What is a hexagon jungler?

345: Mathematical geometry problems not worth mentioning

"Congratulations to Virtue again, for winning the FMVP of this mid-season championship!"

The on-site host dragged his tone and filled the entire venue with his loud voice.

The big screen showed Gu Xing's makeup photos, as well as the data performance of the three rounds won.

Ga1: 4/1/13, 35.5% of the team suffered injuries, and the team participation rate was 85%

Ga3: 9/0/7, 34.4% team output ratio, average output 698

Ga4: 4/0/9, number of successful raids in the first 15 minutes: 5, participation rate 86.7%.\\n.\\n.\\n.\\n.\\n.\\n

It can only be described as perfect!

The supporters in the stands frantically shook their light sticks, feeling sincere joy for Gu Xing!

The director suddenly cut the camera to BrTT in the front row of the stands.

He, who looks exactly like Delevingne, is vividly telling the audience around Gu Xing's outstanding performance in this mid-season game.

Seeing himself appearing on the big screen on the stage, BrTT immediately excitedly unfolded the VG team uniform in his hand, so that everyone could see Virtue's floral signature.

There were rustling laughter at the scene.

Gu Xing raised the corner of his mouth and waved to him to thank him.

It is also a good thing to meet hardcore supporters in a foreign country.

The host handed the microphone to Gu Xing.

"Let me start with a routine interview question. I won the MSI championship today and won another FMVP trophy. How do you feel and want to share with you?"

Rafa and Vincent stood beside Gu Xing, translating from Portuguese to English and then to Chinese.

After two weeks of adaptation, the two are now very skilled at working.

Gu Xing replied without thinking, "This is my first mid-season championship. It is a very happy experience to be able to hold the trophy. The moment of winning the championship is wonderful and novel."

"As for the FMVP, as I said before, League of Legends is a team game, and this trophy is not only due to me alone." Lucian from Sb on the top lane, Fox from Kuro on the middle lane, Verus from Jack on the bottom lane, and Bruce from the old section Long..."

Holding the FMVP trophy in one hand, he looked back at his teammates standing side by side, "It's only through the joint efforts of everyone that I can get this personal honor."

Gu Xing was sincere.

The four teammates played very well in this final.

Especially the double C, which was considered a breakthrough before the game, showed a level far exceeding the audience's expectations today!

Gu Xing never thought that he could win the championship in international competitions just by himself.

Teammates are really key.

Hearing Gu Xing's words, Sb's smile became brighter and brighter. His performance in the final was also quite outstanding.

In the first round, Kenan, who played Lucian on the tulle Khan, won the MVP of the first round.

In the last two sets, he operated Galio and defended Khan's side split push with his teammates. He also made great achievements in team battles. His first R [hard bear debut] support and dodge control, made great contributions to VG's championship!

Although he performed well, Song Jinghao has no obsession with FMVP.

One is that he knows that Gu Xing is more eye-catching, with a stable and efficient rhythm driving ability in the early stage, and he can also undertake the output task of the C position in the later stage when he gets a wild core like a male gun.

Gu Xing's performance is not only shown in the arena, but also the commander of this VG, the maker of operational decisions!

Gu Xing contributed a lot to VG's ability to crush Dragon Ball at the operational level!

Secondly, Sb, who has experienced many competitions in the past year, knows very well that when he loses, all personal honors are nonsense.

Before the S6 World Championship, he was officially promoted by the fist as the top 20 players, beating the double champion Faker at that time.

The results of it?

He didn't even see Lee Sang Hyuk's face, and was beaten by VG in the semifinals!

During that time, many people ridiculed that the Sb honors were all blown out, and the list of TOP20 players had no gold content and could not be counted.


Although Jing Hao said that he was very upset at the time, he couldn't find any reason to refute.

At this point, he understood that only the champion is real.

Without a champion, you're a super pawn, not even a super pawn!

Now Sb feels the texture of the MSI championship trophy and feels satisfied.

The host then asked the second question, "After winning the MSI championship, you have collected the championship trophies of the four top competitions in the Spring and Summer League, the World Championship and the Mid-Season Championship in just one year... ..」

Every time he counted an honor, the scene ushered in a burst of restless carnival.

After listing all the awards that Gu Xing had won, the cheers from the 20,000 people in the Olympic Stadium were enormous!

The host had to put down the microphone to let all kinds of celebratory sounds in the venue inflate!

He did not continue until the uproar subsided.

"According to statistics, you are the player who achieved this achievement in the shortest time, and you are also the first professional player not from SKT. What do you want to say about this?"

Gu Xing did not expect such statistics to exist.

It's okay to say that the former is, after all, several official events, and the shortest time to win the championship can naturally be used as bragging capital.

How come there is an achievement not from SKT?

Gu Xing's brain turned very quickly, and he responded with words and sentences, "To be able to collect so many honors in the first year of my career, it is really exciting to think about it carefully, and it can also prove my strength from the side.

"However, I asked Lord Hou just now when I was holding the trophy. He said that he is still one intercontinental championship away from the real Grand Slam, which is indeed the case."

"The four championships won were all set by predecessors. I followed their footsteps to Rio step by step."

He looked at Vincent, hoping that the other party could translate his meaning clearly, "But in the next intercontinental competition, I want to win a brand new tournament championship that they have never touched before, and be the first to achieve the Grand Slam achievement!"

Vincent understands his thoughts, treats them seriously and rigorously, and tries his best to follow the principles of honesty and elegance.

After listening to Rafa's translation on the spot, the restless sound that had subsided rose again!

The two fist company executives, Tryndamere and Ryze, also showed satisfaction.

The Intercontinental Tournament is a new event of this season. Each major region sends the top four teams in the Spring Tournament to compete against each other.

To be honest, no one can say whether it will be entertaining and popular.

But the content of Gu Xing's interview directly praised the importance of the intercontinental competition!

At that time, there must be many fans of Gu Xing paying attention to this new event to see if he can be the first to achieve the new Grand Slam.

Fist is equal to prostitution A lot of attention and competition enthusiasm!

It is obviously unrealistic to say that Gu Xing's interview content does not include a trace of the intention to gain popularity for the fist.

The two founders looked at each other, feeling that Virtue is very good at talking, and he is full of sophistication.

Gu Xing continued, "As for the statement 'the first non-SKT player to achieve this achievement', even though my first reaction was awkward, I have to admit that SKT has shown strong dominance over the past four years. force."

"It's just that I hope that in the near future, when people refer to Grand Slam players again, they will describe them as 'non-VG origin'. This is also one of my next goals."

Vincent showed admiration on his face.

In his opinion, after experiencing the excitement and excitement of winning the championship, it is not easy to make such a logical and polite answer with a bit of sharpness!

Jack looked at Gu Xing's back with admiration in his eyes.

High, too high. His EQ is all over the top!

Shi Senming was still teasing, "Did you see that? Lin Weixiang and Liu Shiyu, can you learn the language art of Brother Xuexing? Chatting with the two of you can easily choke someone to death!"

Xiangguo snorted coldly, dismissing it.

"What's the use of being able to talk? I don't expect to make a living by live broadcasting. Professional players, can

Winning is the key! "

Shi Senming held back a word—then you didn't see you win Gu Xing, did you?

He didn't dare to speak. Xiao Ming, the younger brother in the team, suspected that if he dared to say that, he would be expelled from RNG tomorrow for playing League of Legends openly in the training room.

"Tuigui, Brother Xing's dominance is really full..." Lin Weixiang exclaimed, "Shi Yiye's strength!"

Shen Guanshan, who had already cut to the official live broadcast room, didn't know how the seven wolves commented on Gu Xing's interview.

But she can watch the barrage.

In the early morning in China, countless netizens woke up and rushed in to watch the game.

Originally thought that the game could be delayed until the morning, so they could watch the second half.

However, when he entered the live broadcast room, he saw Gu Xing holding the FMVP trophy and being interviewed?

Hundreds of thousands of netizens suddenly fell into ecstasy!

They were even more excited when they heard Gu Xing's interview.

[Crazy crazy! It's okay, brother, this crazy energy! 】

[It’s still the same sentence, watching Brother Xing fill the cup, you will feel that it is a matter of course, and you will not think that this person’s boastful attitude is too arrogant]

[The heartthrob is like this, there is no way for Sister Li to say something, Queshi is very good at emotional intelligence]

[Respecting your opponent is also respecting yourself. SKT was very strong in the past few years. First, we should make a small group of opponents, and then set goals for ourselves. We will take care of everything in place]

[What kind of skin to choose for winning the championship... oh, MSI doesn't have a skin, so it's okay, it's not too much to send a VG icon for the horse suit, right? 】

[Brother Xing is top-notch, and Prince Duan is also very strong. He also won 4 championships a year, but the support is not taken seriously. If you look closely, he is also a top-notch operation monster. That hand Bron is pleasing to the eye! 】

After appreciating the reactions of domestic netizens, Shen Guanshan turned off the barrage and saw his boyfriend with a clear and clean smile on the screen.

"The last question is something I'm curious about personally.

Maybe many viewers here, including those on the Internet, have the same doubts as me..."

The host looked at Gu Xing full of curiosity, "In the fourth game, how did Wei's last team fight push Pray and Gori together?"

There were chattering discussions at the scene.

The magnificent scene created by VG winning the championship just now made everyone temporarily forget about Gu Xing's outrageous operation that led to the sudden death of Dragon Ball.

Now after being reminded by the host, everyone finally reacted.

"That's right, I've played Vi, and the R skill can't achieve that effect at all!

"Obviously Pray is on Wei's charge path, why is he pushed forward? Aren't they all pushed to the side?"

"That wave of operations reminded me of Dota2's mammoth, it felt a bit like that, pushing the opponent to the position I wanted... Gu Xing didn't expect the host to ask about the game content at the end.

But he organizes the language very quickly.

"As we all know, when Wei uses his ultimate move, he will push the enemies on the charge path to the sides. This description is not so accurate. The most reasonable way to say it is "push the enemies to the direction perpendicular to the charge path"."

"The situation will be completely different if Vi uses Flash on the way to cast the R skill."

Gu Xing talked eloquently.

"Wei's R flash will form a new connection line between the starting position of the ultimate move and the position after the flash, and then push the enemies on the charging path along the vertical direction of this new connection line."

He couldn't help laughing out loud when he said this.

"At that time, I used the R flash to adjust the angle. Not only did I bring the Mouse King into Wei's charge path, but I also just let the connecting line formed before and after my flash cover Pray, and ensured that the opponent was pushed to the vertical path and where Grela was. coincide."

"In short, it's a very simple math problem of plane geometry. As you know, I'm very good at this kind of knowledge..." Gu Xing was very modest, "Before doing it, you only need to calculate the path clearly, and then It’s good that the replica evolves into an operation, that’s all. The barrage in the domestic live broadcast room is full of question marks.

【WTF? Can you speak something understandable]

[If you don’t understand this, I suggest you go back and retake junior high school mathematics]

[Tuigui, Brother Xing's silver medal in the National Finals can be hidden, so it will come in handy here? 】

[This operation is too 6, it really made him an MSI champion! 】

The two translators were shocked and told everyone the truth about Gu Xing's interview answers.

Gu Xing finally added "that's all", but no one took it seriously.

Have fun.

The critical moment of the MSI decisive round is the flaws exposed in the blink of an eye. Gu Xing calculated everything clearly and decisively put it into action...

How could it be nothing more than that? There was an uproar at the scene.

The Brazilian audience can stuff an egg into their mouths.

"Fuck!" Goo Sung-bin spoke Chinese and Tibetan with a perfect accent, and turned to look at his jungler, "Jankos, can you make it? Jankos' face is pale.

Fortunately, his complexion was fair, so the change in expression was not very conspicuous at first glance.

"If I were allowed to re-enact the training mode, it might be easy...but it would be unbelievably difficult to play in a match of such intensity as the MSI finals!"

When it comes to the arena, the pressure faced by the players is completely different from the usual private training!

Jankos asked himself. He certainly wouldn't play like that.

Even if outsiders give him the nickname Europe's No. 1 Blood King, he, who is known for his reckless attributes, will not engage in such tricks in key rounds!

In the view of Jankos, it is a safer choice to directly kill Gerila and switch to Dalong.

Thinking of this, he was even more convinced by Gu Xing.

If he dared to play a decisive game in the decisive game, success is the best reward for Gu Xing!

There was thunderous applause from the audience, and Gu Xing raised the trophy towards the stands for the last time to bid farewell to Rio de Janeiro.

Putting on the silver-white team flag, he walked towards the backstage with his head held high and his chest held high.

The golden rain fell all over the sky again, and the golden light above Gu Xing's head looked free and easy.

"Brother Xing, look at the camera!" The official cameraman Yicun reminded him holding up a cannon barrel.

Gu Xing looked around, and the next moment he saw Yicun, he burst into a dazzling smile and made a gesture of scissors.

The posture is slightly rustic.

But every move is full of the youthful vigor and complacency of young people.

Yicun pressed the shutter and took multiple sets of photos of Gu Xing in succession, intending to choose the most suitable one and send it to fill the headline of the official client.

"Congratulations!" He sincerely congratulated Gu Xing.

"You've worked hard for the past half month!" Gu Xing stretched out his hand to shake hands with the audience above the backstage channel, chatting with Yicun with one mind, "Could you lend those photos back to our club? It might be a documentary."

The number of flights to Brazil is limited, and there is no full-time cameraman in the VG training department.

The group photos of the whole team are placed in Jin Wenhe's mobile phone, and there are not many stock photos.

"No problem!" Yicun agreed very happily, "When the time comes, you can ask for it, and I will definitely satisfy what I can do!"

Gu Xing patted the other party's shoulder, "Let's go out for dinner tonight, let's come together...Try the Chinese food here, I haven't tried it in half a month since I've been here!"

He is very good at maintaining a friendly relationship with everyone.

In the eyes of many professional players, socializing is extremely tedious and difficult, but when Gu Xing comes here, it becomes more comfortable!

Especially after he climbed to the top of the e-sports circle, interpersonal communication is extremely simple.

Just tell a cold joke from Shen Guanshan, and many people will laugh in agreement.

After making an appointment with Yicun to communicate on WeChat, Gu Xingcai turned and walked into the lounge.

"Oh..." Jack sat down on the gaming chair, performing Ge Youpan live, "I almost exhausted my buddy to death!"


There were only four rounds in the final.

But Yu Wenbo felt exhausted like never before.

The reason is that Dragon Ball is too strong, and I don't know how much higher the pressure created by the opponents in the domestic league is!

Jack is also a militant by nature. Delevingne's total use record of nearly 10,000 games over the years has made his bloody and brutal playing style deeply ingrained.

It is very apt to describe it as 'Yu Wenbo's hands are itchy and eager to fight'.

Seeing Dragon Ball desperately looking for a chance to fight in the final, Jack can't wait to fight the opponent for 300 rounds!

But Gu Xing's operation command is not to fight unprepared battles, and keeps suppressing Yu Wenbo in the voice, making him pay attention to his position and the frequency of blood changes.

Only then can Jack safely implement the operation transfer strategy and try hard to control his killing instinct.

He's not enjoying himself now, and even wants to go back to the hotel to watch another ranking game, and use Draven to kill everyone!

"Rest for a quarter of an hour, and there will be a post-match group visit later." Jin Wenhyuk opened the door and came in to inform the team members.

There were howls in the room.

"Why are there still interviews?" Kuro was very dissatisfied, "Why don't you leave early and have dinner?"

Complaints are complaints, and they can't do away with the process arranged by Fist.

Xiao Duan simply studied the championship medal awarded by Da Luo.

"Fist is also a fool. Last year's World Championship won a silver-plated medal, and MSI, which is less important, actually awarded a gold medal..." Duan Deliang murmured.

"There is no way it can be like this," Hou Ye said, "After all, the main color of the World Championship is colder, and the MSI is a golden color, so it is reasonable to award gold medals."

Gu Xing took out his mobile phone from his bag, and after turning it on, he first announced the good news to his parents and relatives.

My friend Ding Ran was so excited that he sent him a series of awesome and 666, as if he was going to start the repeater business.

Shen Guanshan sent him a video of learning a cafeteria, in which many students were watching MSI's post-match interviews with their mobile phones, as a hobby outside of heavy schoolwork. There were also a few fanatical fans who shouted a few cheers for VG.

Gu Xing dialed a video call, and when Shen Guanshan picked it up, he could still hear the sound of tableware clashing in the other party's background.

But it was his girlfriend's face that stood out the most.

"...You have red eyes, you can go to the zoo to be a rabbit when you turn around," Gu Xing said in a happy mood now, "Could it be that you cried out of excitement after watching the live broadcast?"

Shen Guanshan took a bite of the warm egg-scrambled toast, and the bread was fried and toasted with butter, and the aroma was overflowing, "Why didn't I realize that you were so narcissistic before? I'm bloodshot from staying up all night and not getting enough sleep, okay?

"Take classes during the day and watch the game all night at night," she muttered, "It's a good thing you won, if you lose the final, I think my mentality will explode!"

Gu Xing looked at the slightly haggard and beautiful face of his girlfriend on the side of the camera, and his heart moved slightly.

Just as he was about to say something, he heard Jin Wenhyuk's urging, telling the players to rush to accept the post-match group interview.

"Go quickly," Shen Guanshan covered his mouth and yawned, "I have to go back to catch up on sleep after breakfast, and we can talk before you go to bed at night."

She has always paid the most attention to the quality of sleep. In high school, she had to ensure eight or nine hours of rest a day to ensure that she had sufficient energy.

Now staying up late to watch a final, the mood is like riding a roller coaster, fluctuating up and down with the situation facing VG and Gu Xing.

As a result, I am so exhausted now, I am afraid that I will fall asleep if I get on the pillow when I go back to the dormitory.

Gu Xing said goodbye to her warmly, put away his mobile phone and followed his teammates to the post-match group interview room set up by Riot.

As usual, there is a row of long tables, and the players and the coaching team sit facing the reporters.

Among them, Xiao Duan received the most interrogation.

Just now on the main stage, the host was limited by time and other factors, so he didn't conduct an in-depth interview with him.

Now it's the turn of the post-match group interview, Xiao Duan naturally doesn't want to escape the clutches of the media.

Duan Deliang as 201

6 An old member of the summer limited edition VG, who received the same collective honor as Gu Xing, the reporters are very interested in how he maintains his competitiveness.

"The secret to maintaining a high-level competitive state for a year..." He read the question first and took the opportunity to think.

"The skill is to train hard, and to divide different methods according to the player's own style." Duan Deliang replied sincerely.

"Some players with a particularly strong view of the overall situation will focus on analyzing the video to grasp the control of the situation, ignoring the practice of qualifying."

"And I will put more emphasis on operation, so I always ensure that I have enough time to maintain the feel. This is what I trust and pay attention to the most.

Duan Deliang groaned and groaned at the end, he seems to have been infected with the humor bacteria, and it is rare for him to make a joke.

"Of course, another important factor to maintain competitiveness is to find a group of good teammates with unique insight," he pointed to Gu Xing, "teaming with Xiao Gu, victory is so simple!"

There was laughter in the media area.

A reporter from China Rabbitwan.com looked at Gu Xing again.

"Although someone has already interviewed Brother Xing on the main stage, we would like to ask two more questions..."

"Today's victory is called by many netizens as the champion who is separated by half the circumference of the equator. The distance between Rio and China is a full 40,000 miles. May I ask Virtue player, what would you like to say to everyone who is thousands of miles away?"

Gu Xing straightened his back, held up the microphone in front of him, and spoke after a moment of deliberation.

"First of all, I would like to thank my parents, without them, I would not have the outstanding e-sports talent; I also want to thank my friends, who have sent me encouragement and blessings before and after the game...

His voice is loud, clear but not sharp.

"There are still countless domestic audiences," Gu Xing said with a smile, "During the group stage, I said, 'I still need to watch the VG game? When I wake up, it will be another victory'. Is this really true?

"I know that there are many netizens in China who stay up all night with VG, and thank you for your support. Even in a foreign country, we can still feel the firm strength from the bottom of our hearts.

The reporters thought that his answer was over, and they were going to target the rest of the players.

But I heard Gu Xing continue to speak slowly.

"Today is May 22nd in China, and May 21st is still in Rio. I know it might be a bit tacky to say this day, but I still want to add something.

"We can't get together today in 2017, but there are still many May 21sts in the future."

The reporters in the audience instantly turned into Saiyan forms, and what's more, their eyes glowed green, as if they had found breaking news.

Gu Xing didn't intend to hide it either.

If there is a player with average popularity, he can hide it if he has a partner.

It is not realistic to let him hide.

It's easy to be recognized by people when you go out for a meal, so where can you hide such a living person like Shen Guanshan?

When Qian Jue's champion skin was released, there were posts on the Internet confirming that he was definitely in a relationship, otherwise the action of returning to the city could not be designed like that.

Instead of being picked up by others to take the passivity, Gu Xing would rather shake it out when he has no burden from the current public opinion.

Of course, he won't talk too much, just stop at the end, and his girlfriend is not someone who needs to show his face in front of the audience, unlike Gu Xing himself.

Jack was also very envious, "Old Gu is really a winner in life...it's all because of him!"

Duan Deliang, who was sitting next to him, looked at him, "Come on, stay in the championship team at the beginning, and you will be the league champion + MSI champion in less than a year after your debut. Is your life not good?"

When Yu Wenbo came out of Huanggang, he started off much higher than ordinary professional players. The height of the 14-year-old national server king is destined to be different.

Duan Deliang still remembers that before his debut, in order to join the team, his parents ignored him, and he borrowed money for the train ticket.

From my hometown, I took a green leather car and gnawed steamed buns all the way to play professionally. I finally stayed for a month and a half before I got a thousand

block wages.

After working so hard, I finally got what I wanted and proved myself in the World Championship.

With banknotes in hand, I can finally get some care from my parents after paying off the family's foreign debts.

Duan Deliang compared and felt that Jack's script was the real winner!

The scene was chaotic for a while because of Gu Xing's answer, and finally calmed down.

It was the Shiquan staff who knew how to read words and expressions, and asked Sb questions to change the topic.

"Sb players defeated Dragon Ball where many former teammates belonged on the final stage today. How do you feel?"

The smile on Song Jinghao's face has not stopped since winning the championship.

"Very happy," he replied truthfully, "I can only say that their level is not very high, and they have to continue to practice for a while before challenging me."

"Besides, the Dragon Ball team has a lot of stalks..." Song Jinghao looked at Kuro, and the two looked at each other tacitly, smiling very happily.

Before Dragon Ball invested capital and changed its name, it was called Imiraeb the club where the two met when they debuted.

Xuan Ming and Xiao Hua Sheng were in Najin back then.

In this way, the members of the former Tigers collectively achieved the achievement of working together at another club.

Sb's final today is equivalent to beating up old teammates and old clubs!

Win twice, win-win!

"Don't talk too much, just wish Dragon Ball can break into the World Championship under the leadership of the three of them in the future, I want to play against them again!" Song Jinghao said at the end, he was really stuck in Bengbu, smiling like a flower.

He doesn't know now that Dragon Ball will change the team name again in the future, and truly engrave that team name on the historical monument of League of Legends.

After the game, the group interview was over, and the hungry VG players went to the Chinese restaurant near the Olympic Stadium together with the host commentary cameraman who was also in Rio.

Jin Wenhe is very caring. He is afraid that the Chinese food near Brazil has undergone all kinds of strange localization improvements like the United States, so he specially found a hot pot restaurant that will not step on the pit.

This is also the most acceptable domestic food for the two Korean aid.

Gu Xing put a whole plate of beef into the pot, watched the bubbling hot pot, and turned on the anti-bar to surf while waiting.

Two hours have passed since VG won the championship, and public opinion has already fermented.

Now the hot post on the anti bar is congratulations to VG for winning the mid-season championship.

Gu Xing clicked in and took a look, and there were all kinds of discussions overwhelming.

[What a handsome VG, hit the dragon ball on the ground! 】

[Reasonable discussion, is brother Xing the nemesis of Peanut? As long as we meet, it will be a violent beating]

[Peanut is really a proper super soldier. From last summer to this spring, he met VG and lost in two matches.]

[Khan is even more top-notch. In the last two games, the teams brought heroes to his menu. Together, he pushed two defensive towers. It’s so cute, brother! 】

[VG Chong Chong Chong, Brother Xing and Prince Duan are very close to the grand slam! 】

[Facts have proved that although Kuro is not that strong, he is really suitable for VG. A mid laner who does not eat resources and a top brother is almost invincible in the world! 】

[Not strong yet? The BDD who boasted to the sky before the game was beaten to the breakthrough of the delirious earth-bound spirit, what else do you want? 】

Gu Xing looked very cool.

But these are not what he wants.

Hold the beef with chopsticks and slide your fingers down.

Finally he found his real goal - Korean Internet Inven real-time comment transfer post!

There is nothing more satisfying than watching victim feedback!


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