The current situation is not good.

Let's use the data of virtual battles to analyze the current paper strength of the two Pokémons.

In the virtual battle, the Pokémon's racial value and the power value of the skills are digitized in combination with the actual situation in reality, which is relatively close to reality and can be used as a comparison standard.

Let's talk about the attributes of Mega Kairos and Mega Gyarados.

Mega Kairos's physical attack racial value is 155, which is very high, and its speed racial value is 105, which is barely a fast attacker, at least faster than a Pokémon whose speed is reduced after Mega.


The physical attack racial value of Mega Gyarados is also 155, the same as Kairos, but its speed racial value is a little slower, only 81, but its special defense and energy racial values ​​are far higher than Kairos, and its physical defense is a little lower.

Overall, the two elves are actually similar. If you hit me once and I hit you once according to the turn-based system, the final winner will definitely be Kairos.

But this is not a game! This is reality.

And there is a gap in strengthening between the two elves.

To express it in data, the ability value of each elf in the normal state should be two-half, and every time a certain ability is improved by one level, the data of the ability will increase by one, that is, it will become three-half, that is, one and a half times the original; but when a certain ability is weakened by one level, the data of the ability will increase by one, that is, it will become two-thirds, that is, 0.666 times the original.

The current situation on the field is that Gyarados used Dragon Dance once, and its physical attack and speed were both increased by one level. In other words, Gyarados' speed and attack were both increased by half, surpassing Kairos.

Kairos was intimidated by Windy Dog once, and its attack power dropped by one level, becoming two-thirds of the original.

It can be said that with Kairos' current attack power, Gyarados is confident that it can survive two attacks, but Kairos can't. That is, the sharp stone attack just now did not hit all of them, otherwise the four-fold restraint would have directly lifted it away.

But even so, Kairos has suffered a lot of damage. Now his health is like a candle in the wind, which will break at the touch. He doesn't need restraining skills such as Frozen Fang and Sharp Stone Attack. A water tail can kill him.

Obviously Lu Ke is not a trainer without combat awareness. He also silently calculated in his mind. When he found that Kairos was about to fall, even if he was wild, he couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart.

"Since Ke was born, why was Yuan born! God! You are so unfair!"

Looking at Kairos being entangled by Gyarados, Lu Ke also gritted his teeth. The burden brought by Mega Evolution was too great. He could hardly bear it after using it for the first time. He looked at Zhou Yuan on the opposite side and found that he was still fine. He almost couldn't breathe.

After calming down, he made up his mind to use his final strength in a head-on confrontation with Gyarados!


Hearing the call of the trainer, Kairos freed himself from the fight with Gyarados, pulled back a distance and faced Gyarados, glaring at it.

At this moment, Lu Ke and Kairos were in sync, and the momentum of both of them continued to rise.

Zhou Yuan looked at the opponent's operation and became serious. It seemed that the opponent wanted to make a last-ditch effort.

It doesn't matter! Come if you want!

I, Zhou Yuan, am not easy to mess with!



At this moment, Zhou Yuan's Qigong gradually seeped out, connecting it with Gyarados, and Gyarados's momentum also rose steadily under this circumstance.

Wang Wei on the viewing platform:? Didn't we agree to only strengthen ourselves?

Two Pokémon, two trainers, with each other's minds connected, stood opposite each other on the battlefield.


Lu Ke shouted, and Kairos was also ready to go.

Zhou Yuan knew that the big one was coming, so he was fully prepared to deal with Kairos's attack.

And all the audience in the audience were also concentrating, opening their eyes wide to watch this scene that might become a famous scene since the start of the Little Emperor Yan Cup.

I saw Lu Ke's face flushed, Kairos was also ready to go, Zhou Yuan and Gyarados were also ready to deal with the next battle, and then I heard Lu Ke's voice.

"Kairos! Use... cough cough cough..."

I saw Lu Ke cough violently, and the rainbow light appeared again

Kairos exploded, and then dissipated like a tide.

When the rainbow light faded, Kairos, who was flying in the air, fell to the ground. Everyone looked closely and found that he had already left the Mega state.

Then shifting their attention to Lu Ke, it was obvious that his face had flushed, his whole body was trembling, and he was breathing heavily.

People who are familiar with Mega evolution know that this is overdrawn.

Since the trainer's own physical and mental strength will be consumed when maintaining Mega evolution, especially for trainers with weak constitutions or not very skilled in using Mega evolution, this consumption is very large. Looking at Lu Ke's state, he should have used Mega evolution for the first time, but he was able to persist in fighting Gyarados for so long, which is already very good.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this battle is over. From the moment Lu Ke was forced to end the Mega state, this battle was over.

Lu Ke himself also clearly realized this fact, but as he said before, as a trainer, we are never afraid of failure!



Kailos has the same personality as its trainer, and neither of them is willing to give up easily. Therefore, even though it knows that the chance of winning is very slim, it is still willing to exert its last remaining strength under the command of the trainer.

"Use close combat!"

Under Lu Ke's command, Kairos waved the big horns on his head and rushed towards Gyarados.

Zhou Yuan nodded to Gyarados. They all understood the feelings of the other side, respected and understood, and the price of respect was to defeat it with the strongest attitude!

Zhou Yuan opened his mouth and issued the last command of this battle:

"Gyarados, use Storm!"

After Zhou Yuan's command was issued, Gyarados opened its big mouth that was big enough to swallow the wind speed dog head.

Wind blades gathered and rotated in its mouth, gathering into a very thick wind column.

At this moment, Kairos also rushed to Gyarados's face, and the two big horns on his head flashed with cold light, as if containing a momentum to directly crush Gyarados to death.

On the other hand, Gyarados was not in a hurry, and slightly shrank his open mouth and aimed at Kairos who was rushing towards him.

The next second!

A column of wind spurted out of its mouth!

When it first appeared, it was only as thick as Gyarados' mouth, but as the distance increased, the column of wind became thicker and thicker.

Kairos was also hit head-on by this attack, and the column of wind washed his face and blew him directly out, and was blown to the shield outside the field and blew against it.

When the column of wind dissipated, Kairos' figure slowly slid down from the wall of the shield.

When Kairos landed, his eyes rolled back, and he saw that he had lost his ability to fight.

Lu Ke reluctantly took Kairos back and took out the Poké Ball with the nanny bug in his backhand.

Even though he was proud, he was in hesitation at this time.

Knowing that it will lose, do you really want to send Babysitter to be beaten?

Pokémons also have feelings and feel pain. Would this go against Babysitter's own wishes?

As if sensing its trainer's hesitation, Babysitter's Poké Ball swayed left and right, conveying a message:

"Let me go. I feel uncomfortable if I don't get beaten today."

So it was thrown out, and was knocked down by Zhou Yuan's replacement, Windy Dog, with a Flame Charge.

Killed instantly.

Lu Ke's forehead veins throbbed, and Bai was moved.

With Babysitter's defeat, the fireworks at the four corners of the battlefield exploded, symbolizing the successful conclusion of the Little Flame Emperor Cup, and applause and cheers came from the audience.

Zhou Yuan looked at the dog with a silly smile, shook the Poké Balls of Gyarados and Mimikyu in his hand, and breathed a sigh of relief. It was over...

The Poké Ball of Mimikyu also shook, and it giggled in the Poké Ball: The three of us, kill them all!

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