What is a hexagon jungler?

340: A breakthrough has been made!

Witnessing the successive deaths of Peanut and BDD, the Brazilian spectators at the scene waved light sticks excitedly, like surging waves in the stands of the stadium.

When the waves gather together and beat on the wall, a stormy sea will be set off in an instant!

"Prince Duan's protection ability is too strong," I remember with a red face, "Bron's hand is simply superb!"

The baby's voice was even more impassioned, "That's right, he rescued Brother Xing by himself, ruining all the plots of Dragon Ball!"

When the five members of VG went to the Dalongkeng in a group, the director also gave a replay of the last battle.

Miller was so absorbed that he didn't want to miss a single detail.

"Just now when Little Peanut was about to make a move, Lord Duan happened to be moving up the river, and it looked like he was going to the Dalongkeng to make an eye." If you are ambushed, turn back to the wild area decisively!"

In slow motion, Braum's flashing W [Stand Up] operation is extremely smooth and silky, and he raises his shield in front of the male gun to help block Syndra's burst damage!

Then the scene of Gu Xing turning around and killing Little Peanut in seconds with a burst of damage caused bursts of exclamation in the stands!

The group of seven wolves laughed constantly.

"What is Peanut doing here?" Lin Weixiang hummed and laughed, "Brother Xing, give him two shots!"

Peanut's kick is quite handsome, the Q eye WR flashes and then follows the second Q, the movement is not sloppy.

Too bad it didn't work.

"How do you say that word?" Xiangguo was also very proud, "You can't do what you can!"

Shi Senming couldn't help but interjected, "Brother Xing is really suitable for offline competitions...the bigger the scene, the better the state."

The director just gave a close-up of Gu Xing's face after killing Dragon Ball Nakano.

In the picture, the boy in the short-sleeved team uniform clenched his hands, the muscle lines of his forearm were clearly visible, and he shouted something excitedly.

"The social fear is so red, there is no way for Sister Li to tell me." Lin Weixiang echoed in his substandard Mandarin.

It can only be said that the joys and sorrows of people are not the same.

The VG members headed by Gu Xing are having a carnival.

In the LCK commentary seat, Roaring Emperor held his forehead and showed pain.

"Peanut has done his best, even if he can't kill Virtue?"

Jin Dongjun pursed his lips and remained silent, apparently entering a state of autism.

CloudTemplar answered at the right time, "Looks like Dragon Ball doesn't plan to defend Dalong anymore. The duo is advancing in the middle lane, and Khan in the bottom lane is also pushing the second tower... Try to stop the loss as much as possible."

After Nakano was killed in battle, Dragon Ball was completely unable to compete for Baron Nash by relying on the two output positions of Hanbing and Qinggangying.

They had to trade towers.

"But the income of the two defensive towers is really not enough in front of the big dragon BUFF!" Roaring Emperor's heart was clouded, "How will Dragon Ball defend VG's advance?"

The atmosphere of the Dragon Ball contestants under the camera is extremely dull.

"Ah Yixi..."

Little Peanut uttered Tibetan words very rarely, and his expression was extremely annoyed.

Losing the first big dragon is tantamount to a blow to Dragon Ball's lineup that strives to gain an advantage in the early and mid-term!

Unless the follow-up VG suffers from illness one after another, what awaits Dragon Ball will be a slow death!

BDD stares straight in the eyes.

He originally thought of killing Gu Xing in one wave, extracting the huge bounty from the other party, so that he could reconnect and catch up with the development.

But not only failed to drop the male gun in seconds, but also put his own life in it!

Now I am Syndra 0/4, and I don't even have two big pieces all over my body.

What to use to fight the damage?

The roar of Baron Nash's death came from the earphones, which was also mixed with the roaring shouts of the audience, as if they were declaring the failure of Dragon Ball!

"Let me procrastinate a little longer," Khan put forward his own thoughts, "maybe I can flatten their high ground!"

The second tower has been destroyed by him, and the high ground is close at hand.

Khan struggled in the bottom lane for 10 minutes, and finally made a breakthrough, and now he is still dreaming of relying on the single belt to save the team from the fire and water.

But VG's defense is impeccable.

Gu Xing's ability to control the overall situation has reached its peak, and at a glance, he can see that the only remaining comeback for Dragon Ball may be to rely on a single belt.

"Let's push the middle and lower lanes, and give the upper half to the opponent," he said in an orderly manner, "Jack, follow Lao Duan and Ruixing to the middle lane, and I'll go down with Maibo!"

With the help of the enhanced return to the city provided by the Baron's Hand, Gu Xing went to the spring to make up a small magic-drinking knife, then filled his backpack with real eyes, and started to push forward with his teammates.

Khan saw that everyone in VG appeared in the bottom lane, and knew that he could no longer threaten the enemy's high ground in a short time.


With his plan shattered, he swallowed his anger and had no choice but to run up, preparing to vent his anger towards the second tower on VG.

But it took Khan half a minute just to rush to the road + deal with the pawn line.

At this time, VG Ueno has pushed down the next tower of Dragon Ball, and is still moving forward!

The other three teammates also came to the second tower of Dragon Ball, relying on the big dragon BUFF to keep wearing down the blood volume of the defensive tower.

"If the order on the opposite side doesn't come back, we will keep tearing it down. We need at least two high grounds!" Gu Xing made clear his goal.

Dragon Ball is still organizing defenses on the front, trying to obstruct VG's advancement and delay the single belt time for Khan's Qinggang Ying.

It's just that their strength is stretched.

The mouse king's ice does not have the ability to move and escape, and must be protected by his teammates. Greilla can only follow him every step of the way.

The two elders Xuanming guarded the middle lane with the widest view, and they could escape at any time if they were Gank.

The two unlucky ones in the middle and wild guarded the bottom road.

It seems that there is no problem, and the deployment is still scientific and reasonable.

But the key problem is that Dragon Ball will not move soldiers!

At present, there will be a cannon soldier in every two waves of soldiers. With the blessing of the dragon BUFF, it becomes fleshy and output.

On the front of Dragon Ball, only double Cs can clear the line of soldiers. The blind monk and gems, the melee Nosuke, are helpless against the minions whose blood volume has increased!

In Double C, even if there is a hurricane in the ice, the damage to the pawn line is very limited, and Duan Deliang's Bron often holds up his shield to help the pawns block the output of basic attacks.

BDD's Syndra is even worse. Her equipment is too poor, and her continuous damage ability is very limited, so she can't deal with the vast number of soldiers at all!

Dragon Ball is losing ground.

When Khan pushed the second tower of VG to half the blood, the front was already approaching the city, and his teammate Gou was trembling in the high tower!

"Look at me!" Kuro said in the voice.

He manipulated the ice girl to hand over E [Glacier Path], the crampons are located in the high ground in the middle of Dragon Ball!

The duo beside Li Ruixing immediately moved forward, as if they were ready to charge and jump the tower at any time.

Gerila hastily handed over E [Glare] to block the landing of the crampons, preventing Kuro from suddenly handing over the second-stage E and rushing over.

Shu Wang took two steps back for safety's sake.

It turned out that this was what Kuro wanted.

"Jie Kuo presses forward!" He urged his teammates to act quickly.

Yu Wenbo took advantage of the gap between the mouse king's retreat and Geruila's important control skills, and officially set foot on the Dragon Ball Heights. The arrows in his hands kept shooting at the enemy's defense towers!

The two elders Xuanming lost control of the pass guarding the high ground, and could only watch VG advance the line of troops to demolish the high ground in the middle!

"Come and help push down the road," Gu Xing commanded, "Rui Xing, you don't need to come here, just pick up the pawn line in the middle!"

The VG duo put pressure on Dragon Ball's bottom lane highland from the side, forcing Dragon Ball's Nakano to retreat.

The double shooter is placed here, and the tower demolition speed is extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, the Dragon Ball Highlands also fell!

Thousands of miles away, Khan demolished the second tower on VG and was on his way to the high ground.

Gu Xing glanced at the situation on the front line and made a decisive decision.

"Push, directly demolish the opposite base!"

Like to split push, right?

If you have the ability, don't come back for the rest of your life!

Kuro's wiring move just now came in handy.

Limited by the direct threat of the Ice Girl and the indirect threat of Galio, Xuanming and the Elders were unable to deal with the mid laner in time when the four of VG pushed down.

Now that VG wants to push Dragon Ball's front tooth tower, there is no need to wait for a wave of soldiers, and they can launch an offensive again by relying on the small soldiers in the middle!

The four members of Dragon Ball huddled near the front tooth tower, watching the pawn line pouring in from the middle and the entire VG team watching eagerly, and realized that the opponent did not want to let it go.

Seeing that Khan hadn't flattened VG's high ground tower, Gerila quickly called his teammates to come back to defend.

Khan cut the screen and took a look.

Without using his brain, he knew that if he insisted on soloing, his own base would explode before he took off VG and hit the high ground!

VG's ability to end the game after getting the dragon BUFF is really terrifying.

Many LCK teams still follow the strategy of boiling frogs in warm water after getting Baron Nash. Come out and play slowly.

But VG doesn't play this trick at all!

The posture is extremely tough, and the advance speed before is too fast, so that Khan can no longer rely on VG to go on the road.

Forced to be helpless, Khan had no choice but to hand over the teleportation, ready to come back to defend with his teammates.

Through the small map, the entire VG team saw the teleportation light emerging from Qing Gangying's body!

"Look for his TP position quickly," Duan Deliang reminded his teammates, "Don't let him get around!"

The Dragon Ball incisor tower on the front did not light up the teleportation, and Khan was bound to go to other places to make a big move.

Gu Xing's mouse was shaking rapidly, and the angle of view kept switching between inside and outside of Dragon Ball Heights.

The teleportation point also emits a rotating light, which can even be seen through the fog of war.

The difference is that when there is no view at the landing point, the system will not give a prompt, and you must search for the corresponding position by yourself to see the rotation!

Due to the previous advancement of VG, the eye positions arranged in the lower half area are quite in place, and there is no blind spot in the field of vision.

Then Khan's teleportation point will only be in the Ueno area!

Gu Xing's brain turned quickly, and quickly locked on the general position of the target.

The next step is to search outside the high ground of Dragon Ball, and at the same time cut back to prevent Dragon Ball from suddenly attacking from the front.

Usually, he rarely switches perspectives too quickly, and now he is inevitably feeling a little dazzled.

But Gu Xing only needs to see that touch of scarlet that symbolizes the enemy's teleportation!

The European and American referees standing behind him were all attracted by his high-speed cutting screen.

Finally, Gu Xing successfully locked the area next to the Dragon Ball Three Wolves camp.

In the fog of war, Qing Gangying's teleportation light has not dissipated!

"Let's start the group directly, and kill all the fronts first!" Gu Xing marked Khan's teleportation location twice, and at the same time explained the main points in a concise manner.

Since Qing Gangying's teleportation location is not a short distance from the frontal battlefield.

Naturally, Gu Xing would not let go of this golden opportunity.

He wants to end the battle before Khan arrives at the battlefield!

Hearing Gu Xing's order to start a group, Kuro gave the crampons again without hesitation, and the landing point was right in the middle of the two front tooth towers of Dragon Ball!

Before the opponent could retreat, he triggered the second stage E in advance.

The displacement distance is very short, but enough.

In the next moment, he operated the ice girl to flash forward!

W [Ring of Frost] activates the imprisonment effect first.

Then there is R [Frozen Tomb]!

The coffin made of dark ice wrapped Lissandra heavily, and the power of extreme cold radiated from her body spread everywhere, affecting the three heroes of Dragon Ball!

Jack threw a big move, and the chain of corruption aimed at the jewel knight who didn't evade the control.

Gu Xing's simple and unpretentious AQE, using the enemy's front tooth tower as a rebound, the damage from the bombardment bombarded by the gunpowder bullets dropped this gem five levels behind him in seconds!

For Dragon Ball, the only good news is that Gerila used R [Cosmic Radiance] before his death, which is more or less effective.

But the problem is that the gem's ultimate move needs a 2.5-second delay to land.

How can Dragon Ball survive this 2.5 seconds?

Syndra of BDD also wants to use RE to play Tiannv Sanhua, control the VG character, and create a living space for teammates.

However, Duan Deliang's Bron stood up again and raised his shield forward to block Syndra's push!

Smeb opened E [Justice Blow] to enter the field, and charged Durand's shield to taunt.

Even though the Mouse King flashed away in the first place.

But Gu Xing flashed past.

The Ultimate Bomb!

The moment the big move was fired, Gu Xing still had the strength to make up for a general attack, and the smoke bomb that covered the mouse king's head immediately cut off his vitality completely!

Yu Wenbo's Q [Piercing Arrow] is extremely precise, passing through Pray's body and emptying his blood bar!

The three-and-a-half-piece Gu Xing is unstoppable under the dragon ball incisor tower, and Galio of Smeb also uses R [Tough Bear Appears] to provide him with a high damage reduction effect!

The only character in Dragon Ball who lasted until 2.5 seconds to land the gem's ultimate move is Peanut!

Khan came late and saw his teammates fell to the ground one after another. He was very loyal and didn't want to live alone.

Simply use the hook to build a wall with R [Hex Ultimatum] Gu Xing who wants to lose the remaining 1/3 of his health in seconds.

As a result, as soon as AQ made a move, Jack flashed over and gave him a healing spell!

Although the amount of milk is not particularly large.

But it's enough for Gu Xing!

His pure man layers have been superimposed, and he looks quite strong in the face of Dragon Ball Ueno dual physical heroes.

"The milk is good!" Gu Xing praised him.

"You still want to kill Lao Gu? There's no way!" Jack grinned.

The passive [Desire for Vengeance] was triggered, and Verus, whose attack speed had been raised to the extreme, rained arrows crazily.

Dragon Ball Ueno's frankness may not be as good as Gu Xing's black cut + green cross, and he was quickly beaten to death!

Group off!

Gu Xing still had 77 points of blood left, and survived with difficulty.

The two front tooth towers fell to the ground, and the remaining main crystal was unguarded and could not withstand the devastation of VG.

At 26 minutes and 43 seconds, the Dragon Ball base exploded!

At the same time, the atmosphere of watching the game was also detonated, and the noise caused by the 20,000 spectators went straight to the sky!

"Two to one, VG took the lead to get the match point!" Wawa's voice was full of enthusiasm, "They are one step away from the first MSI championship trophy in their team history!"

The camera is aimed at the VG player seats.

The five team members celebrated briefly after taking off their earphones, and then walked to the backstage amidst the cheers of the scene.

Gu Xing's expression was cheerful, his face was flushed with excitement after he just won the key game, but he also looked full of vitality and vigor, full of youthful feeling.

"VG's decision-making is quite decisive, and the level of operation has completely crushed Dragon Ball." I remember smiling brighter as I talked, "The single-band system that Khan is proud of has not played its due role in this game!"

"Originally, Dragon Ball gave Khan Qinggangying to fight Galio, and it was made clear that he was to be involved in the side lanes in the mid-to-late stage," Miller Bengbu said. "In the end, Khan only took out two players in 26 minutes. A defensive tower!"

Shi Senming shook his head again and again, "VG's operation is really weird, it's leak-proof, and it can't even catch any flaws!"

He admired him immensely, and felt that the other party's operation level was outrageous!

Xiangguo picked up a lychee and stuffed it into his mouth, and he responded vaguely, "Thinking about how we were killed by Smeb's solo play in the spring competition, it is a proper difference in strength..."

Today Smeb also chose the front row of the team, but the whole VG team put pressure on the lower half of the team by Gu Xingzhu, pushed the middle tower to prevent Dragon Ball from taking the line, and so on, so that Khan did not dare to lead alone!

The speed of the bullet screen in the live broadcast room was beyond imagination. Seeing VG win the match point, the enthusiasm of netizens was fully ignited.

[Okay, ok, lord, just like this operation! If I can run the LCK to death, VG is my home team! 】

[One thing to say, Dragon Ball is like a headless chicken. Every time it makes trouble first, it will be sanctioned by VG in the end, and it will lose even more]

[Dragon Ball classic LPL defeat method, the reckless attack in the early stage was caught and the opportunity was counterattacked, and the mid-term operation was played by VG. If it didn’t work, the blind monk kicked a roundabout kick to try to clear the white...】

[I've seen this plot in the group stage! Isn’t that how Dragon Ball lost at the time? It’s been a week and I haven’t made much progress]

[VG gave me the tulle dragon ball fiercely, I will go to Inven to get my face today! 】

Lin Weixiang was still very envious, "Just a short game away from winning the championship. How long has it been since Jack has been firmly in the starting lineup? He is almost winning the MSI championship. He is so popular!"

Instead of consoling Liu Qingsong, he stabbed his good brother twice, "That's right, look at him and then look at you? An ADC born in 1998 doesn't even have a league championship!"

"What are you barking at?" Lin Weixiang was very dissatisfied, "Aren't you also from 1998?"

"I'm a support, okay?" Liu Qingsong has reason and evidence, "There are many older players who support and achieve results. I have never seen an older ADC win the championship!"

Lin Weixiang didn't reply.

I was very upset in my heart, but I couldn't find any reason to refute.

In international competitions, the age of ADC results is generally too young.

The oldest winners are S1's LaMia, S2Bebe, and S6's Imp. All three of them won the global finals at the age of 21.

Lin Weixiang is 19 years old, and there is not much time left for him.

"No, I don't even understand LPL, what world championship do you want?" Lin Weixiang regained his composure after realizing it.

Before he could speak, he heard Xiangguo say shit.

Chinese is extensive and profound, and the same sentence can have different meanings according to different intonations.

Liu Shiyu was obviously amazed.

The MVP selection session was played on the screen.

There is no suspense about the candidate, it is destined to be Gu Xing.

I have to say that the director is very good at choosing makeup photos.

I don't know which corner of the photo it came from. Gu Xing in it is holding a gun, which complements Graves behind him.

4399 Counterpoint Economy Leads

34.4% of the team's output ratio

9/0/7 Battle Damage Ratio

The average output of 698...

The luxurious data is not like a jungler, even scarier than the C position in the team!

"Tuigui, today's jungle is full of mutual explosions..." Shi Senming praised again and again.

In the first and third rounds, Gu Xing used trolls to drive the rhythm of the audience, and operated the male gun to show the ability to create damage that dominated the audience.

The beaten Peanut has no power to fight back.

In the second set, Peanut's black technology is emerald and refreshing, and he retaliates fiercely.

It's just that now the initiative is in Gu Xing's hands.

Dragon Ball has no way out!

In the backstage lounge, the atmosphere within the Dragon Ball team was still very heavy.

"We can't play single belt, or we shouldn't use it," Greila said calmly as always, and was still advising the team, "Let Donghe play the hero who forcibly enters the field, can we rush in and disrupt the battle?"

Khan disagreed, "It's not that I haven't tried the role of Kled in the group stage, and I can't win at all!"

In the second set of the final, Dragon Ball also used Kled to chase points.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that the key player in that game was Cui Shen, whose legs were long enough to play basketball with splits.

But VG is not an iron-headed baby, and it is destined not to get the Emerald God for Dragon Ball in the future. Kled's development and small-scale team battle ability will be greatly limited!

"I can't play in the battle, and I can't win with a single belt... so what should I do?" Shu Wang was also infected with the bear virus by Gu Xing, and asked a puzzled question with both hands.

The two common tactics used by the Dragon Ball team since its establishment are single-band split push and chaotic battles.

If you choose another lineup, the effect will definitely be greatly reduced!

"Why don't you try playing solo?" Little Peanut suggested, "You have to be careful in the mid-term, you can't beat it slowly, but you can't lose the middle tower!"

The basis of the split-push tactic is a tower in the middle.

This is related to whether the duo can occupy the center line, and then use the line right to create space for the winger to advance.

Peanut felt that the turning point of the last game was that the middle tower fell too early.

As long as you lose 5 minutes late, Khan can create plenty of space!

Whether it is a follow-up jungle invasion, or the development of the four front-line teammates, Dragon Ball will have a certain degree of initiative.

Hearing what his jungler said, BDD lowered his face in shame.

If he hadn't been repeatedly caught by Gu Xing, the middle tower wouldn't have fallen so fast.

And looking at the audience, his proficient character Syndra failed to get any kills!

It is no exaggeration to say that BDD is the existence that hinders the game!

His seniority in the team is the younger among younger brothers, and his poor performance on the field has dragged down several teammates...

Although the kind little Peanut didn't name him for his poor performance, BDD was still ashamed.

Jin Jingzhu, who had been silent before, finally spoke at this time.

"Let's use single-band split-push," he directly set the tone, "If we improve the decision-making loopholes in the mid-term operation, we will win!"

As Edgar's direct disciple, Kim Jong-soo has never been very appreciative of the chaotic war style of play.

If it weren't for the amazing effect of the Dragon Ball players, he wouldn't have listed it as the team's main tactic!

In Kim Jong-soo's view, pushing and pulling is the most reasonable way for the team to win.

The lower limit of chaos is too low. Once there is a slight deviation, it is likely to ruin the entire game!

You know, Dragon Ball is now on the verge of life and death.

Kim Jong-soo naturally has to choose a system with a higher lower limit!

Seeing that everyone seemed to have different opinions, he blocked the players' mouths with the most appropriate and reasonable reasons.

"Think about how we lost in the group stage."

The Dragon Ball players were speechless.

At that time, Kim Jong-soo chose a chaotic lineup for them, but Dragon Ball fell into a downturn during that time, and the successive defeats were questioned by the outside world.

Judging from the past record, single-band split pushing is indeed a more stable choice.

Seeing that the contestants did not object, Jin Jingzhu nodded in satisfaction.

As we all know, Korean coaches have a strong desire to control the team.

But Kim Jung Soo's obsession in this regard is a bit crazy.

He just came to Dragon Ball half a year after he became a full-time assistant coach, and he already wanted to speak his mind and refused to accept other voices in the team.

The break between games was not long. As soon as the Dragon Ball players had finalized their overall strategy for the fourth game, and made a short and targeted replay of some of the mistakes they made in the game, they were notified by the staff to prepare to go on stage.

Little Peanut glanced at all the players, feeling that the atmosphere in the team was too low, and wanted to cheer them on.

"Don't be nervous, think about how we won G2 yesterday!" He grabbed BDD's shoulders, "It's also 1:2 behind, since we won the semi-finals yesterday, we can also chase two consecutive sets today!"

BDD twitched the corners of his mouth, his smile was forced.

Yesterday was so different.

When facing G2, Perkz certainly performed well, but it was nothing more than a relatively strong single-lane strength.

BDD has never been afraid of Solo, if he really wants to play heads-up, the current Lee Sang Hyuk may not be his opponent!

But VG doesn't talk about martial arts!

Kuro is as slippery as a loach, running to the side lanes and wild areas at every turn, and changing blood frequently if he is not in line with him.

Or just shake the jungler and come over to sanction him.

What kind of hero are you to bully the few?

Cunning villain!

The young and immature BDD was directly beaten to autism!

When he came to the stage, he saw Kuro's honest and honest face on the other side of the player's bench, and he shuddered unconsciously.

It was as if he had encountered some evil spirit.

Li Ruixing didn't know that the younger brother on the opposite side had already described him as an extremely sinister old oil in his heart, and he was still happily chatting with his teammates.

"The stats on Pingu's last disk are all refreshed," he shook Nuan Baobao, "Wang is really a dish, and he was ridden with tulle on his face hahaha..."

Before taking his seat, Gu Xing deliberately glanced at the Dragon Ball players' seats.

"Let's start with the mid laner in the next game," he said, "I feel that the mentality of the opponent's mid laner is a bit overwhelmed."

Behind Gu Xinggao's emotional quotient and social fear is his strong ability to perceive words and emotions.

Thanks to this, he knew how to prescribe the right medicine to bring the relationship closer.

Now Gu Xing feels that BDD mentality is on the verge of exploding.

He doesn't mind giving it a push!

Hongmi glanced at the Dragon Ball players' seats, but she didn't see any clues, but BDD's face was a little dark.

"Then Gu, you should do more things around the middle lane in the game." Hongmi trusted Gu Xing, "See how it works."

Without waiting for a few small talk, the fourth round of BP will officially begin!

After a short rest, the audience in the stands raised their spirits and gave applause and cheers to the ten contestants on the stage again!

After the two sides tried in the first three rounds, the BP thinking gradually became fixed.

Redmi is on the blue side this time, banning the enchantress that Kuro doesn't use, the green god who played well in the second game of Dragon Ball, and Khan's sword girl.

Only the last sword girl is flexible against Ban, preventing Dragon Ball from jumping over the wall to play an extreme single-band lineup.

Kim Jung-soo is more fixed.

He dare not let Kenan, who is bound to be red.

Lucian, who performed well in the first round of VG, also had to be sent to Ban.

He believes that the existence of Lu Xian has excessively affected the ecological environment on the road.

Khan's current Lucian level is quite green. In order to prevent the rest of the characters from being countered, Jin Jingzhu had to block it.

With the last ban left in the first round, he chose to give it to the male gun, in case Gu Xing, who was feeling hot, continued to choose.

In the commentary seat, the baby was still talking about the current BP situation.

"VG chose to snatch Lulu first and take a swing position as a central assistant. Dragon Ball is Ice Karma. The strength is quite good!"

In order to prevent Dragon Ball from jumping over the wall in a hurry, Redmi still made a certain sacrifice.

Otherwise, if he seals a soft assistant or ice, he can grab another swing position of the central assistant, so that the opponent cannot choose an overly outstanding lineup.

Now that Dragon Ball Karma Ice is in hand, it is indeed too comfortable to choose.

He chose Galio + Verus to improve lineup supplementary control, front row and core output.

"Dragon Ball Red Party's third choice...Jess?!"

Miller's eyes widened, "Dragon Ball is real? The sewer hero is back!"

In the current version environment, Jess is not considered strong.

The weakening of armor armor still has too much impact on him.

Who would have thought that Dragon Ball would be locked directly!

"But Dragon Ball's Jess has something to say, Khan is extremely proficient, and made countless achievements in the LCK Spring Split!" Miller did not take it lightly.

Redmi frowned.

He felt Dragon Ball's determination to make a desperate fight to shine.

In the second round of BP, Jin Jingzhu aimed at Gu Xing's hero pool and blocked the troll and Rexai.

Redmi banned Ryze and Rock Sparrow, and didn't want BDD to play 131 split push, and radiate the line power advantage to the side lanes to protect Jess.

"Dragon Ball's fourth selection of blind monk, there is no problem, save the swing position until the end..."

Remember the voice just fell.

I saw that VG chose an extremely outrageous combination.

In an instant, the scene was filled with restless noise!

"It's not impossible for the fox to get hit by Kuro... What's the situation in the jungle?"

The VG hero locked extremely fast.

Punch first, then ask questions when you punch!

The correct posture with fists in hand appears in the hero selection box!

This chapter says it has been restored.

Red envelope password: 58685689

How about a monthly pass when you get the red envelope? woo woo woo

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