What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?

Chapter 836 First Day Box Office

I said, can you show some face? Huh? Just wash it like this? Come on, lie to the whole family, and I'll ask you whether Glutton Crisis or Inception is better?

Uh, don't be so hostile upstairs. No one can say anything about art. After all, there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people.

That is, you like folk songs, and I like heavy metal rock, are you more advanced than me?

Go to your M, as long as you are not blind, you can tell which movie is good!

That's right, the ticket price is the same. After watching Inception for two and a half hours, I felt it was too short! I vomited three times after watching that shit Glutton Crisis halfway through! Do we in China need a bunch of foreign devils to protect the Great Wall? ? I heard that she almost slept the heroine!

Hehe, let them wash the floor. You guys are as good as Duohua, so you go and watch it. I won't watch it anyway.

Yes! It's disgusting to see Tom, whoever wants to see it.

Film critics say it's good, but the problem is that audiences don't buy it! They even think that the film critics just need to communicate with the film crew, so that they can cheat them out of these leeks!

To be honest, there is actually no difference in what they think.

If you want to compare it, the production team is the factory, and these film critics are the salesmen. Their task is to exaggerate the product and get more people to buy it.

It's just that the shelf life of this product is only one month, and only one batch is produced, so we must hurry up and sell it!

But it is becoming more and more difficult for consumers to be fooled nowadays. This is also related to the popularization of mobile phone networks and the broadening of everyone's horizons.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, watching a movie was enough for everyone to reminisce for half a year.

But now after watching a movie, it may take less than a week to forget the plot, and only remember a few interesting scenes.

In short, times have changed.

But surprisingly, there are not many film reviews about Inception.

Much of it is on tap from the audience, as if the movie was thrown out by the critics.

Oh, I'm so stupid, this movie is almost a godsend! I'm a little dizzy after watching it!

Have you noticed? Qi Lin's name is the first in the screenwriter column! This means that he is the editor-in-chief!

The imagination is really amazing. Before watching the movie, I thought he edited all the wonderful shots into the promotional video. After watching it, I realized that I was narrow-minded.

Hahaha, that's right, I really love this movie! But I just can't keep up with it, and I was a little confused for the first twenty minutes.

Who says it's not! But this feeling is really cool, being in a puzzle, and then unraveling it bit by bit! Cool! Really cool!

Leave the words here, this movie will definitely become a god!

What's the use of Guangfengshen? Our movie theater only has two shows a day, but that shit Glutton Crisis has five shows! The box office must not be able to beat the other party.

Hey, I don't know what those theaters think.

Brothers, I plan to watch Inception again tomorrow! It's not for anything else, I just feel that I just watched the special effects and missed some details, so I will add it!

Go together! I just want to support Qi Lin's box office!

Hahaha, you go first, I have to wait until Sunday is off.

In the mouths of the audience, the word-of-mouth of these two films is completely polarized!

However, film critics have already praised Gluttony Crisis, which makes the audience feel a little uncomfortable. How can these people do this for money?

Until the evening, the film reviews about Inception were freshly released!

And the first sentence of the vast majority of film critics and even film commentators is: I'm sorry, I dare not explain it after watching it twice.

As soon as these words came out, many netizens laughed, thinking that this is the case!

And some viewers who didn't go to the cinema today are also very curious, is this movie really so attractive?

And the first thing many viewers read was Bai Doudou's film review. After all, everyone knew that she was an out-and-out Qi Chuan, and even she only dared to post a film review after watching it twice, presumably because she knew something.

First of all, I want to say that this movie is definitely a movie that subverts your thinking. It is completely worth watching without thinking! The length of the movie alone is already worth the ticket price!

The plot, special effects, and reversals will make you call out 'the quintessence of China'!

As for the acting skills of the actors, I don't need to say much, even audiences who don't understand acting skills can see it.

I just want to say that this movie can be called Kylin Media's peak conscience work!

If there is a fan who feels that it is not worth the ticket price after watching the movie, please come back and scold me!

Seeing this, some movie fans couldn't help but sigh with emotion, Qi Chui is Qi Chui, this is really full of words!

Then silently turned on the phone, intending to buy the movie tickets for the next day, but when I took it out, I was dumbfounded, it was sold out?

But it's right to think about it, after all, it's a movie that has just been released, and there are only two shows, and the reviews are so good, even if it's sold out, it's normal.

Look at the day after tomorrow, what? The day after tomorrow is also sold out? What about the day after tomorrow?

The reactions of other film critics were similar to Bai Doudou's, and they were also full of praise for Inception. Some even said that this is the best movie in China in the past ten years!

These words are even more exaggerated than Bai Doudou, which made many netizens who have never seen it curious. Not to mention anything else, Qi Lin has made a lot of movies these years. Could it be that this Inception is better than all the movies Qi Lin has made before?

But the audience who have watched the movie feel that these film critics are too right! This movie is against the sky, it is beautiful!

For a while, the popularity of Inception even showed a crushing style!

But the people in the small circle still did not give up, and instead chose to increase the amount of publicity. After all, they had no way out.

People in the circle are not very optimistic about them. After all, whether it is the previous Tom incident or the subsequent word-of-mouth crushing, Glutton Crisis has shown a decline.

Those theaters are not fools, how can they watch themselves lose money?

But people in the small circle feel that there is still a battle! After all, the premiere box office hasn't come out yet! After the premiere box office comes out, they can still promote it!

The most important thing about a movie box office is the previous week, it's too early to say goodbye now!

On the second day, the box office came out.

Gluttony Crisis premiere box office, 500 million!

Inception premiere box office, 290 million!

The opponent's box office was nearly double that of Kylin Media!

At the premiere box office, Kylin Media lost! But if you look at the number of films scheduled, the loser is the other party.

But at the moment, the small circle naturally doesn't care about these issues, and naturally they can promote it as much as they can.

#Gluttony Crisis beat Inception at the box office! #

#《骁梦空间》Worth of mouth is overwhelmed, why is the box office completely crushed? #

#Box office proves everything, the audience’s eyes are discerning.#

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