At a certain stage, actors will face two choices.

More than ten years ago, these two choices were called idol school and acting school!

Now it's called flow, play bone!

These are two completely different options, and difficult to be compatible.

The former comes in quickly, and in three to five years, they can earn money that others can't earn in a few lifetimes.

Then, no one cares.

After all, those who use sex to deal with people, the color fades and the love relaxes.

The most important thing in China is good-looking people. Now that you are good-looking, everything you say is right, but what about a group of better-looking people in a few years? Who was watching you back then?

Maybe ten or twenty years later, when the children who read their works grow up, they will also be crowned as old-timers, and they will be re-fried, but how many people will know them at that time? ?

It is slow for Xi Gu to make money, and he needs to move forward step by step.

But even if more than ten years or decades have passed, the audience can still think of their works when they are mentioned.

And Qi Lin is just in such a stage of selection now!

But there is no hesitation in his heart at all, he has only one goal, to climb to the top!

Besides, Qi Lin can still tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal.

On September 1st, the crew of Sword Rain officially started! Slaying Wolf 2 is officially released!

This was destined to be an unusual day for Qi Lin. Early in the morning, all the actors and staff came to the crew to participate in the opening ceremony.

Qi Lin and Wang Xiaohua finally saw the old man You who they had been thinking about. The old man was always smiling, and one could not help but get close to him at first sight. The old man was not impatient with everyone asking for autographs, and gave everyone a smile. Both signed one.

But everyone also understood the matter and knew that the old man was not in good health, so they didn't dare to bother him too much.

All departments are ready! Count down to three seconds and start up!





As director Wu Sen's voice fell, the cameraman's camera moved forward rapidly.

The first scene shot by the crew was Zeng Jing sending Rama's body back to the temple and having a conversation with Abbot Jian Chi.

The camera slides smoothly to the front of the old man. The old man is lying on the bench, gently stroking the Buddhist beads in his hand, with a peaceful expression.

When Lu Zhu was six years old, he listened to the Diamond Sutra at my side.

When he was ten years old, he took refuge in Shaolin and practiced Buddhism and martial arts on behalf of Fa. He lived there for twenty-seven years.

The young monks all agree that he is the number one in Buddhism and martial arts in Shaolin for forty years.

Qi Lin sat on the ponytail behind the director, staring at the monitor without blinking, unwilling to let go of a single bit of it, he was more serious than the director!

Wouldn't you be a fool if you didn't hurry up and study with such a great god in front of you?

If allowed, he wants to stand next to the old man and learn from him!

Among other things, this line skill alone is enough for him to study for a while!

It's just that he didn't pay attention to the aggrieved expression on the sideline, brother, this position is mine!

Master, why did he say before he died that the chance of Zen has arrived?

Zeng Jing spoke slowly, her Mandarin was not standard, but her emotions were just right.

Playing Zeng Jing is Xiangjiang female artist Yang Qiong!

One of the best female stars in the circle, Long Ge and Hong Bao are both her old partners.

It's just that I'm already old, and playing an on-screen couple with Qi Lin not only requires high acting skills from both parties, but also high requirements on the skills of the makeup artist!

Hearing her question, Master Jian Chi paused before speaking.

Buddha enlightened the world to pay attention to chance, once the opportunity of Zen is over, the fate will be gone

And the chance of Zen has not arrived, even if the point is not hit

Qi Lin outside the arena listened very carefully, and even subconsciously began to imitate silently.

Not everyone can do this line skills!

It's just the artistic conception that people read, without the background, you don't even think about it!

Then, what is the meaning of my willingness to become a stone bridge for five hundred years and be exposed to the wind and rain?

Zeng Jing turned her head, faced the master and asked again.

Master Jian Chi smiled, and his whole body became more peaceful.

Buddha disciple Ananda met a young girl on the road before he became a monk

From now on, I can't let go of my love

The Buddha asked him, how much do you like that girl

Ananda replied, I would like to be transformed into a stone bridge and be exposed to wind, sun, and rain for five hundred years, but I hope this girl can walk across the bridge.

The old man's words were not fast, but every single word was heard and sent into his heart.

After talking about Shiqiao, Master Jianchi smiled and looked at Zeng Jing.

Then he is very good to you, go on living well, come here if you are not in the mood

This is a long shot, Qi Lin's scalp tingles when he heard it, and his sense of substitution is full!

He substituted himself into the role of Zeng Jing, and then substituted himself into the role of Abbot Jianzhi, and began to think about what effect it would be if he played it by himself, but no matter how he tried, it seemed that the taste was a little off.

Card! Very good, very good! This one is over! The two teachers have worked hard, get ready, and shoot the next one right away!

Director Wu Sen's voice sounded, interrupting Qi Lin's reverie.

The make-up artists and field assistants on the side hurriedly surrounded them, touching up makeup, and asking about their health.

Qi Lin swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and slowly got up, his eyes full of fighting intent.

Playing chess with the stinky chess basket, the more you play, the more stinky it gets!

If you want to make progress, you can only be strong when you meet the strong!

This Sword Rain is the best opportunity to hone his acting skills!

Come on! All departments are ready!

Director Wu Sen picked up the loudspeaker and yelled, and the director hurriedly picked up the slate and ran to the camera.

The part to be filmed is that Zeng Jing fell in love with the honest Jiang Asheng, but felt so ashamed of Lu Zhu, and at the same time felt that an executioner like herself was not worthy of love. Her heart was disturbed, so she came to find him again. Meet the mad master.

Three! Two! One! Go!

After playing the board, Zeng Jing quickly retreated, Zeng Jing's knees gave way, and she knelt on the ground.

Please tell me, I can still have this blessing

Please tell me, can life be restarted?

Zeng Jing's face was full of pain. She knew that she had fallen in love with Jiang Asheng, but she still couldn't escape Lu Zhu's death.

She didn't dare to accept Jiang Asheng's love, thinking that would be a betrayal of Lu Zhu!

At this moment, Abbot Jian Chi picked up the ruler at the side, kicked away the bamboo stool in front of him, and the ruler hit Zeng Jing hard on the back!

Go! The dead open eyes for the living!

At this moment, Master Jian Chi's face was full of pity and anger.

Both Qi Lin and the director stared at the screen tightly, their faces full of admiration for the old man's acting skills.

Wei Shaofeng stood behind the two of them, put his feet on his feet, and stretched his neck to look at the screen.

Poor Chang Ji was squatting aside, drawing circles with a stick, muttering something.

You must double the amount of food you buy! Super double! There is no seasoning packet when buying instant noodles.

The old man's voice gradually increased, as if he wanted to wake her up!

The past is unattainable!

I can't get what I want now!

The future is unattainable!

The future is the present, the present is the past, go with your heart

These few words almost exhausted the strength of the old man, he shook his head and sighed, and put away the ruler.

Look, can you get it

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