The old man was very tired, but he was still very tired.

As the saying goes, a horse will die if it is seen too fast. Zhou Yuan had a deep understanding of this. He saw the top of the mountain outside the battlefield, but Dahong still ran for nearly 40 minutes before he reached the foot of the mountain.

After arriving at the place, Zhou Yuan jumped off Dahong and looked at the large forest in front of him and asked:

"Dahong, is this the place that meets my requirements?"

Dahong nodded. Zhou Yuan took out a pear fruit and fed it to Dahong, then took it back into the Poké Ball. If he let Dahong follow him outside, all the wild Pokémon would probably flee, and he would never be able to find a suitable Pokémon to fight.

He released Growlithe on the backhand. On the one hand, Growlithe's intimidation characteristics can effectively disperse low-level wild Pokémon, so that a Pokémon will not jump out after walking two steps in the forest. On the other hand, Growlithe can be regarded as a high-end combat force in this place. When entering the territory of other Pokémons, other Pokémons will also react. If they are confident that they can defeat Growlithe, they will definitely come to drive Growlithe away, and you can take this opportunity to fight. This is called fishing.

Zhou Yuan held the big red Poké Ball in his hand to prevent the danger from appearing and not being able to release the big red in time, and walked into the woods with Growlithe.

In the woods, looking at the shivering walking grass hiding himself with only the grass leaves on his head exposed, Zhou Yuan laughed, and then looked at the green caterpillar and unicorn worm crawling slowly not far away, and then a Bobo fell from the sky and grabbed both insects with one claw.

"..." Zhou Yuan was silent and a little emotional.

"It's worthy of being called the elf world."

Zhou Yuan observed the surroundings while walking, and found that the elves around him were almost all at the early novice level, and some were even at the newborn level.

During this period, he saw a Rada fighting for an orange fruit, but the Rada fled in different directions because of the arrival of the Caterpillar; there were also walking grass and sun seeds basking in the sun side by side, but when Zhou Yuan approached them, the walking grass directly dug a hole to bury its body, and the sun seeds saw that they could not escape, so they closed their eyes and pretended to be dead.

Zhou Yuan even laughed out loud when he saw this scene, and did not disturb them, but passed by them directly.

As Zhou Yuan continued to go deeper, the level of the elves also transitioned from the early novice level to the late novice level. Zhou Yuan even saw a normal level Rada appear, but because it was not challenging to the Caterpillar, he did not disturb it.

Until he approached a pear fruit tree, Zhou Yuan knew that there were usually larger elf tribes around such fruit trees, and there would be stronger elves as leaders in the tribe.

Sure enough, when Zhou Yuan approached the fruit tree, there was a chirping sound around him. Following the sound, Zhou Yuan found that it was a group of speaches.

"Speaches... If it is a speaches, the leader must be a toucan."

As soon as the voice fell, a sharp long cry came from above his head. Looking up, it was indeed a toucan flapping its wings and gradually landing.

For wild elves, Zhou Yuan knew how to anger and fight. He said to the toucan:

"Toucan, come and fight. I like this place. If you don't dare to fight me, take your tribe away from here."

Hearing this, the toucan was furious. Not to mention where it would take its tribe if it left in disgrace, if it left like this, it would lose the support of the people as a leader.

The Toucan raised its head and screamed. The Spearows that had gradually surrounded it heard the cry and retreated again, leaving the middle field for the leader and the outsider to fight.

The Toucan raised its head towards Zhou Yuan, indicating that the battle could begin, and then flapped its wings and flew up.

"System, scan the Toucan."


[Level: Mid-level ordinary level]

[Features: Sharp eyes]

[Skills: Startle, Lightning Flash, Steel Wings, Drill, Pecking, Call, Stare, Random Attack, Chase, Swallow Return, Parrot Imitation]

Wild Pokémon are wild Pokémon. Their skill configuration is still not as good as the Pokémon carefully cultivated by the trainer. It is estimated that they still took advantage of their parents. Among the inherited skills, there is Steel Wings. Otherwise, the only real high-powered skill left is Drill, which was learned by evolution.

As the Toucan took off, it meant the official start of the battle.

"Catti, use high-speed movement." Zhou Yuan began to command Catti.

The speed of Toucan

The speed is faster than that of Growlithe, and it also has the advantage of air superiority. If it does not use high-speed movement to speed up, it will be difficult to pose an effective threat to the Toucan.

Growlithe started running, and its speed was getting faster and faster. Growlithe's speed was greatly improved!

While Growlithe was strengthening itself, the Toucan was not idle either, and tried to use the pecking skill to attack Growlithe, but because Growlithe was constantly moving, all its attacks failed.

Seeing that all its attacks failed, the Toucan was a little anxious, and directly used its long beak to use the random attack skill, trying to hit Growlithe by luck. Under the unremitting attack of the Toucan, it finally swept the Growlithe with its long beak, causing some damage to the Growlithe, but Zhou Yuan took this opportunity to command Growlithe to use the bite on its wings to hit it hard. After this attack, the Toucan's flying was obviously a little unstable.

In order to prevent being bitten by Growlithe again, Toucan chose to continue to rise, pulling away from Growlithe. Zhou Yuan was not in a hurry. He commanded Growlithe to use Long Howl to strengthen itself.

Growlithe raised its head and howled, and with its own momentum, it forced the surrounding Slarks to retreat a few steps.

Seeing that the dog on the ground was getting stronger and stronger, it would not be able to defeat it if it dragged on. Toucan simply made up its mind and gathered ground energy on its long beak.

Seeing this posture, Zhou Yuan knew that Toucan wanted to use the straight drill to solve the battle. Just as Toucan swooped down, Zhou Yuan shouted:

"Growlithe, use Hold!"

An egg-shaped shield was formed outside Growlithe's body, and Toucan's long beak failed to penetrate it.

"Growlithe, jump up, jump onto its back, and use Lightning Fang!" Zhou Yuan took advantage of the inertia of the dive of the Toucan and ordered Growlithe to jump onto its back, and then knocked the Toucan down with a Lightning Fang.

[Battle victory, energy points +100]

[Host's current energy points: 3410]

The Toucan lay on the ground with its wings drooping. It tried to struggle to get up, but failed. At this moment, it also seemed a little confused. It knew very well that it had lost the battle and that this place would no longer belong to its tribe. It had to find another place to live with its tribe, especially since it was seriously injured and had to guard against attacks from its former enemies. But there was nothing it could do. The world of wild elves was so cruel.

Zhou Yuan looked at the Toucan and walked towards it. The Spearows watched this hateful enemy walk towards their leader, and regardless of their own safety, they stepped forward to block the Toucan.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yuan was also somewhat moved. Although the Spearows were generally not well-known in the elf world and were violent and aggressive, they were truly united and would sacrifice their lives for their companions.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan said to the Toucan:

"Toucan, let your people disperse, otherwise I can't guarantee that I won't attack them."

The Toucan looked at the human in front of him, thinking that he was going to kill him like the wild elves usually did after snatching the territory.

If he died, he would die, but he couldn't let his people die meaninglessly with him. They had to continue to live.

So the toucans made a hoarse cry. After hearing the leader's cry, the scorching sparrows looked at their leader in disbelief, but finally gave way under the leader's order. Even though they gave way, the scorching sparrows still stared at Zhou Yuan, as if they would rush up if Zhou Yuan did anything to hurt the leader.

Zhou Yuan ignored them and spent fifty energy points to exchange a bottle of good medicine from the system. He squatted in front of the toucans who closed their eyes and accepted their fate, and sprayed the medicine on its wounds.

Feeling the coolness coming from the wound, the toucans opened their eyes and looked at the human in front of them in surprise. It didn't understand why they didn't kill it and help it heal. It was obvious that he had won, but he still paid attention to himself, a loser.

The effect of the good medicine was immediate. Ten minutes after the spraying, the obvious scars on the toucans had disappeared, but it itself was not particularly injured. The most affecting its movement was the paralysis effect brought by the lightning teeth.

After a few minutes, the numbness in the body was gone. The Toucan flapped its wings and gradually flew up. It nodded to Zhou Yuan, called the Seraphim in its tribe with a long cry, and prepared to leave this place and find another place to stay.

Just as the Toucan was about to leave, it heard a voice from behind:

"Toucan, wait a minute."

Although I didn't want to pay attention to this preemption,

The man from his territory, but for the sake of the treatment he gave him, the Toucan turned around and planned to listen to what this man was going to do.

Zhou Yuan held the dog and said to the Toucan:

"Toucan, we don't want to seize your territory, we just want to find a stronger elf to fight with to improve ourselves. After the challenge, we should leave. The words we said at the beginning were just to provoke you to fight with us. You don't have to leave, this place is still your territory, but as the price of your defeat, do you have any objection to me picking some tree fruits and leaving?"

The Toucan was a little dazed. He thought he was going to lose his territory and take his people to fight with other elves for territory. As a result, this human told him that everything he had done before was a lie. The fundamental purpose was just to fight with him. As for picking tree fruits later, the Toucan didn't care. It was enough to keep his territory.

Seeing that the Toucan had no objection, Zhou Yuan turned around and picked ten pear fruits from the pear fruit tree and put them in his backpack, which was also a return of the cost of the good medicine.

After waving goodbye to the toucan, Zhou Yuan continued walking deeper into the woods.

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