What is a hexagon jungler?

534: Open the curtain!

"Handsome!" Miller roared loudly, "Where does Huni want to go? You are the one who will kill you!"

"Yasuo started with 0/2, Huni didn't get the desired effect at all!" Doll waved her arms vigorously while looking excited, "It became VG's cash machine instead!"

Seeing that Yasuo confessed his life again, cheers burst out from the stands in all directions.

The director didn't miss any effect of the program, and specially took a close-up of the corpse of the happy wind man on the road.

Immediately afterwards, the screen was switched to Huni with a gloomy face on the player's seat.

The language of the lens is for him to understand.

Huni was depressed, "Why is the dream demon in the grass again..."

The anti-Gank eye position he arranged is very conventional, basically stabbing in the grass or triangle grass connecting the top road and the river.

But Gu Xing's two raids on the road were all launched from the grass!

Huni was caught off guard!

The crux of the problem is that he still has no way to deal with it.

Relying on its own jewelry eyes alone is not enough to prevent conventional Gank points and line grass at the same time!

If you want to arrange the defense line flawlessly, you must have real eyes.

But Huni doesn't have enough money - he has been killed twice in a row, and it is very difficult to develop normally, let alone free up 75 gold coins to buy real eyes!

"Cheng Xun, please be steady first," Lee Sang-hyuk reassured his teammates, "It's good to make up the knife first, don't think about pressing the opponent!"

Huni agreed in a muffled voice like an old scalper.

The 0/2 Yasuo is very difficult to have an advantage in front of Gnar before making the green cross, he must be careful.

Fortunately, there is no unparalleled road, and SKT opened up the situation in the second half.

Xiao Hei manipulated the pig girl to the bottom lane, buried the head of the steel bristle into the thick wall next to the grass behind the next tower of VG, and then used the pig to dash forward to the line, avoiding the protection range of the defensive tower, by the way Complete the double-teaming of the enemy duo!

In all fairness, this is Zhumei's regular Gank route, and the gameplay is the same as Rek'Sai's E [Dig Tunnel].

However, it is difficult for players to take all precautions at all times in the tense and intense arena, and sometimes they will be attacked successfully.

Jack reacted quite quickly. Seeing the pig's head protruding from the side and rear and appearing very close to him, he was afraid of being caught by the opponent or directly throwing the big move, so he quickly dodged and retreated to the tower first.

But after a year of experience, Xiao Hei has become a lot more mature and stable, and he is no longer the stunned young man he used to be, and he didn't throw R [Extreme Ice and Cold Prison] impatiently at the first time.

Waiting for Jack to flash!

After he saw clearly where Yu Wenbo's flash landed, he decisively threw R and threw the ice lasso before Duan Deliang cast the sheep transformation technique on himself!

There is no suspense.

Jack was unable to dodge the pig girl's big move in the middle distance by walking alone, so he was immediately locked in place and couldn't move!

"Beautiful, Shan Jiu!" Li Zaiwan praised repeatedly.

His stubby fingers were extremely dexterous at the moment, driving the wind girl to blow out a hurricane, knocking Jack into the air and forming a chain of control!

Bang turned on W [Biochemical Barrage], and kept pouring saliva at Jack.

With full control, even if Yu Wenbo handed over the barrier, he could not escape death!

"It's done!" Bang said confidently, "Relax, I can C this set!"

With Bae Joon-sik's ability, saying this after he got the head is equivalent to giving SKT players a reassurance!

Huni's complexion immediately turned cloudy, and after being resurrected, he happily prepared to run to the road and continue playing with the soldiers.

"Chengxun, you don't need to return to the lane, just go to the bottom lane..." Excited Bang rarely gave orders and participated in the team command, "I will beat Xiaolong first, and then He Zaiwan will go to the top lane!"

Huni had no objection. He just walked to the highland tower on the top road and quickly turned around and went straight to the bottom road.

Anyway, he can't beat Gnar in the top lane at present, and he will be bullied when he goes up. In this case, he might as well obey the command and run down the road.

Pei Junzhi pushed the bottom line in, and took one last look at the fat mouse's body on the ground before leaving.

Heh, wearing a SSW champion skin makes you really think you are brother Cheng Bin?


Young people are very young, let's go home and practice for a few more years!

Now Jack, whose face is tender enough to pinch water, is very optimistic.

"It's okay, buddy dies when he dies, it's good that you didn't burp, old Duan."

"Actually, you can survive." Duan Deliang felt a little regretful.

Originally, he wanted to help the flash to help Jack block the pig girl's big move, so that he would surely die, but in exchange for Yu Wenbo's life.

But Yu Wenbo kept yelling to sell him, so Duan Deliang had to run away alone.

"You can't have an accident," Jack said sternly, "otherwise, wouldn't I have bought this sacred shield for nothing?"

Duan Deliang reacted, "That's true..."

The core plan of the bottom lane double-salary equipment is to let the support accumulate more gold coins, and buy the fiery incense burner in advance to improve the team's combat effectiveness.

If Duan Deliang is killed in battle, it will inevitably delay the progress of economic accumulation.

If his speed of making the incense burner is comparable to that of Wolf, then VG's careful arrangement from the BP link will be meaningless!

Now that Jack is dead, the three of SKT went to the field to fight Xiaolong, and Duan Deliang huddled under the tower alone to make up the tail knife, which can ensure that the economy is always better than Li Zaiwan!

It has to be said that the difficulty of the hero Lulu's tailbending knife is quite low. If you use the QE dual skills well, you can steadily grab gold coins from under the turret. If it is not possible, W can increase your attack speed.

Duan Deliang, a small soldier, kept all the money in his pocket, and he was lamenting that he was simply possessed by a bully, when he heard Gu Xing's doubtful voice in his voice.

"The opposite side changed the line?"

Hearing this, Duan Deliang hurried to search for map information.

Yasuo hasn't been seen on the road in a while.

Logically speaking, it would take half a minute for Feng Nan, who owns the second-level shoes, to reach the first tower on the sideline, and it has definitely timed out now!

Duan Deliang was thinking about whether there was still a possibility, and Huni himself showed up in the bottom lane, confirming Gu Xing's guess.

"Should we change?" He asked the team's spokesperson for advice.

"Hmm..." Gu Xing thought for a moment, "No, it's better to match up normally. You can make the incense burner first."

Gu Xing could see that what SKT was drawing was nothing more than the canyon pioneer refreshed in 10 minutes, so he chose to transfer the stronger duo to the top lane, hoping to use this to cover the team and obtain neutral resources.

If VG also switches from the bottom lane to the top lane, of course relying on the Nakano of Nightmare + Galio, they will have the strength to fight in the canyon vanguard team battle on the upper river.

But SKT's team fighting strength is not weak at all!

After all, the explosive package of the Faker plane has not been picked up yet. This thing is invincible in the narrow terrain. It can not only cause a lot of damage, but also divide the battlefield!

On the VG side, Gu Xing mainly helped Smeb in the early stage. If he changed lanes, he would definitely not be able to join the vanguard group. Jack, the core output point, was killed once. Before it is produced, it does not have much combat effectiveness!

After careful consideration, Gu Xing decided to let go of this pioneer.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Wolves and Sticks hadn't arrived on the road, he first ran to SKT's Ueno area to insert a ward, and finally left an accessory ward in the Dragon Pit, and then hurried back to the city to buy a Warrior's Jungle Knife to strengthen his Combat power, immediately rushed to the lower field.

The wild monster camp was wiped out, and the game time was approaching 9 minutes and 30 seconds.

At this time, Gu Xing had just successfully detected Xiao Hei's movements in the SKT Ueno area.

Immediately afterwards, a message came from the Dalongkeng jewelry eye, exposing the pig knight's figure to the VG team's field of vision.

The opponent is obviously going to set up the vision of the vanguard group!

This is what Gu Xing wants.

Now that the pig girl's traces have been exposed, he simply shows his card and passes through SKT's field of vision, and rushes to the next road along the river!

Huni knew that Gu Xing's ult was about to get better, if he continued to stick to the tower, VG would probably come directly to organize the next field to forcibly jump over the tower!

As a last resort, he had to manipulate Yasuo to retreat to the autistic grass in front of the second tower.

"How does this handsome guy still play?" Miller was overjoyed at the moment, "Now that the vanguard has not yet been born, Yasuo has been blocked by a large wave of soldiers, and the loss will only be greater later on!"

Huni once wanted to help in the middle, at least do something for the team.

But after thinking about it, he didn't dare to move at all.

The reason is that at the moment, I can't win in singles due to R Nightmare.

Yasuo was originally at a disadvantage when facing the succubi - the opponent's main output form is basic attack, how many skills can't be blocked by the wind wall, and in terms of A, Nocturne is not worthless, stepping on Q to increase attack power, happy wind man is Brother in brother!

Not to mention that Gu Xing's current equipment is far ahead!

If Huni was spotted running through his lower jungle towards the mid lane, Nocturne would be able to ult and arrest him immediately!

Huni had no choice but to hide in the autistic grass, wait for the team to kill the vanguard, and then go down the road to rescue himself and help relieve the pressure.

One wait is nearly a minute.

As long as Gu Xing does not show his face in the Ueno area, Huni will not dare to act rashly!

It wasn't until 10 minutes and 20 seconds that Xiao Hei dealt with the canyon pioneer at the fastest speed, and hurried back to the city to run down the road.

Only then did Huni dare to go back to the next tower and defend the turret that had been destroyed by the VG duo to the point of collapse.

Seeing Xiao Hei coming to support, Gu Xing decided to accept it as soon as he saw it, and turned to leave satisfied.

"SKT sacrificed Huni's lane change and only got the Canyon Herald, but the price paid was too amazing. Yasuo lost three waves of soldiers, and is now behind Smeb by a full 20 knives!" "The gap in the top lane is visible to the naked eye, Yasuo is almost disconnected!"

Smeb is also uncomfortable in 1v2 on the road, but by taking advantage of the long-distance boomerang and range, he can more or less catch some minions.

Moreover, Kuro's Galio in the middle lane can provide protection, and the existence of R [Justice Appears] makes SKT wary of launching a tower attack.

Overall, Song Jinghao had a good life in this minute.

Every time I feel like I can't hold on anymore, I think about the autistic Huni, and I immediately regain my confidence and feel that my life has started again.

Wawa repeatedly echoed, "The loss is irreversible. It is still unknown how much resources SKT can use this Pioneer for the team!"

Gu Xing finally chose to let the team change lanes, preparing to defend against the next push attack created by the opponent using the vanguard.

Both the upper and lower sides return to the city at the same time, and Kuro walks to the upper half.

"Huh?" Miller was thoughtful, "It seems that VG doesn't want to just change the two sidelines, but directly pushes the rhythm into the transition period!"

The sign of the official opening of the transfer period is that the duo will occupy the center, creating a more comfortable development environment for ADC.

Based on the analysis of VG's current trends, they made it clear that they wanted to do this!

"It doesn't make sense," I remember very puzzled, "Could it be too early..."

In this version, everyone usually does not enter the transition period until around 15 minutes. At that time, the shooter is fully developed, the combat effectiveness is initially formed, and the ability to clear troops can reach a new level. Only by occupying the center line can there be enough benefits.

It's less than 12 minutes now, the VG duo has no equipment or level at first glance, and the two of them may not be able to get much cheaper in front of Faker together, so what's the use of switching to the middle lane?

Their sudden change of pace confused even the commentators!

But remember to discover the truth hidden in the equipment bar immediately.

"Prince Duan actually made an incense burner?" He was extremely surprised, "This speed is ridiculously fast!"

Remember to just say 'that's okay'.

Although Jack has yet to create a hurricane, but with the blessing of the incense burner, the fighting power of the duo will reach the peak in an instant, and they can firmly occupy the right of the middle lane!

As a result, VG's plot is ready to come out.

With the help of the sudden increase in the combat power of the duo, use the right of the middle lane to radiate the wild area and the side lanes, so as to feed back the entire team!

The SKT players were baffled by VG's lane change at first, but when they saw the fiery incense burner hanging on Lulu's body, they suddenly understood.

Li Zaiwan was quite annoyed, "This guy's incense burner was formed 3 minutes faster than me!"

He is very clear that VG's shifting rhythm is due to the two salary equipment of the duo.

The shield of the relic carried by Jack stacks up every 40 seconds. Even if it only provides Lulu with the economy of one melee soldier each time, it can still provide an economic benefit of 400 gold coins.

In addition, Duan Deliang also made up for a large wave of tower knives before, and the matchup lead was close to 600 gold coins!

In the absence of a team's economic supply for support, the gold coin increase per minute is about 200 gold coins.

In other words, Wolf needs a full 3 minutes to catch up with Duan Deliang's economy and buy a censer to increase the team's combat power!

"Don't switch lanes at all," Faker suggested, "You two will be beaten anyway, so it's better to let me continue to occupy the center lane."

Don't look at Bang's matchup economy leading by a lot, but without the incense burner, he is inferior. If the two teams stand in a duo, VG has no possibility of losing!

"I just used a dynamite pack to lower Galio's blood volume. Shan Jiu, go to the road and release the vanguard. It's just enough to push down the first tower." Lee Sang-hyeok said.

The upper tower was still full of health, but after the wolf stick combination was transferred to the top lane, it slowly dwindled to about 60%.

Casting the vanguard only needs to hit one head, and the blood volume of the turret can be reduced to the limit!

Sounds like a good plan.

The wolf stick combination simply stayed on the road, waiting for Xiao Hei's arrival.

Blank was like a firefighter who didn't stop for a moment. As soon as he cleared Huni in the bottom lane, he ran back to the top lane to set the vanguard for his teammates.

After the 5-second guide ended, Pioneer jumped out of the void, shaking his body and staring at VG to go up a tower!

Hit head-on, the turret is dangerous!

Kuro's Galio is alone in the top lane, unable to deal with the vanguard quickly at all, SKT seems to be flattening a blood tower to extract the bounty!

Fans at the barbecue stand on the stands of the Oriental Sports Center cheered and cheered for the home team they supported!

After experiencing Gu Xing's indiscriminate bombardment in the early stage, now SKT has finally gained a firm foothold and began to slowly make up for the decline!

However, at this moment, the director suddenly pulled the camera from the upper tower of VG to the side closer to SKT.

At first, the audience booed one after another, thinking that the director had started to fall ill again, and began to blindly cut the angle of view.

Just the next second, these boos disappeared without a trace.

Because everyone can see it clearly, there is a VG fake eye in the grass near the upper tower of SKT!

"Who inserted this eye?" Pao Xiaodi frowned.

My partner Plar has a very good memory, and he immediately recalled, "It's Smeb! Before returning to the city and starting to switch lanes, he used a wave of pushback to leave the protection range of the upper tower, and took advantage of the opportunity to insert his eye into the line grass!"

The root of that pushback line comes from the wolf stick combination.

The two of them pushed a wave of soldiers deep before, and then went to Dalongkeng to help Xiaohei quickly clear the vanguard. Smeb was guarding under the tower and was not in a hurry to clear the soldiers. It's closer to SKT's line grass!

And SKT players such as Wolfsticks didn't know about it!

Pao Xiaodi panicked in his heart.

Years of commentary experience made him extremely keen sense of smell.

15 minutes before the game, there is a delay between the OB position and the live broadcast, which means that the backstage staff will have a certain degree of eye skills and be able to learn the battlefield information earlier than the audience commentary!

Then the director cut the picture to this eye, it must have a deep meaning!

Sure enough, within two seconds after the close-up of the eye position, the sky in the canyon instantly dimmed.

The frightening whispers are transmitted to the ears of every spectator through the sound system.

Lifting the curtain...

"The Dream Demon is getting bigger!" Pao Xiaodi raised his voice instantly, "Run!"

He was so anxious that he started chanting 'pizza' again and again.

Fans of the barbecue booth also realized that the situation had changed, and in their eagerness, they couldn't help but screamed in the stands.

But in the blink of an eye, it was overwhelmed by the burst of cheers from tens of thousands of VCs!

The wolf stick combination didn't take it seriously at first.

The two of us are still guarding Xiao Hei, the succubus, wouldn't you be sent to die if you flew over?

You can't team up with Galio for 2v3, right?

Their first reaction when they saw the darkening sky was that Gu Xing went to grab the middle and lower roads again.

I was praying for the unlucky teammates in my heart, when I saw the succubus rushing from afar with a murderous look, and the Q [Demon's Dream Path] was activated at the foot!

Flying in front of Bang, the skill damage not only shattered the shield that Li Zaiwan gave to his teammates, but also reduced Dazui's blood volume by an additional block.

After all, Gu Xing's equipment is not vegetarian, and Wolf didn't make a censer, so the thickness of the shield is a little bit worse after all.

The wolf stick combination is not surprised but angry.

Really come?

You pancakes, right?

The two immediately prepared to join the jungler for a counterattack.

However, when the Dream Demon landed and applied E [Speechless Fear] to Bang, a giant magic circle suddenly expanded below the battlefield.

R from Galio [Hard Bear Appears]!

"Bang dodged and pulled back. Blank's pig girl first used the flail to trick the succubi into the W shield, and then threw a big move against the face to fix it in place..."

Plar murmured, "Back back! Don't fight back!"

But the SKT players couldn't hear him.

Pei Junzhi successfully opened the casting range of Dream Demon's E skill, walked out of the influence area of ​​Galio's big move, activated the biochemical barrage to increase the range, turned around and started spraying wildly at Gu Xing!

I have to say that Big Mouth equips Que's well. Now that he has Straw Sandals + Sheep Knife in his hands, his attack speed is sufficient, and the percentage damage he sprays out is too much for ordinary people!

If it weren't for Gu Xingyou Galio's ultimate move to reduce damage, he would have been killed instantly by the high damage of SKT's down-field combination!

As soon as the Colossus of Justice landed, before it could react, it was blown up by the hurricane that Li Zaiwan had previously charged.

Gu Xing, who was previously controlled by Zhumei's big move, also floated into the sky!

Perfect press up!

Li Zaiwan was triumphant.

Every second is not bad, even if Gu Xing holds the flash in his hand, he won't be able to hand it over!

If the control chain is connected, you are useless even if you are Shi Yiye!

go to hell!

Bang's firepower was fully fired, and Gu Xing had already maimed the stake!

Seeing that he was able to successfully kill the succubus and extract the reward, Pei Junzhi's heart was bubbling with joy.

However, at this moment, a huge monster appeared behind him!

The muscles are knotted, and the appearance is fierce...

It's the giant Gnar!

"Smeb uses the cover of the succubi's big move to teleport to the top eye around the back!" Pao Xiaodi was annoyed, "SKT didn't notice it at all!"

"This bowl is about to suffer a lot!"

The myopia effect of Dream Demon R [Ghosting] is outstanding, completely hiding Song Jinghao's TP movements!

Even Huni, who was originally facing Gnar in the bottom lane, didn't know about it!

Before the Dream Demon appeared on the top lane, all the team members thought that Gu Xing's kill target would be heroes in the middle and bottom lanes.

Huni didn't dare to go out at all, for fear of adding to his death count.

As a result, I didn't even see when Song Jinghao teleported away from the bottom lane!

Now, Gnar, who just got full of anger, came behind SKT Shimoji, and slapped the wall enough to change the situation of the battle!

Amid the exclamation of the audience, Bang was pushed hard against the wall, making him dizzy!

Xiao Hei was no exception, falling into a dizzy state and losing his ability to move!

It's just that Pei Junzhi couldn't dodge because the flash was cooling down, and Blank simply didn't react in time.

Only Li Zaiwan's Fengnv handed over her flash and ran towards the distance, worthy of the reputation of SKT's only brother Li, with extremely fast hands.

But he has no ability to hurt, and he can't kill the succubi with only 200 HP left, so he can only flee in a panic to the rear.

Lee Sang-hyuk had just recovered from his short-sightedness, and was about to leave the shelter of the defensive tower to continue to make up the knife, but when he opened his eyes, he saw that the middle road was empty!

Mouse Lulu, where did you two hide? !

He reacted quickly and quickly sent a warning signal to his teammates on the road. At the same time, he shouted in the voice to tell the three in the field to retreat quickly. The VG duo is rushing to the battlefield.

Pei Junzhi wanted to run away.

But there is no chance at all!

After Galio regained his freedom, even though the front of E [Justice Punch] was blown away by Li Zaiwanfeng's female R, he immediately handed over W flash.

SKT has no countermeasures!

Zhumei and Dazui fell into a state of ridicule again.

"This time, the battle situation is reversed, and it's SKT's turn to be controlled by the chain..." Plar became more and more desperate, "It's useless for Bang to open the barrier, and he still can't escape death!"

From the perspective of God, they can see clearly.

Jack's mouse is running wildly with Lulu's acceleration!

With the attack speed shoes, Q [Ambush] was turned on again, and Tucci's movement speed exceeded 500 points, so he was able to arrive smoothly before the battle was over!


The mouse uncovered the disguise, and the treacherous voice sounded like a death knell in the ears of the three of SKT Xiaye!

R [Full Firepower] Shoot at Dazui Remnant Blood from a long distance.

With the attack speed + extra damage of the censer, Jack sent Kog'Maw away with only two crossbow bolts!

After refreshing the Q, turn on the skill again, and with the sneaky sound of "Diu Diu Diu", increase the attack speed and move towards Li Zaiwan and shoot wildly!

"Fengnv's body is really fragile, and she can't bear the damage of the incense burner mouse!" Paoxiao Emperor sighed, and sentenced Janna to death from the bottom of his heart.

After turning on R, the damage of the mouse is too terrifying. Cooperate with Song Jinghao's Danar, and kill Fengnv with three strikes, five divisions and two!

All of Li Zaiwan's skills were cooling down, and he couldn't even resist. He could only watch the mouse shoot his arrow through his body!

"The remaining pig girl can't escape, and Blank has to dodge to escape, but Lulu has already blocked the only way for him to escape!"

Plar couldn't help shaking his head when he said this, "This flash of death is unnecessary!"

Purple Garlic waved his staff, gave himself an R [Wild Wild Growth], flew up to the pig girl in front of him, and then handed in Q [Sparkling Spear] to keep her slowly, and wait for the mouse that turned on the camouflage to chase and kill it before closing it A human head!

Three kills!

"It's over, it's over..." Emperor Xiaoxiao cried and howled, "The heads are all on the key points, how can this be done?!"

The VG supporters at the scene were extremely excited, waving flags and shouting frantically in the stands, tearing their vocal cords to their heart's content.

All the fans of the barbecue booth were hit by Galen's Q, and they sat slumped on their chairs in silence, unable to say a word for a long while.

The scene echoed with Doll's hoarse and angry shout, "VG's succubi + Galio's double R forced to open showed a miraculous effect, and SKT was beaten helplessly!"

"Want to push a blood tower? Have you asked our opinion!"

Netizens in the live broadcast room of the LPL competition area were overjoyed, and countless bullet screens rushed to their faces!

[Kill, kill, kill! Give me a hard hit on SKT, as long as I win this BO5, I will go to the VG team's live broadcast room to send rockets]

[So ruthless support speed, this wave of running line directly gave SKT a numbness! 】

[I'm a bitch, originally only Kuro was on the road, but in an instant it became five people, VG's execution ability is NM outrageous! 】

[With or without an SKT perspective, I feel like a horror game, with a big Gnar popping out of nowhere behind me]

[Maibo, what is this? Insert a TP eye for yourself, throw yourself away, right?]

【If I were Jack, I would probably smile crookedly. Isn't this just picking up 3 heads for nothing?】

The director cuts to the VG backstage lounge.

It's like a sea of ​​joy here!

With a ruddy face, Hongmi applauded the excellent performance of the team members.

Jin Wenhyuk was even more excited, stood up and punched frantically to vent his emotions.

They can hear the voice content of the VG players through the TV signal broadcast.

"Fucking dude, you're getting fat!" Yu Wenbo was just like what the bullet screen said, his mouth couldn't close, "Wuhu is taking off!"

"How about me, I don't hang on?" Song Jinghao excitedly asked for credit, "Turn it around and send it to SKT directly!"

"Stop yelling!" Kuro advised, wanting his teammates to recognize the real hero, "It's going to be troublesome to pick up heads one by one to start a good group. If it wasn't for Xiao Gu to turn off the lights, you would be able to go so smoothly?"

In terms of contribution alone, Gu Xing, who turned off the lights, made the most of the contribution.

After entering the arena, they teamed up with Galio to play the first wave of control, first cheated out all the skills of SKT's downfield, and used the myopia effect to darken the position, so that the enemy was unprepared for the arrival of VG's top laner and duo!

"It was agreed before the game, Dai Zhichun deserves credit for scoring the points," Gu Xing joked, "If it wasn't for the old Duan who made the incense burner in advance, this wave is really hard to say."

This statement was unanimously approved by the VG players.

The double-salary equipment routine that Able came up with helped the assistant make the incense burner one step ahead, so that Duan Deliang could directly go to the middle lane with Jack to open the lane change, and have the lane right to support the battle situation on the road one step faster!

Dai Zhichun in the lounge was in full bloom, stroking his forehead to reveal the hairline that even programmers would call an expert.

"Push up the tower and then transfer to the center, hurry up, we're getting ready to get off work!" Gu Xing made overall arrangements.

All the players in the upper half of SKT were killed, and they couldn't prevent the first tower, so they had to give it up!

Jack's mouse successfully flattened a blood tower, raised a huge sum of money and returned to the city to take out the hurricane, and Endless made more than half of it!

Pei Junzhi's face was half dark.

He did not expect such a dramatic reversal of the situation.

Obviously the blood tower should belong to him...but the duck that reached his mouth flew away!

More importantly, after Wolf's death this time, the fiery incense burner is nowhere to be seen!

VG seized the flaw and pushed hard. With the equipment advantage of the duo, the army pressed the ground and approached the first tower of SKT.

The SKT players who were not at the same level in terms of combat power were retreating steadily. After only one minute of defense, they were turned into candied haws by the mouse's cool down and improved big move!

"My old swan, this damage is really terrible!" I remember exclaiming, "The hurricane has brought the effect of the incense burner to the extreme, and SKT can't bear it at all!"

At this time, the negative effect of the lineup will appear.

SKT only has Zhumei in the front row.

Don't look at Xiaohei's supplementary line and counter-wilding in the early stage, it seems that his development is very good.

But don't forget that since the transition period, Blank has become the role of wiping the ass of his teammates. He can't even squeeze out the time to clear the jungle. The economy has long been far behind, and he can't play the role of the front row. Protect your teammates from the wind and rain!

After Jack opened R, he only used 5 arrows to reduce his blood volume to less than half!

The front row lost its ability to fight, SKT was forced to retreat, and handed over the first tower to VG!

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