What is the Experience of Simulating a Fairy

Chapter 25 Freshly baked Erwuzi

Shen Lue stretched out his index finger and pointed at the arrogant ebony throat.

〖Magic Skill〗Unholy Power·Corrosion

A deep light flashed from his fingertips, directly ignoring the layers of defense around Ebony Maw, and flew towards the center of his eyebrows with precision.

Ebony Throat noticed something strange and subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it.

However, the black light still passed through the palm and penetrated into his brain.

What is this? He frowned slightly and quickly touched his forehead, finding that it was still flat and intact without any scars.

Ebony Throat looked at the source of the attack in confusion.

You've just

He was about to say something to Shen Lue, but suddenly he felt pain in his brain as if it was being stirred by someone, and his own perception was gradually disappearing.

It's a very strange feeling, as if the soul has been replaced.


Ebony Throat's expression gradually became distorted, black appeared deep in the whites of his eyes, and his entire eyes were quickly eroded by black.


His body quickly became stiff, he lost control and fell straight to the ground.

Iron Man Tony Stark took back his hands. He was about to use the air-to-ground missile developed by Stark Industries to attack Ebony Maw, but he did not expect that the opponent suddenly died on the spot.

Without the ebony throat locking his neck, Doctor Strange woke up quickly.

He hurriedly lowered his head and found that the Eye of Agamotto was intact and the Time Stone was intact inside.

The doctor breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the Eye of Agamotto has a sealing spell on it. It is difficult to unlock without the correct method.

After determining the most important thing, he realized that Ebony Throat had been dealt with. Looking around, he found Shen Lue standing aside.

Stark made the nano-suit disappear. He shrugged slightly at Shen and said half-jokingly:

Well, I just wanted to ask

What were you doing before?

Doctor Strange stared at Shen Lue for a long time, then seemed to think of something and said in surprise: You seem to be.

Shen smiled slightly and took off the fake beard used as a disguise, revealing his appearance when he fought against Dormammu that day.

Stan Lee, the foodie.

The doctor recognized him and immediately asked: Why did you appear in Tristan's office, and who is this Ebony Maw?

As the current Supreme Being and the guardian of the Time Stone, Ebony Maw's behavior of robbing the Time Stone aroused his high vigilance.

At this time, several people came forward and gathered around Ebony Throat.

Spider-Man Peter Parker kicked him with his toes, but nothing happened.

Isn't he already dead? Peter asked.

Shen slightly shook his head: Of course he is not dead, he just fainted temporarily, but his mind has been eroded by me, and there is no threat even if he wakes up.

Corroding the mind?

The other people looked at Shen Lue, feeling a little unbelievable.

This is no ordinary ability. It sounds powerful enough, but also weird enough.

Coupled with the fact that Ebony Throat was instantly killed by one blow, they looked at Shen Lue with a little more vigilance in awe.

Only Doctor Strange was calm. After all, he witnessed the defeat of Dormammu, the lord of the dark latitude, with his own eyes, and Ebony Maw was really nothing compared to Dormammu.

In his assessment, this gourmet might be stronger than his teacher Ancient One.

Shen Lue described his previous actions to them in as concise terms as possible.

Of course, there are reservations.

.Through some intelligence I collected, I discovered that Tristan had died in a man-made accident two years ago, and the current mayor is actually a Skrull.

After Thanos' subordinate Ebony Maw arrived, he directly cleaned up the fake Tristan who had been exposed.

If you have any doubts about this, you can detect the burned residue of the fake Tristan's body. I believe you have a way to detect whether he is a human on Earth.

.As for what happens next, you also know.

Tony Stark rubbed his chin: So now we have to determine what the purpose of Ebony Maw and the Skrulls is.


Shen slightly nodded in agreement, then snapped his fingers.

Well Ebony Throat, who was lying on the ground, groaned, struggled a few times and then slowly sat up.

Tony Stark quickly put his hand on his chest, ready to put on the nano-suit at any time, and the other people also put on fighting postures, maintaining a high degree of vigilance.

Seeing their nervous looks, Shen Lue couldn't help but smile: Don't worry, it'll be no problem.

He could sense that Ebony Throat had been completely eroded by the unclean power and that it had lost its soul.

Why did Thanos send you to lead the Skrulls to hide on Earth?

After waking up, Ebony Maw did not hesitate and answered honestly: Thanos wants to determine the combat power level of the earth and whether there are infinite stones here.

He wants to collect six Infinity Stones and wipe out half of all life in the universe.

Infinite rough stone. What is that?

Tony Stark asked with a confused look on his face, he had never heard of this statement before.

At this time, Master Wang on the side explained to him: Before the birth of the universe, there were a total of six singularities.

“After the Big Bang, the remnants of the six singularities condensed into six extremely powerful Infinity Stones, symbolizing the six laws that make up the universe.

They are soul, space, mind, reality, and power.

At this time, the doctor pointed to his Eye of Agamotto: There is still time.

Stark turned to look at Ebony Maw: So what information have you and the Skrulls collected?

Ebony Throat had a serious look on his face: Now and in the future, I will only answer questions from Mr. Gourmet.

Oops! Stark's eyes widened.

Looking at it like this, Wumuhou still retains his independent consciousness and normal thinking, but he seems to be a completely different person and has completely become Shen Lue's servant.

This method is much more terrifying than mind manipulation.

Thinking of this, he looked at Shen Lue with more complicated eyes.

This person is very strong.

Shen Lue waved his hand: If he asks you, just say it.

Follow your instructions. Ebony Throat nodded respectfully.

After two years of lurking, we believed that the Time Stone was on Earth and initially locked the possibility in the Holy of Holies. We did not expect to see it officially today.

Ebony Throat pointed at Doctor Strange.

Shen Lue continued to ask: So you suddenly want to steal the Time Stone, is it unplanned?

Ebony Throat nodded: Yes, the original plan was that once it was confirmed that the high-end combat power on the earth was insufficient, Thanos would come and personally take away the Time Stone.

“And the Ancient One Mage in the Holy of Holies is too strong, so we never had the chance to take action.

“We received intelligence some time ago that the Ancient One was dead and that the Holy of Holies was taken over by the new Supreme Being. Since we were temporarily unable to determine the strength of the new Supreme Being, we did not act rashly.

I didn't expect that the new Supreme Lord's strength would be so weak.

After saying that, he looked at Doctor Strange again.

The doctor raised his hand slightly embarrassed: Okay, you don't need to emphasize this.

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