The elves in the valley were startled by Zhou Yuan's sudden voice, especially the two dragon king scorpions guarding the entrance of the valley. They were stunned at first, and then furious.


Just threw out a butterfly that didn't know what was good for it, and here comes another one, right?

How can we let the giant bee see our abilities?

Boy, for the status of our clan after the change of master in this mountain range, we can only sacrifice you!

With a hint of a grim smile on their lips, the two dragon king scorpions surrounded Zhou Yuan from left to right.

After seeing the Dragon King Scorpion approaching, Beedrill and his group retracted their sights, because in their opinion, the weak human being could not survive more than two rounds under the powerful Dragon King Scorpion, and would be killed on the spot soon.

Even most of the Butterfree retracted their sights. At first, they thought that a senior trainer among humans came to persuade them to stop fighting, but they found that there were only three Poké Balls on their waists, and they put themselves in the attack range of the Dragon King Scorpion without hesitation. I don’t know where this fool came from to join in the fun.

Only the King of Butterfree still kept his sight on Zhou Yuan. I don’t know why, maybe it was a strange feeling. The King of Butterfree thought that the future of his race was on this human, but then he shook his head and smiled bitterly. Was he injured and his brain was broken? How could this human be...?

Hmm? ? ?

What did it see?

The Dragon King Scorpion attacked Zhou Yuan from the left and right. Both of their claws were covered with dark purple poisonous energy, and there was even a faint nauseating smell.

Cross poison blade!

Zhou Yuan saw that the opponent attacked him as soon as he appeared, and thought to himself, you don't want to reason with me, right? Then don't play! Overturn the table!

The two hands with white light grabbed the attacking pincers respectively, and then the left and right hands pulled hard in the middle at the same time, and the two dragon king scorpions were pulled together and hit each other. When they wanted to mobilize energy to fight back, they found that the human in front of them pulled them towards him.

The dragon king scorpion was overjoyed. Damn it, you think I have no means of attack just because you grabbed my pincers? I still have a tail!

Just when the distance was shortened and the two dragon king scorpions were about to attack Zhou Yuan with their poisonous tails, they suddenly felt the pincers loosened and were released by this human, and then two elbows quickly enlarged in front of their eyes, and hit their heads before they could react. In fact, the powerful force attached directly knocked them away, flying between the two waves of elves in confrontation, and smashed at the other end of the valley with a rumble.

It may sound long, but in fact, only a moment passed, that is, the two dragon king scorpions were counterattacked and knocked away by Zhou Yuan.

Just as the Beedrills and their group shifted their sights back, they saw two purple figures flying in front of them. They were the two dragon king scorpion brothers who were guarding the entrance of the valley just now.

This incident forced the Beedrill King to turn his sights to Zhou Yuan again. After all, even if it was it, although it could defeat the two dragon king scorpion brothers, it would never be so easy. It blasted them away in the blink of an eye, and now it is still clinging to the wall and has not slid down.

Originally, it planned to listen to what the human in front of it had to say first. After all, it was still unsure of the real strength and position of this human. If he stood with Bardabutre, perhaps today's action would have to be considered for a long time.

But just as it opened its mouth and prepared to buzz, Zhou Yuan rushed directly in front of it.

In Zhou Yuan's view, since the fight had already started, he might as well defeat all the guys and then talk to them properly.

This is what is called convincing people with reason.

The Beedrill King is not a pushover. He has been struggling in the wild for so many years. How could he get to the quasi-king level without any real skills?

When he saw Zhou Yuan's fist on his face, he immediately reacted and raised his two needles to stab Zhou Yuan.

Fatal needle stab!

Attack the enemy where they must be saved!

But to its surprise, Zhou Yuan had no intention of defending and let the Beedrill's two needles stab him.

What was completely beyond the Beedrill's expectation was that when the two needles stabbed Zhou Yuan, they were blocked by a thin film on the outside of his body and could not penetrate Zhou Yuan's body.

And this film is the manifestation of the great success of Qigong. During the battle, a white protective film is formed on the outside of the body, which is enough to resist the damage of the king level and below.

The attack and rescue tactics of the Beedrill King did not work, and in return it was knocked to the ground by Zhou Yuan's punch.

To be reasonable, the quasi-king level

It's just different from the gym-level. After Zhou Yuan's heavy punch, it didn't lose consciousness. It trembled and raised a stinger. I don't know what it wanted to do. Zhou Yuan punched it again and made it fall into a coma.

I guess the Beedrill King didn't sleep well recently to plan this incident. I helped you make up for the sleep. You're welcome.

After losing the leading quasi-king-level Beedrill, the remaining gym-level elves and the remaining elite-level elves were no match for Zhou Yuan, not to mention that the King of Butterfree led the remaining Butterfree to rush forward to help Zhou Yuan after seeing the turn of events.

The battle ended quickly.

After all, Zhou Yuan almost punched one after another after his attack, and knocked down the gym-level elves in one encounter. The crushing of combat power and the loss of fighting will after losing the leader made it difficult for the remaining elves to form an effective counterattack. They soon fell to the ground and surrendered.

Several gym-level Pokémon and quasi-king Beedrills that were knocked unconscious by Zhou Yuan were also tied up by Butterfree. Even Beedrills were tied up several more times to prevent them from breaking free and causing trouble after waking up.

While the little ones were cleaning up the battlefield, the King of Butterfree extended an invitation to Zhou Yuan.

Don't ask how the invitation was extended. The answer is that the Pokémon has a special channel.

At the invitation of the King of Butterfree, Zhou Yuan followed it through the valley to the other end, where there was a small lake with an island in the middle of the lake. On the island grew a big tree with a green crown, like a green top hat.

(Top hat: Are you polite?)

When Zhou Yuan stepped into the vicinity of this lake, the voice of the system also sounded.

[Congratulations to the host for completing...]

[Get bonus energy points +3000, golden item Mimikyu QZx1]

[Host's current energy points: 33000]

Seeing the rewards given for this mission, Zhou Yuan nodded with satisfaction.

Not bad, it's worth it for me to go through fire and water this time, fighting against elves with a mortal body, the reward is not bad.

Just when Zhou Yuan nodded secretly, the King of Butterfree also flew back from the green hat tree on the island in the lake, holding something in his two short hands.

That was the King of Butterfree thanking Zhou Yuan on behalf of the Butterfree family. After all, we are not related, why should we help you? Since we have helped, we must be polite, otherwise others can knock out Beedrill, and naturally they can knock themselves out and let Beedrill take this position.

With such a mentality of half gratitude and half fear, the King of Butterfree sent Zhou Yuan the reward he deserved after this action.

PS: I don't know what to say, but I still have to PS it, alas...

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