What is a hexagon jungler?

146: Either stay with difficulty, or be brutally eliminated!

"Brother Long, you have hoarded this line of soldiers. I thought they were pushed over quickly, and almost had an accident when they invaded the opposite side..."

With big hands, Gu Xing held two meat buns with one palm, stared at the curtain in the training room, and muttered uncontrollably.

The video of last night's matchup was playing on the curtain.

Holding a bowl of oatmeal in his hand, Brother Long expressed his thoughts, "At that time, I thought that I would stockpile the wave of soldiers first and then push forward all at once, so as to put more pressure on Duke."

"Queshi can do it too," Gu Xing thought carefully, stuffed a mouthful of steamed stuffed buns into his mouth, picked up the laser pointer with his other free hand, and shone it on the Summoner Canyon on the curtain, "At that time, I was able to use the male gun from the road The side of the triangular grass is next to the wall, and Duke can’t see it, so there is a high probability that he will be unprepared.”

Zhu Xiaolong nodded fiercely, "That's right, it's more difficult to kill this Ike, but it's good to beat him up and force him to be teleported!"

Gu Xing swallowed the meatball in his mouth, and answered repeatedly, "When we two compete in the future, we should always pay attention to communicating more about the situation of the army line, so that we can breathe."

VG deliberately practiced wild core play, and line-wild linkage is one of the key skills.

After all, the jungler needs to know what is going on on the line before he can decide whether to counter-jungle or gank or counter-squat.

But people always have negligence.

Especially when the strength of the opponent is particularly high.

Yesterday, VG and SKT had the first day of training.

SKT, headed by 96Line, showed a sense of unity in both offense and defense!

This made the VG players quite overwhelmed.

Under high pressure, it is inevitable that forced mistakes will be made due to the persecution of others.

For example, the issue that Gu Xing and Brother Long discussed just now.

In normal games, Zhu Xiaolong will definitely notify his jungler when he sees that the pawn line is not in the right position.

Even if he didn't say anything, Gu Xing would still ask.

However, when facing SKT's training match, Brother Long was so busy going to line up with Duke that he forgot about it for a while.

Gu Xing was also thinking about calculating the position of the opposing jungler and the situation in the jungle, so he didn't bother to ask.

By mistake, Gu Xing plunged into the SKT jungle area, and was caught by the opponent!

SKT's support speed is quite fast. As long as there is no major problem with the pawn line, the two junglers will rush to the battlefield as soon as they meet.

Gu Xing gave Gu Xing a good beating, but fortunately, he had a flash and a big move.

But in the end, there was still blood left when he ran out, and the originally smooth rhythm broke down in an instant!

Imp, the limited version of Niaowotou, went downstairs and saw his teammates muttering in the training room to resume the game. He couldn't help laughing and teasing, "You're working so hard?"

"You can't succeed if you don't work hard." Gu Xing turned around and pointed to the whiteboard beside him, "I was beaten like that yesterday."

Markers were used to record yesterday's training match results on the tactical whiteboard.

Ever since Gu Xing learned wild nuclear tactics from Little Peanut, VG's winning rate in training matches against major teams in the competition area has risen, and the training lineup can generally be maintained at around 70%.

Even against ROX, it's 50-50.

But against SKT, the winning rate fell below 40% for the first time!

This made Gu Xing quite confused.

Logically speaking, SKT's performance in the summer split this year is not as good as the Tigers.

Why is VG's winning rate against SKT lower?

While the few people were chatting, other team members and coaches got up and went downstairs one after another.

"Do you feel that SKT is different from other teams?" Hongmi turned on the computer and asked the players casually.

The scrim against SKT went on until one o'clock in the morning.

Since we still have to go to Guangzhou today, Redmi just resumed the game hastily in the early morning and let the players go to rest. Many questions have not been answered yet.

Gu Xing came back after washing his hands, and answered briefly, "I feel that the style of play is very rigorous, but the operation method is not the same as that of Samsung..."

SKT caused a lot of trouble for VG yesterday.

They operate in a calm manner, and Gu Xing's every attack will be resolved by them, and they won't even get any advantage.

And the sudden counter attack is quite deadly, and you may fall into a disadvantage if you are not careful!

Jack interjected from the side, "Old Gu, you don't understand this, do you? SKT is called Huajin, four or two moves!"

"SKT and Samsung play very differently," Hongmi said slowly after listening to Gu Xing's answer. "There are currently three operating methods in the league."

"The set of S4 Samsung White is mainly to link the wild assistant to liberate the middle lane, constantly put pressure on the opponent's wild area, eat away the vision and then control the neutral resources, and then roll the advantage snowball."

The players in the team haven't logged in to the game client yet, so they all turned their heads to listen when they heard Hongmi's words.

"We tried it before, but because Zhongfu's wandering rhythm is not very good, it's useless to put it aside."

Duan scratched his head unnaturally.

His comprehensive strength is currently among the best in LPL support.

But partial.

A group of fierce laning, wandering will pull a lot of hips.

It can only be said that there is a reason why he can become the dog concubine hand-picked by Uzi. The two who are good at laning belong to the bastards.

Of course, it's not that Xiaoduan can't roam at all, but it's a little less efficient.

When Gu Xing first came, Duan Deliang often went offline to accompany the support teamwork.

At that time, Redmi was still trying to reproduce the old road of Samsung White. Anyway, Imp was also there, and things like hanging up in the bottom lane to resist pressure were not uncommon.

Xiao Duan tried to swim a few rounds, but finally felt that it was not suitable.

Although the team has been winning, it does not mean that VG has no problems at all.

Redmi will replay every game, and it turns out that the efficiency of small walks is not high, often doing useless work, and it takes too much time to gain results.

Hou Ye is limited in his style of play.

Except for heroes like Ice Girl and Grasshopper who can roam and be controlled first, he can't play characters like Rock Sparrow who can't be first.

Red rice had to give up.

In the end, with the wild core style of play, they simply let the two assistants not take the initiative to go offline, just keep an eye on Gu Xing's movements, and rush over if there is a need.

"The current Samsung team is playing defensive counterattacks, which is completely different from the active attacking Samsung White. Their operational thinking highlights a delay..."

Jin Wenhyuk translated Redmi's words exactly, "This is related to Yu Fan's tactical style, and it is also related to the player's style of play."

Yufan, whose full name is Cui Yufan, is the real name of Samsung coach Edgar.

Redmi used to be a team member under him, but was later taught by the big brother, and transformed into a coach, and the relationship is quite close.

When Gu Xing heard this name, he could always think of domestic singer groups, and the melody of "Seventy Speed" lingered in his heart.

"Chanrong (Amforcetion) plays too steadily and is used to passive attacking. Minhao (Crown) also plays the same way. The style of SSG's middle field is destined to be impossible to play fast."

The training department has nothing to do this afternoon.

In the evening, I set off to go to Guangzhou, and there was no arrangement for a training game in the afternoon.

Redmi simply talked more, and told the players all the methods of operation.

"Samsung's current defensive counterattack system is mainly based on avoiding battles in the early and mid-term and stopping losses," he explained in detail, with a focused expression. Supplement the economy with all resources such as soldiers."

"In terms of vision, Samsung is currently the strongest team. They invest their economy in ward positions and use vision to help the team get the enemy's movements, and then make various decisions to avoid battles."

Gu Xing understood it in his heart.

Thanks to Redmi, he also played a training match with Samsung.

The opposite is almost like a turtle shell.

IM, who also focuses on defense and counterattack, is not enough in front of them!

However, Samsung's current eye position tactics have not yet reached the point of view of the sea.

They are more willing to invest in ward positions than other teams.

"As for SKT, the operating system they use is simple and unpretentious," Hongmi expressed his opinion, "The difference between Samsung White's extreme linkage attack and SSG's defensive defense, SKT is more like taking the mean between the two road."

"The team handles every detail to the extreme. Their style is to let nature take its course and use all resources in Summoner's Canyon, especially the soldier line."

"The essence of it is the sideline handling," Hongmi said bluntly. "Most LPL teams will focus on the middle lane when they play operations, which is completely misunderstanding."

He feels that coming here as a coach is similar to reducing dimensionality.

Now LPL's pawn line operation level is outrageous!

RNG in the mid-season game is the most classic example.

Teams at the level of SKT rely on fierce Gank to catch people in the early stage, and often establish a lead of three to four thousand.

In the mid-term, it is still walking on thin ice, and the field of vision cannot be achieved. Going to the SKT highlands is like climbing Mount Everest. It took a long time to dismantle it.

The lost game can only be described as a drastic loss, and the base was easily flattened by the opponent.

The winners of the Spring Split in the LPL and LCK divisions have very different operating levels!

At that time, RNG was simply like a blank sheet of paper in front of SKT.

From Redmi's point of view, there is a big problem with RNG's pawn line handling!

Although Mata is the brain of the team, it is impossible to take care of everything.

He doesn't have the energy either.

Redmi continued to talk eloquently, "Although the middle road is the line with the highest strategic value, there is no difference between the economy of the pawn line and the other two roads. It's time to hurry up..."

"Because the side lanes are longer than the middle lanes, understanding the pawn line is particularly important!"

There is not much to say about the pawn line in the middle, because it is difficult to stockpile pawns.

What's more, in the mid-term, basically the duo stands in the middle, and the two sides clear the line with each other.

It is nothing more than whose duo is more advantageous, and can grab the priority to deal with the pawn line, without so many twists and turns on the side road.

"The level of sideline handling can directly reflect the team's operational capabilities, and SKT is an expert in this regard."

Even the picky Redmi couldn't find any problems with SKT's pawn line operation.

Everything is stable and beyond reproach.

"After the training game, we can learn SKT's pawn line handling skills..." Hongmi looked at Gu Xing, "You played well yesterday, and generally speaking, you can suppress the opponent's jungler, but don't be complacent. The level of line-field linkage is still a little bit worse.”

As a coach, Homme naturally knew the communication problems exposed by Brother Long and Gu Xing in the previous match.

Gu Xing was very humble, "SKT didn't let the stupid chicken play, I don't have much pressure to play Blank."

Yesterday he was full of expectations, wanting to play against the legendary Nakano aircraft combination of the double crown.

It's a pity that Kkoma continued the roster of the previous summer game, and still let the little black Blank play in the training game.

Bengi's appearances have dropped significantly this year.

There were 17 rounds in the spring split, and only 14 rounds in the summer split.

The appearance rate is less than 50%!

In the second half of the summer split, Blank started the entire game.

Xiao Hei has a good personality.

Born in 1998, he had a fierce fight with Gu Xing at the very beginning of the training match. He kept talking to each other, and even clamored that if he had a chance in the future, he could pull out the fragrant pot and eat crayfish together.

It's just that the level is not good enough.

Being forced by KT to chase after the third, Xiaohei can be called a war criminal-level performance, but the matchup was overwhelmed by the old captain Score.

In the rounds SKT won, there was basically nothing wrong with him, and in the rounds that SKT lost, there must be something wrong with Xiao Hei!

Gu Xing was also very aggressive, and didn't show any affection.

He thought about it, and was disappointed that he didn't meet bengi.

Gu Xing then asked the question that troubled him all night, "Why does SKT have such a high winning rate against us?"

Redmi didn't find it strange, "The style is restrained, we really don't take advantage."

"The teams on both sides are typical in the mid-term, and any slight difference may be magnified," he explained to the players. It’s not easy to take advantage.”

VG attacks in the early stage, and then uses the mid-term switch to do squatting or wild area invasion, and finally uses Baron Nash to finish the game, killing the game with one hammer.

But SKT's line transfer is seamless!

With the excellent pawn line operation, there is no breakthrough in the mid-term of VG!

Sometimes punching down is like punching cotton, and it can't be exerted forcefully.

When the mid-term offensive that VG is proud of fails to work, SKT can use its sophisticated and mature pawn line skills to pull repeatedly until it finds VG's flaws and counterattacks!

"If you want to beat SKT, you have to delay the late game, compare vision and teamfighting ability, or advance the offensive node so that SKT can't switch lanes in time!"

Redmi consciously dragged the topic far away, and quickly brought it back on track, "Let's talk about the details of the operation of the side soldiers..."

Now VG's imaginary enemy is not SKT.

They make appointments with each other for training matches, in order to learn the details of the top teams' matches and try their best to reach the global finals.

Gu Xing kept it in his heart.

By the time the review was over, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, the air ticket flew to Guangzhou. Before leaving the base, a group of players raced against the clock to play two rounds of ranking hot hands.

As soon as Gu Xing logged into the Hanbok client, he saw that several ROX players were still online.

Send a private message to Little Peanut to wish him good luck, and the other party will reply quickly.

ROXPeanut: [U2, 色e u at Worlds2016] (You too, see you at Worlds 2016)

Not long after, members of the Tigers went offline one after another.

Gu Xing glanced at the time and knew that they were going to prepare for the upcoming LCK summer finals—at four o'clock in the afternoon, ROX will compete with KT!

He dragged Lord Hou into a double row, won two consecutive victories, and climbed to the third place in the Hanbok!

The strongest king has 1443 victory points.

If it was yesterday, Gu Xing's score could be ranked first.

It's a pity that Imp competed with Peanut, and in order to secure the top spot in the Hanbok rankings, his victory points increased steadily.

Now they lead Gu Xing by 15 points and 7 points respectively.

small differences.

But Gu Xing now specified that there is no time to rush up, and he has to go back to the dormitory to pack his luggage.

"Just wear short sleeves. It's very hot in Guangzhou," the team leader Kim Moon-hyuk reminded, "We have a rehearsal before the finals. If you need sun protection, bring skin care products!"

Gu Xing only needs to be responsible for packing his clothes and daily necessities.

The staff of the competition and training department will put the peripheral equipment of the players into one suitcase.

There were not many summer clothes in total, so Gu Xing picked out two regular shirts, and the rest wore team uniforms.

He picked up the electric razor on the table, and he was about to go downstairs to join his teammates.

"Brother Xing, I've been smitten by you," Ding Ran excitedly put his arms around Gu Xing's shoulders, "I've never been to Guangzhou in my life!"

Ding Jun chartered a bus. There were no important events in the other divisions recently, so he simply followed to watch the finals.

After getting in the car, Gu Xing adjusted the wind direction of the air conditioner above the seat, then took out his mobile phone to watch the LCK summer finals.

The opening ceremony is not over yet, just in time for the contestants to enter the field.

The middle-aged host wearing glasses roared vigorously, waving his left arm holding the card in his hand, so that his voice could be transmitted to every corner of the competition venue, "Let us welcome... ROX Tigers with warm applause!"

The mist rose in front of the stage, and the six members of the Tigers who appeared in front of the crowd through the lifting platform were arranged around the LCK championship trophy.

They posed a pose similar to Bolt's appearance, and under the alternating light and dark of the spotlight, it appeared to be very impactful.

"Shall we do the same thing in the finals?" Gu Xing took the initiative to discuss with his teammates on the spur of the moment.

Jin Wenhyuk was very moved, "I think it's okay..."

Gu Shengbin raised his hands in agreement, "Indeed, otherwise, during the admission process, we would just stand there and wait, it would be too embarrassing."

He has participated in a lot of finals, from OGN to S games to LPL championships, and he has made great achievements.

Imp, who has stepped on the final stage several times, knows that when he takes the stage, it doesn't look good to stand there.

"Isn't it embarrassing to pose?" Jack retorted, "I think it's even more awkward that way. I can pick a Disney out of it with my toes."

Gu Xing snorted, and Yu Wenbo glanced at him, "Really? I don't believe it."

Brother Long's thoughts were clear, "It's just to do this kind of embarrassing job, but it seems to be okay."

"Ah, yes, yes, yes," the manager Lu Wenjun thought so too, "As long as you are not embarrassed, then the embarrassing ones are others."

Yu Wenbo muttered in dissatisfaction, "Anyway, it's not you who will be on stage, but you can play tricks on us..."

Before boarding the plane, ROX had already won the first game.

Gu Xing was relieved.

The live audience also mostly supported ROX.

One is because this team is quite legendary and their lives are too difficult.

It is so difficult that everyone in the Korean e-sports circle knows it.

The S5 runner-up couldn't even afford an air ticket, and the base had to rent an old suburban house with extremely imperfect infrastructure.

The salaries of players, coaches and managers have to be held, and they will be paid when they have money.

In South Korea, where the e-sports industry is highly developed, it seems impossible for these elements to appear on a top-ranking team.

But ROX is still living in such a poor life.

The public likes to read counterattack scripts, not to mention that there are popular players like Smeb and Peanut in ROX, and the others are also low-key and modest, and there is no negative news.

The second is because of ROX's opponent, KT.

This is also a wealthy club backed by top companies.

But there is no sense of presence in the international arena.

Probably the ones that can be remembered are the master and apprentice of the wild king, Inc and Kakao, and the peak blind selection of the S4 summer game.

That was the end of the all-star era for S4OGN.

But after all, there is no reliable international competition result, and the popularity of the team is not high.

Moreover, they provoked the wrong team.


SKT, which won the double championship, is the most well-known club in the field of League of Legends e-sports in Korea and even in the world.

South Koreans love the kind of teams that add luster to them on the international stage.

It is no exaggeration to say that today, when CJ and Samsung are in decline, at least half of the LCK audience are SKT fans!

KT actually allowed the second to chase the third, which prevented SKT from entering the finals!

SKT supporters immediately started to support ROX, hoping that KT would die soon.

If ROX wins the championship, it can not only avenge SKT, but also send SKT to the S6 World Championship!

It can be said that ROX's victory in this year's LCK is definitely what everyone expects!

Gu Xing got on the plane and looked around curiously.

"You've never been on a plane?" Imp was seated next to him, seeing Gu Xing's appearance, he guessed the truth.

"No..." Gu Xing picked up his phone and took two photos without disturbing other people.

The farthest place he has been to is Yingtan. At that time, the provincial team took the train to report, and there was no need for a plane, and there was no airport there.

Gu Xing didn't think there was anything to be ashamed of, instead he chatted with Gu Pan to show off.

Just a few words made my younger sister almost die of anger——Gu Pan, his parents, and Shen Guanshan booked a flight ticket the day before the final, so as to save money on the hotel.

Gu Xing only put away his phone and looked out the window when the announcement sounded.

"Wuhu takes off!" Jack in the front row was full of enthusiasm.

Gu Xing looked sideways out of the window, looking at the Shanghai stock market below, which was getting farther and farther away from him, and he was looking forward to this trip to Guangzhou in his heart.

It was less than eight o'clock when the plane landed, and Jin Wenhe took them to the hotel to check in first.

"If you're hungry, there's a restaurant in the hotel..." He opened the file and took a look. "We are the first team to arrive in Guangzhou. EDG will arrive later. Tomorrow will be WE, RNG, Snake and IM."

The teams eligible to enter the bubbling tournament have been determined.

Regardless of the outcome of the finals, these teams have to come, either to play a bubbling match or to participate in the World Championship departure ceremony.

The LPL schedule is rather strange.

Due to the anniversary celebration, the summer finals and the bubbling match will be held together.

Friday, August 26 is the Summer Finals.

In the next two days, 27 and 28, there will be a bubbling match.

In two days, 4 teams played 3 games of wave 5!

In the end, a winner will be selected to advance to the global finals.

The official wanted to take advantage of the weekend to arrange all the matches and increase the ratings.

I don't want to spend more money to rent venues.

This compressed the schedule of the bubbling match that was originally held once a day.

When Gu Xing saw the flow chart, he always felt that something went wrong?

But forget about it in a blink of an eye.

Guangzhou is too hot.

After Gu Xing landed, he felt that the air was sticking to his clothes, making him unable to breathe.

After finally getting on the bus, he relaxed when the air conditioner turned on.

Both Guangzhou and Shanghai can be regarded as the top cities in China, and they can be described as extremely prosperous.

Gu Xing looked at the colorful Canton Tower in the distance, and he never stopped using his mobile phone along the way.

It wasn't until he got into the hotel room that he remembered what it was like to watch the LCK finals.

Gu Xing originally thought that ROX could easily win.

As a result, KT proved with facts that they are very resilient!

Before they were able to chase 2 to 3 SKT, today they can also win ROX!

The two teams refused to give in to each other, and the game had been dragged to the tiebreaker.

Gu Xing could feel the nervousness of the Tigers players through the camera.

Since the establishment of S5, they have not won an LCK championship trophy!

SKT's league dominance is too terrifying. After the reorganization, they slashed three championships, and other teams have no chance to get involved.

SKT finally failed to participate in this final. For ROX, this is a once-in-a-lifetime window period!

"Hey, ROX doesn't have any advantages..." Ding Ran is still Gu Xing's roommate, and he has been following the game since he came out of the bathroom.

"KT is so strong."

Gu Xing's face was serious.

He understood it.

It is no accident that KT can overthrow SKT.

Their top laners and junglers are too ruthless.

Score broke out completely in this year's playoffs. He evolved into a complete body and once beat Peanut!

ROX's most powerful Ueno team didn't get any cheap in front of KT!

In the fifth round, the two sides fought fiercely until the mid-term, but they have not been able to tell the winner.

Until he caught Peanut to death, KT became greedy.

They want to drive a big dragon.

Bet ROX can't make it through.

As long as this Baron Nash can be won, the stalemate will instantly tilt towards KT!

The program was very successful.

It was not until the blood of the dragon was left that ROX reacted and rushed to the river!

"It's over, it's over..." Ding Ran also supported ROX in his heart, and now his face was ashen, "The big dragon is gone!"

Little Peanut has just been resurrected at this moment, and it is a hundred and eight thousand miles away from the Dalongkeng, and it is impossible to get through it!

Everyone in KT can easily accept this Baron Nash!

Gu Xing's heart was suspended.

At this moment, the captain operated by Smeb shot into the sky, calling for the distant crew to support him with artillery fire!

R【Cannon Barrage】!

A continuous stream of shells fell into the Dalong Pit.

This is ROX's last hope!

Score doesn't care.

Just kidding, can the damage of this captain's ultimate move be compared with punishment?

Seeing that Baron Nash's blood volume was running low, he entered the killing line.

Score handed over the punishment without hesitation!

Thunder fell.

Amidst the screams of Baron Nash's death, the stadium was full of exclamations!

On the information column on the right side of the canyon, the head portrait of Captain Planck is impressively displayed in the notification column for killing the dragon!

"My God!" Ding Ran was shocked, "What's going on?!"

Gu Xing was also dumbfounded.

Not just the two of them.

Even the players on the scene were stunned for a moment.

A sudden change disrupted everything.

ROX quickly regrouped and rushed towards KT like a tiger!

KT, who was robbed by Dalong, was defeated, and was divided into formations by the Tigers and stayed in the river!

Grab the dragon + destroy the group, ROX rolled the snowball, and instantly established an economic advantage of 5.5K!

KT jungler Score slumped on a chair, staring blankly at the monitor.

"How did you get it?" Ding Ran yelled beside Gu Xing as if possessed by a doll.

The LCK director immediately switched back to the Dalong Pit a minute ago.

Through slow playback, all audiences can see that when the Score is punished, the dragon has 2 points of blood left!

It was these two drops of blood that allowed Baron Nash to survive until the next round of Smeb's shells landed!

The captain also snatched the dragon!

"Hiss..." Gu Xing frowned, "Isn't this too unlucky?"

Of course Score made mistakes. When no one in ROX can reach the dragon pit, he can delay the punishment and wait until he can get the big dragon.

But it would be too dramatic for Smeb to snatch the dragon with only two drops of blood left!

But in this kind of legendary matchup, drama will only make KT the background board.

After losing Dalong, KT, whose military spirit was unstable, retreated steadily. ROX established a huge advantage and was ready to flatten the opponent's base in one go!

At this moment, the outcome has been decided!

The audience cheered and cheered, ready to welcome the birth of the champion!

"Without sponsors, without a training base, a group of players who either stayed or were brutally eliminated will become the new kings of the LCK!"

The English commentary on the scene shouted loudly, "The No. 1 seed in the LCK Division, ROXTigers, welcome to the World Championship!"

The moment the KT base was shattered, the little peanut in the camera showed a pair of canine teeth, smiling brilliantly under the spotlight!

Hearing the cheers from the audience, Gu Xing's heart throbbed endlessly.

Just like this Huazi!

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