What is the Experience of Simulating a Fairy

Chapter 194 Is this guy too happy to miss Shu?


Shen Lue replied calmly.

He had indeed seen this movie, but could not remember the specific content.

It was probably when the mutants encountered a crisis of destruction, and then Professor X and Magneto sent Wolverine to travel into the past to prevent friction between humans and ordinary mutants.

The final outcome is that the timeline is successfully changed by Wolverine, and mutants and humans as a whole live together in a peaceful manner.

Wan Deng opened his eyes wide:

You also know this?

Even if we could deduce the future, it would be impossible to deduce it to such a precise level.

He nodded doubtfully:

Okay, anyway, whether you know or not is not the point.

Anyway, we can apply this principle.

Shen slightly frowned and asked:

You mean, let me use the power of the Yata Mirror to travel back to the time when Yamatai was destroyed seven hundred years ago and save you?

Wan Deng nodded:

That's right!

By the way, destroy Amaterasu's preparations and make it impossible for Izanami's remaining energy to gather.

In this way, when you return to the present, there will be no Izanami, no destruction of Yamatai, and Himiko and I will not die.

Shen slightly pursed his lips and said lightly:

What a beautiful thought.

According to Shen Lue’s current knowledge of Shinto:

The shadow of Izanami’s power before me,

It is definitely not something that Yama can ignite a charm and just gather it together.

Before Takamagahara was sealed off, Amaterasu must have made a lot of arrangements and preparations in the mortal world, so that a few hundred years later, Yama could summon Izanami just by lighting the charm.

So, if we go back to the past.

The first thing Shen Lue has to solve must be this matter.

As long as Amaterasu's preparations were destroyed in the past, then the remnants of Zanami's power would not appear today.

And as it happens:

Not long after the destruction of Yamatai Kingdom, Gao Tianyuan was blocked.

In other words, Gao Tianyuan sent down divine punishment on Yamatai and Amaterasu secretly prepared to gather Izanami's power at almost the same time period.

So Wan Deng hopes that Shen Lue can solve these two things together.

Wan Deng scratched his head and said:

All right.

It's really unrealistic to ask you to do both at the same time.

In comparison, it is actually much more difficult to save Yamatai.

Because the preparations to destroy Amaterasu can be carried out in secret.

But to save Yamatai, we must face the millions of heavenly soldiers and generals who just defeated Gao Tianyuan, as well as several ghosts, gods, true gods, and even the instigator Amaterasu who participated in the battle.

This is simply impossible.

No matter how strong Yaqi is, he cannot overthrow Takamagahara's rule by himself.

So Wan Deng sighed:


“I won’t trouble you about Yamatai.

I wish you can successfully deal with the projection of the Mother Goddess, and I hope you can meet Yao Ji who is safe and sound in Tokyo, Japan in 2020 AD.

Shen slightly nodded:


It seems that Wan Deng's mentality is not bad.

I thought he would seek death and ask me to rescue Yamatai after returning to the past so that neither Himihu nor him would die.

By the way, doesn't this guy miss the days he lived with Himihu?

Could it be that after arriving in modern times, the bustling urban life has made us feel unhappy?

Wan Deng glanced at his watch:

There are still 50 seconds left.

Oh, the company boss is still waiting for me to go to the meeting.

Yaqi, when time stops disappearing, I will help you activate the mirror spirit of the Yata Mirror and transport you back seven hundred years ago.

Only when time stops and ends can Yata Mirror perform the next wave of operations.

Shen Lue raised his hand:

Wait a moment.

He thought of a key question: You mean, after your death, you accidentally traveled to modern times through the Yata Mirror?

Wan Deng nodded:


Then what happened to the six pure and lean oil bombs you made before?


Wan Deng blushed, scratched his head and said:

That's the bald guy inside me.

No, it was started by a monk.

“They say every day that they are pure and have no desires and desires, but they often market their products on a large scale, causing the loss of believers in my shrine and even the money for the sesame oil they offered.

As for the manufacturing principle.

It happens to be somewhat similar to modern depleted uranium bombs. In fact, there is still a lot of room for improvement.

After saying this, he curled his lips a little unconvinced:


If I could go back now, I would definitely use modern marketing methods to rub those temples to the ground!



At this moment, the Yata mirror above Wan Deng kept flashing. The mirror, which was so weak that it was only the size of a fist, came out and blinked pitifully:

Master Yaki, Master Wandeng.

I really don't have a drop of it, wuwuwu~

The time will end in 10 seconds.

In the sky, the tall shadow of Izanami has begun to blink.

Wan Deng looked at Shen Lue with a serious expression and bowed deeply:

Yaki-kun, I'll leave it to you!

Then he looked at Takiyashahime again:

Take care of yourself. You must always listen to Master Yaqi's orders. Don't always make your own decisions like you did when you led troops to fight in the past.

Takiyashahime bit her lip and nodded heavily:



Wan Deng let out a long sigh of relief with complicated eyes.

Perhaps for him, it would only be a matter of months or even days before they reunited.

But for Baqi, Yaoji and the others, they have to wait 1,000 years, which is definitely a long time for the gods.

Hope we can meet again safely.


The Yata mirror flashes for the last time, which means that the time stop has ended.

At this time, Izanami raised her finger again and launched an impact in the direction of Shen Lue.


This time Izanami looked very angry, and the power she used was many times stronger than before. She seemed determined to kill Shen Lue and others with one blow.


Pull out the filth and cleanse the impure, QQ beef tenderloin!

Shen Lue raised his hand and used up all his spiritual energy to form a defensive shield to protect everyone. Demon Sword Girl and other subordinates also raised their hands to help him stabilize the shield.

Izanami's eyes suddenly lit up:

Xiao Xiao erases.



The layers of defense were as fragile as paper in front of the ancestor of Shinto, breaking into pieces one after another, and it would take only a few seconds for a successful hit.

Don't say it's Shen Lue then.

I am afraid that the entire Sun Yao Sea will be destroyed instantly.

Shen Lue turned around and urged: Hurry up!


Wan Deng's face flushed, beads of sweat kept dripping from his forehead, and he kept mumbling the formula to activate the Yata Mirror. It was obviously very difficult to teleport to the past.


At the moment when the attack was in front of him, the Yata Mirror finally bloomed with dazzling brilliance.

Wan Deng gasped with relief:

It's done.

Jing Ling lowered his head and found that his body had expanded to about ten meters, his whole body was filled with power, and Wan Deng's cross-time and space projection had finally reached its limit.

Following the disintegration of his body, he showed a smile:

We'll see you in 1,000 years.


The brilliance of the Yata Mirror enveloped Shen Lue and his subordinates.

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