The old man was so angry that he was about to die.

"Hahaha~ Don't move!"

Jiang Xia shook his phone in advance and grinned:

"You came very quickly. The bomb will explode in eight minutes."


"If I'm unhappy or I'm dead, the bomb will explode."

"Heart rate bombs used to be difficult to make, but now with smart watches, it's really easy. You can try it."

Qin Fei looked indifferent and said nothing.


Jiang Xia smiled twistedly and pointed the phone camera at the two of them:

"The flying emperor who calls the wind and rain in the game is just an ordinary college student in reality?"

"Fuck you, why are you pretending to be so arrogant with me?!"


Helicopter, two heavy machine guns were aimed at Qin Fei.

"Now, in front of the entire network audience, don't say that this young master bullied you."

"I'll give you two choices."

"One, you die."

"Two, she dies."


"You have 60 seconds to think about it."

"If you don't choose by the time, then you have to look at this young master's third option."

Jiang Xia's voice just fell.

The helicopter buzzed and turned on the afterburner, slowly taking off.


On the other side.

Qinglong called out in the communicator:

"I will cover your retreat, it's still in time!"

"This man is crazy!"

"12.7 mm M2 heavy machine gun, this caliber of bullets, even ordinary armored vehicles can't withstand it! Where did he get it from?"


In Nan Bing'er's live broadcast room.

Countless viewers saw this shocking scene and were so scared that they dared not speak.

"What the hell?"

"Is this a movie, right, host?"

"It must be fake!"

"In the real world, bombs, heavy machine guns...what the hell?"

"Heh~ The hosts of today have all kinds of tricks, maybe even the character of the golden age bootlicker is a script~"


"That's what I said, but it looks too real..."

"Especially Nan Bing'er's eyes...I was heartbroken..."

"What the hell!"

"If this is acting, I won't watch the Oscars this year without her~"

"But whether it's true or not, I think we should call the police first, right?"


Riverside Villa

The helicopter slowly took off, and Jiang Xia laughed wildly in the air:

"Speak up!"


"Aren't you crazy?"

"Why can't you even speak now?!"

"You're not going to say anything, right?"

"Come on, let me give your bitch a red first!"

Jiang Xia put down the megaphone, reached out and took out a golden Desert Eagle.

Inside the communicator.

Qinglong couldn't help but said, "If he takes a gun, I have to do it!"

"You're there, right?"

Qin Fei finally spoke.

Life and death moment.

For an inexperienced person, even his brain is down, and he doesn't know what to do.

Of course, Qin Fei didn't down, he was just considering whether there was a safer way.

But the result was...


"If Jiang Xia's helicopter is going to leave, you should find a way to stay, and don't worry about the rest."

After Qin Fei finished speaking, he disappeared into the air.

? ? ?

Jiang Xia on the helicopter, the killer operating the heavy machine gun, and Qinglong who was squatting with a gun in the distance, were all stunned.


Disappeared right in front of them.

There was no sign, and there was no shadow.

A person.

Just disappeared in front of everyone.



Jiang Xia looked around and saw no one, and immediately shouted angrily: "I told you to shoot! Shoot, shoot!"

The two machine gunners reacted and pulled the trigger towards the open space in the garden, where Qin Fei disappeared.

Boom, boom, boom!

The 12.7mm gun made a deafening and dull roar.

This weapon is nicknamed a micro-cannon in the military field, which shows its terrifying power.

The tiles on the ground can be blasted into pieces with one shot.

The land in the garden can be blasted into a basketball-sized pit with one shot.


Qinglong, who was far away, saw this and cursed in his heart: "Asshole! What on earth are you going to do!?"

Her hand was now on the trigger, the muzzle of the gun pointed at the helicopter pilot.

For a moment.

She couldn't even judge whether to

I have to pull the trigger.

Damn it!

Since she joined the Dragon Group, she has never been so embarrassed as today.

No matter how difficult the battlefield is.

Just fight hard.

But now, she doesn't even have a chance to fight.

Firing in advance will only cause the bomb to explode in advance.

The steel balls wrapped by the bandits on the bomb are enough to penetrate most armor.

People are flesh and blood after all.

Not to mention.

Qin Fei didn't even wear a bulletproof vest...

What can he use to resist?


While talking.

The M2 heavy machine gun fired hundreds of bullets, but Qin Fei's figure was still invisible.

What's even more weird is.

Nan Bing'er in front of Jiang Xia also disappeared.

An iron door in the villa was removed at some point.

It's even more unknown when this door suddenly appeared in the iron cage and blocked Nan Bing'er.

Bang! Bang!

Jiang Xia raised his hand and fired two shots at the iron door.

I have to say.

The quality of the door in the villa is good.

Three layers of steel plates, duplex structure, and filled sound insulation materials also weakened most of the power of the bullets.

Even the Desert Eagle did not penetrate.

"What are you doing, sweep for me..."

Jiang Xia just finished speaking, his eyes turned, and he immediately held down his men:


"No, no, no~"

Jiang Xia suddenly figured it out, and then shouted angrily: "Feitiandi, you still want to save people now, right?"


"I'll fulfill your wish, and I'll let you die together!"

"Take off!"

"I'm going to blow this dog to death!!"

Buzz buzz buzz~

The driver pulled the control lever back, and the helicopter turned on the afterburner to increase the altitude.


The villa garden.

In the iron cage wrapped in layers.

"Woo woo woo woo~"

Nan Bing'er's eyes were red at this moment, and tears were pouring down.


There was nothing in front of her except the iron door.

But she still knew.

Fei Tiandi was coming, right in front of her.

He really came!

Nan Bing'er didn't care about death at all now.

She only knew that life was enough up to this point.

She just wanted Fei Tiandi to leave here safely.


She saw the other party tied it with her own eyes.

At this moment, she could only helplessly and shook her head frantically.... It can't be untied, don't!!!

It really can't be untied.

Jiang Xia, that beast, didn't intend to let Nan Bing'er live from the beginning.

Qin Fei didn't intend to untie it either. After carefully looking at the key route and the path of the binding, he whispered: "Don't panic, you won't die."

The next second.

Qin Fei grabbed the key node of the bomb chain with both hands and pulled it hard.


The bomb was pulled down directly by his brute force.

But at the same time.

The countdown of the bomb also stopped at this moment.


Qin Fei's 2,000 points of agility, far exceeding the speed and reaction of humans, finally came into play at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, the bomb was torn off.

While Qin Fei threw away the bomb, he turned sideways and firmly protected Nan Bing'er in his arms.


The high-explosive bomb exploded in the iron cage!

It exploded behind Qin Fei!

The powerful explosion and shock wave directly hit the two of them on the iron cage.

Three-layer iron cage.

Qin Fei had already torn a crack just now.

At this moment, under the power of the bomb, it was completely torn apart on the spot.

Puff puff puff!

Qin Fei's body was at the center of the explosion, and he was hit by countless steel balls.

Such a close-range super-intensive attack has nothing to do with agility and dodge, and he can't dodge at all.

Ding ding dang dang~

Under the dual effects of the explosion and shock wave, the steel balls bombarded all around indiscriminately.


The carefully constructed garden was reduced to ruins.

Even the helicopter hanging in the sky was hit by several bullets.

"Hahaha~ Still want to defuse the bomb!? Am I that stupid?!"

Jiang Xia held the phone and laughed wildly.

"I said I would kill you, and I will kill you!"

"Not only will I kill you, I will kill your whole family!!!"

"What a pity, you died too early, I wanted to play with you for a while..."


Jiang Xia glanced at the broken garden with disdain, and patted the driver with satisfaction.

"Let's go, on the cruise ship tonight, this young master will take you to have fun~"

Before he finished speaking.

There was a bang!

A bullet shot out from nowhere and went straight through the side windshield of the helicopter.


The helicopter driver was shot in the head without a word.


Jiang Xia was covered in blood and was about to start cursing when he heard a creaking sound in the garden.

He looked down.

He saw a man covered in blood.


With both hands.

He tore the twisted stainless steel cage apart.

His back reflected starlight in the sunlight.

Those were the steel balls wrapped around the bomb!

His arms and thighs were each pierced by a finger-thick iron pole.

But he pulled the iron pole out casually as if nothing had happened.


Bright red blood spurted out, but it could not stain any red on his body.

Because there was no part of his body that was not stained with blood.

"Flying Emperor...?"

Jiang Xia's pupils and heart trembled at the same time, and he couldn't help but show a look of fear in his eyes.

"Are you...are you still human!?"

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