
"Busy? Even if you're busy, you have to listen to me!" Dongfang Zhan gritted his teeth and laughed, "With your current strength, is it possible to deal with the second-level BOSS?"

"Killing it!"

Dongfang Baili was originally looking for someone, but encountered a swamp giant snake on the way. Now he has a flying mount and the sage summoner Lin Shiqi, so he naturally killed it first.

"Hahaha~ Good!"

"You are worthy of being my Dongfang Zhan's daughter!!"

Dongfang Zhan's mouth was crooked with laughter:

"By the way, talk to Fei Tiandi and ask him to get more rewards."

"He killed a BOSS in one second, isn't that as easy as drinking water?"

"If you don't make money, you are a fool!"

"Besides, if we get all the rewards, there will be nothing left for other countries."


"You'd better get all the rewards for the top ten!! Don't leave any!"

Damn it!

Although the top ten rewards are not as good as Fei Tiandi's first kill.

But they are also rare treasure chests and rare gems.

If these things fall into the hands of other countries.

It's basically the same as falling into the hands of the United States.

Then fight for the third-level BOSS.

The United States will pull other countries far behind, so what's the point of playing! ?


Death Swamp.

A triangular giant snake covered with pure black scales was twisting and swishing wildly in the swamp, swishing its tail, and desperately fleeing.

"Can you escape?"

Asyat snorted coldly and pointed with one hand.


Two dark auras rose from the swamp and instantly condensed into two chains.

Hula la la~

The dark chains wrapped around the giant snake and locked it with almost no effort.

"Now, Exploding Flying Star!"


Dongfang Baili finally made a move after concentrating his skills for half a day.


There was no stagnation, no time to accumulate energy.

The flying star hit the giant snake's head like a meteor and exploded on the spot!





Six consecutive damages directly destroyed one-third of the giant snake's health bar.


Dongfang Baili sighed.

The feeling of having a teacher to teach is different.

If it weren't for Asyat's guidance, she didn't know how many times she would have to experiment before she understood that the explosive flying star could be charged in advance, and even multiple times to increase the damage segment.


Her skill proficiency acquisition speed has skyrocketed.

The power has increased by more than ten times.


This is not the limit of the skill opening.

Her flying star is still far from the master Asyat said...

On the other side.

Asyat floated down on the head of the giant snake.


His right hand went straight into the wound on the head of the giant snake.

The next second.

The flesh and blood of the swamp giant snake were all burned by the hellfire, but it strangely did not struggle.

At the same time.

A wisp of blue breath floated from the head of the giant snake and slowly merged into Asyat's arm.

"Is that... the soul of the giant snake?"

Dongfang Baili couldn't help but frown.


The soul of the giant snake was completely extracted by Asyat, condensed in the palm of his hand, and turned into a small orchid magic stone.


"Darkness is the abyss."

"Once you step in, you can never turn back..."

Asyat sighed secretly and threw the magic stone to Lin Shiqi.

"In addition to wisdom, the spirit summoned by darkness can only be upgraded by soul magic stones and soul equipment."

"Although the quality of this soul magic stone is average, it is enough for me to temporarily restore to the master's strength. You keep it first, and I will tell you when I need it."

Lin Shiqi asked in confusion: "Teacher Asyat, can't you use the magic stone yourself?"

"Asyat is dead. Call me Horn outside from now on." Asyat explained: "As a summoned spirit, I can't upgrade myself. Only when you are upgraded can I upgrade with you."

"Just now I checked the soul of the giant snake. It seems that it has seen a human team passing by. Let's go to the north to take a look."


Can you check the soul memory?

Dongfang Baili was shocked again.

The strength of this sage is probably more terrifying than that of Shiqi and himself combined!


[System Announcement! ]

[Dragon country player 'Bai Li' led the team to defeat the leader-level BOSS (2nd turn), reward gold coins x1000, reward rare treasure chest x1, reward rare gems

x1, reward magic stone x1. 】

? ? ?

Qin Fei heard the announcement and immediately sent a message to Bai Li.

"Aren't you guys going to do the task?"

"Yeah, I saw a BOSS on the way just now. Asyat said he wanted to kill it to extract materials, so he solved it by the way."

Dongfang Baili reminded:

"By the way, the rewards of the second-level BOSS can be killed repeatedly. There seem to be a lot of BOSS in the swamp. Why not get all the rewards before changing jobs?"


"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Qin Fei just passed by a group of monsters that looked like second-level BOSSes, and he was too lazy to look back, and he ran all the way to the third-level BOSS.

Dongfang Baili's beautiful eyes turned, and she said tactfully: "I remembered to say it this morning, but someone didn't even open his mouth~"


Qin Fei immediately took a breath of cold air and gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, wait, we'll talk tonight!"

The next second.

Qin Fei turned around and killed back.


Two minutes later.

[System Announcement! ]

[Dragon Country player ‘Feitiandi’ defeated the leader-level BOSS (2nd turn), rewarded gold coins x1000, rewarded rare treasure chest x1, rewarded rare gem x1, rewarded magic stone x1. ]


? ? ?

The players among the gods were speechless.

"What are you doing?"

"What are you doing~"

"Just got the first kill a few minutes ago, and you killed another one?"

"Do you have to kill them all?"

"Can't you leave one for me?"

"Ah? If I leave it for you, you can't kill it, right?"

"Even if you can't kill it, you should let me see what the BOSS looks like, right?"

"What the hell..."

"Don't play the game for a few years and never see what the BOSS looks like."

"Is Fei Tiandi live streaming?"

"I want to take a look, just take a look!"


The sudden announcement immediately put pressure on the team that was attacking the BOSS.

"What the hell?!"

"He, he won't be brushing rewards, right?"


"If he brushes all the rewards, won't our attack, which cost so much, be a huge loss?"

"Hurry up~"

"Hurry up!"

"Don't save all the potions, use all the skills!!!"


【System announcement! 】

【Dragon player ‘Feitiandi’ defeated the leader-level BOSS (2nd turn), rewarded gold coins x1000, rewarded rare treasure chest x1, rewarded rare gem x1, rewarded magic magic stone x1. 】

【Dragon player ‘Feitiandi’ defeated the leader-level BOSS (2nd turn), rewarded gold coins x1000, rewarded rare treasure chest x1, rewarded rare gem x1, rewarded magic magic stone x1. 】

【Dragon player ‘Feitiandi’ defeated the leader-level BOSS (2nd turn), rewarded gold coins x1000, rewarded rare treasure chest x1, rewarded rare gem x1, rewarded magic magic stone x1. 】


Within ten minutes.

The system announcements were as crazy as if they were free.


"Yes, finished..."

"Ten rewards is the limit of the system, but not the limit of Fei Tiandi~"

"Oh my god!"

"If he is rewarded 10,000 times, I am really afraid that he will kill 10,000 bosses a day..."

"Be bold, don't be afraid."

"It's just 10,000 bosses. Fei Tiandi can still kill them all if he works overtime~"


Hutton Federation, Blazing Basin.

Hundreds of players from Dragon Country are working hard to clean up a lot of fire.

A woman with an outstanding figure, beautiful eyes like stars, and leaf eyebrows like swords.

Her figure is seen flowing among the monsters.

Holding a sword alone, she can deal thousands of damage every time she strikes.

Especially the critical hit frequency, which is as high as 30%.

Even a fire monster of more than 20 levels can't last for less than a minute under her hands.

"Director Mu, the rewards have been used up. Do we need to speed up the progress now?"


Mu Qiancheng put the sword back into the sheath with his backhand, and said in a deep voice:

"Just attack normally, don't waste potions, and minimize casualties..."


The team members immediately adjusted the battle arrangements.

Mu Qiancheng couldn't help but say in his heart:

"Where did Fei Tiandi come from?"

"He can really suppress a national resource team by himself!?"


The United States, the Pentagon.


"Now the representatives of the Five Eyes Alliance are protesting to us, saying that we took away the equipment, which caused them to slow down the attack and did not get the reward..."

Hold's forehead darkened

: "Bullshit!"

"With the speed at which Fei Tiandi brushes rewards, they can't catch up even if they have a thousand more equipment!"

"Get lost!"

"Tell them to get lost!"


Longguo Base.

Dongfang Zhan's scalp was numb.

"Good fellow~"

"I asked you to brush the rewards."

"But you brushed it too fast, weren't you?"

"You...you brushed away all the rewards we had scheduled?!"

The staff reminded awkwardly: "Zhan Shuai, Director Mu is on Line 2..."


Dongfang Zhan's scalp was really numb now.

With his current strength, he really didn't need to speak softly to anyone.

But Mu Qiancheng was different.

Director of the National Security Bureau, the big sister of the Dragon Group.

Her background was so red that it was purple.

She was a person who walked sideways in Zhonghai!

Four words.

No one dared to mess with her!

"Um... Tell her I'm in a meeting, I'm not here~!" Dongfang Zhan knew without thinking that something bad was going to happen, so he fled first.


Death Swamp.

"Open the box~ Open the box~"

Shangguan Yao was holding a bunch of treasure chests in her hands, and she didn't know which one to open.

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