What is the Experience of Simulating a Fairy

Chapter 164 The increasingly powerful Yamata-sama

(There is a problem with the title of this chapter, it should actually be Chapter 163 Ri Yao Hai)


As Shen Lue's figure disappeared into the shadows of the stone steps, the walls of the All-Illumination Vajra Hall were closed again, leaving only Monk Kukai standing there.


He breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the silver ingot in his hand, and smiled helplessly.

Although the monk does have selfish motives, handing over his property is also for your own good.

Unable to abandon the most precious things and bring so many external possessions into the sea of ​​​​sun, it seems not easy to come out of that place alive.

But that man seems to be a god above Level 100.

Perhaps the eternal calamity of the City of the Sun may end in His hands.

Kukai put away the silver ingot, climbed onto the altar table and sat back on the lotus pedestal.

His skin slowly turned golden, and his figure gradually became taller. He transformed into a three-headed and eighteen-armed Vajra statue with angry eyes and stepped on the golden lotus. Everything in the temple returned to calm.

Underground stairs.

Shen Lue led them down.

Mr. Yaqi, I feel a little cold.

Baimugui crossed his arms and his body was shaking.

In fact, what she felt was not the real cold, but the surging spiritual energy here was attacking them like a fine knife, so it gave the illusion of coldness.

The other people are all big demons, so the feeling is not so strong.

The stone steps continued downward, and at the 999th step, they reached the underground river at the bottom.

Shen Lue raised his hand.

The psychic energy quickly sketched in the air, and soon formed a huge sailing ship.

Let's go.

Shen Lue stepped onto the boat, and the Demon Swordsmen quickly followed.


The huge sail of the big ship was raised high with the blowing of spiritual energy. After about three seconds, it shot out in the direction of light like an arrow off the string.

The underground river below suddenly became transparent, and the river water wrapped upward to form a tunnel.

The tunnel is not dark, but there are many colorful lights flashing through it. It looks a bit like a time tunnel in a science fiction movie.


However, because he has played with the Time Stone and Space Stone in the Marvel dungeon, Shen Lue has a basic understanding of these feelings.

This is not a time travel, but a space jump.

That is to say, with the help of the power here, they will successfully jump to the Sun Yao Sea.

“I don’t know what the principle is?

If we can imitate it, we can transform the Izumo Domain and we should be able to jump to another place instantly.

After running in this colorful tunnel for about fifteen minutes, the light ahead became brighter and brighter.

Shen Lue turned around and reminded his subordinates:

It's almost here, get ready.


He suddenly realized that something was not quite right about these guys.

The hundred-eyed ghost rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, humming non-stop:

Mr. Yaki, stop it quickly.

I can't do it anymore.

Youtohime and Kujira inserted their weapons on the deck and used their demon power to stabilize their bodies.

But this level of space jump was still a bit unbearable, causing their faces to turn pale, and they couldn't even find the energy to answer Shen Lue's words.

A Li was in the best condition. She knelt down on the deck and smiled slightly at Shen and said:

Lord, what do you need to prepare?


Before she could finish her words, Shen Lue's huge psychic ship flew directly out of the passage. Everyone immediately lost control and was thrown into the air:


When Shen Lue's huge psychic ship entered the entrance, it was directly torn into pieces by the huge force.



The bodies of the four subordinates landed on a flat ground one after another, while Shen Lue stabilized his body, tapped the ground gracefully with his toes, and landed steadily on the ground.


A Li supported Zhu Chai on his head and quickly got up from the ground, trying to help his friends up as well.

At this time, some voices sounded in her ears:

Oh my god, how did these people suddenly appear here?

Did you just see that?

I seemed to glance at it, and it seemed like there was a sudden explosion in the river, and then they came out from under the water.


It was some ordinary people who were talking about it.

As soon as Shen Lue landed, he immediately observed his surroundings:

Here, it is actually a bustling small town.

A small river passes through the town, and many vendors drive small boats to sell their goods to the families on both sides of the river. It seems lively, yet peaceful and peaceful.

At this time, several subordinates also got up one after another.

They soon saw some townspeople staring at them strangely.


Demon Sword Girl felt that she was being stared at by so many people, and immediately felt uncomfortable all over. She subconsciously held down the 3.9-meter super long sword, wanting to pull it out and scare away these people.

Don't move yet.

A Li held her wrist and said, These should be just ordinary people living in Sun Yao Sea, waiting for the Lord's orders.

At this time, a middle-aged aunt with a slightly stout body came forward and asked enthusiastically:

Young men, you.

Are you okay?

I just saw you seem to have jumped out of the river!

The aunt said and gestured:

She waved the basin in her hand upwards, showing an honest smile.

Shen slightly scratched his head.

Ah, how embarrassing.

This dungeon is real. As Yamata no Orochi, shouldn’t I have a more impressive appearance when I debut in Riyaohai?


Well, actually we went down to the river to fry fish and made a mistake, so we accidentally got ourselves up.


The aunt curled her lips: Tsk, tsk, this is a dangerous job!

After confirming that Shen Lue and others were fine, she waved her fat palm to disperse the onlookers:

Okay, it's not unusual.

Let's all get busy. We're going to watch the Sky Fire Festival in the city soon, so I haven't prepared anything to sell.

It seemed that she was very prestigious in the town, and the merchants and people quickly dispersed under her drive.

The aunt waved at Shen Lue:

Come to my store.

Drink some hot tea to warm yourself up. It's free of charge.

They followed the enthusiastic proprietress to a nearby shop. She opened a small porridge shop. It was still some time before lunch, so there were not many diners.

From the conversation, Shen Lue learned:

This place is called Nancheng, and it is indeed located on the Ri Yao Sea.

Talking about Ri Yao Hai, the aunt sat next to them and let out a long sigh:

“We are surrounded by the boundless ocean.

“According to our ancestors, you can reach a continent by going north to the sea, but starting from three hundred years ago, you can’t find anything going north.

Everything in the outside world seems to have disappeared.

Shen Lue put down his teacup and asked, What's the name of that continent?

“It’s called Kyushu Island.

It stands to reason that we are part of Kyushu Island, but this is an outlying island, so we are actually very far away from there.


A Li suddenly raised his head, seeming to remember something:

Auntie, what about the Sky Fire Festival you mentioned before?

The landlady smiled and showed admiration:


That is to worship our legendary lord of Kyushu, Shiranui.

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