The sun was shining brightly, and the sky was full of clouds.

A ball of bright yellow light spurted out of the mouth of the wind speed dog and headed towards the rain cloud under the ceiling. However, thanks to the help of a large amount of water vapor before, the rainy day was not replaced by sunny days this time, but it was more or less affected. The rain cloud became thinner and the raindrops became smaller and sparser.

This interference with the rainy day was not without cost.

Although the wind speed dog had been running in the battlefield to try to dodge skills, with the skill of surfing with a large attack range, the wind speed dog still suffered some damage, but the degree of injury was not serious.

Having said that, the two consecutive surfing hits still caused a lot of damage to the wind speed dog. If the energy of the wind speed dog is expressed in the terms of the game, it would be:

"The HP of the wind speed dog is still 45%, and it has already turned yellow."

By observing the attack strength of the water arrow turtle and understanding his own wind speed dog, Zhou Yuan roughly judged the current state of the wind speed dog.

It can only be said that everything is still within the plan, so he issued a command again.

"Wind speed dog, another sunny day!"

So, the wind speed dog running fast in the hazy drizzle raised its head for the third time, and a ball of hot bright yellow energy was brewing in its mouth.

Seeing this scene, Bai Canglang was also a little anxious.

If the wind speed dog took the weather, it would be difficult for the water arrow turtle to use rain prayer to take the weather back without the help of a large amount of water vapor. After all, there seems to be a lot of gap between the two sides in strength and the mastery of weather skills.

"Bluse, use water jet to hit its mouth!"

That's right, Master Bai's way of dealing with this is to hit its mouth. As long as you hit its mouth accurately and disperse the energy ball, Zhou Yuan will not be able to turn the tables no matter how many tricks he has!

After Bai Canglang's command fell, Blastoise's entire body retracted into its shell, and then, wrapped in water energy, the entire shell burst out at an astonishing speed and rushed towards Windy Dog, and the target was naturally the dog's mouth.

Preemptive skill·Water jet!

"Windy Dog——!!!"

This was Zhou Yuan roaring. He did not give any command because he knew that Windy Dog could understand what he meant, and it also knew what to do.

Windy Dog actually didn't understand.

But Windy Dog knew what to do.

Because this was what his trainer asked, Windy Dog would do his best to complete it no matter what!

Therefore, Windy Dog braked suddenly and turned around, facing the attacking turtle shell with its plump buttocks.

The next second, the turtle shell and the butt collided suddenly, and the dog's face was distorted with pain. Although the damage caused by this attack was not as much as the last surfing, the location of the attack was too embarrassing.


The location of the injury was not far from the dog's eggs.

If it was just a little bit, the dog could be a sister with Xiaoka in Uncle Liu's farm.

But fortunately, the injury to the butt was exchanged for the light ball in the dog's mouth to rise up against the raindrops, rushing straight into the rain cloud, and then suddenly dispelling it, making the battlefield clear.

Seeing that the blocking tactics did not work, Master Bai was not annoyed. Anyway, the current state of the wind speed dog is quite bad, and the water arrow turtle is almost full.

At worst, I won't use water skills! I can still knock you, the wind speed dog, out with other skills!

Just thinking about this, Bai Canglang heard a voice from the opposite side.

"Wind speed dog, use morning light!"

Master Bai's eyes went dark.

A minute later, Master Bai, who looked like an eggplant hit by frost, raised his hand to retrieve the fallen Blastoise, and then rubbed his face vigorously.

How did he lose?

If he lost, he lost. Why did he lose so badly and was shaved clean?

Thinking back to what happened in the past minute, Master Bai still felt a little numb.

After using the morning light on a sunny day, the energy of the wind speed dog was basically full in one breath, which made Master Turtle, who had been busy for half a day, almost spit out a mouthful of blood. Then, the wind speed dog relied on the sunny day to be domineering, and the solar beam that no longer needed to be charged was greeted by the Blastoise as if it was free.

Although Turtle had tried hard to resist, he was finally hit so hard that his eyes were bulging and he fainted directly.

Forget it...

After adjusting his breathing, Master Bai quickly accepted the fact that he was shaved clean by the rookie trainer, and took out a badge and a USB flash drive from his windbreaker pocket and walked towards Zhou Yuan.

"You're not bad, the water badge is yours, and you can also take this USB flash drive that contains the surfing moves.

Don't take this lightly, okay? Generally, trainers who pass the challenge are only given a badge. Only challengers who are appreciated by the gym owner will be given the unique secret moves of each gym. "

Ah, isn't it obtained every time a challenge is successful?

Zhou Yuan thought of the three USB flash drives in his bag, and didn't dare to speak, fearing that he would cause secondary stimulation to the gym owner who seemed mentally unstable.

What? Why three? Bug gym owner Meng Boguang didn't give it to him. He just took Zhou Yuan to find the Vulcan Moth and forgot about it.

"Thank you, gym owner Bai."

Zhou Yuan took the badge and USB flash drive, ignored the system that popped up to update the task progress, bowed to gym owner Bai, and turned to leave the water gym.

Gym owner Bai's look of being like a mountain facing the abyss finally broke the next moment Zhou Yuan walked out of the battlefield gate.

"Ah!!! This kid's fighting style is too classy! Where did such a newcomer come from! "


After leaving the water gym, Zhou Yuan first went to the nearby Pokémon Center. After all, although the dog's condition was basically restored to full with the help of the morning light, the Gyarados was poisoned. Although the Gyarados became lively again after using the full recovery medicine drawn from the system, he still went there for safety.


After the familiar voice sounded, Miss Joy, who traveled across the ocean to the Magic City Pokémon Center, returned the Poké Balls of Wind Speed ​​Dog and Gyarados to Zhou Yuan with a sweet smile.

"Sorry for the wait, this is your Poké Ball, please take it."

Zhou Yuan nodded, took the Poké Ball, and smiled at Miss Joy.

After Zhou Yuan left the Pokémon Center, Miss Joy, who kept a professional smile, quickly took out her mobile phone and spoke in a group called "Joey's Family":

"Family members, who understands, I just saw a little handsome boy, and he actually smiled at me. "

Since Master Ba asked Zhou Yuan to go there this afternoon, Zhou Yuan, who came out of the Pokémon Center, took out his phone and took a look. It was just past 9:30, so he simply found a training hall nearby and planned to use this little time to optimize the scales of the dog and the Gyarados.

After all, since the Dragon gym owner got the USB flash drive of the scales, he has been traveling or fighting these days, and he really hasn't seen it carefully. I think the secret skills mentioned by the gym owner won't be bad, right?


In the diamond-level training room of the largest training hall in the Magic City, Zhou Yuan and the wind speed dog and the Gyarados looked at the key points of the skills displayed on the big screen, nodding from time to time, and obviously gained a lot of experience and knowledge from it to optimize the scales they have mastered.

As for Mimikyu and Aqua, the two little guys were playing target shooting on the side.

For Zhou Yuan, it was the first time to learn skills with his own Pokémon in this way, which was quite novel.

And after watching After the in-depth and easy-to-understand explanation of the Dragon Pavilion Master and Fei Da's personal demonstration, Zhou Yuan also understood the core of the skill of Reverse Scale.

The so-called Reverse Scale is to stimulate the dragon attribute energy contained in the body, making the originally mild energy in the body become violent, and then pour out the violent energy through one's body, which can be fists, claws, horns on the head and tails behind, thereby causing great damage to the enemy.

But the side effects also come from this. Since the dragon attribute energy itself is violent, once it is stimulated to be violent, the elves need to use it continuously to vent this part of the violent energy, and it will also cause the elves to fall into a state of confusion afterwards.

Zhou Yuan, who understood the operating principle of the Reverse Scale, pondered for a while, and then a flash of inspiration flashed on his head like a glowing light bulb, and a bold idea came up.

"Although I don't have dragon attribute energy, I have Qi, can I try it?"

Qigong:? I gave it to you to use it like this?

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