After arriving at the lake, Zhou Yuan jumped off Gyarados and waved for Gyarados to lower his head and approach him.

Gyarados, who didn't know what his trainer was doing, was confused, but still leaned over.

Zhou Yuan took out the collar from his backpack, adjusted the length and put it on Gyarados to the seven-inch position.


Gyarados was a little confused. What did the trainer put on him just now? Why did he resonate with the small stone on it?

Just when Gyarados was confused, Zhou Yuan also put the bracelet on his right wrist.

When the bracelet was put on and the buckle was locked.

The Key Stone, Mega Stone, Zhou Yuan and Gyarados resonated with each other.

The breeze by the lake blew Zhou Yuan's black hair and Gyarados's tentacles.

Driven by his heart, Zhou Yuan raised his right hand diagonally to his chest, and the key stone in the bracelet groove flashed a dazzling rainbow light.

"Gyarados!" Zhou Yuan raised his left hand.

"Roar!" Gyarados roared, his mind was agitated. At this moment, all he thought about was when he was the weakest, there was a person who often came to the shore to bring him food. The figure in his memory gradually overlapped with the figure in front of him, and Gyarados roared to the sky again.


Seeing the strong emotions in Gyarados' eyes, Zhou Yuan also recalled the silly golden Magikarp before.

"So, it was cuter when it was a fathead fish..."

Mumbling this sentence, Zhou Yuan gently tapped the key stone with his left index and middle fingers.

The dazzling rainbow light and the white light of Qigong merged together, turning into strands, interweaving and merging, like a series of substantial chains, connecting Zhou Yuan and Gyarados.

Accompanying this was the familiar line.

"Gyarados! Mega evolution!"


The next moment,

With Gyarados as the eye of the wind, the breeze by the lake gathered and turned into a howling gale!

The white light covered Gyarados like a tide. As its body became thicker and longer, the two whiskers on the side of its mouth also became thinner and longer, and the area of ​​the fins expanded accordingly, almost like a pair of small wings!

The rainbow light exploded, revealing the appearance of Gyarados after super evolution.

Zhou Yuan felt a little tired. It was the first time he knew that Mega evolution would cause a certain consumption of the trainer's spirit and physical strength.

He walked up and patted the scales of Mega Gyarados. At this moment, the intimacy between the trainer and the Pokémon was undoubtedly revealed.

Caterpie, who jumped out of the Poké Ball on his own, bit his handkerchief silently.

Woohoo, I was here first, is this how the dog feels now?

The mechanical sound of the system sounded again.

[Congratulations to the host for achieving: Maga Evolution]

[Energy Points +1000]

[Host's current energy points: 1010]

This, this is a return of energy points.

Zhou Yuan took a breath, so tired, almost unable to hold on.

So he quickly let the system scan Gyarados, and then ended the Mega Evolution, and Gyarados returned to its original appearance.

"Roar!" Gyarados was also a little tired, and slid down the shore to the lake to rest.

Even if he exercises regularly and takes dragon bone potions to improve his physical fitness, it is still a big consumption for Zhou Yuan to let Gyarados use Mega Evolution.

Or maybe it's because Zhou Yuan is in contact with it for the first time, and he doesn't know how to use Mega Evolution scientifically.

Of course, for now, there is no plan to let Gyarados Mega Evolve to fight. I will be free for a while and can take a short break.

After the Mega Evolution, Zhou Yuan called up the information that the system had just scanned.

[Mega Gyarados ♂]

[Level: Senior Level Mid-Term]

[Characteristics: Exceptional]

"Hmm... After the Mega Evolution, the strength has been improved a lot, and the characteristic has also become exceptional."

Zhou Yuan began to analyze the information scanned by the system.

"Senior Level Mid-Term, I don't know if the Mega Evolution will bring so much gain as the level rises, the invincible cool novel hero Gyarados?"

"If it is exceptional, it will ignore the opponent's characteristics, such as the magical protection of the ghost cicada, the floating of Rotom, etc., which can be ignored."

In general, the current Mega Evolution of Gyarados still greatly improves the strength, and it can be kept as a trump card. When it was said at the Little Entei Cup

Maybe it can be used.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan looked at the Gyarados floating on the water and the Caterpie trying to bite his tail.

"Maybe I can win the game without using super evolution?"

Waving at the dog, Zhou Yuan put the Fire Stone into a net bag and hung it around the dog's neck.

Just as he thought before, the Fire Stone can help the dog grow imperceptibly. As for the Fire Gem that was placed in the net bag before, it had been drained of energy and shattered when the dog broke through the senior level.

Looking at the new toy in the net bag, the dog turned around twice excitedly and tried to bite it with his mouth, but Zhou Yuan held his mouth.

"Dog, this thing is an evolution stone. Wearing it can help you exercise, but once you bite it, you will evolve. Do you know your mother? If you bite this stone, you will become like your mother. It's not too late to bite it when you have had enough of childhood or want to evolve."

Zhou Yuan originally wanted to give Gouzi a longer childhood, but he didn't expect that Gouzi would go crazy when he heard that he would become like Dahong, and his mouth was biting the net bag.

Zhou Yuan took great pains to hold it down, staring into the eyes of Gouzi and said:

"Dog, have you thought about it? Once you evolve, you can never come back. Although you can become very big at that time, I can't hold you."

Hearing Zhou Yuan's words, Gouzi calmed down, and his blind pursuit of evolution gradually dissipated.

Just as Zhou Yuan thought before, Gouzi is just over a month old now. Although Zhou Yuan feeds him with good food and drink every day, his strength is rising rapidly, but his mind is still relatively immature.

When I first heard that I could be like my mother, I was very happy and eager to grow up.

But after Zhou Yuan explained the pros and cons, the dog decided to take it slow.

After all, he is still a baby. What's wrong with the baby wanting to enjoy the warm embrace of the trainer?

Seeing that Caterpie no longer wanted to bite the Fire Stone, Zhou Yuan also breathed a sigh of relief. Magikarp evolved into Gyarados very quickly. If this dog evolved again, there would be no baby in his team. Who would believe him if he went out and said that he was a new trainer?

Let Gyarados put his big head over again, slightly peeled off a little scale, and pressed the Water Gem and the Flying Gem into the inlay slot on the neck ring, and the illegal props carried increased again.

Then he slapped the learning machine of the sharp stone attack and the substitute on the forehead of Gyarados.

Gyarados' eyes became sharp!

Gyarados learned the sharp stone attack and the substitute!

Then he slapped the poisonous learning machine onto a dog's head.


Karti Growler has learned poisonous!

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