What is the Experience of Simulating a Fairy

Chapter 74 It’s so plain and boring


Shen Lue lowered his head and looked down at Thanos.

He adjusted his current height to about three meters, so that he could not only ensure flexibility, but also be able to look down at the purple sweet potato spirit from a high position.

But before Shen Lue could answer, Thanos had already seen his appearance clearly:

Are you Galactus?

Shen slightly raised his eyebrows. It seemed that Thanos in this timeline had heard of Galactus and knew what I looked like.

But judging from the uncertain tone, the two of them probably haven't had any in-depth communication yet.

Shen Lue did not answer his question, but directly issued an ultimatum: Hand over the power stone and the space stone.

Black Dwarf and General Deathblade left Thor aside and came directly to stand behind Thanos, staring at Shen Lue with eager eyes.

At the same time, those legion members who had dealt with the Asgardians also gathered towards Thanos. It seemed that a battle was inevitable.


Thanos smiled.

According to his understanding, Galactus was a survivor after the destruction of the previous universe. During the birth of the current universe, he was lucky enough to become one of the five founding gods.

Logically speaking, it should be very strong.

But 99% of the time, He is in a state of extreme hunger, resulting in insufficient energy and unable to exert his power.

As a person who wants to do something big, Thanos thinks he is very cautious, otherwise he would not have waited until Odin died before invading Asgard.

If other gods of the universe come, I will definitely retreat without hesitation.

But your words

Thanos suddenly clenched his fist and raised it high, and the power stone on the Infinity Gauntlet glowed with powerful purple light.


Planet α has a not too big satellite orbiting the Earth, directly 1000km away, which is about one-third the size of the moon.

With a loud noise, the satellite's surface was shrouded in purple light, and Thanos crushed it directly from the air.

The molten core inside the satellite was splashed everywhere in space, and the outer shell of the star turned into countless large and small lava-like fragments.

Thanos' fist came down.


These planet fragments formed a super meteor shower that dyed the sky of the α galaxy red, and fell towards Shen Lue.


Shen slightly frowned. Isn't this too neat a move?

It seems that the Purple Sweet Potato Essence did not expand normally after getting the Power Stone.

Today, Uncle Tun, I will beat your ass to pieces and make you go home and cry to your dead mother!

Shen Lue raised his right hand and pinched his middle finger and thumb together.


A translucent crystal appeared on his fingertips. The crystal emitted a soft emerald green light, shining on everyone's head.

[Special Skills] Re-engraving·Time Original Stone

This is a skill he obtained during his first exploration of the Marvel dungeon. After the skill point reaches full level Lv.10, it can be equivalent to the power of the Time Stone.

At present, the time control of this skill can only be used in a limited area, and the control effect on living organisms will not be ideal.

When this time stone bloomed, the meteorite rain that was about to fall to the ground suddenly stopped.

The next second, like a video with the video progress bar pulled forward, they flew directly back to a place tens of thousands of kilometers away from Planet Alpha and reassembled into a complete satellite.

The satellite lay quietly in space and began to orbit again.


Thanos looked at the green gem in Shen Lue's hand, and his expression immediately sank.

Time Stone?

As far as Thanos knows, the Time Stone is on Earth, and the Supreme Master Ancient One who guards the Stone has chosen to end his life not long ago.

——This news has spread throughout the multiverse. I don’t know why Ebony Maw stationed on the earth is so slow and has never received the news.

Therefore, in his report just now, he did not give the always shrewd and capable Ebony Throat a good look.

There are even some doubts about whether this guy is a 25-year-old boy!

“It turns out that the Time Stone has fallen into the hands of Galactus.

I misunderstood Ebony Throat.

After Shen Lue restored the satellite, he took advantage of Thanos to recharge his energy and raised his right palm to hold the satellite in the air.


The satellite that had just returned to its original shape exploded again, but this time the fragments were directed towards Thanos.

Thanos narrowed his eyes.

Even with two rough stones, I may not be able to defeat Swallowing Star who has mastered the Time Stone for the time being.

If that's the case, then it has to be.


So Thanos didn't even think about it, he activated the Cosmic Rubik's Cube he took from Black Dwarf, and planned to teleport away with the fleet, his men and the two already obtained rough stones.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube lit up with blue light, and the space was instantly greatly distorted.

Want to leave?

Shen Lue pressed the recreated time stone again, and the distortion of space returned to its original state, and even the Cosmic Rubik's Cube returned to the hands of the black dwarf.

In a second, Shen Lue clenched his fist and fired a shot of cosmic source energy at him.

Thanos quickly wanted to take the Cosmic Cube again, but found that a time barrier had been imposed around him.

Except for him who escaped from the influence with the powerful energy of the Power Stone, the other subordinates fell into stasis, surrounded by a time barrier that was difficult to break through.

He reached out to touch the black dwarf, but was blocked by this barrier.

Seeing that the source energy of the universe is about to come, Thanos can only grit his teeth and make a choice.

Galacto, I will definitely come back.

A metal instrument shaped like a lighter appeared in his hand. The button on it was lightly pressed, and Thanos' whole body was enveloped in white light.

——This is a space jumper.

Although this thing is not as magical as the original space stone, it can also use the space springboard to transport himself to the depths of the universe that are difficult to track.

The white light faded and Thanos disappeared.

The cosmic energy fell on General Deathblade and tore him into pieces.

Shen Lue took back his hand: How could Thanos be so cowardly that he would just run away?

Looking at the 10,000-meter battleship, countless soldiers, and the black dwarf star still holding the Cosmic Cube that he abandoned on Planet Alpha, Shen Lue felt a little puzzled.

It's over so soon?

Maybe having the strength to crush your opponents is just so unpretentious and boring

But things shouldn't be that simple.

Shen Lue walked up to Black Dwarf first and took the Cosmic Cube from his hand.


He snapped his fingers and released the time cages in all areas.

Black Dwarf's eyes came to life again, only to find that the person standing in front of him had become Shen Lue, and Thanos had disappeared without a trace.

You, what did you do!

He was frightened and instinctively waved the weapon in his hand to strike.

Shen Lue held the blade with one hand and pinched Black Dwarf's neck with the other, picking him up easily.


Black Dwarf kept struggling with his feet, and clasped his neck with his hands, trying with all his strength to open Shen Lue's palms.


There was a crisp sound of bone breaking, and Black Dwarf's head suddenly lost support and drooped weakly, and his body quickly became stiff.

Shen Lue threw him to the ground casually.

Oh my god.

Some of the surviving Asgardians were so frightened that they quickly gathered and hid behind Thor, Loki, and Heimdall, whispering quietly.

Thor and Loki looked at each other and gave each other questioning looks.

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