What is a hexagon jungler?

459: Exploding gold coins fiercely!

"Take it away, next one!"

Gu Xing shouted in the training room of the VG base.

Prince Lu Bu in the canyon swung his halberd, and struck the enemy hero's cap with a heavy blow, emptying his blood bar!

The opponent fell to the ground slowly, and Lu Bu, nicknamed "xiaoxiongtanshou" above his head, was about to show off his power, but when he lowered his head, he saw the body of Jiawen IV lying on the ground.

Gu Xing stopped operating, and the surviving prince also stood motionless, as if he started to think about the philosophical topic discussed by Lu Xiucai and Ji Wuming in Wulin Biography.

Who killed me and who did I kill?

...... I killed me?

Gu Xing had no time to take into account the philosophical speculations that took place in the canyon of the Summoner. Having just won the duel, he shouted excitedly into the microphone, "Ming Kai, you really can't do 1v1 solo, hurry up and back a little bit!"

Guijiaoqi was extremely depressed, "How can the prince be able to swipe so fast?" He was puzzled.

Not only is it fast to brush, but also the blood volume is maintained very well.

As a result, Gu Xing always had nearly one hundred more health points after the jungle clearing session of the one-on-one rules in the jungle.

This extra blood volume can directly affect the subsequent river solo ending in the early stage!

Gu Xing was triumphant, and taught his own skills, "The prince's passive is based on the percentage damage of the current health value, so when clearing the wild, pay the punishment as late as possible..."

"And the prince should not use eq for rushing + drama, it seems to save time, but in fact, it's not as fast as walking to the camp and using basic attack to gather all the wild monsters together before handing in eq!"

This is Gu Xing's experience, "If you want to keep your blood volume, you have to make good use of the attack speed and attack distance... After the prince has the e [German Army Flag], the general attack speed at the beginning of the game is the best. Alliance; at the same time, he has a range of 175 yards that is farther than other melee heroes, and the combination of the two can completely pull wild dogs without injury!"

As we all know, pull three elements - speed, attack speed and range.

When the prince goes out, click e to gather the two major elements. As long as he has some research on Laye, he can play around with the clumsy wild monsters! Gu Xing even used the prince's pulling ability to the extreme, starting the game with a blue buff for nothing!

In this way, he can naturally brush quickly and without injury, and finally accumulate the advantages and win the 1v1solo victory! The more the factory manager thought about it, the more aggrieved he became.

As a veteran jungler, he understands what Gu Xing said about clearing the jungle.

However, due to his limited energy, Guijiaoqi could not be perfect in killing every group of wild monsters, and often made mistakes.

In all fairness, everyone is not a robot AI, and mistakes are inevitable.

However, Gu Xing was able to precisely control the number of mistakes he made when clearing wild monsters. If others missed a round of wild monsters, he could only miss one basic attack!

As a result, Gu Xing can take advantage of every solo duel!

Thinking of the end, Ming Kai had no choice but to shake his head, completely convinced by his personal strength.

"The chrysanthemum is broken, the ground is full of injuries..."

Gu Xing hummed the chrysanthemum platform that matched the identity of the prince, and opened the document on the computer desktop, which was densely filled with the IDs and corresponding records of each jungler.

From Guijiaoqi to Xiangguo Kangdi, to Xiaohuasheng, nk, and Anzhangmen in the lck division, even Casa of the Flash Wolves came to join in the fun.

After developing a new style of jungle solo rules, this trend quickly swept the professional circle!

Originally, the position of the jungler was rather special.

Online players can use heads-up to exercise their laning strength, and some older players will also use the traditional model of one tower, one blood, one hundred dollars to teach young people.

But how does the jungler compete against each other?

The game involving jungle thinking must be implemented in the canyon 5v5 actual combat.

As a result, the players in this position are relatively lonely, and often can only watch the game video for research, or open a custom practice to clear the wild or operate against the stake show.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Gu Xing and Peanut to innovate and develop a solo competition method exclusively for the jungle position, which is welcomed by the majority of players.

Gu Xing tapped on the keyboard to revise the record of his fight against Ming Kai.

"Ho Ho Ho, Ming Kai, you and our 1v1 duel result has reached 2 wins and 16 losses," he was very happy, "Quickly express your opinion!"

Guijiaoqi's mandarin with an accent came to his ears, and he chose to avoid it and change the subject, "Is the winning rate so low? Who did Li lose more against?"

Gu Xing dragged the mouse, "Sof Little Peanut, these two are good at heads-up."

Even Gu Xing's solo win rate against these two can only reach around 60%.

"They're all wild-core players..." Ming Kai looked disappointed, "I feel that the operation is better than our group of grass-eating old guys."

He recognized the facts after he was easily beaten by Peanut in the World Championship last year.

Own operations are in an inevitable decline.

Born in 1993, he has already passed the peak period of operation - of course, even at the peak, Ming Kai is not good at operation.

Seeing the new generation of junglers flooding into the league around the s6 season getting stronger and stronger, Ming Kai couldn't help feeling nostalgic for the past and hurting the present.

Gu Xing was keenly aware of Gui Jiaoqi's depressed mood, and quickly compared the posture of Tathagata's palm:

"Don't open AOE, audience friends, this is what Ming Kai said, the grass-eating jungler who thinks he is underestimated, if he wants to fuck, go to him!"

Ming Kai laughed angrily, and the previous frustration was swept away.

"You little ****..."

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was relaxed and joyful, and the netizens were clamoring for barrage in the chat channel.

[Mingkai's wild speed is really not as good as 1v1 heads-up, why do you feel that he can't even keep up with the average level of lpl? 】

[No way, it’s like this when people get old. Sister Li, if it’s impossible, bring the eldest prince Zhao Zhiming up. If the eldest prince wins, it’s a ghostly seven wins.]

[Zhao Zhiming? He will get cinnabar for every red buff, and he still wants to participate in the race? 】

[Brother Xing, hurry up and watch the game live, there is something exciting today! 】

Gu Xing shoveled to the last barrage.

"Who is to whom today?" He asked.

Ming Kai remembered clearly, "rng vs. e, the last matchup of the regular season."

The competition in Group A came to an end yesterday, but there is still one match day in Group B.

"Let me take a look at the leaderboard..." Gu Xing clicked on the lpl game interface and browsed the current situation of the top players in Group B.

Like group a, the battle for ranking in group b has also entered a fierce stage.

On the playoff tickets, omg and nb are fighting hard.

Starlight formed the most powerful lineup since S5 Galaxy Battleship, but the nb level is not too weak.

After they were relegated in the Spring Split, they bought the gt slot, which made Jin Gong, the thick-legged player in the other team, go down.

Now forming a lineup of gioon+sift+Xiangsong, the strength is really ruthless!

It can only be said that this year's LPL competition is very fierce. Apart from the fact that there are only 12 teams that lead to a large number of star players, the expenses of each club are also quite scary.

After VG won the North American championship last year, all the teams want to get a piece of the pie, and make their mark in the world championship of s7's local battle and soar to the sky! In the past, the lineup structure of omg and nb has properly reached the top six levels of the league.

But this summer, they have to fight for a ticket to the playoffs!

In the end, Starlight omg managed to qualify for the playoffs with a slight advantage of 1 point.

Looking up along the goalkeeper of the playoffs, you will see a very beautiful Tai Chi team logo.


It is worth mentioning that after ig fixed the @starting lineup, the results soared.

Theshy+ning+rookie's upper middle field is getting more and more powerful, taking most of the team's mvp number, anyone can see that they are full of talent!

If it weren't for the meat tank heroes who ruled the ecological environment of Ueno one by one, they might be able to reach another level!

Now the pole team has 11 wins and 5 losses, ranking third in the group, and its position is very stable. The last round of battle will not cause any changes to the ig ranking.

They can already start to study their opponents in the playoffs.

The most competitive is the top two.

The difference between rng and e is negligible.

Whoever wins today will be at the top of the list!

"Shiquan really knows how to arrange the schedule," Gu Xing said with emotion, "Could it be possible that they could have guessed that these two teams would fight to the end before the start of the summer split?"

"Let's watch such a crucial game..." Ming Kai was very interested.

It was about the battle for the top two spots in Group B, and it could be called a battle of focus no matter what.

And most importantly, this contest will affect the divisional situation of the playoffs!

Gu Xing clicked on the game live broadcast room, took a bag of soy sauce biscuits from Jack, and planned to have dinner with the game later.

"Zhao Zhiming, are you coming to watch the game together?" Ming Kai was still rocking.

The eldest prince happened to be idle and had nothing to do, so he wobbled over and sat down to greet Gu Xing with a microphone.

"Nihao, mudhao!" Gu Xing politely agreed twice.

Every time he hears fireloli's real name, he always thinks of Zhao Zhijing, and for a while wonders if the Taoist priest is the ancestor of the eldest prince.

"Turn down the voice of the commentary, so as not to interfere with our discussion," Ming Kai muttered, "Turtle, e-second lock Kassadin?" Gu Xing paid attention to the rhythm of the barrage in his live broadcast room, while watching the game bp .

"Kassadin is fine, this hero can fly..." He almost made a mistake, and hastily corrected, "It's good to beat Kouch, the plane can't do anything about him."

After the aircraft ushered in changes at the beginning of this summer, the basic attack output form was changed from the original adap 50/50 to ap accounting for 80%. Kassadin, known as the nemesis of mages, became Corki's regular counter position.

Voidwalker's passive damage reduction means that the plane's basic attack cannot reduce his health much.

Moreover, Corki's original laning ability is weak, and he cannot pose a life-threatening threat to Kassadin!

It can be said that against laning planes, Kassadin will be able to get through the weak stage in the early stage and transition to his strong stage!

"Kassadin against the plane, I can always think of the famous flash animation..." Zhao Zhiming smiled.

The male number one in the gif picture already has dreams in life and each is wonderful, bringing his talent to the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds project.

"Let played a hand with crocodile, and felt that rng wanted to speed up," Gu Xing roughly analyzed BP's thinking, "this is also reasonable, they really want to drag it to the late stage, and they should not be the opponent of e in comparison operation."

This royal family was not very good at the late stage.

The operational style of play they took over from Mata Chuan is mainly eye position control and early-to-mid-term linkage.

In the late stage, rng is weaker than e, whether it is the pressure of side split push or team battle formation structure.

It's not that there is no chance of winning if you delay the later stage, it's just that the odds of winning are low.

It’s okay to choose a crocodile to bet on snowballing in the early stage.

At the beginning, Xiangguo ran to the road and joined with Let first, and successfully caught 957's first blood.

But Kandy immediately responded, crouched in the jungle and came back to hunt the Xiangguo in the wild, and successfully played a wave of counterpoint cinnamon!

"Good guy," Zhao Zhiming said in amazement, "Xianggang has suffered a lot, and the matchup in the wild is useless!"

Gu Xing had a different opinion, "It's useless. Unless you choose a strong jungler like a spider in this version, it will be difficult to widen the gap in the development of the jungler."

The eldest prince guessed that he hadn't played a training match for a long time, and he was not very sensitive to the rhythm changes on the field.

The hunger strike developed by Xiangguo in the spring game this year can kill all directions in the current version, because it is difficult to help the team win by relying on the wild area alone.

You have to create an advantage for online players in order to win as you wish!

Kandi turned against the wild this time, and it seemed that after killing Xiangguo, he made money by himself, but in fact it was basically useless.

Liu Shiyu can use the experience compensation mechanism to catch up with two groups of wild monsters after he is resurrected.

"Kassadin's promotion to six ranks..." Zhao Zhiming seemed to have some opinion on rng, and he was very optimistic about e in his words, "I think the royal family base will explode when Xiye reaches level 16!"


Not only Gu Xing, but even Guijiaoqi was dumbfounded this time, "Zhao Zhiming, don't talk nonsense for the effect of the live broadcast!"

Kassadin is indeed a good choice for laning against aircraft.

But that doesn't mean it's easy to win the game.

This hero is very afraid of control, especially serial control.

Once entering the arena and being fixed, the flexibility that Kassadin is proud of has nowhere to display!

Shi Senming played a tauren in the first game, and with the crocodile, he can completely form a chain of control!

Xiye didn't have much room to play.

The two teams dragged it to the late stage, and it was a 5-on-5 matchup. RNG might still win, far from the "Casa" that Zhao Zhiming said.

Ding's 16th-level royal family base exploded, "That's an exaggeration!

Seeing that the two top junglers were questioning himself, the eldest prince wisely chose to keep his mouth shut.

But this famous saying has been said, and Gu Xing saw that many netizens in the live broadcast room were paying attention to Xiye's level as if they were teasing.

[Kassadin is level eight, and the progress bar is still halfway to the rng base explosion! 】

[Level 11 provocation, Xiye's second-level big move is in hand, ready to destroy the world at any time]

[I'm a good boy, Kassadin is already level 15, although the team's economy is 7k, although e only demolished two defensive towers on the opposite side, and can't even see the shadow of the high ground, but the rng base will not last long]

[Level 16! Wow kaka rng you wait to die! Listen to my orders, the base will explode soon... Explode, why the hell don't you explode! 】

At 30 minutes into the game, Xiye finally reached level 16 and started the third-level ultimate move.

But e's decline is undoubtedly revealed.

As Gu Xing said, Xiangguo was hit by Kandi Dansha once in the early stage, and it would not affect the rhythm at all.

Liu Shiyu still helped the team establish a huge advantage by relying on the hunger strike style of play!

It's just that rng had a little episode in the process of turning its advantage into a victory.

Let's crocodile has a great advantage. He really wants to cut into the enemy's formation in team battles and cut e to pieces.

But the stability in his nature made him hesitant, and he didn't want to do a move that was too risky to go deep alone.

The result is that the crocodile starts to play a big game of chess.

In the team battle, stay at a distance and use your big move first to accumulate anger. Looking at the crazy output mysti in front of you is sitting on a chair, his posture is similar to that of a Snorby, "369, don't speak so boldly, today you will be responsible for showing me For the water dispenser, just pour the water, nothing else is up to you."

"Why are you still playing workplace bullying?" 369 was not convinced, "I'll pour you water and make you an egg tart, okay?"

Zoo Xiang likes to use the most flat and slow tone to defuse the enemy's verbal offensive, "Yes, I like to eat egg tarts, it must be the taste of KFC, we won't eat anything else."

Bai Jiahao gritted his teeth with hatred, "Old man, when I turn around, I will let you explode the gold coins fiercely!"

Baozilian's toothpaste also boarded the bus, and when he saw Gu Xing saying hello, he sat on his seat and yawned uncontrollably.

"Zeng Qi, what's wrong with you?" 369 was so energetic that he had nothing to do, so he could only care about the health of his teammates.

"It's nothing, maybe I'm sleepy because I haven't slept well..." Toothpaste stretched.

"Didn't you go to bed very early yesterday?" Bai Jiahao was extremely confused, "How many hours do you sleep a day, hibernating, right?" Toothpaste waved his hand, yawned and began to roar, "Forget it, one night I was so nervous that I didn’t fall asleep until six o’clock in the morning.”

After all, this is the last relegation match in history. VGP has already failed once this spring. If it hits a wall again, even if the management doesn't say it,

Toothpaste felt sorry for himself.

The pressure is here, and it is normal for a young newcomer to suffer from insomnia.

Gu Xing looked at Toothpaste and Zoo sitting in a row, and felt that these two people looked like black and white, and it was quite fun to catch their sleep with their heads tilted.

He didn't bother the members of the second team, sat in a hidden corner in the back row, and started surfing the Internet with Jack.

The regular season has just ended, and we are still reviewing the two-and-a-half-month schedule and looking forward to the future playoffs.

For the upcoming LSPL finals, the attention is not high.

There are only a few themed posts in the post bar.

Although YM and VGP are well-known, most of the viewers only watch the key matches of LPL, not to mention the secondary leagues with a lower level of competition!

Clicking on one of the posts about the LSPL finals, Gu Xing found that netizens were still praising the fame effect brought by the first team.

【Do you see it? It turns out that vgp is making a lot of money. After vg won the championship, all the young talents were recruited, and the momentum is stronger than ym.]

[Aren't you an embarrassment? Is the quality of vg youth training in the top ranks of the lpl cliff? Newcomers like Xingge Jack who just shake up and start killing are not counted, just Prince Duan, old thief Sima, Gao Dewei, Shan Niruo, Fa Wang Ye Wang, all of them They are talents from youth training]

[I can see that vg is either a genius or a valuable, there is no middle value]

[This year's batch of vgp youth training is considered to be of the highest level, I think all six players participating in the rotation in the team can play lpl]

[Blow it, the last golden left hand that was blown to the sky was placed in tulle by the elderly Gao Dewei, and now it is still there, and the future can be expected]

"Change!" Jack urged.

Gu Xing quit the post and continued to scroll down.

Then I saw the VG official blog video reproduced by Baby Maggot.

voe microphone

As the name suggests, it is the game voice.

"Hurry up," Jack said excitedly, "What were you talking about while my buddy Kangkang was away?"

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