What is the Experience of Simulating a Fairy

Chapter 77 Strange scenes are added

Shen Lue's expression slowly solidified.

Because he discovered that he in the floating window, in Thanos's eyes, was a very strange woman.

This woman's skin is light gray, with two crescent-shaped black marks on her cheeks. Her clothes cover very little, and she has an A4 waist and 1.3-meter long legs. As for this Yuexian...

Wow, I guess it must be at least 36D.


Hey hey hey, this is my self.

Shen Lue quickly came back to his senses, sat upright, put his hands on his knees, trying to make himself look more serious and dignified in Thanos' eyes.


When Shen Lue put his hands on his knees, at the same time, in the floating window, the goddess of death pressed her long and smooth legs with her slender palms, and then...

Start stroking slowly, gently and repeatedly.

Thanos was startled for a moment, and then a faint smile could be seen on his purple face.

What the hell is this?

Shen Lue quickly took his hands off his knees. After thinking for a moment, he crossed his fingers a little lower on his chest and rested his elbows on the armrests on both sides.

It shouldn't be anything like that this time.

However, the goddess of death in the floating window suddenly rubbed Yue Ji with her hands...


What does this purple sweet potato spirit have in its mind every day?

Perhaps he has suffered a huge psychological blow and is showing signs of going crazy?

No eyes to see, no eyes to see.

Shen Lue quickly tapped a silver button on the armrest with his right hand to close the floating window that displayed the screen.

Out of sight is pure.

In fact, Shen Lue had already expected that Thanos would regard the God of Death as a woman.

After all, in the comics, Death uses his super fierce body hardware to constantly tempt Thanos, and coupled with high-intensity ideological and theoretical indoctrination, makes him work for himself.

It is precisely because of this that Thanos keeps killing people in the universe.

What Shen Lue didn't expect was that the actual experience of simulating the God of Death would be so bad!

Fortunately, the floating window can be turned off.

Anyway, as long as I can’t see it myself, then it doesn’t exist~

Shen Lue tapped his right index finger to turn on voice.

Since this was the first time he was talking to Thanos as the God of Death, he didn't know which tone was more appropriate, so he simply said coldly:

What's up?

Thanos put away his obsessed eyes, he raised the Infinity Gauntlet and showed it to Shen Lue: Death, this time is not good news.

Originally, according to the plan, except for the soul stones, which have no news for the time being, I can collect five rough stones in at most two days, and the elimination of 1/2 of the universe's population is just around the corner.

At this point, his voice became low and serious:

But I didn't expect that Galactus had already obtained three Infinity Stones.

Shen Lue noticed that Thanos' tone of voice when talking to him was very special.

There is neither the fanaticism of believers for gods, nor the ambiguity of CPs talking to each other. It sounds like face-to-face discussions with old friends, and ambition is revealed between the lines.

This made Shen Lue feel much more comfortable.

But since when did I have three rough stones? There is only one rough space stone?

Thanos stared at Shen Lue for a long time, then continued: So, I want to hear what you mean.

I mean?

Of course I want you to hurry up and claw, it is best to be ashamed of the failure of your plan and take the initiative to choose to end your life permanently to apologize to me!

Shen briefly glanced at the lower right corner.

Normally, when responding to a believer's prayer, the specific location of the believer should be displayed.

But now a red exclamation point appears in the display bar. It seems that Thanos carries an anti-positioning device with strong interference capabilities.

In this case, I'll just let you take the initiative to reveal your location.

He first put his fist against his lips, pretending to cough deeply and with a bit of dissatisfaction:


But in the eyes of Thanos, this is a different picture:

I saw the goddess of death put her index and middle fingers together, put them against her full lips, and blew a kiss with a smile:


Thanos took a deep breath and held it.

He suddenly felt that his big heart was about to stop with excitement.

In fact, Thanos has always been able to vaguely guess that maybe Death is just using himself, a Titan with great potential, but he just doesn't want to believe it.

If one day he becomes useless, death will probably abandon him without hesitation.

But this time.

How could He not despise my failure, not only that, but even send me such gentle encouragement?

Thanos' previous worries were swept away, his whole person became full of energy again, and his speaking speed became very fast due to excitement:

Death, are you still willing to help me?

Shen Lue sat in front of the simulated fairy control panel and knew nothing about it.

He nodded calmly: It doesn't matter even if Swallowing Star gets three rough stones.

“You can go get the Reality Stone first.

I will intervene in this matter when you obtain two rough stones.

Shen Lue's plan is to first go to the Void Land to get the rough stone of reality, and then ambush Thanos on the spot.

In this way, it only takes one action to catch Thanos and the Reality Stone in one fell swoop, avoiding the need to keep running around in the universe.

Thanos's eyes lit up, ambition written on his face.

The rough stone of reality is in the museum of the Collector in the Void Land. I will make some preparations first and will get it soon.

Death, wait for my good news.


The picture on the screen went black, and Thanos had finished praying.

Shen Lue returned to the battleship, and not long after, the super cosmic communicator rang, and it was Ebony Maw:

Master, I have contacted Thanos.

He is currently mobilizing his legions and preparing to go to the Land of Voidness. At the same time, he also asked me to go near the Land of Voidness and join him there.

I'm leaving now.

Shen nodded slightly: Tell me your location and we'll meet up first.


Ebony Throat agreed respectfully, and after being quiet for two seconds, he suddenly said: But Master.

When I left the Earth, there were several Earth creatures that insisted on following me.

There are three in total, namely Iron Man Tony Stark, Spider-Man Peter Parker, and Doctor Strange Stephen Strange.


Shen slightly raised his eyebrows.

It seems that Hulk has brought the news that Thanos defeated Asgardian universe to the earth. These Avengers members should be here to stop Thanos.

It's just that they didn't expect that I would almost solve the problem.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if they come.

But you have to remember one thing, don't call me Planet Devourer in front of them, but Gourmet Stan Lee. Shen Lue specifically warned.

My subordinate understands.

After the communication ended, Shen Lue received the location information of Wumuhou and determined to meet somewhere on the way to Xuwuwu Land.

With the help of the Star Eater battleship's space jump, a huge donut-shaped spaceship appeared in front of it more than ten seconds later.

——This is Ebony Maw’s spaceship.

Shen Lue ordered his subordinate Xingchen to turn the Star Swallow battleship into stealth mode and followed quietly.

He himself disappeared and headed to the spacecraft where Iron Man and others were.

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