of this size is slim.

But Thanos didn't hesitate for long.

He quickly started the engine and rushed towards the black hole without hesitation.

After adjusting the spacecraft to autopilot mode, he took his hands off the console.

“If you go in this time, you may not be able to come out.

Perhaps I should tell Death about this.

In fact, he is not afraid of death.

Because after all lives end, they will go to the kingdom of death and meet the God of Death, and Thanos is no exception.

So he was not afraid at all.

But this time things are different.

The place where the black hole ends is very mysterious, and the strength of the three witches is also indescribable.

The lives that died there may have escaped the goddess's jurisdiction.

I still need to tell Him about this.

Thinking of this, Thanos closed his eyes and silently recited a prayer dedicated to contacting the God of Death.

New York, Upper West Apartments.

This is a quite luxurious apartment. The back street is the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Looking towards the Antarctic Eye, you can also see the Statue of Liberty holding the torch high.

Outside the window is the mouth of the Atlantic Ocean.

The water surface sparkled under the scorching sun at noon, and everything looked quiet and peaceful.

This is Ganata's residence when she lived as a human on Earth.

However, in addition to performing operations in the hospital, she often needs to go to the universe to forage for food.

So except for today, she is not here most of the time.

As a result, Shen Lue confidently occupied the apartment.

Dad, I'm so hungry!!!

Ganata's voice echoed in the huge living room.


The only response she received was the loud clicking of her keyboard and mouse.


Ganata held her waist with her hands, pouted, and looked dissatisfied at Shen Lue, who was sitting in front of the computer playing games frantically.

Dad’s been so weird lately~

I stay at home and play these strange games made by people on earth every day. I really can’t understand the meaning of these things.

According to his level, it is impossible to like such low-level products.

Is he studying some profound topic?

Perhaps they are exploring how to give two-dimensional virtual characters normal thinking?

It may also be how to present two-dimensional characters in a high-dimensional space to adapt to the latitude?


This is no reason to ignore me!

So she started to stamp her feet:

Dad, Dad, I need to use your most powerful planet-shattering gun and energy intake device, otherwise I will starve and become a two-dimensional creature!

Okay, okay.

Shen Lue finally couldn't stand it any longer, so he paused the game, picked up the communicator, and sent a message.

OK, you go to my battleship now, and the Flame Emperor will give you the dining tools.

Be careful, choose a planet without life to eat.

Shen Lue gave a special warning.

If Ganata accidentally eats a planet with a very high level of civilization, something very troublesome might happen.

Shen Lue, on the other hand, doesn't have much confidence in Uncle Tun, a bad luck character in Marvel movies.

After Ganata asked for permission, she immediately smiled and raised her arms:


Remember, long live dad!

After saying that, she disappeared directly.


Shen Lue turned off the computer and fell on the recliner.

It has been 14 Earth Days since Thanos was solved, and there has been no progress in the plot these days.

It seems that the universe will not encounter any crisis in the short term.

How about quitting the game first?

Perhaps when Ganata travels around the universe looking for food, some subsequent plots will be triggered.

Just when he had this idea, he suddenly heard a prayer in his ears:

The incarnation of all death, the master of eternity, the source of the soul and the end of life.

After Shen Lue heard it clearly, his body suddenly trembled.

He suddenly jumped out of the recliner and his eyes widened.


This raging voice seems to belong to Thanos.

Is this purple sweet potato spirit not dead?

No, this guy's death and resurrection is a routine operation, there is nothing surprising.

But the problem is that he was reborn too quickly!

And contacting death right after resurrecting is probably not a good thing.

Shen Lue opened the simulation fairy operation panel, switched the character to death, and saw the red dot displayed on the large screen map.

This time Thanos did not carry an anti-tracking device, so the location information was very clear.

His location is more than 2 million cosmic miles away from the earth. According to the current scale of the universe, this is already the edge of the universe.

How did Thanos run so far?

Shen Lue clicked on the red dot to display the prayer screen.

Less than 100 cosmic distances away from the OJβK2333 black hole, Thanos finally saw the Goddess of Death on the Skeleton Throne.

At this time, the spacecraft was already shaking violently before it entered the black hole.

All parts are working overload, making a harsh sound.

That's too late.

He could only keep his words short, with a firm look in his eyes:

Death, I will gain power beyond the gods.

When the time comes, I will solemnly present Galactus and all life in the universe as gifts to your kingdom of death.


The background of Thanos in the picture shook violently, and in an instant there was only darkness.

Shen Lue was confused.

This purple sweet potato spirit is making noises about dying again?

You surpass the power of gods and threaten to sacrifice Galactus to the God of Death?

He had an ominous premonition.

The power Thanos is about to gain is likely to be extremely powerful, stronger than five or even six Infinity Stones put together.

Kill me and give it to me?

That's really

Awesome, I am so touched!

Shen Lue spread his right hand, and the space stone emitting a faint blue light floated in his palm.

I will go over now and kill you.

Good night everyone, okay~

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