In the afternoon, Qi Lin brought Han Xue and Qi Yiming to grandpa's house.

Grandpa and grandma were curious about Young Master Yiming for a while, and then let Han Xue take him away.

Grand grandson, what do you think of the Iron L Art Troupe?

What do you think? It's pretty good.

Qi Lin opened an orange, not understanding why grandpa would ask such a question.

Although he joined the Iron L Art Troupe, he actually didn't even go to a condolence performance, that is, to help promote the Iron L Art Troupe.

Of course, this can also be said to be a difference in the division of labor. After all, Wang Xiaohua made this clear to Qi Lin before he joined.

Then what do you think of the position of head?

The head? The head is very good. I went back to China two days ago, and they picked me up in person. It's a great honor.

I'm asking you, what do you think of the position of head?

Qi Lin looked at the old man drinking tea, and instantly understood something.

Grandpa, what do you mean, let me be the team leader?

Qi Lin was a little startled, and then waved his hands again and again.

No, no, no, are you kidding? I'm still far behind. Besides, I'm used to being free and undisciplined. I don't want to take care of the company's affairs. Let me be the head of the Iron L Art Troupe? No, no, no.

There's nothing wrong with it. Just like the company has Wang Xiaohua to help manage it, after you become the group leader, the art troupe can also be managed by someone.

Qi Lin was a little surprised, why did Grandpa Xin Dao suddenly want him to take that position?

Perhaps seeing Qi Lin's doubts, Qi Chishui said slowly.

After the news came back that you won the Oscar winner, the votes supporting your success exceeded 40%!

Qi Lin thought to himself that forty percent is not much, not fifty percent, how could he be so excited?

Besides, I'm not the right age.

Not counting our people, forty percent.

Qi Lin was stunned, and now he finally understood why grandpa said that.

Not counting his own people, with 40% of the votes, this position is already within reach for Qi Lin!

At this moment, even Qi Lin began to hesitate.

If it was ten years later, no one would be able to tell what was wrong with him sitting in that position, but now he is only in his early thirties, which is a bit too young.

Not to mention others, what does this group of people in their 30s and 40s think? There is no hope at all!

They are all retired, and Qi Lin is still there! Unless it's Qi Lin Gaosheng!

But the question is, what about getting promoted? Qi Lin is not from a mixed system.

Therefore, this position is also a double-edged sword for Qi Lin, but judging from his grandfather's attitude, he still hopes that he can take the position.

Because after sitting in that position, it will be better to take over Qi Dang!

But Qi Lin was still a little hesitant. How can he say that he belongs to the kind of person who is more responsible.

When this kind of position is given to him, the first thought in his mind is not to be happy, but whether he can do well.

If he sits in that position, he has to be responsible for this position.

Qi Chishui clearly saw Qi Lin's hesitation, and said softly.

Since so many people support you, there are reasons for them, and you don't have to underestimate yourself. The youngest actor in the Grand Slam in China, the Oscar winner, and the best actor in Shaner. If you choose any of these titles, others may strive for them all their lives. not reach.

So if you have an idea for that position, I'll support you!

Qi Lin began to ponder, he understood that no one could give him an opinion on this matter, he had to make his own choice.

Qi Chishui didn't urge him, but just said flatly: No one is born capable of everything, just say me, after fighting all my life, I was finally asked to make a movie, what can I do? Can I tell my superiors that I can't do it?

Just shoot! I don't believe that filming can be harder than killing an enemy! In the end, with our efforts, how is it?

The movies we shot are not only liked by soldiers, but also by ordinary people! They are no worse than those dubbed films!

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, but if you are not prepared, do you have to give up the opportunity in front of you? Go to Grandma Te! If you are not prepared, you have to seize it! After you seize it, you will study other things!

Qi Lin also laughed when he heard this, the words were rough and reasonable, what Grandpa said did make sense.

And there are people who help you, right?

Let’s just say that I was not prepared for the transformation from a studio to a company at that time. Isn’t it a big company that is well-known in the industry now?

Thinking of this, Qi Lin nodded slightly.

Then I'll give it a try, and if it doesn't work, I'll change.

Qi Chishui laughed and said: It's impossible! Don't worry, there are some people who will help you, and nothing will go wrong.

After Qi Lin returned to the company, he told Wang Xiaohua about the news.

When Sister Hua heard the news, everyone was stunned. She thought that in order to win Qi Lin a position as a national first-class actor, she ran around a lot, and finally chose the Tie L Art Troupe.

At that time, Wang Xiaohua must have never imagined that just a few years later, Qi Lin suddenly became the iron boss!


Although she also knew that Qi Lin would not lie to her, she still couldn't help asking.

Of course.

That's great! Hahaha!

Wang Xiaohua couldn't help laughing out loud, and the secretary outside the door was dumbfounded.

Qi Lin rubbed his hair and said: But it will take a while, the old regiment leader hasn't retired yet, I can only say that there are more chances among them.

Yeah, I understand, I understand, that's okay, but the less people know about this matter, the better, and accidents will inevitably happen.

Qi Lin nodded, he thought the same as Wang Xiaohua.

I heard from Han Guanqi that Director Chen wants to add a play to you?

Well, it is said that my role has been extended from twenty minutes to twenty-eight minutes.

Seven units, you got twenty-eight minutes yourself?


Tsk tsk tsk, no wonder people say that Director Chen is a smart person. It's true after seeing it now. Just watch it. When the movie is released, the most conspicuous thing on the poster must be you, and it may even be your individual poster.

Qi Lin also laughed after hearing this: I guess so, and just taking advantage of my enthusiasm for becoming an Oscar winner, he doesn't even have to worry about the box office this time, and he just picked up a bargain for nothing.

Haha, no matter what, the position of the director of the gift film is considered solid.

The two were chatting in the office first, but at this moment, Director Chen had brought several directors along to start editing together!

After seeing the 28-minute unit starring Qi Lin, many people were a little dazed, but they also understood that this is the signature of this gift movie, and it should be long.

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