The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.


A stream of white air came out of Zhou Yuan's mouth, shooting out in the air like a long thread.

It was already the fourth day since he left Daba Town, which was to officially leave Shuangqing City. In the first three days, except for using Gyarados and Windy Dog as mounts when traveling long distances, Zhou Yuan almost always measured the land with his own legs.

Low EQ: walking.

High EQ: measuring the land with legs.

He looked at his watch, it was almost twelve o'clock, and after letting Gyarados fly and observing the surrounding terrain, Zhou Yuan rode on Gyarados and flew to a lake and set up a tent, and took out the incubator and put it aside.

At this time, the countdown displayed on the incubator has reached the last hour, which means that in one hour, Zhou Yuan's team will welcome the fourth member.

Today's journey is probably over. If the newborn has just come out of the eggshell, it is obviously not suitable to take it on a bumpy road. Let's just rest for a day or two and let the little guy pass the fragile period of the newborn before continuing the journey.

I made a simple lunch and boiled a pot of water to heat up the mooing milk so that the water leaping fish can drink warm milk as soon as it hatches.

After lunch, one person and three elves surrounded the incubator, waiting for the little guy to be born.

Time passed by minute by minute, and an hour was about to pass. Zhou Yuan opened the incubator and emptied the hatching liquid to prevent the water leaping fish from being choked after hatching.

Although it is an amphibian elf that can breathe in the water through the gills on its face, it is a newly hatched little guy after all. What if it chokes? This is not a good bet.

Although the hatching liquid has been released, it does not affect the hatching of the elf egg. After all, the energy that should be absorbed has been absorbed. The last bit of time is just for the little guy in the elf egg to break the eggshell and come out.

The time on the base is decreasing by one second.

Ten minutes...

Five minutes...

Three minutes...

One minute...

At one minute, a slight click can be heard very clearly from the eggshell, which means that the water jump fish is about to break out of the shell.

Fifty seconds... Thirty seconds... Ten seconds...

As the countdown continues to shorten, fine cracks gradually appear on the eggshell, until the last five seconds, the cracks have covered the entire surface of the eggshell.

Time reset!

The eggshell breaks!

The water jump fish is born!

Salute the birth of the king! (crossed out)

The newly born water-leaping fish is relatively small, only about 0.3 meters tall. As the initial form of the water-leaping fish, its two hind limbs are not strong enough to support it to stand upright, so it stands on four legs.

The little water-leaping fish has blue skin, which may be a manifestation of its water attribute on the body. In addition to the skin, it also has high fins on its head, conspicuous orange gills on both sides of its cheeks, and a huge tail fin at the tail. The overall look is... not very good-looking... but if you look at it for a long time, you will also find it ugly and cute.

Zhou Yuan, who had prepared in advance, wrapped the water-leaping fish with a small blanket the first second it was hatched, wrapped it tightly, leaving only a small head exposed, and then took the bottle of milk that had been kept warm in warm water next to it and stuffed it into its mouth.

When a duckling is just hatched, it will recognize the first creature it sees as its mother. Although the elves are not like this, they will also feel close to the first creature they see after hatching, and Zhou Yuan is the first creature that the water jump fish saw after hatching.

As for the other three elves, they were kicked away by Zhou Yuan.

Elves: So love will disappear, right?

Newborn elves always love to be sleepy. After drinking a bottle of Moo Moo Milk, the water jump fish fell asleep in Zhou Yuan's arms.

Zhou Yuan took this opportunity to use the hot water that had been prepared nearby to help it wash off the mucus it had brought with it when it was just hatched, and then wiped it dry with a small blanket and put it in the sleeping bag in the tent.

Seeing that the little guy fell asleep, the three elves who had walked away before for fear of scaring the little guy also returned to the camp, scrambling to stick their heads into the tent to see this new member of the team, or the new family.

After seeing the little one sleeping soundly in the sleeping bag, the three elves all showed relief on their faces, just like an old father.

The look of an old mother, after all, they watched this little guy hatched, and they really regarded it as a junior in their hearts.

Ignoring those guys, Zhou Yuan was using Moo Moo milk and tree fruits with not much energy to make a liquid supplementary food suitable for newborn elves to lay a good foundation and replenish the energy needed by the body.

Take out the tree fruits, peel and core them, grind them finely, and then mix them with heated Moo Moo milk, add appropriate vitamins and other nutrients, and steam them into a soft solid, then add a little Moo Moo milk and mash it until it becomes a suitable semi-fluid.

The food made in this way can not only supplement the energy needs of newborn elves, but also supplement other required nutrients, and it is more helpful to lay a good foundation for elves. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone. That is, when the dog was just born, he didn't know how to do this, otherwise he would have to fill it up.

But it's not too late to fill it up now, so Zhou Yuan made four portions, one for each elf, and he couldn't favor one over the other.

Just as Zhou Yuan was pulling out the firewood from the makeshift stove, he heard a babyish cry from the tent with the door curtain still open.

Zhou Yuan knew that the little water leaping fish had woken up, so he immediately rushed in with a bowl of baby food. Before rushing into the tent, he told the three elves playing in the water by the lake to eat the other three portions of food on the table so as not to waste them.

The little water leaping fish was crying with its mouth wide open, but when it saw Zhou Yuan coming in, it stopped crying and opened its mouth towards Zhou Yuan. Zhou Yuan had experience raising dogs and knew that it was hungry, so he scooped up the food in the bowl with a spoon and fed it to its mouth.

"Come on, ah..."

PS: There's nothing much to say, so I'll just PS it, it's become a habit.

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