The battle was won, and the battle was won.

At 9:30 am on November 27, Zhou Yuan once again stepped into the territory of Menshan. This was the many times he had entered the Qingyun Mountains in the past few months.

But unlike before, this time he came with the belief of challenging the elite elves and winning the battle. This time he would definitely succeed!

With such a belief, Caterpie sprayed flames into the cave of the Venomous Flower.

The Venomous Flower, whose butt was roasted, rushed out of the cave angrily, wanting to see who was so blind and dared to make trouble.

As soon as it came out of the cave, it saw an orange-red dog and a long red snake. They looked very big and intimidating, but Venusaur was not afraid at all, because it remembered that it had beaten these two guys last time. If no one had helped them, they would have been skinned alive.

Originally, it wanted to wave its leaves to teach these two elves what it meant to not touch a tiger's butt, but it saw Zhou Yuan behind them.

This made it a little scared.

Venusaur has encountered many battles, why does it remember the battle with Growlithe so clearly?

This is all thanks to Zhou Yuan. In the last battle, it was about to make a great achievement and beat these two elves on the spot, but it was this human in front of it.

Damn it!

You call this a human? !

I, Venusaur, have been in the middle and outer parts of the Qingyun Mountains. It's not like I haven't seen humans before!

In the past, all the humans were weak and frail. They would hide behind the elves in battle. We wild elves didn't even bother to bother with these humans. They were too weak.

Of course, if you have a bad temper, you can just fight them. Please don't elevate individual behavior to the group.

But the problem is!

This human is fucking abnormal!

Vulture Flower remembered very clearly that the last time he was fighting Growlithe, this human rushed over with his legs kicked.

Originally, he only stretched out a vine whip with a little energy to stop it in accordance with the principle of not hurting innocent people, but he didn't expect to be caught by this bastard, and then he used the vine whip to throw himself up and fell directly back into the cave.

Vulture Flower didn't know how he flew back to the cave in the first battle before, but after the last battle, he knew.

So, with the experience of the two times, Zhou Yuan is the current enemy for Vulture Flower.

As for Growlithe and Gyarados?


It hasn't been long since the last challenge, okay?

If these two guys have made great progress in such a short time, I, the Venus Fly, will eat my vine whip on the spot!

Seeing Venus Fly's nervousness, Zhou Yuan smiled and said:

"It's okay, Venus Fly, don't be nervous, I can guarantee that I won't fight this time."

But obviously, Zhou Yuan's guarantee is useless, Venus Fly doesn't believe it at all.

In Venus Fly's view, this human just wants to let it relax its vigilance, and then beat it up when it is not prepared.

Ha, this is the insidious human, and he wants to deceive the clever Venus Fly King, wishful thinking~

Zhou Yuan was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that even the elves didn't believe what he said now. It was really sad that his credibility had declined to this point.

Seeing that good words of persuasion were ineffective, Zhou Yuan could only use the most effective method:


Taking out ten energy cubes, Zhou Yuan waved them at the Venus Flycatcher and continued:

"Venus Flycatcher, you fight with my elves, as long as you win, these cubes in my hand are yours. You should be able to feel that there is a lot of energy in them."

Looking at the cubes in Zhou Yuan's hand, Venus Flycatcher fell into thought.

To be honest, there is really a lot of energy contained in this thing. Although it is far away, it can be felt to some extent.

Although the number is a little less, it doesn't matter. Isn't beating these two elves the same as beating your son? Rounding it off, these energy cubes are equivalent to free!

Although it thinks this deal can be done, Venus Flycatcher still has a little difference in action.

It stretched out a vine whip and pointed at the energy cube in Zhou Yuan's hand, and then shook it left and right.

Zhou Yuan was also a clever man. He saw that Venusaur felt that there were too few energy cubes, so he raised his hand and added five more. A total of fifteen cubes formed a small tower in his hand, which sparkled with crystal color under the illumination of his eyes. Venusaur swallowed quietly, stretched out his vine whip to point at Gary and Gyarados, and then hooked it, saying silently


Come here!

How could Guppy and Gyarados bear this? They rushed towards Venusaur with a roar, and the battle broke out!

Originally, Venusaur was still holding back when attacking, guarding against the sudden attack of Zhou Yuan who might come.

However, when it just came into contact with Guppy's attack this time, Venusaur keenly felt that something was wrong.

Something is wrong.

Damn, these two guys were not like this when they came last time.

Years of combat experience made Venusaur clearly realize that if it still held back this time, it might capsize in the ditch.

So, it shifted most of its mind back to the battle with Guppy and Gyarados, using vine whips and leaves to resist the attacks of Guppy and Gyarados, and by the way, it took a sudden opportunity to attack them.

But their strength has indeed increased a lot. They are no longer the one-sided beating at the beginning. These two guys can also use fire fangs or ice fangs when Venusaur makes mistakes.

Although there is a little difference in level, with the bonus of attribute restraint, the attacks of Gryphon and Gyarados still caused some damage to Venusaur and hurt it.

As the fight went on, Venusaur also got angry.

Damn it, did he take the medicine?

So fierce and so ruthless? If I don't show my power, you really think I'm a vegetarian, right!

After getting angry, Venusaur's fighting style has obviously changed. It is no longer based on defense and counterattack, but takes the initiative to attack, raising the vine whip and waving the leaves to attack Gryphon and Gyarados, which well implements the concept that the best defense is attack.

Under the fast-paced attack of Venusaur at the cost of weakening defense, Gryphon and Gyarados seemed a little overwhelmed for a while, and were beaten back step by step, howling, and the dog hair was flying in the air above the station again.



Gyarados's scales are relatively thick and hard, and it is not easy to hit them. Even if they are hit, they will fall directly to the ground and generally cannot fly.

Under the crazy attack of Venusaur, Gryphon and Gyarados fell into a slump again. Although they can occasionally seize the opportunity to leave scars on Venusaur, they are more often hit by Venusaur, and because Venusaur is stronger, the damage caused to the two is not small.

The physical strength and energy of the two Pokémon have dropped to a relatively dangerous level. If they continue to fight, they will hurt their origins. Therefore, Zhou Yuan raised his foot and prepared to rescue the two from Venusaur and come back to get back next time.

But just as Zhou Yuan raised his leg, Growlithe seemed to have foreseen what he was going to do, and turned his head and called out to Zhou Yuan, asking him to trust himself.

Although he didn't know where Growlithe got his confidence from, Zhou Yuan still stopped because of his trust in his own elf.

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