The alarm clock is ringing, but the alarm clock is ringing.

In the summer of 2022, in a room in Shuangqing City.

"Beep beep... beep beep..."

A slender and bony hand reached out to stop the alarm clock, and its owner murmured twice and sat up from the bed.

"Hiss, I feel dizzy. Did you catch a cold from turning on the air conditioner for too long last night?"

Patting his head, Zhou Yuan opened his sleepy eyes.

What came into view was his own bedroom. Although it looked a little different from when he slept last night, Zhou Yuan didn't take it to heart.

"Mom came in to clean my room early again. I told her not to come in casually..."

However, when Zhou Yuan walked to the closet to change his pajamas, the image reflected in the full-length mirror made him widen his eyes.


The full-length mirror showed a handsome man with a tall figure, sharp eyebrows, and a straight nose. Although he frowned slightly because of dizziness and his appearance was still a little immature, it did not affect his temperament. What a romantic and suave young man, a handsome boy.

This is not the point, the point is...

"Why do you look so much younger? It can't be that..."

Looking at the immature self in front of him, Zhou Yuan had a guess in his heart, but he didn't want to believe it.

"I must not be awake yet, this must still be my dream. Monsters and ghosts, please leave, the Buddha, Ksitigarbha, the Supreme Lord, please hurry up, God bless me to wake up from my dream, Amen."

After praying to various gods, Zhou Yuan had to accept a fact.

"I actually traveled through time??!"

After accepting this fact, Zhou Yuan sat down at the desk, and the first thing to do was to figure out what time it was.

Opening the calendar, Zhou Yuan's eyes went dark.

"Summer vacation of the second year of high school, the second half of the third year of high school, help me, I don't want to go through this year again..."

After taking a deep breath and calming down for a while, Zhou Yuan was still very optimistic:

"It doesn't matter, as the saying goes, I'm here. Five years, I have five years, and I know exactly how many opportunities there are during this period. Standing on these opportunities, even a pig can take off, I am the next Chen Hansheng!"

Just when Zhou Yuan thought he could have a brilliant life like the protagonists of previous urban time travel articles, a familiar voice came from outside the door.

"Xiao Yuan, are you up? If you are, come out for breakfast."

This was his mother's voice. Her name was An Huilan. She used to be the head nurse of the hospital. After marrying his father, she quit her job to take care of the children. After being a housewife for two years, she opened a hot pot restaurant with her husband.

Zhou's mother asked again outside the door, and Zhou Yuan answered.

"Mom, I'm up and will come out for dinner soon."

Walked out of the room and sat at the dining table. At this time, his mother An Huilan also came out of the kitchen with noodles.

Zhou Yuan glanced at her and indeed looked several years younger than last night. Did he really travel through time? Zhou Yuan no longer had the idea that he suddenly became young again.

An Huilan glanced at her son and felt that her son was a little different today. She asked, "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell? I'll find you some medicine?"

Zhou Yuan said, "I feel a little dizzy. It may be the air conditioner..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou's mother took over.

"You've been using the air conditioner for too long, right? I told you a long time ago to turn up the temperature and not to keep it on for so long..."

Seeing that his mother was getting more and more angry, Zhou Yuan hurriedly changed the subject.

"Where's my dad? Where did he go?"

Hearing her son's question, Zhou's mother stopped nagging.

"Your dad went to your uncle Liu to buy the ingredients needed for the store today, as usual. He will probably be back in a while."

Zhou Yuan realized that his parents' small hot pot restaurant was not large in scale, but because the dishes were purchased on the same day, they were very fresh, and the hot pot base was also fried with their own secret recipe, it tasted very good and was quite famous in the southeast of Shuangqing City.

At this time, Zhou's mother mentioned another thing.

"When are you going to buy the elf eggs? Have you decided what elf you want as the initial elf?"

Zhou Yuan was stunned.

"Ah? Elf eggs?"

Zhou Yuan felt a little absurd, and even his voice trembled a little.

"Yes, aren't you going to be a senior in high school soon? I'll prepare a starting elf for you."

After hearing Zhou's mother's answer, Zhou Yuan suddenly felt a headache, put down his bowl and chopsticks and ran to the room.

"Hey, kid, finish your noodles.

, and the face will be soft later."

After Zhou Yuan returned to the room, his head hurt more and more, and with it came a different memory, which made Zhou Yuan's expression gradually become complicated.


"The elf world merges with reality, this is too ridiculous."

"I thought I had the script of Urban Dragon Aotian, and now you tell me that I have the script of World Line Convergence?"

Due to the convergence of the world line, the elf world and the real world merged into one. About 5,000 years ago, the elf world gradually merged with the real world. There are historical records: "The sky cracked and the monsters appeared. "

The Warcraft refers to the elves.

As the integration progressed, the earth changed. Fruit trees and various special plants appeared. The physical fitness of humans gradually improved, and even ordinary animals changed.

A thousand years after the integration began, the integration was completed. The elf world and the real world were no longer separate. The whole world was completely settled, but humans and Warcraft were still trapped in prejudice.

Another thousand years later, humans and Warcraft gradually formed a harmonious atmosphere. Most humans no longer hated Warcraft, and the simple Warcraft became friendly to humans.

Of course, not all Warcraft are No longer attacking humans, a very small number of ferocious demon beasts will still attack humans when their territory is invaded or when they are extremely angry and hungry.

Another thousand years later, humans gradually began to raise and drive demon beasts. These people were called beast tamers. Although their number was small, it also marked that the relationship between humans and demon beasts had entered a new era.

As time went by and developed, the relationship between humans and demon beasts became closer and closer. More and more people began to become beast tamers and chose to live with demon beasts. Some very powerful demon beasts would also help humans solve natural disasters. These demon beasts were called beast tamers by humans. They call them divine beasts.

Although the world line has concluded, nothing has been missed, such as the war in the Kalos region, the battle between the two gods in the Fengyuan region, the struggle between reality and ideals in the Unova region, etc. Although there are occasional setbacks, the relationship between humans and elves is gradually improving.

Until modern times, around 1900, the various regions gradually unified and formed an alliance, and changed the name of magic beasts to elves, and the beast tamers were also uniformly called trainers. A total of ten regions were formed, in addition to the nine regions of the original world line of the elf world, an additional Yanhuang region was added.

In 1925, the Kanto region Professor Nishinomori, a portable animal researcher at Yuhong University, discovered the shrinking of Pokémon while studying Infernape, and eventually invented the Poké Ball, which used space technology to allow Pokémon to be carried by trainers. This invention led to a wave of trainer craze in the world.

When Poké Balls were mass-produced, almost every household would capture Pokémon, either as pets or as family members, truly realizing the coexistence of humans and Pokémon until today.

After looking up this history on the computer, Zhou Yuan looked up at the ceiling.

"My God, do you know how long I have been waiting for this day?"

"In my memory, can't children in the Pokémon world become trainers and take Pokémon out to explore when they are just over ten years old? Why does this world only have initial Pokémon before they are close to adulthood? "

With such doubts, Zhou Yuan started searching online again.

When the Pokémon League was first established, there was indeed no minimum age for becoming a trainer.

However, some trainers were too young and hot-tempered. After getting the initial Pokémon, they felt that they were the second in command and acted arrogantly when they went out to explore. They often broke into the territories of wild Pokémon or angered wild Pokémon. As a result, they were attacked by wild Pokémon and even suffered a large number of casualties.

After experiencing similar situations for several years, the Pokémon League issued a directive: "Trainers who go out to explore must have a certain degree of self-control and management mind to avoid unnecessary casualties. ”

Since then, the age of obtaining the initial Pokémon and becoming a trainer has generally increased.

The Yanhuang region existed before the world fusion and has a long history. Parents are relatively conservative, so it has formed a trend of obtaining the initial Pokémon before adulthood. Although there is no explicit regulation, after decades of development, it has gradually become an unwritten rule in the Yanhuang region.

Although other regions have no clear regulations, they have also raised certain age limits accordingly.

After the age of new trainers generally increased, the ways for naughty children to harass wild Pokémon have been reduced to a certain extent, and the relationship between some wild Pokémon that have been invaded and humans has also improved, creating a friendly environment in the Pokémon world.

After understanding everything, Zhou Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

“Fortunately, although there have been some changes,

But the change is still within an understandable range. "

"Before I traveled through time, I won the Pokémon World Championship one year. Although I was a bit lucky, I didn't win the championship the next year. But it doesn't matter! I have my own opinions on elves. People in the world call it the humanoid illustrated book. Based on my understanding of elves, I deserve to travel through time."

Just as Zhou Yuan was daydreaming about the future, his mother's voice came from outside.

"Come out and eat!!!"

Zhou Yuan just put his hand on the door handle and prepared to open the door for dinner, but a voice appeared in his mind.

[Ding~~~System binding...]

(Written at the end of the article, if you are a reader who clicked in after seeing the title of humanoid elves, this part of the content is after Chapter 30. This is the title of the book changed after the book test. The original title was not this. Please understand, don't scold me for selling dog meat under the guise of sheep. I will change it next time I test the book.)

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