The battle ended one after another, the losers left, and the winners could have left, but they stayed and stayed to see other players and collect intelligence for the subsequent battles.

The fourth game... the fifth game... the sixth game...

Three more battles passed, all of which were fierce. There was no way, everyone was in the top 32, most of the Pokémons were in the late ordinary level, the Pokémons were evenly matched, and the trainers' command level was similar, except for a certain cheater.

Under almost equal conditions, if you want to advance, you naturally have to fight hard.

"Please ask the players in the seventh game to come on stage!"

Zheng Huo said standing on the Shield Blade Monster.

It was his turn to play again. Zhou Yuan stood up, patted his clothes, held the healing ball in his hand, nodded to the three people beside him, and then walked towards the ring.

"Come on..." Yun Duo murmured.

At this moment, she found that the Poké Ball in Zhou Yuan's hand was different, and hurriedly asked the two people beside him.

"Look, is the color of the Poké Ball in Zhou Yuan's hand different from before?"

Hearing this, the two Lis stared at Zhou Yuan's right hand. After a moment, Li Feiyong said:

"Isn't the Poké Ball of Caterpie a red precious ball? Did you change the ball? Macho pink?"

Li Chengqian pushed the glasses on his nose, and the lenses reflected a white light.

"The scheming frog has been touching your belly. There is only one truth. Brother Zhou is holding a healing ball. This kind of ball is generally used for Pokémon captured in the wild, so..."

The three looked at each other and came to a conclusion.

"Zhou Yuan changed his Pokémon?!" (in unison)

At this time, Zhou Yuan didn't know that the three people in the audience were discussing him. He had already walked onto the stage and stood in the command area.

Standing opposite him was the trainer of Scorpio King, Lu Zhi.

Lu Zhi said loudly to Zhou Yuan:

"Give up, you have already lost. I have seen your game. Your Growlithe is indeed very strong, but it is no match for my Scorpio King."

While speaking, Lu Zhi threw a Poké Ball to summon Scorpio King.

[Scorpio King ♂]

[Level: Late Common Level]

[Features: Poison Healing]

[Skills: Guillotine, Lightning Fang, Ice Fang, Flame Fang, Poison Attack, Sand Swing, Harden, Shoot Down, Lightning Flash, Continuous Slash, Acrobatics, Sneak Attack, Earthquake, Feather Roost, Swallow Return, Metal Claw, Feint, Cross Poison Blade, Insect Bite, Water Tail]

Hearing his opponent's words, Zhou Yuan grinned and replied loudly:

"Who told you that I only have one Pokémon?"

As he said that, Zhou Yuan also threw the healing ball in his hand.

"Go, Gyarados!!!"


The three people in the audience were all stunned. It was you, Zhou Yuan, who had to use a pink and tender healing ball to treat Gyarados, and it was a different color.

Lv Zhi on the stage was also stunned. Where did this big brother get the Gyarados?

He immediately reported to Zheng Huo:

"Referee, I want to report, this is not his Pokémon at all, he used a Pokémon that was not his own to participate in the competition, I request that he be directly judged as the loser!"

Hearing the player's request, Zheng Huo suspended the game and went to the judges and referees to collect evidence.

As soon as he arrived, he saw two people coming together, and then the two of them took out the front of their gym-level trainers, and both used themselves as guarantees to guarantee that Gyarados was Zhou Yuan's own Pokémon.

These two people were naturally Liu Yongming and Li Tao who was dragged by Liu Yongming.

After checking that the two people's documents were authentic, Zheng Huo returned to the ring.

There was no need to collect any more evidence. The two gym-level trainers jointly guaranteed that this dragon was most likely really from this young trainer. As for whether it was, it would be clear when the battle started.

"Verification is correct, Gyarados is the Pokémon of Zhou Yuan, the battle continues."

Hearing this, Lu Zhi's face was a little hot. It's okay that he made a harsh statement before the game, but he didn't make it right. As a result, he questioned the opponent's Pokémon. After verification, it was indeed the opponent's Pokémon.

Then this battle must not be lost. If he loses, it is equivalent to hanging himself on the pillar of shame.

Zhou Yuan didn't know that the two elders had guaranteed him, and even thought that the referee team was quite fast and completed the verification so quickly.

Although both sides had their own thoughts, it did not affect the atmosphere on the ring.

The battle was about to start!

In the end, Lu Zhi lost his temper and shouted to command Scorpio King.

"Scorpio King, use Thunder Fang when the lightning flashes!"

Zhou Yuan countered the attack.

"Gyarados, use salt water!"

Zhou Yuan didn't want Scorpio to get close to Gyarados, so he asked Gyarados to use long-range skills to interfere and block Scorpio.

A column of water gushed out from Gyarados' mouth, and directly rushed Scorpio, who had dodged his face, out again.

As soon as Scorpio rushed to Gyarados' face, he didn't even have time for the electricity to linger on his sharp teeth, and he was hit by a salt water on his face and flew away.

After flying for a distance, he flapped his small wings to stabilize his body.

Although Gyarados' special attack power is not very strong, it still caused considerable damage to Scorpio under the bonus of the basic system and double restraint.

Seeing that his command did not work, Lu Zhi relaxed instead.

'Don't be impatient. The opponents who have fought so far are not weak. Don't be impatient. If you are impatient, you will be caught. Be calm. '

Lu Zhi used self-suggestion!

Lu Zhi regained his calm!

Lu Zhi began to calmly analyze the current situation.

At present, Scorpio King is not in a good state and lacks long-range output means. If he does not approach Gyarados in time, he may be kited to death.

So the top priority now is to approach Gyarados as soon as possible, even if he suffers some damage on the way, he can use Feathers to make up for the damage and temporarily lose the flying attribute, which can effectively avoid being killed by Frozen Fang's quadruple restraint.

So under Lu Zhi's command, Scorpio King used Lightning Flash many times to approach Gyarados. Although Gyarados used Salt Water to block many times under Zhou Yuan's command, there are always times when the skills are missed.

With the unremitting efforts of Lu Zhi and Scorpio King, it finally came to Gyarados, but Scorpio King was in a very bad state at this time.

Zhou Yuan knew that Lu Zhi would definitely let Scorpio King use Feathers to replenish his state, but he didn't care. Anyway, kiting was already fun and the opponent's state was also crippled.

The key is that this has brought the Scorpion King, who is in a bad state, to his face. If he doesn't fight him, he will be sorry. Even if Scorpion King doesn't have time to use Feather Roost before Gyarados's attack hits, this battle will be over.

"Gyarados, use Water Tail!" / "Scorpion King, use Feather Roost!"

The trainers on both sides started to command at the same time. What was unexpected to Lu Zhi was that Zhou Yuan did not let Gyarados use Freeze Fang.

In Lu Zhi's expectation, Zhou Yuan should command Gyarados to use Freeze Fang, which can restrain Scorpion King by four times. Then, when Scorpion King uses Feather Roost to restore his energy, he will also lose his flying attribute, so Freeze Fang can only cause double damage.

As a result, Zhou Yuan commanded Gyarados to use Water Tail.

Yes, Water Tail also doubles the damage, but its power is higher than Freeze Fang, and it also has a bonus to the original system. The energy that Scorpion King restored with Feather Roost will probably be completely thrown away by this tail.

On the stage, Gyarados raised its giant tail, and the light blue water-attribute energy wrapped around it; opposite Gyarados, slightly lower, Scorpio King landed from the air, folded his wings to protect himself, and surrounded his body with white light to restore his energy.

The giant tail smashed down with all his might, making a loud "bang" sound and splashing a cloud of dust.

The contestants in the audience and Lu Zhi on the stage stared at the center point nervously.

As Gyarados raised its tail again, the dust on the stage gradually dissipated, revealing the unharmed Scorpio King.




Both the people on and off the stage were stunned, and Zhou Yuan was also stunned.

"No way? This TM water tail can miss even if it's close to the face?"

Lu Zhi was also stunned, and then laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, I'm still lucky. You're going to lose! Scorpio, use Thunder Fang!"

Hearing the trainer's command, Scorpio opened his mouth, electricity lingered on his sharp teeth, and bit Gyarados' tail.


It hurts, it really hurts.

The pain made Gyarados' scales more scarlet, and his eyes glowed red.

Seeing Gyarados's state become manic, Zhou Yuan also realized that this was a good time to use the reverse scale.

"Gyarados, use the reverse scale!"

Gyarados had become violent because of the pain, and used the reverse scale under Zhou Yuan's command, which made him even more angry and irritable.

The tail, sharp teeth, and the protruding scales on the head were all covered with a layer of blue-purple energy.

Headbutt, tail sweep, and tooth bite, Gyarados used all the parts that could be used, and output crazy to Scorpio.

Scorpio King had fallen to the ground because of using Feather Roost. Just as he was about to take off to avoid this combo, he was slapped to the ground by a tail, and then a big head slammed at him, even making the ring shake.

After this set of attacks, Scorpio King was beaten a little weak, and just as he used Feather Roost to recover,

's energy was beaten out again.

Struggling to get up from the ground, Scorpio King used Lightning Flash under Lu Zhi's command to rush to Gyarados, trying to take advantage of the opportunity when it had just used the Reverse Scale and was in a state of confusion to get rid of it.

But Zhou Yuan was not a fool. He had thought about the problem of Gyarados using the Reverse Scale long before the battle, and brought it a persimmon fruit that could remove the confusion effect.

At this moment, Gyarados swallowed the persimmon fruit to remove the confusion state. Just then, Scorpio King flew to his face again. Seeing that Gyarados's anger was almost full, Zhou Yuan issued the final command.

"Gyarados, use Dragon's Fury!"

Dragon's Fury is not a simple fixed damage skill. When the elf is in a state of anger, the power will be improved. The more angry it is, the higher the damage.

At this moment, Gyarados directly ignited his anger, and all of it turned into the energy source of Dragon's Fury. A very thick blue-purple light column spurted out of Gyarados' mouth, drowning Scorpio King with electricity wrapped around his teeth.

Seeing the beam of light heading straight for the audience, Zheng Huo had the Shieldblade use the King's Shield to build a protective shield outside the ring.

The Dragon's Fury lasted for more than ten seconds before it ended, and Gyarados also released all his anger.

When the beam of light dissipated, the Scorpion King, who was pushed against the shield by the Dragon's Fury, also slid down along the shield, his whole body was charred and emitting wisps of green smoke, and it seemed that he had no ability to continue fighting.

Lu Zhi knew that he had lost, and he didn't have the face to stay or say anything harsh after the game. He quietly took the Scorpion King back to the Poké Ball and walked down the ring to find Miss Joy for treatment.

Zhou Yuan also walked back to the waiting area, and was surrounded as soon as he walked in.

"Brother Zhou, you still have this trick up your sleeve!" This is Li Chengqian.

"Brother Zhou, you are awesome, using a pink ball to pretend to be a red dragon, you are still the coolest." This is Li Feiyong.

"You actually kept your Gyarados hidden all this time, just to trick people, right? If you hadn't met this Scorpion King this time, would you have used it to deal with me?" This was Yun Duo joking.

"Oh, not really, why would I think of dealing with you?"

Zhou Yuan answered Yun Duo's question first, after all, ladies come first.

"Since you said so, I believe you."

Hearing Zhou Yuan's answer, Yun Duo gave a thumbs up and didn't ask any more questions.

After answering Yun Duo, Zhou Yuan began to brag to the two Xiao Li comrades.

"You don't know, I met Gyarados in the wild, and when it saw me, it was impressed by my domineering aura and bowed down to me."

Hearing Zhou Yuan's unreliable answer, the other three rolled their eyes, turned their heads and left, leaving Zhou Yuan with three heads behind and a word blown by the wind.

"Just brag. Did you see the cow flying in the sky? You blew it up there."

Zhou Yuan touched the back of his head, smiled, and followed. The four of them started to sit in a row in the waiting area, waiting for the subsequent battle.

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