What is the Experience of Simulating a Fairy

Chapter 49 A girl who likes to sing and dance rap (wrongly)


While others were still cheering, Shen Lue quickly concentrated his spiritual energy in his pupils, preparing to check the true identity of the singer Shiranui.

As the lights on the stage became brighter and Shiranui's silhouette gradually became clearer, the cheers from the crowd became even more enthusiastic:



Shiranui, ow——

WDNMD, why do you sound like you are about to eat Shiranui with your cheers?

Shen slightly frowned.

He couldn't help but think of the painting Marmot Screaming.jpg

You are really not calm at all. Have you never seen a beautiful woman in your life?

A group of superficial and dishonest guys, how can they be like me? I'm not interested in her at all, I just want to find out if this singer is a monster.

As for how beautiful she is, does it have anything to do with me?

I won’t care~

Shen slightly narrowed his eyes, the purple light in his pupils became more intense, and his sharp gaze shot towards Shiranui like a steel knife that could pierce through everything.

At this time, Shiranui has slowly come to the center of the stage, and the dazzling lights show the details of her appearance without reservation.

Although she was thousands of meters away, with the help of spiritual vision, Diva Shiranui's face still appeared in Shen Lue's eyes in very high-definition pixels.

He couldn't help but be stunned.



In the end, Shen Lue couldn't help but open his mouth and sighed: Wow——

This is so beautiful!

I saw the singer Shiranui wearing a cool white gauze dance dress, holding two exquisite folding fans painted with landscapes in her hands, walking towards the center of the stage with oiran steps.

Facing countless spectators in the city and on the sea, she held up two folding fans with an expressionless face and made a fan-dancing gesture.

Shen Lu was a little stunned.

Shiranui's appearance is perfect, with no flaws to be found.

That's the kind anyway

There are all kinds of modifiers used to describe women’s beauty in online articles, such as those that are exaggerated, invincible, incomprehensible, and incomprehensible. Anyway, even if there are a lot of descriptions, readers still can’t get the modifiers at all.

It won't feel out of place when used on her.

This face and figure are probably the perfect female NPC designed by the game developers according to the golden ratio.

He began to admire Shiranui's beauty.

Well, it’s not that there are no flaws at all.

On Shiranui's right cheek, the skin under the eye is the size of two rice grains, showing a light red mark, which looks like a natural tear nevus.

These two tear moles added a bit of sadness to her perfect face.

Boom, boom, boom!

The drums sounded very rhythmically, and at the same time, the orchestral strings and bamboos in the hands of the musicians also started playing.

Shiranui did not say hello to the people in the audience, nor was there any sloppiness. She directly waved her fans and started her performance.

After the starting position, Shiranui directly threw the double fans in his hands.


The two fans were thrown at least three meters high. While the fans were in the air, she lightly bent her waist and made an extremely difficult and flexible bend.


Just as the fans were about to fall to the ground, Shiranui gracefully caught them with his backhand and effortlessly regained control of them.


After a brief moment of breathless silence, the crowd burst into deafening cheers.

In this way, Shiranui showed off her beautiful dance moves on the stage where thousands of people watched. People's eyes followed the rotation of the two fans, and they were dazzled by the dazzling performance.

At the same time, Shiranui played along and began to show off her beautiful singing voice as a singer:

The song expresses one's heart, the dance amazes the grandson, and the youth is lost in the cage.

A blush, white temples, love disappears into the sky with light and fire

Listening to the ethereal singing, Shen Lue's eyes lit up.

She is really a beautiful girl who likes to sing, dance, and rap!

Love it, love it!

He couldn't help but sigh: With such solid stage skills, I can dance and sing without running out of breath. I'm afraid I have to practice from my mother's womb to be able to do this.


After marveling for a while, Shen Lue suddenly came back to his senses.

Am I a little crooked?

Hey hey hey, I'm not here to watch the singer Shiranui dance, but I'm here to confirm whether she is the Daiyou!

He quickly regrouped the dissipated spiritual energy into his pupils, and the purple light reappeared in his eyes, making it difficult to hide any disguise in his eyes.

The scene of the singer's meridians and dantian appeared clearly in his eyes instantly.


Dantian's words were almost unformed, and it was obvious that he was someone who had never practiced cultivation.

As for the direction of the meridians and the breath.

Shen slightly frowned.

This singer is actually completely human, with no trace of a monster at all!

The meridians of the human race and the monster race are completely different and will not change when the monsters transform into humans, and there is no possibility of disguise.

With his level 100 eyesight, it was impossible for any disguise to deceive his eyes.

Of course, Kamo Yoshiko's family crest is barely an exception.

But that family crest can only shield Shen Lue from probing, not disguise or change the aura of Kamo's righteousness.

So now it is certain that the singer Shiranui is not the big monster. There must be no relationship other than the coincidence of the same name.

In this way, singer Shiranui's performance lasted for an entire hour.

At the end of the performance, she still didn't say anything, just gave a very small salute, and then walked straight back to Liren Pavilion, neatly and neatly.

Amidst the cheers, Shen turned around slightly depressed.

Hey - this clue has been interrupted again.

Of course, there is still plan B, which is to wait for the Genji family to come to Yoshiwara and secretly follow their footsteps to find the great demon Shiranui.


This is outrageous, isn’t it? According to the normal plot routine, I was looking for Shiranui, and it happened that there was a singer named Shiranui.

Normally shouldn't they be the same person?

Originally, I had high expectations, but who would have thought that I would not play according to the routine?

Lajigou plans, makes animations with heart, and makes games with feet!

Just when he was about to use his psychic powers to escape and find Genji and his gang, a red dot suddenly lit up in the equipment bar on the game interface.


He clicked on the equipment bar, and a pop-up window popped up in front of him.

[Dear Lord God, the system automatically detects that you have a usable prop: the Divine Amulet]

A divine charm?

Shen Lue's eyes lit up. This equipment was used to assist in conquering Shiranui.

He looked back at the place where Diva Shiranui disappeared.

Could it be that although this singer is a human, she is inextricably linked to subduing the great monster Shiranui?

He quickly clicked on the God's Favorite Talisman, and a string of information was displayed below the spell.

[You are using the prompt function of the prop God's Favorite Talisman. The following is the prompt information]

[Shiranui Summoning Text]

〖The cherry blossoms are charming to the eyes, and the flowers will eventually come to an end in April〗

〖The sound of heavenly sounds enters the clouds, and the caged bird folds its wings and cries in tears〗

〖There is so much helplessness in the floating life, but I am willing to watch the waves and whisper softly〗


Shen Lue's head is now filled with questions: What is this mess all about?

Summon text?

Could it be that if I write these things down, I can summon Shiranui?

While he was wondering, a very childish girl's voice came from the side of the boat. She seemed to be communicating with the onlookers on the boat.

.Yes, sir.

.As long as you write it down, we will pass it on to the oiran.

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